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  • Best sunscreen to use for fair skin?

    I burn so easily I tend to avoid being in the sun. Considering how much I love the outdoors it has been quite a bummer. I was hoping someone could give me some information on what sunscreen they use. I NEVER tan..I am either pale or in-between :(

    Also I am 38 yrs old...I never really had to worry about wrinkles before...but I think adding my age might help get me some good answers

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • Debt Collectors--time frame before suing?

    I have been talking to a debt collector about money I owe, trying to work out an agreement for repayment. Can they send this on to an attorney (to sue me) if we are in the middle of discussing this...back and forth daily. **I am not sure what time frame is allotted for this collection, I have had my head in the sand for months--only recently having the funds available to start working out these obligations.

    6 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Can I really get past this?

    I have been answering others questions for almost an hour trying to work up the nerve to ask my own I go...

    I have been dating someone for about 10 wks. It has gone really well...until right after New Years when I get a facebook message from someone saying that she is his girlfriend. I asked her if they had been sleeping together (for the period of time I was dating him) she said YES. I confronted him and he denied it. He told me they did date for about a year, but broke up a couple weeks before he met me. He did admit to seeing her twice, and flirting with her a lot via text, but he did NOT sleep with her. I am not sure who is telling the truth. But I will say that we spent a great deal of time together the first 6 wks and he didn't have much opportunity to be with her. (Yes there is ALWAYS time to cheat) also I didn't find any inconsistencies or vague "going out with friends' things going on during that period.

    He 'unfriended' her on facebook...I blocked her so she couldn't contact me anymore. But the things she said...have worked like a poison. I am having a rough time letting go of this. Even assuming he didn't sleep with her...the things she said...they have made it hard for me to get past this. Since that time we have spent nearly every night together and things have gotten quite serious. But I worry he is still texting her. I just haven't had the nerve to sneak a peak at his cell phone to check. I say to myself I am going to do it...then find some excuse not to... I am such a wimp.

    I don't know if I can get past this honestly. I have never had to deal with invasive ex's or someone cheating. But I will say that this guy...he is awesome! I feel like I have met my best friend...and the sex....WOWZA!!!! So what exactly is my question....I am not even sure lol

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • horrible pain in hand/wrist/forearm?

    I moved into a new place a couple days ago. I was lifting furniture and have had to scrub down the walls and cabinets (previous tenant was a smoker) Yesterday evening my wrists and hands began to hurt. Last night I woke up about 3am in HORRIBLE PAIN. My forearms/wrists and hands hurt something terrible. The pain would come in almost cramp-like forms (burning-tingling-numbness) and no amount of flexing or bending would ease would last sometimes a full minute. within 30 minutes the pain was continuous and I was in tears. I took 3 Advil and managed to fall back asleep. The pain is still pretty bad. It is in both hands (wrists) but primary in my left (I am left handed.) What the heck is wrong? Anyone have any thoughts? Should I just stay on the Advil and ice up on the wrist?

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • I don't get this place?????

    I ask a legit question and can NOT get an answer to save my freakin' life. But some goof-ball asks a stupid question and gets like 75 answers in 3 minutes?!?!

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • All day in the sun...felt sick the next day?

    I spent all day Saturday out in the sun. The weather was wonderful, not hot at all, about 72 degrees (This being why I am confused) I used Sunscreen successfully, except I forgot to put it on my neck and upper chest area...burnt pretty bad there:(

    Sunday I felt horrible, sick stomach and so tired I could hardly do anything. I went to bed at like 730 last night!

    What happen? It wasn't the heat, cause it was not hot at all!

    I hope to spend more time outdoors this summer, so I am a little worried by my reaction to Saturday. Any advice?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • 'larger' then he was 5 years ago?

    Is it possible for the size of a man's erect penis to be larger (or smaller) then it was when they were younger?

    3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • gas smell from water heater, furnace making buzzing sound?

    The furnace has been making quite a loud buzzing sound before it kicks on. It has worried me, so I went into the laundry room (where gas heater / gas water heater are) to move stuff away from the heater. When I was bent over picking up something I smelled gas near the hot water heater. Help! My roommate isn't home, I don't know what to do. I turned the heat down to like 55 degrees so the heat won't kick on as often.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Trying to get Mortgage Pre-approval?

    Tomorrow I am faxing all the necessary information to my broker. He said he would turn it in, and I should have an official 'pre-approval' by Wednesday. In the last 6 months I cashed out my IRA to live on (while going through divorce) and I am going to return all the funds to avoid the tax and penalties.

    **My question is this...

    When I fax the information tomorrow the IRA is empty. Should I put the funds back next week, and on Tuesday immediately fax proof (to show as collateral) or should I just show $0 on the IRA and not move any of my funds around until after the pre-approval?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Becoming a stenographer?

    I'm taking my first court reporting class for the program. I'd like to stay on top of this from day one. From what I read, the biggest issue people have is getting their typing speed up to the required standards. My question is...

    How much should I be practicing each day (or hours per week) ????

    3 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Separation...probably divorce in Missouri?

    I recently moved out of our home. I found someone looking for a short-term roommate. So my husband and I could give eachother a little space. As it stands I am only suppose to live with my roommate through August 1.

    Even if I left most of my belongings, and my cats at the house for this 4 month separation. Is the act of moving out (in Missouri) an act of disertion or abandoning my home?

    No, we didn't get a legal separation

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Odd gift??? I can hear subtle difference in accents?

    All my life I have been able to pick out very subtle differences.

    It is more then just saying someone is british or saying someone is from the south.

    I can hear a the distinct difference between someone from (example) Texas, Georgia, even the low country in the southeast.

    I can hear the differences between a welsh and english accent. you guys WILL think I am crazy....

    I describe how I hear things...for example

    To describe the accent of someone who grew up in Georgia. I would say "their vowels sound very round"

    To describe someone from the low country I would say,

    "Their words spill over. Overflowing into eachother"

    The other thing I have noticed is that if I spend enough time with someone I will begin to pick up their speech patterns, even imitate the accent. This usually happens very slowly and I am unaware of it. As I got older when I have seen it happen I have tried to "stop" it...but it still seems to happen.

    8 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Take Money from Traditional IRA or 401K....?

    BUT pay it back within a year from withdraw. I thought I heard that as long as you returned the money the same year than you paid taxes, but NO penalty....or maybe the other way around.

    Is that "year" thing mean a year from cashing out...or "within the same tax year"

    Thanks for the information.

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Divorce and Property?

    I found this information about the distribution of property during a divorce for my state....


    "equitable distribution" state. ... the Circuit Court will take the following approach to dividing the assets; It will distribute the marital assets between the two parties in an equitable fashion. Equitable does not mean equal, but rather what is deemed by the Circuit Court to be fair.


    There is no doubt that my husband was the one to generate the income to pay our morgage. (He makes 4Xs what I make) The monthly payment alone is more then my entire income for a single month!

    Does this mean I walking away with very little (or none) of the equity in our home? We have been married and lived in this house for almost 5 yrs.

    We don't have kids.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • A graceful way to um....un-quit a job?

    I won't get into the reasons for quitting. But I left a message quitting my weekend part-time job. I recieved an email from the boss asking if I was ok...and why I would quit. I assume that at this point I could probably come up with something apologetic to maybe un-do the damage??

    I have been a great calling off...never late...always meeting sale requirements.

    Quitting right now is probably not such a great was a bit impulsive to quit, not one of my better decisions:(

    I also understand that the damage may be irreversable at this point. BUT I would like to come up with some believable excuse for my mistake, hopefully getting my job back.

    Any ideas?

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Manipulation...Control Issues....?

    Can a spouse be abusive, assuming they NEVER raise their voice, or directly insult you?

    Examples would be:

    Responding with silence,or lack of response, when asked questions he feels he shouldn't be bothered with.

    Specifies exact ways that questions should be answered.

    (Always answer his question with an direct answer, NOT with any new questions, or unclear, rambling responses)

    Insist that any outburst of emotions in inappropriate. There is never any excuse to raise your voice, or become angry.

    Withholding information (or solutions) when needed

    Using silence or passive agressive behavior (which esculates) when "forced" to compromise.

    Provoking an arguement so he can point out her anger issues,or ask confusing questions to point out her indecisiveness.

    Everything is so suble, used mostly with simple statement, specific looks, or with seems that all of it can be easily downplayed or denied.

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Folklore and fairies?

    Is there folklore where fairies are actually human size. I always thought they were like...only 6 inches tall

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Finding business on Myspace?

    I am trying to search out other travel agencies on Myspace. I am not sure "how" to do this search in an efficient manner. I checked under a general search, under networking, and under groups. So far, no luck.

    Do I need to just do a general search then weed out the zillions of pages that do not apply???? It just seems so time consuming!!!


    1 AnswerMySpace1 decade ago
  • All you Nascar ladies!!!?

    Check out the picture to your left. This is my favorite driver, David Starr. He is HOT!

    This is a pretty good pic, huh?:)

    Took the picture in the garage @ TMS last month.

    10 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • Bitten by a cat!?

    While cleaning cages yesterday for a shelter (I volunteer) one little kitten took a chunk out of my thumb.

    I have never been bit to this degree! Most cats will scratch and give little warning nips, but that is it!

    Anyway, the bite didn't require stitches, but I was told I should go to the Dr for a tetanus shot and this true?

    The cat is up to date on all HER shots.

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago