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  • Is 22 gallon air compressor fine to pain small stuff like car fenders and bumpers.?

    I am not planning on painting the hole car. I got a good deal on 22 gallon air compressor. Its 120 psi, 5hp, its 5.5 scfm 40 psi. Can i paint a car bumper with this air compressor and get good results.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 months ago
  • How to get my hands on rx 6800 video card when it will be released.?

    I heard this card will be sold out instantly on November 18th. What's my best option to get this video card before it gets sold out. Should i try online or should i go to the store early in the morning. Witch websites or stores will sell this video card.

  • Is wheel speed sensor wires repairable ?

    I was changing struts on my car and after the installation my speedometer stopped working and i have codes saying that there is no signal on both left and right wheel speed sensor. I think i might of have pulled and torn both of the speed sensor wires. I was wondering if i messed up the wires in the wheel speed sensor if its repairable or not.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 months ago
  • Need help with my resume.?

    I am bad at writing resume. This is my first time making one. I need to make a resume asap. This one good paying company wants to hire me but they need a resume from me. I need to include my job description on the resume. I worked for about 5 years in a mailing presort company picking up mail from companies and i would drop the mail back at warehouse to get it ready to sort. Can somebody give me good information on what i should put on the resume. 

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 months ago
  • My brother is talking to him self all day long none stop.?

    He completely stopped drinking heavily. On the second day he was really paranoid and he said that there are demons inside his room. He has this imaginary friend that he keeps talking to in his room. Everything he does it doesn't make any sense. He has crazy mood swings. One minute he is mental then extremely angry. He said there is someone on the roof that wants to destroy our hole family. My brother went on really heavy drinking the hole month. My family finally got him to stop drinking. His hands are shacking and he seems like he is on a different planet. He was talking to him self and i came up to him and it was like i wasn't there at all in his world. Is this normal after quieting drinking. Is he gonna recover from this.

    6 AnswersMental Health8 months ago
  • My brother is drinking like crazy for past week.?

    What can i do. It looks like he is trying to kill him self by drinking like crazy. He used to drink every day but not to the point where he pukes like crazy. Out of no where for past week he started to drink all day long and pukes every day. I broke in his room and found bunch of alcohol bottles all over his room. It look likes he is hating his life at this moment and i have a feeling like he wants to end his life. Can i get cops involved or any organization that can help him. He is currently not talking to anyone and i don't know what to do.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 months ago
  • My older brother out of no where is locked up in his room and sleeps 24 hours a day.?

    My dad tried to talk to him but he is not talking to anybody. He installed a lock in his room and now his room is locked up all day and he just sleeps. He was always working and always playing basketball all his life. He stopped playing basketball and he quit his job. My mom said that its a drinking problem but he always had the drinking problem for few years but he still worked and always played basketball. I have friends that drink but they wake up in the morning and go to work or do something. Why would my brother install a lock in his room and sleep all day out of no where and wont talk to anybody. 

    Basketball8 months ago
  • Big weight increase after eating on a two day fast.?

    My weight is 223 pounds. I did a two day fast and lots of high intensity cardio while being on the fast. While on the fast i noticed all my muscles got way smaller. I decided to check my weight and it was 216 pounds. I checked about 3 times and it was showing 216 pounds. I couldn't believe that i lost so much weight in just two days. I decided to see what will happen if i eat and check my weight again. I ate about two pounds of food and went back on the scale and my weight went back to 223 pounds and i noticed my muscle got bigger right after i ate. Can somebody explain the science behind why i lost 7 pounds on two day fast with lots of cardio and then when i ate food my weight increased by 7 pounds.

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 months ago
  • Would you be mad or trust this person.?

    My sisters boyfriend lives with us. One time he asked to borrow money from me. I gave him $100 dollars and he said that he will pay back in two weeks. After two weeks he stopped showing up at our house. I decided to wait a month and see if he will keep his promise and pay back in two weeks. About a month past and i didn't hear anything from him. I decided its time to text him and tell him that he said that he will pay back in two weeks and why he disappeared after borrowing money from me and my family. He just made really stupid excuses and he finally paid back and everything went back to normal until he took one of my tools without asking me to use it. He broke my tool and he told me that he broke it and he said that he will buy me a new tool. About a month past and he didn't buy me a new tool. I told him that he said that he will buy me a new tool but a month past and nothing happened.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 months ago
  • Do i have to pay Portland ART TAX.?

    There website says that if i make less then 1,000 dollars then i don't have to pay art tax. I just received the art tax papers but couple days ago my company gave me little bit more hours so now i make little bit more then $1000. The hole 2019 and 2020 year to last week i wasn't making over $1000. Just last week my company gave me little bit more hours. Do i still have to pay the Portland art tax.

    3 AnswersUnited States10 months ago
  • How to fix biker gang issue in my neighborhood.?

    Over 30 of them or more get together few times a week in my neighborhood. They drive Harley Davidson bikes with illegal exhaust that rattles the houses few block away. They sometimes drive over 50 miles or more on 20 mph road. There bikes are so loud and they keep making loud noises all day and all night long and i haven't seen any single cop come to them and arrest them. They piss everybody in the neighborhood and nothing happens. Why isn't police doing anything. Speeding on the 20 mph road is illegal and having loud illegal exhaust is illegal but this stupid people just keep doing it and doing it. Can this problem can be fixed or our county is doomed and police are useless. 

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics11 months ago
  • How to get rid of oil based stain strong odor.?

    I stained wood with oil basted stain and after a week it smells really strong and makes me sick. I left it outside for a week and the odor doesn't go away. Is the odor ever going to go away. Will painting the wood get rid of the odor.

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry11 months ago
  • Witch CPU Should i get and how much ram do i need to have good 4k performance on my computer.?

    I am using 55 inch 4k sony tv as my pc monitor and my computer is sluggish just from using chrome browser and using photoshop. A basic 1080p monitor and my computer runs fast but when i switch from 1080p to 4k resolution then my cpu starts to be really slow. My budget for cpu is from 400 to 500 dollars. I am thinking of buying i9 9900k, i7 8700k or Ryzen 9 3900X. Witch one of this cpu is good for 4k pc usage and editing at 4k resolution and how much ram should i get.

    11 AnswersDesktops11 months ago
  • Full array backlight tv hurts my eyes?

    I used to sit for hours on edge lit tv without any eye pain. Now all the new tvs are all full array back light and it hurts my eyes. Do i need to switch back to the edge lit tv or is there anything i can do to make my eyes not hurt.

    2 AnswersTVs1 year ago
  • How to make programs load quicker in computer.?

    I recently upgraded to 4k big pc monitor and everything seems more slower then regular 1080p monitor. I use allot of photoshop and it seems to load longer. All the images in folder takes longer to load in windows 8. Do i need better cpu, more ram or better hard drive. I want Photoshop to load really quick and images load quicker. What do i need to upgrade in my pc.

    4 AnswersSoftware1 year ago
  • Is cpu or gpu being effected when playing 4k video files on pc.?

    I upgraded to 4k monitor on my pc and when i open multiple 4k video files the videos start to lag allot. I checked the cpu usage in task manager in windows 7 and its below 5 percent. When i connect to 1080p tv and i open multiple 4k videos then its not lagging as much. I cant figure out what i need to upgrade on my pc. Do i need new gpu or cpu.

    6 AnswersSoftware1 year ago
  • My 4k TV has hdmi 2.0a and my video card is only hdmi 2.0?

    I am using SONY x950g 4k tv as pc monitor. I have 980 ti video card. The tv lags a little bit. I used olders 4k tvs on my nvidia 980 ti and it worked perfect. This new tv lags a little bit on my pc. I realized that my tv hdmi input is 2.0a and my video card is only 2.0. Do i need newer video card that has hdmi 2.0a to support my new tv.

    TVs1 year ago
  • How to ship with UPS.?

    I have a big tv that i want to return on ebay. The seller sent me a label that is already paid. Where can i take the big package to ship with UPS.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 year ago
  • I bought a new tv on ebay but the tv has visible dead pixels.?

    If there is already dead pixels on the tv will they get worse. 

    5 AnswersTVs1 year ago