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  • Asking a graduate student for a recommendation for an internship?

    So, for an internship, I have to get two letters of recommendation. The wording is "Two letters of recommendation from a lab mentor or undergraduate teacher" My first letter is coming from a faculty member. I need a second, and I feel a grad student knows me the best and could write the strongest letter, but I think the fact that she's doesn't have a phd might look bad. There are a couple faculty members that I could probably get letters from a couple faculty members, but I'm not sure if they would be able to write anything more than "he's a good student."

  • Would a stargazer on mars see the same constellations?

    So mars and earth can be anywhere from 54 million to 250 million miles apart. I'm curious, would this distance make enough difference to the point that the constellations observable on earth no longer observable, or would are Earth and Mars still so close in the grand scheme of things that the constellations would look the same?

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space6 years ago
  • How to talk to a girl I work with?

    I m an undergrad lab assistant at a lab on my campus. A new undergrad started working there recently, and I m somewhat interested in her. I ve noticed her glancing at me before, and she always looks at me an smiles. I want to start talking to her, but I don t know how to. I m really bad at this whole flirting thing.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What came first protein or RNA?

    So what makes more sense? The genetic material forming first or Protein forming first? As far as I understand, there are three things necessary for the most basic of self synthesis. There would have to be an RNA, a protein to that is coded for by the RNA that replicates it, and a unit the builds that protein based on the RNA molecule. I'm interested to hear what people think, and the logic that brought that to their conclusion, my guess is that RNA would have had to existed first because in certain situations, an RNA molecule can fold to act as an enzyme.

    1 AnswerBiology6 years ago
  • Can I start a masters as an undergrad?

    I'm currently an undergrad in genetics at iowa state university. I'm looking into getting a PhD after I finish my undergrad. Would it be possible for me to start on masters course work my junior or senior year in order to streamline the process, and allow me to finish a masters in a shorter amount of time, or do I have to wait to start my masters? I'm also looking at it, and it say that a masters is only 30 credits, when I was always under the impression that masters were more in the 60 credit area. I may just be misreading the requirements.

  • Why can't politically correct people acknowledge that being fat is bad?

    So, I've been noticing a trend lately in pop culture, that has flooded into mainstream opinion. Saying that being overweight is bad, is now seen as offensive. Why though? by its very definition, being overweight is bad. Now, I'm not saying that I think you're a bad person if you're fat, but I think there's something wrong with the fact that you have to say it's ok to be fat now. Coming from someone who used to be obese, this movement honestly makes my accomplishment feel marginalized. Why should we be embracing fatness? Seriously, in the same thread of thought, shouldn't we be embracing alcoholism and drug addiction to then?

    6 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • How to make my self more available for a relationship?

    So, I'm a sophomore in college, and I have not been in a relationship since I was a freshman in high school, and that was also the only relationship I'd ever been in. When it comes to putting myself out there, I've always been pretty bad. I'm social, and I love talking to people, but I feel like when I meet someone, I friendzone myself immediately. For example, today I actually had a date with a girl, and I still somehow, made it seem like my intentions were solely friendly. What do I do to make myself seem more available? I'm to the point where I want to be in a relationship, and I'm kind of actively seeking one.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to tighten stomach after weight loss?

    I recently lost a little over 90 pounds in the span of 7 months. With such a huge change in such a short amount of time, there's obviously some extra skin. I'm know longer overweight, but my stomach still looks flabby because of the extra skin. I have strong abs under the extra skin, but I don't know what I can do to get rid of the extra skin, or to tighten up the skin. Are there any strategies to get rid of extra skin, or will it just take time for the extra skin to tighten up? Thank you for the help.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • How to find a research position at Illinois state university?

    So, I'm looking to possibly get a research job at ilstu for a few months this summer. I'm not quite sure how to find a position though. How can I find a position if at all?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Having trouble losing weight?

    So, about 5 months ago, I weighed 282 pounds. Now, I am down to 206 pounds. I'm generally eating about 1600-1700 calories a day, running 3 miles a day, elipticalling 30 minutes a day, and lifting every other day. My math puts me at losing 4 pounds a week, and I my weight loss has kind of slowed down a lot. I'm losing about half as fast as I think I should be. Is my math off? Am I doing something wrong? I'm hoping to be down to 200 by the end of the month.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • At what point of weight during weight loss will there be extra skin?

    So, I've lost a large amount of weight. I've lost 75 pounds so far, and I plan on losing another 10-15 pounds. I'm 6 foot tall, and I currently weigh a little under 210. There's a little bit of flab, but it feels like it's fat still.Once i'm down all that weight, should I expect there to be extra skin or not? If so, is there a way to get rid of it other than surgery?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Is this fat or extra skin?

    So, I started out at 282.5 pounds in January. Now, I weigh 214 pounds. I can still hold a little bit of flab on my love handles. I'm six feet tall, and I have a very large bone structure (one of the largest I've seen at my height). When I stand up straight, I look like I'm only a little overweight, it's only really evident without a shirt on. When I bend over, a decent amount hangs down. Is this weight extra skin, or is it fat? If it's extra skin, how do I lose it without surgery?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Phone broke with tempered glass screen protector. What should I do?

    So these phone protectors are advertised as making my phone shatter proof. This is not the case, my phone fell onto a carpet, and the screen and protector completely shattered. They say they will give me money if I'm not satisfied. I feel that they gave me a completely defective product, or they lied to me. Either way I feel that they owe me the money for the cost of replacing my phone. Am I in the right?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • What is this lump in my ear lobe?

    So there's a growth inside my earlobe that's about the size of a bb, and I can't figure out what it is. I used to think it was a pimple, then I forgot about it being there for over a year. Recently someone felt it and mentioned it, and I remembered it being there again. I'm guessing it's not a major issue since it has been there for such a long time and hasn't been an issue, but is there some way for me to remove it? Also, what is it? It's on my earlobe, and has not grown in size

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions6 years ago
  • Might she like me?

    There's a girl in my group of friends at college. She's one of my best friends here. I'm really starting to like her as more than just a friend. I can't figure out how she feels about me though. I'm not sure if she likes me as more than just a friend, or if she just prefers me over the other guys in the group. She looks at me and make silly faces at me a lot of the time. She rests her head on my shoulder all the time, etc. Stuff like that. I'm not sure if she just feels comfortable around me, or if she likes me. Today, we were also at a show, and she would look at me a lot when she laughed, and there were a few times she put her head on my shoulder. Also, when I left after we were hanging out tonight, she hugged me, and wouldn't let go of me. I laid her down on a couch and she still wouldn't. After that, when I was trying to leave again, she did the same thing. Then as I was leaving she said, "I didn't get a hug." And did the same thing yet again.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to be less stressed?

    I've been having issues with stress lately. I have a ton of work at college, on top of that I now have a job. I'm constantly getting behind on stuff. I don't feel like I can do anything right. I'm worried about everything. I'm confused about life. I'm scared that this is what my entire life will be like. I'm worried that people back home are going to forget me because I never see them anymore. I'm just constantly worried about 10 things, and I don't know what to do to relieve stress and beat the depression that I'm quickly spiraling into.

    3 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Getting into a gay relationship?

    I'm a bisexual 19 year old guy, and I'm not fully out of the closet. Only a few people at college know. Anyways, I kinda like my male lab partner in chemistry. I know that he's gay. I'm just scared of taking the leap and telling him. Especially because I think I'm slightly scared of fully acknowledging my sexuality.

  • How to not lead a girl on?

    So, there's a girl that's clearly interested in me. She messages me all the time on facebook, at really weird hours (like sometimes one in the morning). I've caught her looking at me many times, and she asked me to hang out with her sometime a couple days ago. I'm going to be frank, I like her as a friend, but I don't find her attractive in anyway. I just want to make sure that I'm not giving any suggestions that I might like her. What do I do?

  • Completing a thought before putting it in words?

    So, I have no clue if this is what it's like for most people, but I'm guessing it probably is normal, just more of a curiosity. So anyways, whenever I have a thought, there's two stages to it. I think the thought almost instantaneously, but then there's a considerable length of time between that and me actually putting the thought into a sentence. Like my thought is fully formed, and fully understand the thought, but the thought isn't in words (I don't know how else to put it), then there is more time between the thought formation and it being in words. Is this what it's like for everyone, or is it just me?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay6 years ago
  • I need help figuring out my feelings for my best friend?

    I'm not 100% sure on what I'm even asking at this point. My best friend is a girl, and I'm a guy. She is that most amazing person I've met in my entire life. She's funny, smart, nice, and absolutely gorgeous. But here's the thing. Half of me loves her like shes the sister that I always wanted. She loves me like her older brother, her parents love me like a son, and I'm essentially part of the family. I legitimately love her as much as I love my own flesh and blood. She is for all intents and purposes, my sister, and that's how I truly want to feel about her. On the other hand, the other half of me, is in love with her. HARD. Like, she's what I think about when I'm not doing something. I love her desperately, and would do anything for her. I feel that there's a fine line between loving someone like your own flesh and blood, and being in love with someone, and with her, I'm riding the Hell out of that line. I don't know what else to say. Sometimes when I look at her, the only thing I want is to be with her. Then most the time, she's like the sister I've never had. What is my problem? How do I get over those weird residual feelings for her that I guess never quite went away?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago