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  • Guys, if you find a beautiful woman online and she says she wants children and you don't, would you still contact her?

    And if you do choose to contact her, what do you expect her response to be? Do you expect her to marry you and give up her life long dream of becoming a mother? Do you think you actually have a chance in hell when there's so many guys who would have babies with her?

    What goes through you mind when you do this? That is, blatantly ignore her preferences.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 days ago
  • Do all men expect oral sex from their wives?

    I think oral sex is gross. If I get married to my boyfriend, will he expect it from me?

    61 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 days ago
  • Is Judy being a hypocrite?

    Judy preaches the "importance of forgiveness" on her Facebook page. However, when I apologized after inadvertently offending her over something that I posted online, she did not accept my apology. She just ignored my apology. 

    So is Judy being a hypocrite when she preaches "importance of forgivness" online?

    4 AnswersFriends5 days ago
  • Anne Effee thinks its selfish for a woman to leave a marriage that is making her unhappy. Do you agree?

    There's this woman who wants to have children and her husband doesn't want children. She wants to leave her husband to find a man who would be willing to have children with her. Her current husband will no longer talk to her about the issue or seek couples therapy.

    But Anne Effee thinks that this woman is selfish for leaving her husband. She thinks this woman doesn't value relationships and that she should force herself to suck it up and be miserable with him. Because that's what unselfish people do.

    What do you think? Should this woman be forced to be with someone who makes her unhappy? 

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 days ago
  • What do you think of John?

    Jane is 38, she has been looking for many years to marry and have a family. 

    Jane states in her profile that she wants to marry a man close to her OWN AGE.

    John is 50. 

    John blatantely ignores Jane's age preference and asks her to "make an exception" for him.

    Jane tells John that she wants to marry and children.

    John says he wants to marry but isn't sure if he wants children.

    John then writes to Mary, "I'm looking forward to having some great conservations with you."

    Should John arrogantly expect to have some great conversations with Jane, given she wants children and he "isn't sure" and that she has already stated her age preference?

    Politics2 months ago
  • Joshua starts making fun of a shy female teacher for "being a virgin". How will his actions affect the teacher he is making fun of?

    One night, a bunch of teachers in Munhak Dong go to a bar and get pissed drunk. 

    Joshua is a very popular teacher. Mary is a very shy, petite teacher. 

    Joshua, being drunk, starts making fun of Mary for "being a virgin." 

    He does this infront of the other teachers. He tries to force Mary to admit that she's a virgin.

    According to some of these teachers, and to Josh, being a virgin is a horrible thing and not a personal choice that someone makes about their own body.

    Joshua tries over and over again to force Mary to admit her vaginal status to the group of female teachers infront of her.

    Mary must work with Joshua for the next 10 months on school property. 

    How will this incident psychologically affect her?

    6 AnswersEtiquette2 months ago
  • Joshua said that I was "awkward" to be around. Do you think that his comment was helpful to me?

    On the night before I left Korea, after being fired from my teaching job, Joshua told me that I was "awkward to be around".

    He said that because I was very shy of the other teachers who were super popular and because I lacked confidence. After Joshua told me that, I thought everyone else in the world saw me as "awkward". I would talk to people and assume that's how they saw me.  That was until I went to teach at a new school and everyone treated me with respect and made me feel valuable. When people told me that they liked me and made me feel I was just like everyone else, it helped build my confidence and made me less awkward to be around strangely enough.

    Here are some things you should know about Joshua:

    *His colleague caught him cheating with his colleague's wife

    *Joshua made fun of me for "being a virgin" one night, even I did't tell him that I was or wasn't, he tried to force me to admit my vaginal history infront of a bunch of other teachers

    *Some of the teachers that Joshua was with, told me that he was "just being a guy"

    *There are now anti-sexual harassment policies in all MB schools abroad because of the way Joshua treated me

    So were Joshua's words about me "being awkward" helpful? Could he have said something better than that to me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 months ago
  • What do you think of what my ex-boyfriend said to me?

    FYI: This happened when I was 30 and he was 45.

      So here's the story. One night he called me over to his house to discuss something. We had only been dating for 4 weeks. I can't remember the exact words but the gist of the conversation was that he was looking to be with a woman for the rest of his life and that he didn't want to date me further unless he knew for sure that I would agree to be with him for the rest of his life. He told me that he was not putting pressure on me and that I was awfully young to make such a big decision.Do you think that's fair though? To tell a 30 year old woman that if she doesn't agree to be with you for the rest of her life, the relationship is over? After like 4 weeks dating?

    To make a long story short, I broke my promise to stay with him forever. He would not accept my break up. He went behind my back to try and manipulate my mom and friend to get me back.

    Years later, I discovered that he had spent some time in a mental hospital and gotten into a car accident after not taking his epilectic meds: he never told me about any of this.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 months ago
  • Is my whole ******' life defined by a mistake I made 12 years ago?

    I've travelled around the world and made lots of friends. Taught English to children in Korea. I've been an educator to many children. I have a wonderful boyfriend who teaches at a major school board.

    But 12 years ago, I made a mistake that would haunt me for the rest of my life. I lied to someone and then confessed that I lied to them. At first, this person was forgiving. But then she began telling the whole entire world about what I had done.

    The person I lied to is now dead. It was 12 years ago. I wish I could undo the past but I can't. Can we let this go?

    What did Jesus say about stones?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 months ago
  • Does lighting a candle for a dead person who's family is angry at you make everything better?

    I lit a candle at Lourdes to honor all the students who passed away at my HS. The picture of the candle was posted on the high school's FB site. A friend of a late alumni saw the candle and was inspired to reach out to the mother of this deceased student and comfort her mother. I did not contact the mother or the friend in question. I played no role in her decision to reach out to the mother. The mother and the family were really angry at me and they hate me. I didn't mean to harm them. Because of my candle, the mother was comforted. Does the candle and the kind act it brought, make everything better again?  I do not feel I can forgive myself until this is forgiven by the family.

    Family3 months ago
  • Does lighting a candle for a dead person who's family is angry at you make everything better?

    I lit a candle at Lourdes to honor all the students who passed away at my HS. The picture of the candle was posted on the high school's FB site. A friend of a late alumni saw the candle and was inspired to reach out to the mother of this deceased student and comfort her mother. I did not contact the mother or the friend in question. I played no role in her decision to reach out to the mother. The mother and the family were really angry at me and they hate me. I didn't mean to harm them. Because of my candle, the mother was comforted. Does the candle and the kind act it brought, make everything better again?  I do not feel I can forgive myself until this is forgiven by the family.

    3 AnswersFamily3 months ago
  • Why should you help someone who hates you?

    If someone really hates you and believes bad things about you, but then at the last moment needs your help for critical reasons, then why should you help them?

    9 AnswersFriends3 months ago
  • I lit a candle for all the students who passed away at my high school at a shrine in So-France. Was this a good thing to do?

    I lit a candle for all the students who passed away at my school at a shrine near Tarbes. No names mentioned. The candle was seen by the friend of a girl who passed away. It inspired this friend to reach out to the girl's mother and comfort her. I played no part in this and did not contact the girl's mother or friend in question. But in doing this, does this undo everything that was bad?

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles3 months ago
  • Should a man talk about the amazing sex he had with his ex girlfriend infront of you?

    My ex-boyfriend use to talk about the amazing anal sex that he had with his ex-girlfriend infront of me. This turned me off of him. It made me feel that he did not love me. Later, when I dumped him, he went behind my back to tell my mom that he was the love of his life. 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 months ago