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Lv 31,349 points

Damian Campbell

Favorite Answers8%
  • How do I open A UPDF file?

    I got these files from a e-mail in some sort of UPDF format. When I try to open them it opens a PDF converter that I can't seem to do anything with to open the files I want and read them. What am I supposed to do?

    4 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Can I use a internet name As my identity on the internet even if someone is kind of using it.?

    So I came up with a name to use on the internet, but someone on twitter is using it as their thing that starts with @ I don't use twitter so i'm not sure what it's even for. But could I use that as an actual internet name even though that twitter guy sorta is?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • How do I get rid of ad popups?

    I keep getting annoying ads on almost every website I go to, I'm using Chrome and I tried un-installing and re-installing it. Used CCleaner to delete cookies and other stuff, and I used the stupid ad blocker extension that people keep saying to use but it seems 100% useless to me because I have used it and it does nothing from my experience. I even went into the web browser setting and I still get them.

    They are the same f-ing ads, they pop up on both sides and bottom of my screen, and its just random spam like stuff. Iv'e went online and tried a bunch of crap that they tell me to do, it has all done nothing. Iv'e done a virus search came back with nothing. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    If you recommend me a useless pop up blocker, or tell me its the sites I go on I will punch you. I use pop up blockers USELESS, and their the same pop ups on every F-ing site I go on, so I know it's not the sites fault.

    4 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • Spanish, french or Japanese. Which one do I learn first?

    I hope to someday be fluent in all three of these languages, i'm not sure which one I Should start learning first, I know a LITTLE bit of spanish, I live in canada so it's probably good for me to learn french, and iv'e always been interested in Japanese since I was little. I just always had an interest in being fluent in all these languages ever since I was little and learned that these languages existed. I want to try to aim at that goal so which language should I start learning first, and could someone recommend resources to learn that language free resources and resources that cost some money.

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • whats the difference between a visual art diploma and a fine art bachelor?

    I'm looking at this collage website and they have these two courses ''Visual Art, Diploma'' and ''Fine Art, Bachelor''. They both have the same program content but in a similar order, and they both seem to be about the same thing. If i'm going into one of these two courses which one should I pick?

  • What kind of poem is this?

    I'm writing this poem, and i'm kind of meaning it to be a analogy poem, but i'm not sure if it is.

    I’m like the color grey,

    Living through night and day,

    Nothing alike white or black,

    Fitting in nowhere is where I’m at,

    Like trying to be in the rainbow,

    Staying out of is what I’m made for,

    So confused of what to see,

    It’s just not pleasing me.

    Do you think this is a analogy? If not then what kind of poem do you think this is? I'm new to this poetry thing so I'm just looking for a second opinion.

    2 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • How do you catch a tricky mouse?

    We ended up with this family of mice a few months back, and we managed to catch most of them (which were just baby's). But there is this one mouse that we can't seems to catch, it seems that it is the last mouse we have but no matter how many traps and sticky traps we use, and were we put them, this mouse can't be caught. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Why is my computer making a lot of noise?

    I got a HP pavilion a few months ago for gaming, during these few months it has been quiet, but lately it's been making fan noise and blowing a lot of heat from its fans even more when I'm playing games like crysis and skyrim. I can ignore this fan noise but it bothers me because it never made fan noise until a week ago and i feel heat coming from the vents that never came from the vents before. It makes a bit of fan noise when I'm doing normal stuff, but it does it even more when I'm gaming which does make sense to me since gaming needs more power. Could someone tell me if this is a problem I should check out, or if this is normal because I never faced this problem before.

    6 AnswersOther - Hardware9 years ago
  • Do you need to know the java programming language to do java scriptinga?

    I keep looking it up on google but I can't seem to find a clear answer, could someone explain to me the difference between the 2 and if I need to know one to do the other even though I probably will learn the two of them anyway. I'm checking out the java programming language but I can't figure out if I need to know one and the other, this might seem like a stupid question but then again I'm stupid when it comes to things fairly new to me.

    5 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • How can I learn Java programing and scripting?

    I am using unity and learning to create a video game I need to learn java or even C# to program and do scripts which I have no clue how to do, I hear Java is simpler to use, I wan't to know a free way I can learn Java (preferably) or C# (if thats all you got to give me) at home. I'm not 100% sure if I wan't to spend my life as a game develeper but it's something I would like to try, but I dont want to pay to learn. At least not yet, so If you can tell me a place that I can get started with Java or another language unity uses that would be great.

    P.s if you don't know what unity is, its a game creating program that's easy to use. even thought it's easy to use I still need to know basic programming, I know it would propably be hard but Im willing to give it a shot.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • I cannot play my batman arkham city dlc's, help?

    I purchased batman arkham city and all of the dlc's on steam, I have played through the main story line of the game, but I still cannot play robin and nightwing challange maps, or harly quins revenge, why cant I? I thought that after I play the main story I would have been able to can someone tell me why, when ever i google it, it just gives me stupid reviews and gameplay videos of the dlc's nothing helpful to me "sigh".

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Gotham city impostors, no sound in game, help?

    I bought Gotham city impostors on steam, when I go to load the game the intro has sound, the menu does not have that much sound, and the game itself does not have any sound >.<, can someone help, my computer has windows 7 if that helps any.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • What are some good programs for a novice video game maker?


    I think I will give making video games a try, I have been looking around at their software is not that good, I want to know a good free easy to use graphing software that offers tutorials (besides blender), and a software that can be used to program videogames and has programming tutorials, and if there is can you show me a place that has tutorials of how to make videogames with theses softwares, I don't want a hard to use software, I dont want to spend money on these softwares because im not even sure if im gonna commit to it, it's something I wanna try, And I dont wanna pay to go to collage to do this stuff untill I am sure I want to. Please help.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Is there a free, legal way to get sony vegas?

    I want sony vegas for free, but i dont want to steel it, and i tryed the free trial i like it, but i dont want to keep uninstalling and reinstalling a trial. Can someone help.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Where can I get all of team fortress 2 sounds?

    I'm making a video and I need all sound clips in a mp3 format, that means all the characters Dialogue sound effects, ect. Where can I get them and before you say go to the tf2 folder and look for sounds, I go there and I can only find music, I need every sound in 2ft not just music where do I get it!!!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Where Can I get a free minecraft gift code without having to give a phone number, house address, or contests?

    I want to get a minecraft gift code for free, but all the sites ive been to ask me to do a survay, doing a survay is one thing, giving my email address and another, but when it asks me for other personal information like phone numbers, house addresses or asking me to sign up to win stuff, thats when I just leave the site, is there a way to get a gift code without going through all that bull ****?

  • How can I learn java proggraming and how to use it.?

    I want to know a free way to learn java, and I want to know how to use it, when I say use it I mean what program do I need to be able to make java scripts and compile them.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Should I get Dues ex: human revelution or batman arkham city?

    Im looking to by one or the other from steam (steam is a program that lets you buy all sorts of games new and old) I know dues ex would be cheaper then batman arkham city, and I am not much of a batman fan even though I am interested in getting the game, I can only get one of these games for right now though and I am stuck deciding so I wan't your opinion on which game I should get.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • I know how the world will end.?

    I got it all figured out, You know SOPA and if you don't LOOK IT UP. And you know how Amarica is trying to make other countrys pass crapy, poorly written out bills like it just so America can control the internet more (fck them the internet is for everyone those fkcing hypercritical douche bags) well I think how the world will end on December 21 is, America will push their luck to far and cause WW 3. And WW3 will destroy us all. Well what America is doing is bound to pis a country off to its limits and cause war, or maybe the citizens will have enough of having stupid politicians and form a civil war to make a better, smarter system, I mean after all protests seem to be getting nowhere anyway. ( I am a Canadian with little respect for the America government, not the poor citizens that have to live under their stupid laws, I feel sorry for you people).

    2 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago