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Should I swap my PS4 for an Xbox One?
So I wanted an Xbox One but all my friends got a PS4 so I did too so I could play with them but I don't really like playstation that much because I just think Xbox is better and I don't know whether to swap it or not?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years agoWhat parts do I buy to upgrade my notebook?
I have the Samsung Series 9 900X3D and it only has 4gb of ram, i dont know what gpu it has and i want to upgrade them so i can play games better but my laptop thin so i dont know what specific parts i have to buy
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoWhich f2p mmorpg should I play?
I began downloading TERA Rising last night but its only at 35% so ar.. I was thinking of playing something like rift, aion, neverwinter, swtor or something else? I'm not sure which is the best. I used to play runescape but that sucks now and have never really played any other mmorpg
3 AnswersPC7 years agopokemon double battle team help?
so i entered the pokemon x and y battle tournament 2014 and im only dong the pokemon apprentice division and it says i play as a double team and with normal rules, i complete pokemon x back in november it was like the 2nd pokemon game i played and i know nothing about pokemon can someone help me create a double competitive battling team? can you help me with the moveset and all stuff like that?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years agoWhat Order Should I Play Pokemon Gameboy Games In?
So I downloaded an emulator and downloaded Pokemon Crystal and Pokemon Emerald, I was also going to download Red/Blue but then I thought to download Fire Red/Leaf Green instead which should I download and what order should I play these in?
3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation7 years agoWhat breed of dog is this?
It looks like a labradoodle or maybe a toy poodle? but I'm not sure, it might be something else. I just thought it looked really cute
1 AnswerDogs7 years agoCan you change your gamertag for free on xbox one for the first time?
I changed my name previously for free on xbox 360 and then i paid the second time, if i was to buy an xbox one and use that same account, do i get one free name change or not?
2 AnswersXbox7 years agoPenny Grip Tape Questions?
So I just ordered a penny nickel and a grip tape for for it.. I was wondering how I could do them grip tape patterns like do I cut it or something? Also once I put the grip tape on can I take it off and put it back on again or what? Like I wanted to put the grip tape on for a while then take it off and cut it to have some cool patterns but could I then put it back on again?
1 AnswerOther - Outdoor Recreation7 years agoAre these websites safe to buy from?
So i was looking online looking to buy a penny board and i came across these two website however the way they're set out is practically the same.. they have the same type of 'quick buy', how you checkout is the same, the things they sell and the prices are the same.. everything is the exact same even the link other than the name of the website so i wasnt sure if this was a scam or if it was safe to purchase from. I dont want to be spending money on a website that isnt safe..
3 AnswersSecurity7 years agowhy does the penny customizer not have all the colours?
I was on the website looking to customize one to have a white deck and black wheels however they're very limited on what colours you can get..
1 AnswerOther - Outdoor Recreation7 years agoDo people buy the penny classic or the penny nickel more?
I was wondering which was more popular out of the two
1 AnswerOther - Sports7 years agoWhich samsung smart tv is better?; UE32F4510 or UE32F5500?
i know the newer model series 5 is better because it displays in full hd but i dont like the look of the quad stand thing, the series 4 is white and comes with a nice arch bezel which overall looks nicer, i bought the series 5 for an extra £40 but did i make the right decision?
1 AnswerTVs7 years agowhat runescape scam is this?
this has happened to me twice now..
so i was wearing Sardomin armour and i was in the G.E. and someone came up to me and offered a trade then showed me alot of expensive items worth around 20mil and asked if i wanted. So of course i replied with a yes and they told me to teleport to Lumbridge. When i did they said follow them to the bit where you sail to Daemenheim so i sailed then they said follow and took me to the bit where there is a guard blocking the path to the wilderness who tells you that other players can kill you there and that once you are attacked you cant leave so i didn't go in. The person told me to come in and dropped some Guthix platelegs so i quickly ran in, took them and left..
About 3 days later (today) someone else traded and showed me 36mil she told me again to go lumbridge and sail so i did, this time being extra cautious she made me follow her too.. again, the same gate in the wilderness and then she dropped the 36mil on the floor and left however i thought i saw someone in the distance so i went to the bank, banked all my stuff so i could get it without my armour on. as i did this the person who left the money was there and said the money better not be gone and quicky got there and took the money this time they told me to put my armour back on because it was for a video on youtube and i said give me 6mil first incase something happens to my armour and then you'll have 30mil for the video. she said fine but then went back into the wilderness and said come in here, ill give you 6mil then you bank it and ill give you the rest so i said no and then the person got all vexed and said i was needy and that they hate needy people and then went offline.
what is this scam that people keep attempting to do to me its the same place they keep taking me to..
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years agowhich email looks more professional out of these two?..?
so say my name was Bob Smith and I was born in 1970 (made up).
which out of the two looks better and more professional, basically using your name and your full birth year or just the last two numbers of your birth year.
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years agowill this rock be a problem in animal crossing new leaf?
So i just put my tent up and there's a rock one space away on the side but if i expand my house what will happen?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agoWhat would happen if I left my 3DS on for 24hours?
So i'm doing this thing in pokemon where you sellotape the d-pad so that your character can move as for every step = 1xp in the daycare.. but anyways it takes ages so i was gonna leave it on overnight and then go school and then check later on to see if my pokemon levelled up a lot but what could the consequences of doing this be?
5 AnswersSoftware8 years agocan someone create me a pokemon x/y team to battle online with?
I have most starters; Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Blaziken, Delphox and Greninja but not Chesnaught. I don't know whether to get Aggron or Tyranitar. I like Garhomp a lot.. I don't know if pokemon like aegislash, lucario, snorlax, gyarados, gengar, dragonite and salamence would be good on my team.. or whether or not some new ones like sylveon, pyroar, pangoro, talonflame, goodra, noivern would be good, there's just so many pokemon that I cant narrow it down to the best 6 to use. Also if you could tell me which move sets to use would be helpful.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agowhat are the best pokemon in pokemon x/y to use?
3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation8 years agowhat would be the best nature for charmander and squirtle in pokemon x/y?
so i have bred 2 charmanders i have one that is adamant and one that is jolly, and i have also bred 2 squirtles, one is docile and the other is quirky.. i dont know much about the nature and how it affects the pokemon so i dont know which ones i will raise and use to battle online yet. Another thing is what other 3 pokemon should i have on my team, i have lots and cant decide on just 3...
3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation8 years agoHelp with pokemon x team to battle online with?
So i have thought of
and i also have in mind; tyrantrum, blazekin, garchomp, aegislash, greninja, snorlax, i dont really know to be honest and need help narrowing it down to the 6 best pokemon
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago