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HaSiCiT Bust A Tie A1 TieBusters
male aged 63.retired . have health problems. interests. living life to the full all natural history topics walking(very slowly-don`t do photography -digital SLR-fuji S3 pro wildlife-macro- general interest in every thing live near Rotherham S62 Yorkshire England. join Tie Busters at or you may like to joinn a chat type social and help group that Lillsoma and myself have started today 21st Aug 09 join at all are welcome laughing and joking is compulsory ~Frowning is frowned on.all my contacts very welcome~it is aimed to be a social type group rather than a theme based group. i have just become a co owner of you are very welcome to join
Do you know of any legal web sites for reading online or downloading books?
In the process of putting together a data base of web sites related to books~online reading or legal downloading(books out of copy right) for a yahoo group~the book worms club
any help or guidance gratefully accepted
if you prefer to E Mail a list,I can be found @~>
or may be you would like to join now you have read this
thanking you
5 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agowhy should i give you a Google wave invite~!!~?
just received my invite to Google wave ,with 8 invites for me to pass on ,7 will go to my group members~but why should i give you the 8th?will send the 8th invite to the person i choose as best answer.
you will need to have a contact E Mail address in your profile ~unless you do i have no way of sending you one ,
2 AnswersGoogle1 decade agohow do i get the options window back after inserting a card in the card reader?
till 1 hour ago ~after i put a card in my card reader an option window opened giving me a choice of programs to use to open it with
how do i get it back ~please
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoAny suggestions for the best way of getting information on running a group?
just started a yahoo group ~more members wanted any site or other info with reguards to this will be appreciated.
thank you
2 AnswersYahoo Groups1 decade agowhat is the best way to bring a new yahoo group to possible members?
we have just started a new group and wonder which way is the best to attract members
if you need more info of type of group see my profile
2 AnswersYahoo Groups1 decade agocan i put yahoo chat box as a seperate window on my desk top.?
put chat as a separate window without having mail open
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade agodoes any one using "list alphabetizer" know how to load a txt file into it ,?
can i load a list (as a txt file) into the list alphabetizer program.please
if so how !
if not is there another list making program (free ware ) that will .
for preference one that will alphabetise the list
thank you
4 AnswersSoftware1 decade agothe latest police issue will sparkly red flip flops with steel toe caps be next your opinion please ?.?
see link and the question is will it become a reality.
7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoterms used to describe a group of animals.eny one know the term for a group of Dung beetles?
you know the group name for example a Troop of Baboons an Army some times called a Colony of Ants
thank you in advance
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agodo you think this makes me Dyslexic?yes or no please?
i have just embarrassingly ,had to leave a fancy dress party
the invite said the theme was ~Roman Toga .
i went as Norma Goat.
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agowould you believe it Johnny as been to the evening Bible study group?
when asked "what kind of man was Boaz in his youth"
Johnny replied "Ruth less"
his reply to who was the funniest man in the Bible and why?
"he brought the house down"
to the question "who was the greatest financier in the Bible "
he replied~"Noah"
"he was floating his stock~whilst the rest of the world was in Liquidation"
to the question "what illness if any did King David suffer from"
his reply "it was either constipation or severe Dheli's revenge the reason being it says in the Bible he was on the Throne for 40 years"
caused an early closure of the meeting
no offence meant hope you enjoy
4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agowould you believe ~little Johnnys logic?
the Sunday school teacher asked the class~
Who was the unluckiest man mentioned in the Bible
all the students but one were thinking about it
the lone up lifted hand was Johnny's
who was it then ,Johnny~asked the teacher
the reply ~Moses sir
why do you say Moses was the most unluckiest man Johnny
well sir he spent 40 years wandering ,then when he claimed to have found the Promised land.
it was the only place in all off the middle East .With no oil
Now that's what i call unlucky sir
Class ~what was being referred to in the Bible with the phrase ~
"be fruitful and multiply "
Johnny's hand was the first to shoot into the air
what's your answer Johnny
A Vegetarian Mathamatician~sir
on being asked the question
why do older people seem to read the Bible more
Johnny's answer was
they are reading up for their final exams .sir
Yer Gotta admire the little Fella
do have a nice day
5 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agowhat do you think his comment was?
little Johnny was reading his Grandmas family Bible .
after turning a page a very old dried pressed leaf fell out
Do you know whose that leaf was and what it was for ~asked Granny,
Yes says Johnny i do
what is it then asks Granny
Adams first suit ~was Johnnys reply
5 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agowhat does the word Bible stand for?
will give answer and best answer in 4 hours to the person who knows the answer i have or the nearest(even the Vicar will like the answer)
17 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agowhat do you think of Piers offer to Susan boyle.should the lady accept?
here it is plus if you have not heard it ~cry me a river ~susan recorded in 1999 only 1000 cd's were produced
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoany one know ~FAN~IQ is it a scam or legitimate please?
just recieved an E-Mail from FAN IQ.(persons name) has sent you a private message.with this adress
604 mission St
....suite 600
.......San Francisco
..........CA 94105
i know most of the scams ~is this one i don't
the senders E-Mail is a .yahoo one
any help appreciated
2 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade agodo you vote on unresolved questions?
if you are prepared too answer yes
for info there are now over 5 000 000 . 0 (5 million) un resolved question 's
from 1 000 000 . 0 in april 2007
every one deserves there points
17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agois there any way to fix this problem?
my sons phone a S Ericson W550i as broke~the screen lights up but is just white and the buttons do not work.when connected to PC the program to get to the contacts shows~is there any way to use PC to bring the contacts onto PC screen so he can save them.
please offer any advice~bin it and similar are not what i am looking for.
thank you
6 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoIs there a program similar to "windows blind " but free?
like the look off it but free ware will i hope allow me to do some thing similar for Nowt.
thank you in anticipation
5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago