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  • Erectile dysfunction because of dog noises. Anyone know how to not lose your ***** because of dogs barking?

    OK so I try to have sex with my wife, but the dogs bark and they come in the bedroom and I just am not comfortable with that. I don't my ball sack licked by my puppy and I don't want them to bark when I am banging my wife. Is that so wrong? Can I shut them off in a room or something? I don't know what to do.

    5 AnswersMen's Health5 years ago
  • Is anyone else sick of all the French that have moved into Brooklyn?

    I remember when my neighborhood was mixed. White people, Black people, Hispanic people, and Han people, even some Thai and Indian. Now it's all rich transplants and FRENCH here in Carroll Gardens. They are the worst. They litter, they yell at local business tellers (maybe it's her first job you dingbat!) and they take up the whole sidewalk with their strollers that their kids aren't even in! I'm born and raised in this neighborhood and I am sick of it! Is anyone else?

    1 AnswerNew York City5 years ago
  • Bringing food items to Australia question?

    I know Australia is strict about what kind of food items are allowed in from other countries, but I was wondering if Maple Syrup from the US or Canada was ok to bring in? Like the fancy shmancy kind in the glass bottles and stuff (for gifts). I checked the government's website but can't really tell one way or another. I'm not talking about some weird home-made stuff, but bought commercially from a store. Anyone ever done that before? It is permitted?

  • What's your threshold for cooking vessels in vegan cooking, if they may have been previously used for preparing animal products?

    I am particularly focused on old cast iron. I can understand that no one could really consider a dish vegan if it were cooked in a skillet that had just been used for a bunch of bacon, but what would it need to be in order for a vegan dish to be proper vegan? Many older pieces have had multiple owners and no definitive history, making it impossible to know if they have ever been used in preparation of meats or other animal products, so what is the level someone would be comfortable with? Something like;

    A thorough cleaning,

    Complete re-seasoning where everything is burnt off to carbon and then the pan seasoned with vegetable fats,

    Or totally scraping a layer off the surface to expose new iron (and then again re-seasoning it with vegetable fats)?

    I've sold a few pieces and once got asked about a pan's history regarding this kind of thing.

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan5 years ago
  • V8 juice, can vs plastic bottle. Do you think there is a taste difference?

    Every once in a while I really get a craving for a regular V8 juice. But I always seem to notice that the canned version tastes better than the larger plastic bottles. Does anyone else notice this as well?

    4 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks5 years ago
  • Why do some business executives ask what is in mail or other packages they receive from the person delivering it?

    In my office I witnessed something odd and funny. One of the old timers (a baby boomer who rose to the top just by being there, but who had no idea how to check his email) was given a sealed envelope by a messenger from a 3rd party delivery service, and he looked at him and said "what's in this?"

    The messenger quickly replied "oh, I don't know because I don't read other people's mail, maybe you do but my work ethic won't let me." Of course the old guy flew into a rage and started slobberingly threatening to never hire that delivery company again, to which the messenger (on their way out) mentioned that since he was hired by the company who sent the package, he shouldn't have to worry too much about it.

    Funny story, but seriously, is there any other answer that a professional carrier can give to "what's in this" when delivering something? Are the people asking this actually thinking that the carrier is opening parcels and looking at the contents?

    2 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • Small garden pests vs Vodka. Can it work?

    So I have a number of plants in my back yard which my wife planted:

    African Marigolds (yes I know they're actually from South America).



    Catnip (I planted this one... lots of the stuff, so that it can repel mosquitoes)


    Lemon Balm



    Toad Lily

    Many of them show damage from small mites, aphids, or other tiny creatures. Not being an experienced gardener, my first reaction is to fill a spray-bottle with vodka (that's 40% ethanol, 60% water... organic for what it's worth), and then spray the leaves. I'm thinking that a spraying will kill small bugs but not be enough to poison plants. Vodka is much less toxic than something like rubbing alcohol (a totally different chemical which I only use for sterilizing metal), so I thought it might be safe. Has anyone tried this? Does anyone know if it should or should not be tried?

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • Can you help with my catnip questions?

    I am growing catnip outside (in planters) for the sole reason that I have read that it keeps mosquitoes away. I don't have any cats (allergies) and cats usually don't come around my yard because of the way it's walled off, and it's been weeks with nothing being munched on. But since I've never done this before I had some questions:

    1) Is it actually true that mosquitoes don't like catnip or am I just wasting my time with this one?

    2) Red Leaves. Two of the plants I got seemed to get transplant-shock. Their stalks and leaves have mostly turned brick-red, and they seem quite stunted. I researched it a bit and found that this could be from a lack of phosphorous in the soil. Is this actually what causes that and can it be remedied by just using a bit of Miracle-Grow or something? (Again, I'm not really worried about "organic vs non-organic" since I have no plans for anything alive to be consuming these plants).

    3) If catnip is in a planter, can it winter well indoors? What kind of steps should I take if I do that?

    Thanks everyone!

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Can you help identify this older car make/model? 1970's fastback something?

    I've got a mystery. There is a car that looks like some kind of fastback 1970's muscle car, but the only glimpse I could get of it is here in this photo. It has since been completely covered up again. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know what it is by just looking at the tail lights and the bumper, but I know there are people out there who can, and so I beseech you to help me identify it.


    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation7 years ago
  • Can you identify this garden plant? (w/ pic)?

    I recently moved into a new apartment in Brooklyn (I've lived here my whole life), and in the back yard there are some planters and one of them has a plant I can't identify.

    Here is what it looks like:

    And here's a close up shot:

    I think it's just a weed, but honestly I have no idea. So if anyone knows what this is, I'd appreciate it.

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Marble & Shattuck Chair, no arms. Help identifying?

    I I found a chair from Marble & Shattuck. It's not dated, but it's labeled Cleveland, which means it's from after 1901. The odd thing about it, is that it's got no arms, and looks like it never had any. That seems odd given the other chairs I've seem from this maker online.

    Image of chair:

    Anyone know what this was used for?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling8 years ago
  • Is it ok to tell children they are adopted before they can ask for themselves?

    I was adopted... don't worry, I had it shoved down my throat since I was 5. My boomer parents were apparently proud of it because they read too much doctor spock. I really could have been ok if the kept it quiet, but the felt the need to tell my fiance and now she has a problem because she can't trace family lines back.... I am screwed because something about me was told by someone who had no authority to do so... What is wrong with you people?

    5 AnswersAdoption8 years ago
  • keratoconus treatments that are not hard contacts?

    I have severe keratoconus in one eye (the other eye doesn't show any traces). I went to a reputable doctor and was given a hard contact lens. It worked fine, but because my fingers were so big, I couldn't remove it. When I kept trying I ended up causing eye trauma and having to go to the ER. Long story short, ER Doctor said no contacts for me... So now I am faced with either continuing to be blind in one eye (it manifested 5 years ago) or is there some other treatment that works for someone who doesn't have insurance? My company canceled it on me.

    3 AnswersOptical8 years ago
  • I can't sleep with another person?

    When I was young, my brother was a smack-head. I used to wake up in my room to people burglarizing it. Sometimes there would be an accomplice standing over me, making sure if I woke up, they could get out of there before I could stop anything. I fought him off with a knife and I cut that bastard I know I did. 15 years later my wife says she "can't sleep unless I am in the same bed" and I can't do it unless I get hammered. I DON'T WANT TO SLEEP WITH ANOTHER PERSON! I NEED to sleep against a wall with a knife ready for use. How can I covey that?

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Question for the martini drinkers?

    In a classic gin martini (or as I pour them; a Churchill), would you think it odd that instead of an olive, I throw in a cube of cheddar cheese? Let it sit in there until you're done. Would anyone try this and what do you think?

    6 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago