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I'm Shosha. I am a Pagan. I am also a Witch and a Shaman. I study Holistic health Therapy, Indian head massage, witchcraft, paganism, and cooking. I like playing the SiMs 2 on my PC, answering questions here, and so much much more! I tend to be somewhat psychic and I often do tarot readings for people. I carry my cards everyehwere I go. Yes, I do tarot reading for people. No, I don't charge. I like the practice.
Women, if we're flirting and you see I have a wedding band....?
is that a deal breaker? I am a polyamourous bi-sexual woman.... my husband is also Poly and we're interested in finding the woman of our dreams. (this is really more for relationship than sex)
It seems like every time I get to talking with a woman I find attractive, even if things are going well, she'll make a comment about my rings (engagement and band) and soon after I say "yeah, i'm married but my husband is cool with this all" she's got some kind of excuse to break off the conversation. I don't want to be deceptive, but should I stop wearing my rings for a while, until I can get ot know someone better THEN tell them?
7 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoCould Straw Bale constgruction hold up in South West Michigan?
I'm intrigued by Straw Bale construction and from what I understand of it, it could be used to surround my existing home, as if building the outer walls of a house. I live in south western Michigan and we can have very wet, heavy snow and very wet weather in the springs. Would this type of construction work for my area?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agopotty training a beagle....?
I have a 9 week old beagle and three other dogs.
the three older dogs all go outside to potty, and the little guy goes out with them every time but still will urinate in the house.
I have tried to make a fairly regular schedule for him such as as soon as he wakes up, eats, during and after play, if I see him sniffing in or near areas where he normally potties.. but he seems to just plain not be getting that he needs to go OUT to potty.
Any tips or ideas?
I've read that you need to crate them until their trained, I've had him since he was six weeks and never crated (i didn't know about it until recently) is that still going to be possible or should I take another route?
thanks for your help!
10 AnswersDogs1 decade agoVERY strange phone call....ideas?
The number on the caller ID was: 257721389681
It sounds like a woman with a heavy accent talking in the background but not actually ON the phone. I can't make out what she's saying even with all volume turned all the way up.
Yes, I realize that the phone number had WAY too many numbers in it but it is typed here exactly as it came up on my CID.
Should I attempt to call back? Anyone know who/what this? I tried google and it didn't find anything at all.
If anyone wants to hear the call, email me and I'll forward it to you. I couldn't figure out how to out it on here.
5 AnswersLand Phones1 decade agoIs it harassment for a collection agency to call several times a day.....?
My daughter's ex refused to pay his half of their phone bill... sadly it was in her name. but the collection agency wont' stop calling, has informed her that they won't stop calling and call several times a day starting at 8am and going as late as 8:59 pm. Can this be considered and handled as harassment? She's already spoken with them several times explaining that at this time she has no job and no money. They tell her they don't care and will be calling again.
If it matters, we live in michigan.
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago1996 Olds Cutlass cierra....thermostat?
Anyone able to point me to a site that shows how to change the thermostat using photos?
Also, why would an engine rev heavily then calm to newly dying over and over for about 60-90 seconds when first started and allowed to idle then eventually calm to a "normal" hum?
thanks for any and all help!~
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoIn what order to properly eat Chinese foods?
I've been reading about China and the culture and read that there was a proper order in which to eat the foods served at a buffet or banquet... does anyone know what order this is or perhaps a site or book in which I might find out? My husband is learning Mandarin and we're learning about the people and culture etc for business and fun. Thank you for all your help!
5 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade agoWhat are some good ways to find potential girlfriends for a poly relationship?
I am bi and my husband is straight. we are both polyamorous and wish to meet a woman to complete our triad. Our past few have NOT been good experiences... where are some good places to meet people who might be interested? (this is NOT about sex... it's about finding the other love of our lives.) (please... if you want to be a smart a$$ answer someone else's questions.)
2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoTraits become Paranormal Profiteer in SiMs 3?
I just got the SiMs 3 : Ambitions... I'm dying to try out the new "Paranormal Profiteer" career, but can't seem to get my SiM the right combination of traits to trigger that Life Wish. Anyone know what Traits are needed?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoI am bi and my husband is straight. how can I meet a nice bi woman that would be interested in my husband too?
I'd really like a girlfriend... my husband wants to women...
I hate the "dating" sites because they're mostly just about hooking up and not really about finding someone you might want to spend your lives with.
Anyone know how to meet decent bi women who are interested in a long term Poly relationship
7 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoWould prefer a homeopathic remedy for rattle/cough that clears when lying down?
I have rattling/wheezing/gurgling in the upper part of my chest/lower throat. The cough seems like it might get the rattle out but nothing comes up. My nose is also stuffed up and in need of blowing almost constantly unless I am lying down. When I lie down, the nose and throat clear up as if there's no problem at all... then I just have a little tickle in the back of my throat that causes a little cough occasionally as if it's healing.
Does anyone know what this is caused by and how to fix it? I really prefer homeopathic remedies when I can.
It started on Monday, March 15th with the coughing and added a sinus infection the next day (which I am prone to this time of year thanks to allergies.) The sinus infection has gone now, except for blowing my nose a lot (not that odd for spring, however)
But this coughing is really getting on my nerves. On the few times I've gotten anything up it's been a tiny amount of clear, liquid mucus not much different from when I blow my nose.
Any help would be appreciated.
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade agoFormula to find Pipe diameter when flow rate and velocity are known?
I need a general formula for this as there are a couple problems that ask me to find this answer with various flow rates and velcities.
1 AnswerPhysics1 decade agoPeople on Michigan Felony Probation meeting at your house...?
Ok, I know this couple who are on felony probation in Michigan. They're not allowed to see eachother, but have been all along. They got caught once already. The girl wants her sister to pick her boyfriend up and take him home so that they can meet at our house. Can I get in trouble for this if they get caught? Can her sister if she gets caught with him in the car? I have a bad feeling about this.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoErectile Dysfunction in Type 2 diabetic?
Medications aren't working. My husband is looking into other treatments, like a pump and rings and/or maybe even a prosthesis.
We're both wondering though (hopefully we'll hear from someone who has used these treatments personally) since the erection is maintained artificially, will he still be able to orgasm? or is this just one of those things for guys who think this is the only way to please their woman?
5 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agoErectile Dysfunction in Type 2 diabetic?
Medications aren't working. My husband is looking into other treatments, like a pump and rings and/or maybe even a prosthesis.
We're both wondering though (hopefully we'll hear from someone who has used these treatments personally) since the erection is maintained artificially, will he still be able to orgasm? or is this just one of those things for guys who think this is the only way to please their woman?
4 AnswersDiabetes1 decade agoSuggest a name for my Baking Business?
This isn't a bakery... It's more specialized.
At this point I'm making holiday items: Gingerbread Houses (ready to display and completely edible) in three sizes and Liqueur Cakes in Spiced Rum, Amaretto, and Ginger Brandy.
Later I plan to add various cupcakes, a few kinds of cookies and bars, maybe a few other items.
I had considered "Gingie's House" (gingie being the nickname in my family ginger..don't ask.) "Holiday Haven" was another name since I am specializing in holiday (including birthdays, etc) treats.
I will choose best answer ONLY if I choose your name for my business... otherwise the community can vote... so make 'em good!
4 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade agoSuggest a Name for my Baking Business?
This isn't a bakery... It's more specialized.
At this point I'm making holiday items: Gingerbread Houses (ready to display and completely edible) in three sizes and Liqueur Cakes in Spiced Rum, Amaretto, and Ginger Brandy.
Later I plan to add various cupcakes, a few kinds of cookies and bars, maybe a few other items.
I had considered "Gingie's House" (gingie being the nickname in my family ginger..don't ask.) "Holiday Haven" was another name since I am specializing in holiday (including birthdays, etc) treats.
I will choose best answer ONLY if I choose your name for my business... otherwise the community can vote... so make 'em good!
17 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoSuggest a Name for my Baking Business?
This isn't a bakery... It's more specialized.
At this point I'm making holiday items: Gingerbread Houses (ready to display and completely edible) in three sizes and Liqueur Cakes in Spiced Rum, Amaretto, and Ginger Brandy.
Later I plan to add various cupcakes, a few kinds of cookies and bars, maybe a few other items.
I had considered "Gingie's House" (gingie being the nickname in my family ginger..don't ask.) "Holiday Haven" was another name since I am specializing in holiday (including birthdays, etc) treats.
I will choose best answer ONLY if I choose your name for my business... otherwise the community can vote... so make 'em good!
1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade agoAll Pagans: Please take The Pagan Census?
We are conducting an international survey of contemporary Pagans. If you are a Pagan we would appreciate your taking the time to complete this survey.
This survey builds on an earlier one completed over twenty years ago, primarily in the United States, which was conducted by Helen A. Berger and Andras Arthen (of the EarthSpirit Community) entitled the Pagan Census. At the time it was hoped that we could do a census of the entire Pagan population. Although that was not possible the data that was collected was the largest of it type and served as the basis of a book, Voices from the Pagan Census by Helen A. Berger (with Evan Leach and Leigh S. Shaffer). The survey data is now available on line at Murray Research Archive at Harvard University.
A number of scholars have noted that it would be helpful to have a follow-up of that survey to see if and how the community has changed or remained the same. The survey that follows uses many, although not all of the same questions that were in the original survey to provide that comparison. There are also new questions, for instance about the Internet, something that was of little interest 20 years ago but is now, and some from other studies, that again permit a comparison. This has resulted in the survey being somewhat long--we appreciate your taking the time to complete it.
We realize that the categories found in questionnaires like this one frequently do not do justice to the complexities of real life. For this reason, a number of open-ended items have been included that allow for more nuanced responses. You are also welcome to contact Helen A. Berger directly at
Please inform other Pagans about this research project and feel free to pass it along via e-mail or to post a link on appropriate blogs or websites.
Thanks for your help.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoyellow hummingbird in Michigan?
My mother-in-law said she saw what she thought was a yellow humming bird. We live in S.W. Michigan, near indiana border.
Finches don't hover...(we have gold finches but she swears that it hovered in her Impatiens) but I've only seen the ruby throated and the emerald hummingbirds around here.
I know that in Kg Mata Mata there are yellow breasted Hummingbirds...but Michigan??
2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago