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Lv 2596 points

Hailey W

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  • I need help writing an essay?

    I am writing an essay about having a twin sister and I have no idea what I should add to the introduction to make having a twin sound interesting. Could someone help me come up with ideas?

    2 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • How hard is it to become a doctor if...(please read circumstances upon response)?

    I want to become a doctor. I am a freshmen in college, but i currently attend community college. All my friends tell me that I can never become a doctor, even with incredible grades, if I just stay in community college, and they recommend that I transfer as soon as I'm able to transfer. The only problem is that currently I can only afford community college. I can't afford some private school with all the useful technology that I will need to further my studies. Even with financial aid, I still wouldn't be able to attend these higher level schools. Currently I have a GPA of 3.9, but schools are competitive and so is the medical field. Is it likely, in this day and age, for me to still fulfill my dream of becoming a doctor?

    How can I work to achieve this goal?

    Thank you.

  • My boyfriend is going into the army...?

    My boyfriend is going into the army and I want to be able to hear his voice when I can't actually see him. I decided that the best thing to do it for him to record his voice singing me one cute song and to record his voice reading me a short story. The problem is, I'm not sure what song I should ask him to sing or what short story he should read to me. Please post any suggestions and as many as you would like. I will read them all and check out anything you tell me. Thanks so much.

  • Help me with my project on religion?

    I'm doing a project on religion, specifically Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. The project can be pretty much anything and should be very creative, as long as it focuses on the beliefs of the religion and compares the three religions. I want a very unique project that stands out from every body else. any suggestions?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Federal Government shut down?

    So this may be a hopping question right now, or it may not be.

    Because the federal government has shut down, what does it mean for us as a nation? What does it mean for high school students and college students looking for financial aid and jobs? What does it mean for the working class? How are people supposed to work? Are we going to significantly lose money? What does it mean for elderly and their benefits? Why did the government shut down?

    1 AnswerGovernment8 years ago
  • Am I getting some kind of sickness?

    I'm not sure what's wrong so I'll just tell you all the symptoms I've had over the past week. sore muscles, fatigue, headache, heart palpatations, gas, bloating and fever.

    I've also had some pain in my pelvic area.

    No I am not sexually active and no I do not have my period.

    Can someone help me out?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • Cute things to say to a boy?

    I really like this boy but we aren't dating. I want to send him cute text messages for him to wake up to, since I wake up earlier than he does. What are some cute things to text him without saying the word love or anything sexual. I just want to be cute and make jokes.

    He likes chemistry if that helps and he's really smart(graduated in the top ten of his class).

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • To kill a mockingbird?

    I am doing a video project on the book To Kill A Mockingbird and I was wondering what scenes and quotes I should include. The project is due on Friday. It is a one person project but I can make anything (almost) work. Please let me know what you think are important quotes and scenes that I Gould include.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • To kill a mocking bird?

    I am doing a video project on the book To Kill A Mockingbird and I was wondering what scenes and quotes I should include. The project is due on Friday. It is a one person project but I can make anything (almost) work. Please let me know what you think are important quotes and scenes that I could include.

    2 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Healthy food advice please?

    I need help planning healthy meals and low sodium foods. I eat to much sodium and need help. Any advice?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • What happens to my Internet history?

    my Internet history for my iPhone shows up to last week. It doesn't show dates after that. Where does the history from last month go? Does it get stored on the computer? Can my mom see it also?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Restoring my iPhone four to factory settings?

    If I restore it to factory settings will I still have my number or will that be gone? And will I be able to retrieve my contacts and photos?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • I need motivation not to eat junk food?

    I am always tempted to eat junk like cookies and popcorn and I need to tell myself ""No!" But I don't know how to tell myself I don't want it. I end up saying "just one" and end up eating like three to five. Is there any tips that you have to convince myself I don't want it?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Recent women Empowerment songs?

    What are some recent women empowerment songs? I'm doing my schools talent show but have no idea what to sing. If prefer to sing songs from the past two years to now only because I don't want to audience to be bored with what I'm singing.

    2 AnswersSinging8 years ago
  • How quickly does peanut butter mold or go bad?

    I made a peanut butter sandwich(just peanut better) and I left it in my school locker where it's been sitting for a week. It's probably been sitting in the cold for that time since my school keeps the heat off when not many people are around. I'm not planning on eating the sandwich, I just am hoping it doesn't go bad and doesn't smell. I just want to know, is it possible for it to get moldy and end up stinking up my locker over that one week period?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Can people in the army wear rings?

    I wanted to get my bf and I matching promise rings before he leaves for the army, but I don't even know if you can wear rings in the army. My question has nothing to do with getting him a ring so I don't want anybody to comment about that. My question is just, are people who go into the army allowed to wear rings? I mean married men still go into the army so are they allowed their rings? Would my bf be allowed to wear his?

    7 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Can she see my web history?

    My aunt pays my phone bill every month. There are certain websites she doesn't allow me to go on. Is it possible for her to see my browser history if I don't let her see the phone? Like if she looks up my phone info on the computer, she can't see what websites I've been on, right?

    2 AnswersGoogle8 years ago
  • How can I contact him?

    My bf is planning to join the army in a year. He'll have to go through basic training and then I'm not sure what he's going to do. How will I be able to contact him? And please I don't want stupid people replying "it depends what branch of the army" because I am not going to go with how wrong you are. He is going into the ARMY and I just was wondering how I would be able to stay in contact with him and how long he will be away from me. Please help?

    4 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago
  • Can she see my Skype messages?

    My aunt pays for my iphone each month and I was curious if she can actually read my Skype messages or only my regular messages? Does applications count?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Junior prom from a guys perspective?

    I am in charge of planning the junior prom at my school. I need guys opinions on song ideas, theme ideas and anything else that can make it the perfect prom. it can't be inappropriate. It has to follow school policy(which is the same for most schools). Can any guy out there help me out? Thanks. ^^

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago