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Favorite Answers19%

English guy living in Greece

  • Device Driver for Camera?

    I have a separate webcam on my laptop. The only information on the camera is "PCLINE". The driver has somehow been deleted. I have searched for a source for the driver but to no effect. Can anybody help me to find it please? Thank you!

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • Dropbox - no internet connection?

    I have tried many times to download and install Dropbox. Upon completion I get a screen which says that there is no internet connection. I have disabled both my firewall and anti-virus programe but without success. My OS is Windows 7. I will be very grateful for any help that you can give - in simple terms, please!

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Yahoo Answers. Objection response ignored.?

    Someone made a frivolous objection to an answer of mine. I duly sent a reasonable response but nothing whatsoever has happened. This has happened twice. Has anyone else had this experience?

    Yahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Insomnia is driving me crazy!?

    My sleep pattern has been blown out of the water! I sleep in two or three hour segments and then am wide awake. This often carries on through the day. Fortunately, I am retired so that doesn't matter.

    Does anyone have any recommendations as to lifestyle or medicines which will help me to get back to a normal pattern?

    Thank you for any advice that you can offer.


    2 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Can you identify this dog, please?

    I was driving along a remote track, here in Greece, in a terrible rainstorm. I saw this chap looking rather woebegone and stopped my car. At first he was very cautious but then came bounding towards me. He was in a terrible state. Soaking wet, of course, and his fur was very matted. Anyway, he was bathed and brushed at home and is a very friendly creature. Our French Pointer isn't very impressed, though!

    Can anyone suggest what sort of breed he might be?

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • Trying to escape Windows 8.1!?

    In moment of madness, I "upgraded" to Windows 8.1 from XP.


    Now I try to return to XP but, when I do so, I get the message, "cmdide.sys is corrupted.

    Can anyone please tell me where I can go from here to return to my beloved XP?

    Thanks a lot.

    6 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Tiny nodules on my dog's head.?

    Dennis is a 13 year old French Pointer. Recently I have noticed very small nodules appearing on his head. They are no bigger than a pin head. I think that they might be dead tics but am not sure. They do not seem to bother him at all but I am concerned. I live in Greece and it is an hour's drive to get to a vet so any advice will be welcome.

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • Has Yahoo Mail and Yahoo Answers gone utterly crazy?

    I have been using Yahoo Mail for many years quite happily. Now it has been "improved" and I am completely lost!

    Similarly, I have answered many hundreds of question on Yahoo Answers but the new version is a retrograde step.

    Does any one else agree with me or am I alone?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail7 years ago
  • How many dog owners sleep with their dogs?

    My French Pointer is thirteen-years-old and is my faithful companion and friend. I will cry buckets when he goes to the Great Dog Kennel in the sky! A few years back he started to sleep at the bottom of my bed and, when it got to winter, crept under the bed clothes with me. Great, it saves on heating my electric blanket! At this point I have to say that there is nothing whatsoever sexual in this arrangement.

    I am just interested to know how many other dog owners sleep with their dogs and will admit to it!

    15 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • My Yahoo Mail has gone crazy.?

    A week ago, when I logged on, it told me that I had 25 new mails. There were two. This figure has gradually increased day-by-day until this morning, when it tells me that I have well in excess of 100! There was one!

    Incidentally, I agree that the new layout for both Yahoo Mail and Yahoo Answers are quite appalling!

    Thanks to anyone who can help me.

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors7 years ago
  • British couple adopting a foreign adult?

    My wife and I have a devoted (and very intelligent!) 25 yo Bangladeshi houseman. We live in Greece but would like to take him back to the UK from time to time and maybe settle him there with British nationality. Does anybody have any experience of such a situation or can you point us in the right direction. If we can adopt him would that give him the right to British nationality? All answers will be very much appreciated..

    5 AnswersAdoption8 years ago
  • Windows 8 disaster problem.?

    My Windows XP crashed and, in a mad moment, I "upgraded" to Windows 8. It is an absolute disaster. Now I want to go back to XP but I am having problems. I do not have a CD drive on my notepad. Can somebody please suggest how I can recover my beloved XP, please? Thanks a lot.

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Where is my Outbox, please?

    My lap top OS is Widows 7. I use Windows Live Mail 2012. Some time ago I received an e-mail to which I tried to reply but it was returned. Now, every time that I open my mail, I get a message saying that I have an e-mail waiting to be sent in my outbox. Every timeI try to do this I get the same reply. I have tried to find my outbox but with no success. Can someone tell me how I find it and delete this undeliverable e-mail, please? Thanks a lot.

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Yahoo Mail problem!.?

    My Yahoo Mail is doing some strange things. It freezes up, It won't go down by a space when I hit return. Generally it is a pain. Is there some way that I can sort it out or re-load the programme without losing all my addresses or files? Thanks for your help!

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors9 years ago
  • How do I delete an unauthorised video, please?

    I have discovered that a video of me has been published on a web site without my knowledge or consent. I have asked the site operator to remove it but with no result. Is there any way that I can delete it from the site. (Thecopyrightt is mine)

    2 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • Non-resident UK citizen looking for a good offshore account?

    I have been a customer of the Bank of Scotland for more than thirty years, most of those as non-resident. Now they tell me that they cannot continue to operate my account and are trying to persuade me to move to an off shore account I have a fairly substantial amount on deposit as well as a current account. The new rate of interest on transferring my deposit account is quite ludicrous. 1.5% as opposed to a very modest 2.7%. Does anyone have experience of operating an offshore current and deposit account with which they are satisfied?

    If you wish to contact me direct, I am David at

    3 AnswersUnited Kingdom9 years ago
  • OPENING PDF FILES. Who can help me?

    One of you genii helped me recently with another problem. I hope that you can do the same this time!

    When I receive a pdf file I click on the icon and up pops the message

    "Your current security settings do no allow this file to be downloaded!"

    Can somebody please explain to me (preferably in words of no more than two syllables!) how I adjust these security settings, please?

    My OS is Windows 7 and I think that I have every available Adobe programme downloaded.

    Thanks a lot!

    David in Greece

    3 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Downloading pics on Yahoo Answers?

    I am so dumb! When a guy asks a question on Y!A and includes a pic file - if it is in blue, I can download it. If it is in black I just don't know what to do! Please help me! Thanks a lot to all you nerds out there. I will love you forever!

    2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago