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Lady Knight

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  • Age of Empires 2 how to improve my early game?

    Hi guys. I've been playing Age of Empires 2 (DE) against the AI. I’m kind of a noob and I wonder if you guys have some tips to improve my early game. I am playing at Moderate skill level, and even when I set the game speed to "slow" I can't seem to build up my economy and army fast enough. The AI always manages to advance through the levels/ages before I can, and always manages to attack before I build up even the smallest bit of an army. They usually attack right after I get to castle age.

    Here's what I've been doing, so that maybe you can see where I'm going wrong.

    First few villagers, I use them to build a house, then a mill, and immediately get to work gathering berries or working on the sheep. I make more villagers till I have about ten of them and put those on food too, whatever food is on the map immediately nearby. The next villagers I task onto wood, and then the next 10 I put on a mix of food, wood, and gold. By this point the immediate food around the town center has run out, and I start building farms, though I've probably at least started to advance to feudal age. I build as I go, usually taking 2-3 villagers off wood to do it.

    I take the tech updates for resource collection as soon as they're available

    Food seems to be the resource that seems to hold me back the most. Almost all of it seems to get spent on villagers (I try to make at least 40) and research. I cant afford to make military till I'm in the castle age, at which point the AI attacks.

    Any tips?

  • Romance in teen fantasy novel, opinions from readers?

    I'm writing a fantasy/historical novel taking place in a made up world with early 1800s type technology. The main plot involves a teenage son of a wealthy noble running away from home to investigate and try and stop a plague going around the country. Obviously this is not a romance, but there is a love interest. I know that people are sick of love triangles and twilight-esqe hormonal whiners, but the love interest seems to be fairly common in teen books I've read. I was wondering what are some of your opinions on love interest sub plots. Are there any particular cliches that drive you crazy? Any examples of what to do or what not to do? Things you like in a romance sub-plot? Amount of time to devote to the actual romance?

    Any advice is appreciated. My goal is to publish. I want to know what other readers of teen fiction like or don't like.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Is this story idea cliche?

    I'm writing a fantasy novel targeted at a young adult audience about the son of a wealthy nobleman who runs away from home to help fight a plague going through the country.

    The fantasy world in question has no magic and is technologically analogous to late 18th century-early 19th century earth. I'm specifically wondering if it would be cliche to use a wolf as the country's national icon, the animal that appears on its flag. Game of Thrones used a white wolf for one of the families, and If I use a wolf I'm afraid I will look like I'm copying another story. Since my universe is completely different do you think audiences will feel the wolf as being cliche?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Can large dogs live in apartments if they get large amounts of outside exercise?

    I may be moving into an apartment in a year or two and would like to get a companion puppy for the dog I already have. I'm interested in getting a larger, highly active dog because my current dog and I enjoy long jogs. I will of course be choosing a place that is pet friendly and allows large dogs.

    Do large high energy breeds do okay in apartments if they receive large amounts of structured exercise and stimulation outdoors, or would it be a huge mistake? My current dog will probably do alright since he is mostly calm in the house. Does anyone have personal experience keeping large dogs in apartments? How did it work out for you?


    10 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Any good books or tutorials for R coding and Rstudio?

    I'm a bio major hoping to use R for statistics in Ecology, specifically species distribution models. Any R users out there who know of good tutorials or books for R beginners, specifically for use of R in statistics?


    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Need an opinion, dog owner ettiquette?

    I know it generally not a good idea to tie my dog up outside a store, but sometimes I run into situations when I have to, (like if he poops and I need to run in somewhere to get a plastic bag.) If I HAVE to tie my dog up outside a store, what is the best way to do it to deter thieves, prevent the dog from getting stolen, or prevent him from bothering passers by?

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Is this appropriate to put in a young adult book?

    I'm writing a novel geared toward young adults, say between14-19 years old. It takes place in a fantasy/historical world, say circa 1700. The characters are about sixteen years old, and people were less finicky about alcohol back then. Would it make people mad if I depicted the main characters drinking? Not getting hammered of course, but just drinking because it was okay for the time, say a mug of beer with dinner? I know that society today is fairly accepting, but I want to know, do you think parents, religious people, school teachers, etc will get upset I put minors drinking alcohol in a young adult book? Not that I believe everything should be politically correct, but I don't want people noticing my book for the wrong reasons. What do you guys think?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Best word processor programs for asus tablet?

    I have an Asus Transformer Tablet with a keyboard. I'm looking for a good word processing app for the novel I'm writing. I've tried Kingsoft Office, Polaris Office, and OfficeSuite7. All of them have various bugs that make them less than 100% compatible with Microsoft Word on my desktop computers. Does anyone know of any really good word processing apps for android tablets and how much they cost?

    4 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • What herbs are good for food poisoning like illnesses?

    This is research for a novel I'm writing. I know that modern antibiotics work best, but if you were to get a food poisoning-like illness, with vomiting, diarrhea, fever, the like, are there any herbs that would help ease the symptoms?

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine8 years ago
  • Question for a book, if you were being chased buy hounds?

    If you were on the run through the woods, and there were soldiers or Nazis or something like that chasing you, and they had hounds that could track your scent, how would you escape?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Writing a novel for teens?

    I your opinion, what's appropriate to put into a teen novel? I know teens aren't little kids and they aren't adults, but how much sex, violence, etc is appropriate for a teen novel and when does it cross the line?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Need help calculating solubility, please?

    Please help with this problem. I'm not sure where to begin.

    The solubility of pure lead chloride is 4.41g/L=.01586mol/L. I calculated the Ksp of lead chloride to be 1.595x10^-5. What is the solubility of lead chloride (PbCl2) when disolved in .1M NaCl solution?

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • How do I solve this Chem problem? Partial vapor pressures of solutions?

    Toluene and Benzene make ideal solutions, What is the overall vapor pressure lowering when benzene is mixed with toluene to make a .7 mole fraction of benzene (with .3 mole fraction for toluene). The vapor pressure for benzene is 75mmHg and the vapor pressure for toluene is 22mmHg. What is the mole fraction of benzene in the vapor?

    Please help in whatever way you can. This is one of the practice problems for studying for exams and I have no idea where to start.

    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • Help with chemistry problem. Equilibrium in gas reactions?

    Can you help me with this problem? I have no idea how to do about doing it. I found the Kc from the Kc and the morality of the one reactant, but I don't know what do do next.

    NH4HS (s) decomposes in this reaction

    NH4HS (s) <----> H2S (g) + NH3 (g)

    Kp=.10 at 200 degrees C

    if 100.0g of NH4HS is added to a 2.0L container what is the partial pressure of NH3 at equilibrium?

    2 AnswersChemistry8 years ago
  • Good opening scenes for novels? Opinions?

    I'm writing a novel, and I'm pretty confident on my overall plot, characters, and themes. I'm having a lot of trouble coming up with an idea for an intriguing opening scene though. In your opinion, what makes a good opening scene? Does it start with introducing the characters or introducing plot and conflict.

    The story takes place in a fantastic world. It is basically about the son of a wealthy nobleman who runs away from home looking for adventure and hoping do discover his own identity.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • What do you do if you need last minute recommendation letters.?

    I am a student at a large university and this is my first year. I only know a couple of my instructors somewhat well. I have an application due for a summer program in a couple days and I discovered I need recommendation letters sent. Does anyone have strategies for getting last minute recommendation letters?

  • Enthalpy and entropy in solution question?

    Could you please help me with this question? I don't really understand what entropy is and I've had little success looking in my book or notes.

    Describe the enthalpy and entropy changes in burning hydrocarbons

    (oxidation reaction with oxygen)

    2 AnswersChemistry8 years ago
  • Grammer question about periods at the end of sentences?

    When you end a sentence in something that is abbreviated with periods like "Ph.D." or "C.I.A." is it correct to add a second period afterwords?

    4 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Why is my dog afraid of my cousin, how to fix it.?

    I own a large mixed breed dog that is 3 years old. He generally loves people, but for some reason he is desperately afraid of my cousin. My cousin is a severely autistic young men who is deeply upset that my dog won't let him pet it. I think my dog could be afraid because my cousin is very large in stature, but I don't know. He sometimes acts this way toward other male visitors, but not always. It's always certain people for one mysterious reason or another.

    The dog barks at him and tries to run away, and growls when my cousin approaches him. How do I train him to let my cousin pet him?

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • what kind of dog is this? Picture included?

    I have a 3-year-old 65 pound mutt, but I can't think of what breeds he might have in him.

    He is about 18 inches tall at the shoulder, so very broad and squat physique. He has large ears that hang down, not long like a basset hounds, but like a laborador's. Moderately squat muzzle, not long like a fox hound's or short like a pit bull's. His coat is tri colored, black on top, white on the bottom with tan parts in between, though it is dusted with gray around his face. Coat is shaggy, but it's not hair-like like a poodle's or a bearded collie, it's very thick, with a coarse outer layer, thick under coat, he is a moderate shedder.

    He howls when ever he hears ambulances and the tornado siren. His bark is almost a "baying" like bark, howl like, but still very gruff. He is very expressive vocally when trying to communicate with us.

    His personality is fairly dominant around other dogs, and very much so with children, but he's friendly and loves everyone, dog and human. He is sometimes weary of people entering our house though. He was very easy to train.

    Any ideas.

    Here is a link with pictures

    7 AnswersDogs8 years ago