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Favorite Answers11%
  • List of everything in Animalea by Graeme Base?

    I would like a list of every single picture, hidden or not, page by page of the children's book, Animalea. Any ideas?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • how to cook perfect rice?

    Every time i cook rice it comes out gummy and sticky. I have tried rinsing until the water comes clear before cooking. I would like to know how to cook rice so it is not sticky or gummy and I can use it to make great fried rice. Thanks all

    22 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Need lots of old calendars or western pictures?

    I am looking for a lot of outdated or not cheap western art calenders. Or lots of cowboy or western prints, small, like ten by ten. I have tried Ebay, online searches and and have come up with nothing. They have to be cheap, cheap. Can anyone help?

    1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • I want to hear a song, once and not buy it?

    I have several songs i want to hear once. Where do I go on the Internet just to hear and not buy? My friend and I are discussing favorite songs and want to hear them. I do not own and Ipod.

    Any websites you know would be helpful. When I search , all I get is lyrics pages and scams.

    10 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Worms in lunchmeats?

    I just heard there is a certain word on the ingredients list for lunchmeats and hot dogs, etc that means earthworms. A guy I know used to date a girl who worked in a meat processing plant and she attests that earthworms are a major component in these processed foods. Is this true?

    10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Nanny Book?

    What is the name of the Super Nanny book from the one on T V?

    please supply the name of the book and the author. Thank you very much

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Why does puppy breath smell so bad?

    Whether with the momma or new at home and away, what makes puppy breath so darn stinky?

    23 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite way to fall asleep, not including drugs and alcohol?

    Mine is to lay in the big hammock under the stars on a not too hot summer or fall night, after the grass has been mowed, watching a meteor shower

    16 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Firefox error message in MSVCRT.DLL?

    I have had firefox for about 2 months. Just today when I check my Yahoo mail its fine for a few emails but then says:

    Firefox has caused an error in MSVCRT.DLL

    and will now close. If you continue experiencing problems try restarting your computer. Which I did-3 times. The only thing different is I downloaded Yahoo Instant Messenger and installed it the day before yesterday. Anyone know the answer to this?

    4 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Check this out and tell me what you think...?

    Go to Google search. Type in "failure" and see what the first thing that pops up is. Why hasnt anyone caught this yet?

    Personally, I agree and laughed my @@@ off when I first found out!

    5 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Nepalitos?Cactus?What went wrong or did it?

    I tried for the first time tonight to cook the fruit of my prickly pear cactus. They were red when I collected them and I used my blowtorch to burn off the spines. I checked q and a and boiled them for 30 minutes in really salty water and then rinsed. They were full of seeds and REALLY slimy. I added some cilantro to them, seeded them, rinsed them and boiled a little while longer. Still slimy. I added a little vinegar and soaked them an hour. Then rinsed.

    2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • What program or application will open .pps files?

    I am trying to open an email attachment called The Man Song.pps

    Windows media player doesnt open those.

    Do you know the answer?

    If you know what programs open other types of files and have the time I sure would appreciate it.

    I am asking about when you go to open the file a window pops up and asks you what program you would like to use to open the file.


    10 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • What about the points thing?

    I think it is silly that Yahoo lets you get to level 2 and 3 really fast and then gives you an unrealistic goal to get to level 4. I hate to think if i ever get there how many points i will have to get to get to level 5. Maybe it will be a million. The unusually high quota makes me not even want to participate. What do you think?

    12 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • My computer is making me crazy. I dont know the answers for my connection.HELP?

    Everything is taking too long to load. If i click on a category in yahoo q and a it takes at least thirty to sixty seconds. If I check my email it takes forever. I use Mozilla Firefox. Ninety percent of the time I get the YOUR CONNECTION HAS TIMED OUT message and have to resend.

    Others have told me to check my connection.

    Here is my dilemna.

    I dont know how.

    This is my bosses computer

    I dont know the account number or who to call

    I am using a Toshiba laptop Satellite

    When I want to go on the Internet I click on VZ Access Manager

    It asks do I want to connect. I click yes.

    It takes me to Mozilla Firefox.

    There is a thing for bars and the most I can get anywhere in my house is 2.

    Verizon is involved somehow.

    I want to use Thunderbird for my default email but I dont know who my ISP is. This computer was already up and running when the boss gave it to me.

    I am really going crazy waiting for any and all links taking so long. This is supposed to be a fast computer. Help if you can. Thanks

    1 AnswerInternet1 decade ago
  • Worcestershire sauce ingredients?

    I am trying to get the recipe for homemade Worcestershire sauce. I have done web searches and one of the ingredients is SAUCE SAUCE. I havent found out what that means yet. If you have a really good recipe for homemade Worcestershire sauce that tastes just like the real thing, please enlighten me. Please NO LINKS just the recipe. Thank you very much!

    PS What the hell is SAUCE SAUCE anyway

    whoever answers ALL the questions here gets ten points and the satisfaction of being very well learned.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Why cant I watch video clips on my computer>?

    I l0gged in on comedy central and tried to watch videoes of the Shatner roast and the thing would load and look like windows media player and said it was playing but I got no video. Shatner appeared s for a minute but was choppy and I couldnt get the video to play.

    I clicked on other comics to see what they did but the videos wouldnt play,

    A little help please?

    5 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • What about all the long answers?

    I really hate when I want to answer a question and there is a long long long answer that takes me forty mouse scrolls to get it over with. Or when people answer me with those. I mean, info is good but why do so many people here go into overkill?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Tell me something..?

    I worked as a waitress for many years and I want to know why people act like critics and spoiled brats when they eat out. They let their kids run all over the place and cry and cry if the restaurant doesnt have exactly what they want. If you want fish, dont eat at a Mexican place. If you want a hamburger, stay away from the chinese buffet. Why do people regress into idiots when they eat out? I think maybe they are trying to get out of tipping. Do you realize waitpeople only make 2.13 an hour and the taxes on what the government says their tips are takes that away and they live and support their families on their tips? Whats your take on this?

    9 AnswersDallas1 decade ago
  • What is the airspeed velocity of a laden swallow?

    African or European?

    8 AnswersZoology1 decade ago