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36 Yrs old M . NW England.UK
Which actress was arrested for killing a pedestrian whilst driving and using her phone?
I remember reading about an American actress who overtook traffic that was waiting to make a turn whilst on her phone.
This happened about 5 years ago, she wasn't a huge star.
She hit and killed a child as I remember.
I've googled various things but can't find anything.
I'd say she was in her mid-late 20s now.
2 AnswersCelebrities9 years agoCorrupted GIF error message, help please !?
I'm trying to add a banner that I made to a music hosting site, it's saved as a gif and opens fine.
I edited using a free online editor and all looked well but when I tried to upload it I got this error.
"That file appears to be corrupt. Please make a good image file and upload again."
Any advise please ?
It's saved as a gif on my computer, when I click it Firefox automatically opens and it's there working fine.
2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years agoWall mains socket problem , help please?
I have a wall mains socket which has been playing up, when I flick the switch it comes on but half a second or so later it goes off.
When I just press the top of the switch in a bit and let go it comes back on and stays on.
I thought it had a loose connection and seemed to when I took it off the other day so I tightened all the wires back in but it's still doing it.
Has something worn with age ?
Anybody have any idea what it is please ?
It's pretty old so I'm going to replace it anyway.
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoWhich episode of Frasier is this?
I'm trying to find an episode of Frasier in which Frasier and Martin have an argument in the kitchen and Martin breaks a bowl or a pot on the kitchen counter top when he gets really upset.
I remember there was a bit of a blooper in it as the pieces of pot change betwen shots.
I thought it was 'Crock Tales' but I watched that last night and didn't see it.
Any ideas please ?
1 AnswerComedy1 decade agoWho was up on stage when Suge Knight had a go at Puffy at the Source awards?
Just watching a doc on Biggie, who was the other guy on stage when Suge knight called for Biggie to come to Death Row ?
2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade agoWhat happened to Gamu's single ?
I can't see it in the charts anywhere, did she release it ?!
3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoGooglemail changing to Gmail issue, help please ?
I'm trying to help my friend's mum with her Googlemail account, I've only ever used Y! so am not too sure about stuff.
She can't login to her old Googlemail on the new Gmail page, she said she'd been getting messages that it was changing to Gmail but she wasn't sure what to do.
Should the old Google email address still work ok ?
When you log in can you just enter the username like with Y! or do you need to enter the full email address ?
Is it now ? (or )
Could she have somehow opted out of the changeover ?!
Any ideas please ?
1 AnswerGoogle1 decade agoHow much do mobile phone contracts tend to cost in America?
Just out of curiosity, I know there's tons of price plans but in general how much do people pay ?
For comparison, here in the UK I pay £22.50 on an 18 month contract with 600 mins talk, unlimited texts and 500mb web browsing. I got a Nokia Music Express phone free with the deal.
How would that compare with over the pond ?
6 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoPC gaming system requirement help please?
I've just got a new laptop and want some games for it.
I'm looking on Ebay etc for some ones form a year or two ago and saw Assasin's Creed.
I've seen the system requirements are 2.2 ghz or better.
My laptop has a T3000 1.8 ghz.
Thing is Assasin's Creed 2 seems only to require 1.8 ghz.
Does this mean that older games need a faster PC or are new PCs faster by comparisondue to efficiency or something ?
It has 4GB memory so it's good enough in other respects.
Any help most appreciated , thanks.
1 AnswerPC1 decade agoAAAAAAGHHHH ! what's that R&B/reggae sound effect ?
It's on the beginning of Jason Derulo's 'In My Head' and also features 'Solo' by Iyaz' and seemingly plenty of others.
It's the kind of pulsing sound then a siren, is it a new development ?
I know I'm showing my age but that's because I'm old.
1 AnswerR&B & Soul1 decade agoHow do you use Google Ocean?
I'm using Google Ocean for the first time (v5.1) and I can't make any sense of it.
I have Ocean ticked and Terrain but when I zoom in ,I can't get below the surface.
Do you have to be in one of the white outlined areas?
Could anyone give me a step by step please?
Thank you.
1 AnswerGoogle1 decade agoRipping individual MP3s to make a compilation folder with WMP11 help please?
I'm making a mix of songs for a friend by ripping individual tracks off CDs to a new folder which will go on a memory stick .
I'm using Windows Media Player 11 (please don't suggest another way to rip them as I'm stuck with WMP11 for now on this PC).
I made a folder in My Music but when I rip tracks to it they go in Artist name/Track name /Track folders.
Can I rip them so just the individual tracks , not in folders go in to the main folder, or does will the MP3 players need all the folders within folders left as they are for all the info?
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agoLg Cookie help moved to handset?
My sister has an LG Cookie , she moved a contact to the handset and now cannot fid it.
It's no longer in the normal contact list.
Any ideas please?
Thanks, I'll be asking another question if there are any experts out there!
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoSharp pain in throat caused by coughing any ideas please?
I've had a cold for about 10 days and have been constantly coughing.
I saw my GP todays and got some antibiotics but just before I was having a coughing fit and I got a very sharp pain in my trachea kind of to the right of my Adams apple.
It felt like someting had popped or gone out of shape.
Possibly my epiglotis?
Now I can feel it if I cough but can't cough properly as it feels like it will go again.
I can breath fine and am ok as long as I don't cough but it's hard not to.
I'll phone the NHS line tomorrow if it's the same but has anyone had anthing similar ?
4 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoCan I use a DVD +R or -R in the same way as a CD R to copy a CD for audio?
Will the above discs work the same as a CD R to make a copy to play on normal CD players?
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agoWhy is my cat eating his litter?
We have two 12ish year old Persians.
One has taken to nibbling at his litter tray.
He's not eating poop or anything as he does it in a tray which is clean or has had just a few spots of pee in it.
Any ideas why please?
He will be booked into the vets on Monday.
6 AnswersCats1 decade agoTop up TV Freeview box instant record help please?
We've just got a Bush Top Up TV Freeview recorder.
The remote is the Sky style and the manual says you can instant record by pressing the record button for 3 seconds.
Think is , if I do it just goes into the record schedule.
I just want to record with one touch......can I ?
Ps. I thought this would be the best category.
2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade agoDoes excess sugar actually get converted into fat?
My understanding was that the body burns carbohydrates then fat and finally proteins when it needs energy.
The reason that excessive carbohydrate consumption is a bad idea is that the body will burn off all the simplest fuels first and store the rest ie. Fat.
Am I right in thinking that the body doesn't actually concert sugar to fat in these circumstances, after all why would it?
Sources or qualifications most welcome!
14 AnswersBiology1 decade agoWould anybody have a link for live NFL coverage of the Eagle's game please?
I'm in the Uk and am looking for a link for live commentary on the Eagle's game, could anyone help please?
1 AnswerFootball (American)1 decade agoDoes anyone know a good way to make potato wedges please?
I usually just make the wedges and use a spray oil but tried a nacho cheese spice rub the other day.
It was way too salty and pretty awful.
Could anyone recommend a spice mix or cooking method for nice spicy wedges please?
I'd really appreciate tried and trusted recipes without too much processed stuff.
9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago