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Not much to say I just go on here when I don’t have much else to do and my friends are busy

  • Will things ever go back to normal ?

    Like if you want me to wear a mask fine, but I can’t stand being at home all the time anymore and I don’t even know how to not be depressed right now it’s basically impossible. I have nothing to look forward to like I did anytime before march. I just cant anymore 

    3 AnswersPsychology7 months ago
  • How can i charge my acer chrome book without a charger... any ways?

    With all this corona virus stuff my school district will probably close soon, and I barely use my computer as i’m so used to doing stuff on my phone, and my chrome book charger broke and I even went to target and there were none and i don’t know that to do....

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 year ago
  • Will the coronovirus cancel my caribbean cruise  ?

    I know that there is a case in the dominican republic, and i have a cruise from puerto rico in a month. I have no idea what’s gonna happen and it’s very annoying because i was excited about this for a while but now I geuss I can’t be....

    7 AnswersCruise Travel1 year ago
  • What is being a pallbearer like ?

    Im gonna be a pallbearer in 2 days for my grandpa and I haven’t been to a funeral before I’m 16. I’m just wondering how that works and how long they usually have to lift the coffin for. I have no idea what to expect.. 

    4 AnswersFamily1 year ago
  • What are some fun things I can do during winter break ?

    I’m 16 and it’s the last day of school before break... and i don’t really know what to do for all that time, I may see a few of my friends and go to a family party or maybe 2. But for 11 days idk what to do. And where I live there is no snow on the ground, so I can’t do all that stereotypical winter stuff lol. Anyway what are some fun things I can do.. thank you 

    5 AnswersOther - Holidays1 year ago
  • Why would my Psat score go down 80 points?

    I went to check my score thinking it would have improved but it went from 1060 to 980?! Well I guess I need serious tutoring now. I just don’t know what happened and I’m a junior

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing1 year ago
  • How do you know if a college has a good program for what you want to major in?

    I mean I want to go to college for psychology right, and I don’t know what colleges have better programs specially for that.. so how do I find out how good a university’s program is? It’s just confusing..

  • Is being a camp counselor worth it?

    So I’m asking in the sense of college and if it looks good for college. Like I know people who work at a fast food place etc. since it’s minimum wage and camp counselors usually don’t get paid great, but I’m more doing it for college, and I also think I want to go into the psychology/education field so it makes sense right. Im probably going to get another minor job for the school year but I’m just thinking I’m more concerned with college than money now so I could be better off for the long run.. it makes sense right?

  • How bad is it to have a C in high school?

    I got a C in geometry and the actual grade was a 79 which makes it more annoying. I tried my best.. went to extra help and fried my brain for the final and got a 64 on that so I need to know will it ruin my chances of getting into a good college.. I am NOT trying to get in an Ivy League/ elite school etc but think more like Rutgers, Stockton, or Rowan.. I will probably get a 1200 on the SAT and I do 4 clubs too and get some volunteer hours, and all my other grades a Bs and I have one A So yeah idk what to think about this. This is the first C I’ve ever gotten for the year.

  • Poll: how many friends do u have on Snapchat?

    Like I mean around how many friends who you snap with sometimes or text. And not many people see your story. I have 100 people see my story and there’s maybe 30 at least people I actually snap with is Kim wondering what’s typical

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 years ago
  • Why does my stomach tan so much darker than my face or arms?

    I’m just wondering. I went in a pool today and almost everywhere was exposed to be sun and yeah my natural skin color is pretty much paper white.. but my stomach/back/legs got a pretty decent tan and my arms and face got a tan also but only like half as much. Why is this ?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body2 years ago
  • Is 75 and sunny warm enough for the beach and going swimming?

    This is assuming that the water is also 75 degrees so the water wouldn’t be cold.. so yeah. I’m going to Florida soon for spring break and the days I’m going to the beach it’s gonna be 75 and partly sunny and I’m hoping that it’s still good beach weather

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 years ago
  • Should I be guilty for not having a job yet at 16?

    I turned 16 just weeks ago, and I don´t have a part time job but I still do other things, like I tutor kids for experience for now and other after school things, and hang out with friends too and yeah I have decent grades. The main reason I don´t have a job yet is that I have a summer job spot already and I´ll wait till that´s over till I actually look for a school year job. The summer job will already take up so many hours a week I don´t want another job on top of that yet, Thing is my friends are all getting jobs and not me so I feel useless for not having one so should I feel bad about this? And is it ok to just wait a few more months?

    3 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • Does my parents partner have to be re married for me to consider them my stepparent?

    I’m just wondering, my parents got divorced over a yr ago and both of them have new partners and especially with my mom she has a bf and I see him pretty much almost any day I’m at my moms, he usually sleeps over and also I see his kids at my house every weeeknd I’m there. So they aren’t married but I still watch his kids quite often, and have dinner with them all some days and even went on a week long vacation with them.. so yeah. I don’t refer to them like that but with my friends I usually do just since it’s easier to say stepmom/dad, ya know? Oh and I’m 16 btw

    3 AnswersFamily2 years ago
  • Can colleges see how often you went to extracurriculars?

    So let’s say I do an extracurricular and I go when I feel like it which is about half the time and I probably have 5 clubs like this but I don’t do every single meeting, can I still put that on my resume and can they find out I only went sometimes or should I put anything I went to?

  • Why do guys on the swim team bleach their hair?

    I’m just asking cuz this year and last year I remember a bunch of guys suddenly coming in with bleached hair that looked terrible on most of them like bleach blonde hair just dosent look right unless they’re pale.. I’m just wondering is there some story behind that cuz it’s every year in mid February like now. It just makes no sense like won’t chlorine make blonde hair green but won’t be noticeable on darker hair? So yeah Is there a tradition behind this or what?

    3 AnswersHair2 years ago
  • What happens if I get rejected from every college I apply to?

    I’m just asking I’m a sophomore in high school and worried about this. My stats are pretty eh (3.3 gpa but no honors/ap and 1070 on PSAT..not the actual SAT.) And as for extra curriculars do 4 and go sometimes and some community service but not a whole lot, so yeah I’m just asking what I would do if I somehow got rejected from all the schools I apply to.

    15 AnswersHigher Education (University +)2 years ago
  • How do I get a good tan while walking around theme parks in Orlando?

    I’m probably goin there in April but I probably won’t be sunbathing at the pool or beach as much but I’ll mainly be at the theme parks but I really want a decent tan. I have dirty blonde hair but I still can tan to a degree. I’d like any tips on how to get a tan and what sunscreen I should use and how often to re apply to get color .. thanks.

    4 AnswersOrlando2 years ago
  • Poll: do you find those life alert commercials funny like I do?

    Help I’ve fallen and I can’t get Up!! Hahaahah.. i know it’s not supposed to be funny but I can’t help it.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 years ago
  • How to get rid of my ‘gay voice’?

    I’m almost 16 and NOT gay but my voice is a little high pitched/ feminine and kinda scratchy and has that gay sound. I’m not gay and people always assume I am and it’s just so annoying I just want to sound like a normal guy. How can I make my voice smoother and a bit lower pitched so it sounds more masculine?