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Born and raised in SF Bay Area- don't meet many of those today. If you're a native say hello! Even if you're not, feel free to say howdy as well.

  • What do you do when a Leopard Gecko drops it's tail???!!!!?

    He was doing what he does in the morning- go in his rock shelter and sleep most of the day- but I came out of the bedroom and he dropped his tail! The tail was wriggling around and he was trying to climb up the side of the tank. I also noticed his skin was pale, indicating he was getting ready to shed his skin. What do I do!?

    1 AnswerReptiles5 years ago
  • Question about Leopard geckos and their habitat...?

    What exactly do they need in their terrarium? The lady at Petco said the 'starter kit' was all they needed but it didn't even come with hiding decorations. Also, are the overhead lamps acceptable instead of the heater pad underneath? (The kit thing came with a black light and a regular white light. In addition to this, it had the substrate pad, the terrarium, vented cover, thermometer reader- that's it.)

    1 AnswerReptiles5 years ago
  • Which word makes the sentence correct?

    Kenny found his two ___________ shoes under the bed.

    A) sister

    B) sisters

    C) sisters'

    D) sister's

    7 AnswersWords & Wordplay6 years ago
  • Can a business owner withhold tips from a new employee for 30 days, just for the?

    sole purpose being that the employee is new? And can the owner keep half of the employees tips, collected as "house tips"?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • I was fired today. Was I supposed to be given my final pay check? I live in California?

    Long story short- my ex boss and I didn't see eye. She told me not to come back tomorrow/any other time for that matter. Aren't I due final wages at that precise moment? And am I able to receive these final wages via direct deposit that was already set up months ago?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Can a business legally place a video camera that records conversations in their store without placing proper notification on the wall?

    The place I work at has a small video camera placed high up on a cabinet that records people along with audio. I just found out about it when my boss called to chew an old coworker. My boss doesn't disclose this information to other employees or the general public that enter the store. Is this legal? I'm California if that's any help.

    One reason I ask this is because of the public entering the store and them not knowing about being recorded, including their conversations. Also, many people call in to sign-up for classes and give their credit card information over the phone, thus the worker taking the order and repeating the credit card info out loud. (Obviously the person on the phone has no clue about being recorded.)

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Received a DUI and hit run the other night. What's going to happen to me?

    I was coming and upon turning on a street there was a car parked perpendicular in the street and blocked both lanes of traffic. I screamed at them to move but nothing happened. I opened my car door to scream louder and then three individuals got out of the car. One punched me in the face so I slammed my door shut. I put my car in reverse and then drive to maneuver around them and took off for fear of my life. In the meantime, I clipped their car and sped off. A few blocks over the car speeds up behind with their bright lights on and tailgates me until I speed off at a high rate of speed to lose them. I ended up totaling my car. I blew a .08 at the scene and a .06 at the station. I have already hired a private attorney but am wondering what can happen to me.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Can I take lexapro, ativan, and abilify together?

    I've been on lexapro 20mg and ativan 1mg as needed (the generic) for a few years due to anxiety/ panic disorder. I saw a psychiatrist yesterday and after the whole assessment thing he said that I have ADHD with more of the hyperactive and impulsive side of it. Additionally he said that I have bipolar tendencies- not the mania type but the depression type. (I'm not up to par on all this.)

    Anyway he prescribed Abilify 2mg to add on to my existing meds. He said to start with taking a quarter of the Abilify for a few days, then a half etc etc. Has anyone heard of this drug combination?

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Has anyone taken escitalopram (generic Lexapro) and Abilify together for anxiety disorder, depression, and slight bipolar disorder?

    I've been on escitalopram for years for anxiety/panic attacks and for the first time saw a psychiatrist today. (I got tired of seeing my primary care doctor for medications; felt like I should see someone that is a bit more trained in this area of drugs).

    Anyway, the psychiatrist didn't change my escitalopram (20mg) but added abilify to it and said I should take a quarter of a 2mg tablet for a few days, then half a tablet etc to ease myself in to it. I also take 1mg of generic ativan in the morning.

    Has anyone taken this combination of drugs before? I'm curious as to what to expect. I think for myself, my main concern as always is not wanting the new drug to make me have a panic attack! (Those of you with GAD know what I'm talking about.)

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • Why can't I change my health insurance plan?

    I tried calling my health insurance this morning to change to a better plan (Blue Shield) and they won't let me. Why is this? They aren't the ones paying the monthly payment, copays etc.

    6 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • My cat is almost 1 year old and didn't finish his kitten shots...?

    Do I need to start all over or can he just receive the yearly shots? He's in indoor cat so he doesn't wonder outside with other animals. He'll be a year old March 25th.

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Can students in California be left alone in a classroom or locker room at school?

    I've tried searching California Ed Code but can't seem to find anything. I've always thought that a student on school grounds can't be in a classroom or building (such as a locker room, drama room/theater, school library etc) alone.

    If there is a code, do you know what it is or where I can view it?


    4 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • What type of license to drive a 15 passenger childcare van in California?

    What type of license do I need to drive a 15 passenger van in California? This is for a child care site, where I pick up kids after school.

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation8 years ago
  • Are you a teacher and have been bullied by another teacher/coworker?

    If you have, how have you handled it? Did you confront the bully? Reason I ask if because I'm a science teacher at an elementary school for Kindergarten through 3rd grade. I sent a note back to a 3rd grade teacher letting her know that a few of her kids are not allowed to come next week (the kids come once a week for 40 minutes.) because of their behavior. The kids were very disruptive today for the whole time, defiant, and were using the furniture in the classroom like they were at home (putting feet up on chairs, desks etc). The teacher waltz into my room after school today, telling me that her kids will be coming next week. I stated that they are not suppose to come to science next week and that if she sends them, I'll have them go sit in the office. She also questioned why and if I want to continue in teaching and went off by claiming, "Take my advice, coming from an oldie...." She then rolled her eyes when I stated that I have been working with kids since 1999 and I do know what I'm doing. Also, she interrupted my lesson a few weeks to tell me that it's ok for her student to sit alone in the library when no one is in there. (I had told this student three times he could come in my room during my lesson or sit in the office.) Basically her demeanor is overly aggressive, treats me like I'm incompetent and questions almost every move I make.

    If you've been bullied by another teacher, or coworker, how did you deal with it? The scary thing about this is that this teacher is the union representative for my school. YIKES!!! Thanks for any suggestions.

    1 AnswerTeaching9 years ago
  • Can I buy spices with my California EBT card?

    I recently got my card (first time). I want to make chili today and need to go to Safeway- do you know if I can purchase chili seasoning with my card or am I going to have to pay for it separately?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • How does one legally change their last name in the state of California?

    I want to change my last name for personal reasons; I live in California. It doesn't have anything to do with trying to be fraudulent or have anything to do with being married- I'm not married. Is there a specific website with forms I have to fill out or do I have to physically go to some department and inquire that way?

    Thanks for any suggestions!

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • If you halved your Lexapro and took half in the morning and half at night, would you still get the same effect?

    I asked this question late last night but didn't get many answers. People probably were asleep!

    I'm taking Lexapro 10mg. If I halved the pill with a pill slicer and took 5mg in the morning and then 5mg at night, would I still get the same effect as if I had taken the full 10mg? I'm taking it for anxiety.

    Also, how would .50mg of Ativan make you feel? (I know we all react to these meds differently) I have the generic, so I'm assuming it works the same. I've taken 1mg of the generic Ativan a few years ago and it made me drowsy and I basically told people that it was like being drunk. I have to drive myself to school on Tuesday and my anxiety stems from cars. I'm debating on taking an Ativan an hour or so before but don't want to be all "drunkish" and not be able to pay attention in class or not be able to drive safely.

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Would having your antidpressant still give you the full effect...?

    if you took one in the morning and one at night? Let me clarify- I'm taking Lexapro 10mg. If I halfed that with a pull slicer and took 5mg in the morning and then 5mg at night, would I still get the same effect as if I had taken the full 10mg? I'm taking it for anxiety.

    Also, how would .50mg of Ativan make you feel? (I know we all react to these meds differently) I have the generic, so I'm assuming it works the same. I've taken 1mg of the generic Ativan a few years ago and it made me drowsy and I basically told people that it was like being drunk. I have to drive myself to school on Tuesday and my anxiety stems from cars. I'm debating on taking an Ativan an hour or so before but don't want to be all "drunkish" and not be able to pay attention in class or not be able to drive safely.

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is this considered Income Tax Fraud?

    If someone writes a letter to the state tax board that makes statements that are lies? (I'm in California- State of California Franchise Tax Board) I know someone who has not worked for over a year, sits around smoking pot all day and plays video games till the wee hours of the night. This person also has a 6 year old son that he does not support and lives at home with his parents; the parents allow this to happen as they think there is nothing they can do about it. The person owes almost $2,000 and since the person hasn't worked, is unable to pay this. The person wrote a letter to the tax board claiming he has been looking for work all year but the economy is bad, that he receives unemployment checks that he uses to pay for shelter, food, medical insurance, raising his son etc- these are all lies (I know this for a fact- I'm related to this person). He also stated that he lost his full time job in Dec 2008 when he actually walked off the job because of an argument he got into; he was not fired.

    Is this considered fraud and could potentially be reported to the tax board for further investigation?

    6 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Just prescribed Lexapro- can the pill be halved?

    I was prescribed Lexapro this past Thursday and am going to start the medication tonight. (I didn't start it the day the doctor gave it to me because I've had finals and wanted to wait till I was done- no need to worry about side effects and taking an exam or writing a paper). Anyway, I know 10mg is a low does, but I'm very hesitant about taking meds to begin with. Can Lexapro be split, with a pill splitter? I know other SSRI's aren't supposed to be cut in half, which is why I'm asking.

    I'm taking the med for anxiety. I have slight depression but nothing major- I'm still functioning very well as I'm busy with the teaching credential program I'm in. If you know anything about or have experienced taking Lexpro, did/do you like it? Any side effects? Did it make you more anxious? Advice? I took Paxil CR 5 years ago, got off of it two years later and haven't taken meds since then. The Paxil never gave me side effects (that I can remember) when I first started taking it- other than when I weaned myself off I got the whole zap thing. All in all, I'm anxious to just take meds! It's that irrational fear of I'll take it and not wake up in the morning or have some seizure etc.

    Thanks =0)

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago