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Alyssa Drago
I'm a senior in high school and still don't know where I'm going next year?
I know what I want to be but I don't know if I'm going to college because I keep getting denied I've already been denied by 3 colleges. My ACT score is only a 15 I know it's not the best but I've taken it 4 times and the first time was a 13 and the 3 last times was a 15 it hasn't gone up only the subscores have went up. I need help I don't know what to do?
4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)5 years agoI'm so nervous and scared for my road test?
I take my road test to get my license on the 3rd of November. I'm so scared Im gonna fail and I can't fail because I'm tired of getting my parents to drive me everywhere I need to go. I'm taking my road test in alexandria, La if that helps any.
2 AnswersInsurance & Registration7 years agoWhat can I do to keep a guy?
My questions right here cause I couldn't fit it in the question box so I've never had a homecoming date don't get me wrong I've had guys who say they'll take me but they end up skipping out and saying I'm not taking you like homecoming I was going to at a different school is today and I got a text saying sorry I'm not going which was obvious a lie cause I saw that he's dating his girlfriend again and I'm a junior in high school what can I do to keep a guy I probably sound stupid for asking but I feel so worthless when guys do that and how my longest relationship has been 2 months?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoHow do Victoria secret underwear sizes run?
I want to orde some Victoria secret thongs and I'm not real sure how the sizes run I usually wear size 3 in jeans and my jacket from there is a size small and it fits fine not too tight not too loose so can you also help me to tell me what size I should order?? And I also don't have a way to measure myself for the size chart and I'm 16 if that helps
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years agoWhat does the inverted cross mean?
I found this belly button ring that I want to get and it's an inverted cross and I want to know the meaning of it before I buy it and people think I'm anti-Christ? Sorry I didn't really know what other category to put this question in
5 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years agoHow long before I can change my belly button ring?
So I got my belly button pierced on June 7th and no I'm not planning to change it soon my piercer told me I could change it 4-6 weeks after the piercing got done and I'm not really planning on going anywhere else this summer where I can show it off I just this one is getting old and boring, although I'm not going anywhere else this summer where I'm gonna show it off I really don't wanna wait 6 months before I change it so how long do I have to wait before I can change it?
4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years agoCan teen couples in Louisiana elope?
I'm 16 and my boyfriend is 15 but he's gonna be 16 in June can we elope in Louisiana? And I don't need no people saying him and I are too young because I'll jut delete your comment, so don't put comments like that. I live in rapides parish.
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years agoMy boyfriend wants to fake break-up?
So the reason he wants to is because his ex gf keeps bringing drama into our lives he said we would fake break up but not really break up for a little while and I don't know how sure I am about this so should I fake break up or tell him no?? Please help me out
8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWhat's a good idea to do for my 16th birthday?
So I'm turning 16 in February and I'm a girl I need some ideas for things to do for my 16th birthday I'm inviting 3 ppl because that's how many friends I have??
1 AnswerOther - Holidays7 years agoIs a strapless bikini easy to wear?
So I really don't like strapless things because I feel like they fall to much so I constantly have to pull them up. I want to get a strapless bikini, but I'm not sure if their easy to wear. Please tell me if they are or not easy to wear? Oh and I'm 15 and my cup size is C.
6 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years agoWhat's the price of the Golden Corral buffet for breakfast in Alexandria,LA?
So my dads birthday is Sunday but I want to take him to eat at Golden Corral for breakfast, and I can't find the price of the breakfast buffet anywhere. So if you could tell me the price of the breakfast buffet, at Golden Corral in Alexandria,Louisiana it would be great??
2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink7 years agoI want my mom to come home?
My mom is suppose to go to my school on Monday to get me out of that school. She's been gone for 2 weeks at"therapy" but ik she's been at her boyfriends house. And she isn't working anymore since July, because something happened at work to make her stop working and no not she got fired. But when she was working she only was gone on the end of Friday, from when she got off till the end of Sunday. But now she's gone for like weeks on end and I never see her much anymore. She says she's at "therapy" but I doubt "therapy is weeks on end. I know she's really at her boyfriends house. Oh and she's still married. What should I do?? And how can I get her to come home??
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships8 years agoI want my mom to come home?
My mom is suppose to go to my school on Monday to get me out of that school. She's been gone for 2 weeks at"therapy" but ik she's been at her boyfriends house. And she isn't working anymore since July, because something happened at work to make her stop working and no not she got fired. But when she was working she only was gone on the end of Friday, from when she got off till the end of Sunday. But now she's gone for like weeks on end and I never see her much anymore. She says she's at "therapy" but I doubt "therapy is weeks on end. I know she's really at her boyfriends house. Oh and she's still married. What should I do?? And how can I get her to come home??
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships8 years agoHow to maybe get a date to homecoming?
Homecoming is this Saturday and I still don't have a date how can I maybe get a
homecoming date when most of the guys
already have dates to homecoming?? Sorry I'm not sure which category to put this into
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhat age should a teen girl stop wearing little kids underwear?
I mean like the underwear that doesn't come in bags??
7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years agoMy dad doesn't like my boyfriend anymore?
So my boyfriend got expelled back in march for selling drugs, my dad had no problem with him until he found out what he got expelled for, so he was at ycp (youth challenge program) he's been there for the past 3 months, he came home today for home pass, how can I get my dad to be ok with him again?? Please help because I'm going with him,his sister, and his dad Saturday to bring him back to ycp my mom is ok with everything and my mom told his dad it was ok for me to go with them when they bring my boyfriend back, I'm scared my dads gonna be like no your not going, but if my moms ok with it can he even say no??
4 AnswersFriends8 years agoWhat to pack for great wolf lodge?
I'm going to great wolf lodge in Virginia on the 17th of this month and I have no clue what to bring I know to bring swimsuits but other then that what else should I bring?
2 AnswersOther - United States8 years agoHow to make my vacation come faster?
So I'm going on vacation June 14th and it seems so far away, how can I make my vacation get here faster??
2 AnswersOther - United States8 years ago