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Rockin' Crocodile

Favorite Answers18%
  • Magenta Zuhause M-Paket gekauft, aber keine IP-Telefonie Geräte?


    ich stehe vor einem kleinen Problem. Vor einer Weile teilte mir die Telekom mit, ich müsse meinen Vertrag umstellen, da der bisherige Call & Surf-Tarif ab 15. September nicht mehr angeboten werde. Empfohlen wurde Magenta Zuhause M. Habe ich ganz brav bestellt und sehe nun in der Auftragsbestätigung (die ich vorher aus Zeitgründen nicht gelesen habe), dass es sich um einen IP-Anschluss handelt, für den meine Gerät alle nicht mehr brauchbar sind.

    Ich habe eine FritzBox 3370 als Router, und ein GigaSet A400 als Telefon. Was ist die preisgünstigste Möglichkeit für mich, weiterhin online zu sein UND telefonieren zu können? Gibt es irgendwelche Adapter? Ich weiß nur, dass ich keine Lust habe, mir einen Router für 200 Eumel zu kaufen, oder noch Miete für einen Speedport zu bezahlen.

    Kann ich den Splitter eigentlich weiter nutzen, sozusagen als Verbindung zwischen zwei Kabeln? Sonst müsste ich ca. 15 m Telefonkabel neu hinter Möbeln und um Türen verlegen oder künftig riskieren, über frei liegende Kabel zu fallen.

    Wäre toll, wenn mir jemand gute Tipps geben könnte., die auch kein Informatikstudium erfordern. Der Telekom traue ich mittlerweile nicht mehr. Lieben Dank!

    4 AnswersSonstiges - Hardware6 years ago
  • Meine Porzellanblume entwickelt seit einigen Wochen plötzlich dünne Blätter.?

    Meine Hoya macht mir Kummer. Seit dem herbst bekommt sie dünne, dunkele Blätter. Die fetten, wachsigen hat sie mittlerweile fast alle abgeworfen, die neuen sind dürr und fühlen sich eher wie Papier denn wie gewachstem Porzellan an.

    Ich habe die Pflanze seit mindestens 8 Jahren, sie steht im Bad auf dem Fensterbrett, Nordseite, Milchglas, sie hat bisher immer mehrmals im Jahr geblüht, es gab nie Probleme. ich bin ratlos.

    5 AnswersGarten6 years ago
  • Kann ich die abgelaufenen Ausweise eines Verstorbenen vernichten?

    Ich bin dabei, die Unterlagen meiner verstorbenen Eltern zu vernichten. Was Rechnungen, Verträge etc. angeht, ist soweit alles klar. Aber was mache ich mit den Ausweisen? Abgelaufen und entwertet aufgehoben. Kann ich die zerlegen und durch den Schredder jagen, oder gibt es da Vorschriften? Kann/Muss ich sie beim Bürgerbüro abgeben?

    9 AnswersVerwaltung7 years ago
  • Kann ich einen kaputten Kühlschrank alleine die Treppe runter bekommen?

    Ich stehe vor einem Problem. Die Lieferanten meines neuen Kühlschranks haben den alten nicht mitgenommen. Sperrmüll nimmt das alte Gerät zwar mit, aber dazu muss ich ihn vom 3. Stock ins Erdgeschoss bekommen. Der einzige Mann, der hätte mit anpacken können, hatte jetzt einen Unfall.

    Gibt es irgendeine Möglichkeit, wie ich das Gerät die Treppe alleine runter bekommen kann, ohne das Haus oder mich selbst zu zerlegen? Kühlschrank ist eh kaputt, darauf muss ich also keine Rücksicht nehmen.

    15 AnswersSonstiges - Haus & Garten8 years ago
  • Is the Australian "Wilfred" worth it?

    I'm totally in love with the show "Wilfred". As a dog owner I could laugh my *** off about a guy in a dog costume behaving just like a real dog at one time, and being a foulmouthed philosoph at the next moment. I've watched some scenes of the Australian original and noticed it's pretty different. What do you say? Is it worth it to buy on DVD, too?

    BQ: Which one do you like better?

    2 AnswersComedy8 years ago
  • Which films could you watch over and over again?

    Not your officially favourite films. You know that probably: There are films that you watch every time they are on TV, just because you never get tired of them. Which ones and why?

    For me that would be

    Mel Brooks' Spaceballs - waiting for all the quotations and punchlines to come. "I'm a Mawg. Half-man, half-dog. I'm my own best friend." Mr. Coffee - Mr. Radar. "Comb The Desert!"

    Sister Act

    If a covent would be like this, I'd join in a wink. I love that singing.

    12 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Doctor Who since 2005 - hottest Doctor?

    Since the restart of Doctor Who the choice of actors for the role has changed a little, I'd say. Of the three actors who have portrayed the Doctor now, which one do you consider hot, who not?

    As for me (and yes, I know my taste is not very mainstream):

    Christopher Eccleston - mega hot

    David Tennant - pretty hot

    Matt Smith - cute, but not hot


    For the future Doctor to come - Would you like another hot guy, or rather "back to the roots"?

    5 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • What chances does an appeal have?

    Yesterday I received a violation for an answer of mine that was a reaction to an unfunny trolling attempt. In fact I think that the person who reported me was the asker, that couldn't accept that he wasn't as funny as he thought and is fighting by abusing Y! Answers for himself. My questions: Is Yahoo checking the reports at all? Does an appeal have any chance, or do I waste my time with that anyway?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Do you comment when you think the best answer is wrong or inadequate?

    I always get a little upset, to be honest.

    Someone is asking a question, and you have proven and detailed informations, backed by a link. What is chosen as best answer is someone who has written a lot of crap.

    Or: Someone is asking f.e. for some "great and unknown songs from a special era or a special style". You remember the era well or like that style and can provide rather unusual songs. What's chosen is a collection of greatest hits, which the asker is commenting with "Great! These are my fav songs!"

    It's not that I'm keen on getting the best answer award all the time, but at least I'd like to "lose" to someone whose answer was better or at least fit the question.

    What do you do in a case like that? Comment? Start a fight? Or just shrug and move on?

    BQ: Why do you think people sometimes choose best answers that are so inadequate?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What do you think about Klaus Nomi?

    I'm a lot into the music of Klaus Nomi lately - I assume, my neighbours already hate me for it. ;)

    Do you know who he was? What do you think of his rather unusual mix of classic and pop? Genius or Weirdo? Would you say, his songs were defining for styles like wave or goth?

    2 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • When you ask for new bands or songs...?

    ... do you really check the links or names people are giving you? Or do you just want to hear that the bands you're already listening to are the best to others as well?

    6 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Do you consider Bill Nighy a good actor?

    I love a lot of his older work, like Still Crazy, Love Actually, Blow Dry or The Girl in The Cafe. But lately I can't shake the feeling that he lost his versatility and is only playing "one face fits all lanky strangely moving" characters.

    What do you think? Has he become lazy? Does he choose the wrong roles?

    BQ: Your favourite role of Bill?

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Disney being the one violating the community guidelines?

    "This question has been deleted. Questions on Yahoo! Answers are sometimes deleted according to our Community Guidelines."

    This wonderful information I got when I clicked at that Disney question from hell. For a moment justice seemed to be in the world. Alas it was only our old friend, the Y!A bug. I received a violation from Disney and got my response deleted, when I pointed out that the question in the list was completely different than the one really asked? They are spamming in a major and misleading way, and Yahoo is punishing me and other users? Nice thing.

    What do you think? Do the Y!A users have to accept everything, just because it's Disney?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Did you like that film where John Malkovich plays the jewel thief?

    One of his best, I think. What's your fave scene?

    BQ: Malkovich Malkovich. Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Phineas & Ferb or Jimmy Neutron or Fairly Odd Parents?

    Though I confess to be a little over the age of the target group, I enjoy those shows from time to time. Which is your favourite of them. Why? What is your favourite thing about? Personally I totally love Love Händel, the Eighties band from P & F.

    9 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago