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  • What family tradition do you look forward to most around the holidays?

    One that we do is have our boys open up one gift on Xmas Eve which is always an ornament that represents something they each loved during that year. They are 3 and 5 now. They love putting up the ornaments from previous years and remembering what they used to enjoy. When they are old enough to have their own tree, we'll give them all their ornaments.

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Finding out a last name from a previous marriage?

    Is there a way to find out someone's PREVIOUS married last name. She's now married a second time. I want to know what her married name was before. We are no longer friends, so I can't ask her. Is there a free way to find out this information?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do you qualify for special education preschool?

    My son is in Early Intervention. Our school district did their 20 minute test and determined he was not eligible for their free preschool for special education. They did, however, believe he needed to be tested further with their speech therapist and occupational therapist (which he did.) We also took him to Children's Specialized Hospital and had him tested. He is not autistic but he was diagnosed with apraxia, dyspraxia and regulation disorder. They said they recommend a preschool, speech therapy and occupational therapy.

    The school district says that the diagnoses alone don't qualify him. They said it is determined by what percentage he is delayed in each area.

    Is this true? Does our school district have rules they follow for their township or is it a county, state or federal law they have to follow? Where can I found out?

    Also, where can I look online to see about qualifying for aid for NJ. (Not Social Security)

    3 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Alcoholic drink ideas for the girls.?

    I'm hosting a girls' day out. It's an afternoon party, and I'd like to serve an alcoholic punch. What would be a nice punch recipe since it will be close to Valentine's Day when I have the party?

    7 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Book about being nice to animals?

    I have a three year old with some disabilities. One of the things we are trying hard to work on is being nice to animals. He is very rough with our dog and cat. The cat avoids him and the dog gets his ears and skin and tail pulled by our son. We've tried having him be "nice" with petting, but he'll do it for a few strokes and quickly yank fur or grab an ear. I'm sure it won't be long before the dog starts getting even. We have to keep our son separate from the dog always unless we're present. We hate doing that. The dog is great, but it's not fair to him. Anyway, it's been suggested since my son loves books to find one that teaches about being nice to animals. Anyone have any ideas on one that would be appropriate for a three year old (even two year old)???

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What stinks at my sink?

    I do not have a disposal with my sink. The drains or something stinks though. I've tried pouring bleach down the drains. I've tried Drano (even though there is no clog). I've tried baking soda and boiling water. I've even tried to put the heat all the way up on the water tank in the basement because it was suggested that the water stinks. I don't know if that's true because none of the other sinks or tub stink. I do notice that my sponge stinks even after a day. This is a new house for us (our first one) - not new per se, but new to us. The house we used to rent from never had this problem so I am at a loss on how to fix this "stinky" problem. Please help. Serious answers only. Thanks!!!!

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any good books to read?

    I've never been big on reading because I always seem to pick the wrong book. (I don't like romance or horror.) My mother got me reading Janet Evanovich's series (One for the Money, Two for the Show, etc) I read through the whole series very quickly and thoroughly enjoyed them, but did not enjoy any of her other books.

    Does anyone know any other books like hers that I'd enjoy reading??

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • HELP -- utility sink drained into my new washing machine!?

    We just moved into a new home. We were told that in order to drain our utility sink downstairs that we have to turn on a switch. When we did, the water just got sucked out of the sink. Today we had our washing machine hooked up. We painted today and rinsed out brushes and such in the sink and then put on the switch to drain the sink -- all the water went into my new washing machine.

    Has anyone ever heard of a pipe with something like a "stopper" valve? Is it possible that my husband put in on upside-down? Is there a way to fix this problem? The delivery men wouldn't hook it up because they said it wasn't an approved hook-up for LG, but he said all we need was some clamp, etc. We bought exactly what he told us to and hooked it up. Now what??

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What "hidden" costs should I be aware of at closing?

    My husband and I are going to close next week on our 1st home! People tell us that we will be in sticker shock and surprised about some of the fees. Besides the taxes (escrow), home insurance, attorney fees and everything mentioned as "closing costs" on our contract, is there some other fees that may come up that we should know about??

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Homeowners want to move the closing date by a month?

    We are first-time home buyers. Our closing date was supposed to be on June 29th. Our attorney just contacted us and told us that the sellers are unable to purchase the home they had intended due to inspection issues and request that we extend the closing date to July 31st. Our attorney says that we can keep the date and charge rent or extend the date.

    I don't mind extending the date as long as they pay to extend the lock on our mortgage, but is there something else I need to worry about being that we've never bought a home before?

    Obviously, I don't want them to extend it beyond a month. Is there a legal way to discourage that? I rent now and am not under any pressure to move out.

    The family we're buying from is very nice and recently had some terrible circumstances, but we still can't have it extend any further than the 31st of July.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between Verizon Fios and cable modems?

    Would you tell me the pros AND the cons of BOTH??

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Wood vs. gas fireplaces...?

    What are the pros and cons of EACH? We are moving into a house that has an older gas fireplace. Our inspector says he personally likes wood and we should convert it back. My husband also likes wood and thinks the point of a fireplace is to save on gas/electric bills. I agree with that, but I'd like to know the good and the bad about both gas and wood.


    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • I'm looking to buy a portable GPS navigator. What's the best one for the money?

    I've looked at Consumer Reports and read some reviews online. I like to get everyone's opinion on the good, the bad and the "ugly." So far the Garmin Nuvi 350 is looking pretty good. I'd like to stay around $300 or under.

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • I'm looking to buy a portable GPS navigator. What's the best one for the money?

    I've looked at Consumer Reports and read some reviews online. I like to get everyone's opinion on the good, the bad and the "ugly." So far the Garmin Nuvi 350 is looking pretty good. I'd like to stay around $300 or under.

    3 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • Baby has black line on teeth. What can it be?

    His mother said that she had this black line on her teeth up until she got pregnant with her son. He is a year and he also has this black line across the front of his teeth. Apparently, her twin sister's little girl also developed this black line. The dentists are not concerned, but I was just curious. What is this called?

    Serious answers only, please. Thank you.

    I already tried to google "black line on teeth" and nothing came up that really fit with what I'm seeing. (You don't need an MRI to see the black line.)

    Please, serious answers only. Thanks for the help.

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • My "h" key is sticking. I've tried to take it off and clean under it...?

    I thought that would work, but it still is hard to press. As you can see, it works, but I have to keep applying extra pressure. Are there any suggestions on how to fix this before I bring to Dell. It is a laptop Inspiron E1505. Thanks for any help in this matter!

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How do you get the dye from a wax candle off a wood table?

    I never burned the candle. I just had it sitting on my wood table with a wreath around. When I picked it up, I saw the red dye left on the wood. Is there a safe way to clean that dye without ruining my wood?

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • how long will unopened cooking wine last?

    I found a couple bottles and there is no expiration date. One is Sherry. The others are Marsala and Burgundy. (Now the Marsala and Burgundy are brand new, but I wasn't sure since they don't have an expiration date, how long they last.)

    Cooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is there any such thing as a Home phone that uses?

    Bluetooth technology? I would love to go wireless at home. I don't like wearing the headsets and my cell doesn't work well in the house.

    5 AnswersLand Phones1 decade ago
  • Why can't I "insert" photos anymore in Yahoo?

    Now I have to attach them. I used to be able to insert them. I noticed that the new Yahoo Mail didn't have it, so I stuck with the old Yahoo mail. Well, now that doesn't have the "insert" option either. Does anyone know what happened to that feature?

    1 AnswerAttachments and Photos1 decade ago