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Favorite Answers5%
  • can I have my neighbor arrested for malicious intent to harm?

    He smokes this awful vile smelling cigars by my OPEN windows that have a fan to

    draw in cooler air (a NECESSITY, I live in the 2nd story in an apt, it gets HOT(upwards of 90 degrees WITH a fan going) in here during hot days which we started having recently,,I MUST have air or I might get more ill from my asthmatic lungs than I already do from this stinking smoke!)

    I have asked him MANY times to PLEASE move far away from my open windows, EXPLAINING how sick that smoke makes me to no avail, he still smokes close enough for my fan to bring that poison directly in my living space! I also wrote the property managers a letter regarding this and other things this man has been doing (breaking his lease all along) and all they told me was, noise is a part of apt life, if you cannot deal move out, which is illegal to say this to me! I feel my summer is ruined now, as I cant have my windows open to enjoy fresh air as its tainted with this mans POISON he puts in the air. Can I call the cops and have him arrested? I feel that my hands are tied and even tho MY RIGHTS are being violated. I cannot get recourse for this here! HELP!!

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • in Michigan they passed laws against smoking in public places, what about doing it where you are bother your neighbor?

    my neighbor who is already very much bothersome, decided to take up smoking cigars! I, HATE the smell of these things vehemently. they truly make me very sick smelling them. We have a law in my state where no one is allowed to smoke within 50 feet of public buildings, now what about residential buildings? Its winter now but soon I will have my windows and doors open to get some air, will this idiot be allowed to smoke these noxious nasty smelling things RIGHT outside my doors (im above him and have a patio door and also have a porch with screen door and this this where he smokes these things!!) so the smoke comes in MY living space?

    Its bad enough to have to get whiffs of the dude who lives in front of mes cigarette smoke in addition to cigar smoke,,,,oh no,,something must be done.

    but what can be done? I feel his "right to smoke" ends when my right to have clean air begins. specially in my living space! Help!!!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • I just moved to a new local and cannot get a signal for any stations on my TV with the digital tuner box?

    Ive got it set up correctly and have done updates and rescans,,,still NO stations, how can I fix this as I need to have at least one local news station for work purposes! help!

    2 AnswersTVs8 years ago
  • I am in short time to find a place to live,,was considering buying a mobile home for cash and just paying lot?

    rent and utilities,,I been looking at "newer" ones 1987-1995 with the "real roof" and siding. They go for around 7000.00 or so. I really dont wish to rent BUT I will be locking in for 2 yrs of a lot rent lease and that isnt something I really wanted to do as I never know where I will be moving when I finally get a decent job offer. I guess my main questions are: is this a good deal to do this versus renting? Can I sell this in a hurry and at least get my $ back I paid to buy it if need be? Should I pay out for an inspector to look for whatever may be wrong with the place or go on instinct? Hate to get a lemon & then fix fix fix! (cant afford to do that) need real intelligent answers very fast,,my landlord is pushing me to get out this place!

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • can passive aggresive behaviour be classifed as bullying?

    I have this neighbor who lives below me, she is very noisy to the point that she disturbs my peace during the day and my sleep during the night. She has been told to keep the noise down and went as far to come and introduce herself to me, telling me "I make a lot of noise at night" and then laughing at this statement. The she gives me her cell number, telling me to call her if I need her to turn the noise down- so I did as she asked and she knew from that point how far to turn her stereo down to where i cant hear it, YET she keeps having this on LOUDLY even though she knows better than to do this now. I have reported her to management three times, they only offer me another apt to move to as a solution, YET she is breaking her lease and they acknowledge this too, but refuse to kick her out even though HE told me at the 2nd time complaining IF she did this a 3rd time they would boot her butt out- so why after the 3rd time of my reporting this racket, they are NOT kicking her out? I called the city, she is also breaking the noise ordinance laws here too.

    I am trying to ignore this which is hard to do, its getting hard to get quality sleep that I need to function in a high stress job and not to mention the ONLY time its quiet down there is when she isn't here, which isn't often as she doesn't WORK like I have to. (she can stay up all night making racket while I have to work the next day and she gets to sleep when I am gone, this is so unfair)

    I feel I have a bully below me,,,she can care less about me and does what she wants to do with managements blessing apparently.

    What can I do about this (don't say move, I just moved here and have another 11 months on my lease so that isn't an option, nor do I wish the hassle of moving to another bldg either, I am not doing anything wrong, why should I have to do this and I LIKE all my other neighbors, they are all nice and QUIET!)


    2 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • now that smoking is banned in public indoor areas, do you think it needs to extend the law to outdoor public?

    venues also such as concerts, fairs, etc? I personally cannot stand walking outside trying to get some FRESH air only to inhale someone else's nasty smoke! I choke and cough and feel nauseated instantly- that is how much I cannot stand smoke- and why should I have to put MY health at risk cause someone else chooses to commit slow suicide? I think ALL public smoking needs to be outlawed totally for the sake of ALL our health! maybe this will encourage more people to stop doing this really bad behaviour!

    13 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • where can I find and read the michigan smoking ban law in entirety?

    I live in apt complex and people gather on the back steps feet away from my apt to smoke, well needless to say the smoke finds it way into my apt and I gag and choke on it. I hate the smell of smoke and do not wish to gain cancer from second hand smoke so I need to find and read the law, print it out and give it to management so they can put out a letter to tenents to make them stop smoking in what is a COMMON area to all tenents! can u help me? (PS they CAN smoke in their apts so why are they doing this right by MY window is beyond me)

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • if you have sought work & have proof of all the resumes, applications you put in to find work and still cannot?

    find work, WHY do the courts assess you to pay child support when you dont have an income??? and HOW can you pay with no income?

    and if you do get work but cannot even support yourself on the pay as its so little does the court have a right to take what you make and force you to pay support? I feel that if you can prove you have searched for work and cannot find work then the courts need to leave you alone and not threaten you with jail for non payment, same goes for if you do work and don't make enough to support YOURSELF why are you required to support another person? I dont get how you can be assessed to pay on NO income or sparse income! that is totally whacked and needs to be changed in this judicial system!

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • what printer is the best and least expensive (ink included) to get for my HP compaq CQ50-130US notebook?

    I don't and cannot spend a fortune on a printer nor get one that the ink is really expensive to replace, so I need to find a good deal- can anyone help me please??

    3 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • I am wondering about the mysteries of life, how one can finally find someone who is JUST like they are?

    and I mean exactly the same, not looks wise, but personality wise, character wise and the likes are the same,,, everything! Then here is the kicker- this person who's the male equivalent of ME yes I am talking about me, is married to someone else! WHY does this happen? So frustrating and upsetting.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I hang out upon occasion with my ex husband- we do this to spend more quality time with our son?

    we are FRIENDS and nothing more, there is no hanky panky going on and never will be as HE has a girlfriend.

    Now here comes the "sticky" part- his GF is in prison for armed robbery- and will be getting out on October. She calls sometimes when we are doing our wed night board game thing we have been doing for about 6 months now- and this time when she called I asked the ex when he got off the phone about how does she feel about my coming over and us hanging out alot, to which he replied that he hasn't told her and I said why not (I thought he told her a long time ago so this was a shock) and he said he didn't want her getting the wrong idea! I didn't like this, didn't like it at all and feel he is being deceptive to her and that bothers me alot.

    I feel funny about going over there now and am not sure what to do- one hand I like spending more time with my son and HE LOVES the fact that his dad and I are getting along so well and LOVES do things as a "family" again. I hate to break his heart---again like I did years ago when we divorced.

    what should I do and how can I do it without causing my son more hurt that he doesn't deserve.

    I want to remain friends with his dad if I still can too

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • what are the odds of a the marriage lasting?

    my dumbass ex is unbeleivable getting married,,,again,,,,for the FIFTH time! I just found this out today he is engaged! WE just divorced last october- what damn nerve this man has doing this again!

    I am just wonder the odds on how long this one will last- anyone know?

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I need HELP fast- I have a laptop with WLAN card. I get "free internet" signals out of the air but the signal?

    isn't always that strong and I end up losing it> I was wondering if I need to buy a wireless router and if this would help me hold the signal? would I also have to buy wireless internet if I had a router or could I continue getting and using the "free" signal? It is a linksys signal by the way- can someone help me please? I NEED to have internet at home and really cannot afford to purchase it if I don't have to.


    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • what would you do if you recently found out who the person was responsible for your marriage ending?

    I been married for over 5 yrs, 6 months ago, my husband filed for divorce unexpectedly- he to this day refuses to tell me the real reason why- instead making up all these BS excuses for why he did this. I do not want a divorce and have tried everything that I know to save this marriage. Recently I found out the real reason why- he has a whore on the side. Not just a regular 'ho but this woman used to work for him at his school, the same school he worked at when we first met and started dating. In finding various "Clues" and adding them up, I have came to the conclusion that he and this woman used to date back in the mid 90s- he hired her on purpose as he still "liked her" and she him, she and him spent way too much time together during the after school programs- and after he left this school, she was calling him on his personal phone constantly and she shouldnt of been doing that- this caused US to have fights! I than found out she is a "good friend" of his family, his sister is her god mother as she recently got baptized into HIS church. I also found out she recently got divorced in the past 6 months, coincedence that MINE filed for divorce in the last 6 months? I feel that these events have all been planned- that these two plan on getting married in his church (hence her joining) soon after our divorce is final. I feel like a utter fool and feel that the last 6 yrs of my life has been totally wasted. I am very angry and betrayed and want to seek revenge on this whore and my husband. what would YOU do about this- if anything? and how the heck do I recover from this HUGE betrayal? It depresses me so much. Oh and another thing if his family helped this all happen they need to pay too, what kind of family would purposely destroy a family members marriage? that is some kind of serious SICK!

    31 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I have a pretty good idea of what I feel marriage is supposed to be all about and am curious to see what other

    people feel what a good marriage should be like- so please tell me your thoughts and feelings.

    I feel that a good marriage should be about love, and real love is about caring more about the other persons well fare MORE than your own and doing all you can for that person to make them feel like they are the most special loved person in the whole world. You also share all that you have with them- including your thoughts and feelings, as well as ideas and wealth. In a good marriage, you think about the person you love first before making any decisions that will affect your marriage- an equal loving caring sharing partnership is what I feel makes a good marriage that will last, as the vow says, till DEATH do part us.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • how do I go about finding a church that preaches the same values that I uphold and believes in the same belief

    that I have? I want a real Christian BIBLE based church to attend and am having a hard time finding one in the city I live in. (most hold service on sunday, which is NOT the real sabbath of the bible, that is saturday- so why would I want to attend these places and break one Gods commandments? wouldnt that defeat the purpose of attend church?)

    Does anyone know of any churchs like this? and if so what are the names of them and where are they located?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • how long can a 50 yr old man go without having some kind of sexual release?

    I am currently married but going thru a divorce that I dont want. The husband cut me off sex about 7 months ago, then filed for divorce about 4 months ago (he still wont tell me WHY he wants this divorce, when I have been the best damn wife any man can ever have & havent broke any of MY marriage vows!)

    He claims he has never cheated on me and doesnt masturbate either as its against his culture to do this. I am not so sure about either, as I never have heard of a man who can willingly and easily give up sex for such a long time (preists included!)

    So guys who are 50 or around 50- what do you all say about this? Is he cheating with another woman or his hand? or can he really not desire sex anymore and be able to give it up as such a young age?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • when will men get the fact that most women, myself included need to have attention and time spent with them to

    feel loved? I am going thru my 3rd divorce and the common thread in each is that all my husbands seem to beleive that them spending money on me makes them a good husband, when all I ever wanted was their TIME. ATTENTION and LOVE from them. I could give a rip about having expensive jewelry or designer clothes or expensive cars. Material things have never been important to me, but to have a friendship that also has romance and love, someone who wants to talk to you and listen to you, someone to travel the world with and see all the wonderful things there are to see- THAT is the kind of man I want, need and deserve. are there any men out there like this?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • husband filed for divorce, I spent the last few weeks thinking about things that occurred in the marriage &?

    need to know if this was my fault- like I did something wrong.

    I thought I was the best wife- I take care of him, cook for him everyday making his favorite foods, keep the house clean and neat, make sure he wants for nothing at all. I do not spend his money or run up charge card debt, I pay for all my own needs out of my own money, am home all the time except for when I attend school. I dont cheat on him. I take care of his grandkids when they visit, welcome his entire family here and wait on them hand and foot. allow him to have band practice here one time a week, sometimes 2. He spends his money on what he wants to, gives it to his family and I get nothing and never complain to him about this.

    As far as I can see, I have done everything, been the best damn wife he will ever have and really cannot understand why HE served me with divorce papers. the only reason I can figure out is that he has a girlfriend and wants to be with her or his family told him to get rid of me??!!

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • how would you define the word "wench" and I don't want a dictionary definition, just your definition of what

    you think the word means. I have a sister that thinks it means something that I dont, needless to say she is angry at me as I called her a wench and didnt mean anything bad by it, I just meant "girl" like HEY wench, lets go- hey GIRL lets go.

    I want to see what other people think it means as I beleive she is a minority in thinking its bad.

    Thanks all

    Girls and guys welcome in defining.

    7 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago