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You want answers on 360 ? Don't ask on Answers, ask someone who uses 360 Ask someone who cares more about Y 360 than they do about stupid points on Y Answers Then you will get a PROPER and correct answer I do NOT use Yahoo Answers anymore !
Did you know that Yahoo 360 is now 1 year old?
Do you know anyone who has had a 360 page for a long time maybe your 360 birthday is coming up soon too or
have you said Happy Birthday 360 yet?
11 AnswersYahoo Profiles2 decades agoWhy is "Unlimited questions" 9999?
When I asked this question it says this..
Asking costs you 5 points. You can ask 9999 more questions today
Level 5 is *Unlimited* questions why does it say I have a limit??
5 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades agoDo you sometimes refuse to answer a question because it's too ridiculous?
You know the ones, the spelling is bad, the grammar is terrible and it doesn't even make sence
The questions that are so bad that it's not even worth answering them
I know I do
21 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades agoI really should ask a question but I can't think of one.....?
I realise this is a question but I need more ideas
I'm great at answering but asking one I go blank
Anyone got any good questions or ideas?
13 AnswersOther - Business & Finance2 decades agowythingco Would you like to answer this question ?
Just so you can see the edit / delete link thats under your answer
10 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades agoplease help me contact the aspca?
How can I contact the ASPCA about someone who does this as the person isn't in my area they are in Oklahoma
I know the ASPCA website
Animal Hoarding or Collecting: Obsessive/compulsive disorder in which individual keeps a large number of animals-sometimes more than 100-in his or her home, and neglects to care for the animals and the home environment; "collectors" are usually in extreme denial about the situation. Technically, hoarding can be considered a crime, as it is a form of neglect.
2 AnswersBirds2 decades agoIs it worth answering the older questions?
The month old questions that haven't been answered at all, hundreds of them sitting there with 0 answers ,is it worth going through them and answering them or do questions get deleted after a certain time if they haven't been answered at all?
12 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades agoDoes anyone know what a bunyip is?
Lets see how many of you know your Australian Mythology
4 AnswersMythology & Folklore2 decades agoHow many grooves on a vinyl record?
Yes I know the answer and people over 30 should know it too
7 AnswersJokes & Riddles2 decades agoWhy cant people ask a question in the right category?
I have answered a few questions tonight in the Yahoo Products category that had nothing to do with Yahoo Products whatsoever, what have "Babysitter for my boys?" and "equipment for digging ditches?" got to do with Yahoo products??
It's no wonder a lot of questions sit there unanswered.
Yes I realize they are probably new but just how hard is it to pick a category when you ask a question?
10 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades agoIf tomorrow the internet closed forever what would you do?
If tomorrow the internet closed, total shut down, no Yahoo, no email, no MSN no AOL no internet at all what would you do?
This is a philosophical question the internet isn’t actually closing
No right or wrong answers either just your thoughts
25 AnswersInternet2 decades agoWhy do so many people want out of thier 360 page?
The most frequestly asked question is "How do I delete my 360" Why? When it's so much better than the ordinary boring plain white Y profile .You can add so much onto it why wouldn't you want it.Whats your opinion of 360 if you dont want it please tell me why
4 AnswersYahoo Profiles2 decades agoMoral dilemma?
If of the questions you have answered is up for voting would you vote for your answer as best answer(and get the 10 points) or someone elses answer ?
Would it be greedy or mean spirited to vote for yourself?
9 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades agoFor the Yahoo Answers team Re:Logo?
If I designed a new logo/avatar would the team take a look at it?
Sorry this is posed as a question but I can't find any other way
4 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades agohelp my compost heap work?
Is there anything other than lime that I can use on my compost heap to help it break down faster or is it lime or nothing
7 AnswersGarden & Landscape2 decades agoWhat is Kanes real name?
Kane aka the big red machine from WWE and Raw is War.
What is his real name?
I know allready just want to see if any of you wrestling fans know
1 AnswerOther - Sports2 decades agoIsn't the ONLY answer automatically the best answer?
If I am the only answerer shouldn't my answer be automatically the best one when the time on that answer expires
9 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades agoI need help translating from Farsi to English?
I think this is a bad taste Farsi joke,I will not be offended if you translate it,if it is too rude to answer here you can email me or leave a comment on my 360 [] but I really have to know what it says
Ye Karikatorist KAN Ro Bedoone Soorakh Mikeshe Dar QAZVIN ( ) Be 3 Jorm Dastgiresh Mikonan :
1. Tashvishe Az'ane Omoomi !!!
2. Nashre Akazib !!
3. Tohin Be Moghaddasat
4 AnswersLanguages2 decades agoCan anyone Translate this from Farsi to English?
Ye Karikatorist KAN Ro Bedoone Soorakh Mikeshe Dar QAZVIN ( ) Be 3 Jorm Dastgiresh Mikonan :
1. Tashvishe Az'ane Omoomi !!!
2. Nashre Akazib !!
3. Tohin Be Moghaddasat !!
1 AnswerLanguages2 decades ago