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Just go to my myspace i'm not a looker so don't expect one

  • Where can I buy a new engine for a 1970 VW Beetle?

    I just purchased a 1970 VW beetle. My question is where I could purchase a new complete engine for the car that I would just swap out for. I'm looking for Something on-line or somewhere near South California. Any bit of information on purchasing one would be great. Thank you

    4 AnswersVolkswagen1 decade ago
  • Need help With street bike safety gear... Read detail for situation please.?

    Little back ground I need to purchase safety gear for street motorcycle. Info about me I'm big not tall but width wise. I'm 5' 9" about 275. I'm a either a 3 or 4 XL shirt wise My waist is 42.

    Now for what I'm asking. I need to buy everything pants, leather jacket, gloves, and helmet.

    I'm not sure of what brands to buy or anything like that I do know though that I have a 750 budget for all this stuff (it was 500, but youtube videos really have a way of persuading you). So any suggestions on what to buy brand wise and how the clothe is suppose to feel (really a second question now). I'm looking into buying all this stuff by next Monday. Thank you.

    3 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • I wan't to purchase this hid kit for my truck but I'm not sure if it is safe, can you help me?

    I'm seeing that this website sells the kit, it's called "", Really cheap and it says it's good ( usually all places selling stuff do). I wan't to know if I install this kit it won't harm any component in my truck or burn/melt something. Can you help me

    2 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me how a web page works(more info on bottom)?

    First off I bought a domain name from

    I want to put a web page that's really simple for right now since I just want to save the name. What can I do in order to just set up a simple web page or how without spending anymore money?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How would you say this in romanji 先週金曜日だった私の 誕生日 ?

    I know the hiragana in this but the first 2 konji symboles i don't know can you help me

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What type of off-Road motorcyble should I get?

    I want to learn how to ride a real Motorcycle but I'm being told that I should learn with an off-road bike first.

    I know my physical will be a factor so here it is

    Height: 5' 10"

    Weight: 260

    So with that said what type should I get to.

    Also I believe that I should go with something like a 250 or something but I don't know for sure. Thanks

    5 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • A question about the Master Cleanse.?

    well for the people that have done it they know how I feel on my 2nd day. A couple of questions, do we need to fresh lemon juice or can we just do it all at once. Is it normal that I lost 4lb on the first day?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Would you sue a friend?

    here's the situation about August of 08 I let my friend borrow my xbox 360, Luck has it they stole if from his house ( he said he filed a police report). So we came to an agreement that he was going to pay me back and get me a new 360 elite

    Well i talk to him about 2 or 3 weeks ago and he said that during all this time he has only saved 150 for it and is trying to get another 150 to make it 300.

    After all this I finally had it he doesn't have any bills to pay, as he lives at home with his mother (his 20 by the way) and he does work part time. He says that he is in debt with people but still managed to buy the Iphone 2 and a couple other things he wants.

    Now the hard part I know him since 2nd grade so it's kinda hard to go threw with this but i believe he is taking advantage of me. Now I only see 2 ways of going about with this anymore.

    1. Talk to his mom and tell her whats going on, ( I don't believe this is right since we are both adults and it really doesn't involve her, plus she works her behind of to make ends meat)


    2. Stop treating the situation like a way of still maintaining a friendship and start looking at it like business since it is about $500+ that he owes me.

    So what would you do?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I'm loosing weight but I have saggy skin starting from my chin all the way to my stomach what can i do to....?

    make it not saggy.

    story first:

    I'm a guy, so i've been loosing wight the right way, really I haven't been doing much other then not eating white breads or tortillas (i'm Mexican). Also i try to drink water or milk or Gatoradee when i really need it. I still eat junk food and stuff but i watch it. Excercise wise i don't do much right now since i stopped working as a cart pushier at a store but I'm going to start working again at a seasonal place so I will be getting a work out there.

    Anyways i went from 284 at the beginning of the year to right now at 259-262 depending if I weight at night or morning.

    So what can i do so baisically my chest won't be saggy the way it is right now, because if i tighten my neck i pull lots of skin from my uper chest so i believe it is just skin since i've been overweight my whole life.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • I need to find a page that says detailed information about the soldiers sent to vietnam?

    please some one hlep me I had this really good one but my computer got messed up and now i can't find it again. Someone please help me becuase i need information mainly on how many chicanos and African-americans were sent to vietnam. the site i had looked at was so great but i completly for got what it was called. SO PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME CUZ IT'S FOR MY MICRO APPLICATIONS FINAL.

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • What do you think about my dream?

    First of all i'm 19 now

    I had this dream where this asian girl and me were likeing each other but people didn't want us together. Like the girl she was with didn't want her to talk to me and the teacher in the class moved me so i wouldn't be close to her ( the guy was this one guy from church but weird because i only talk to him a little i don't know why he was in it) . But the girl was one of those goody-goody girls so she just moved close to me. I don't remeber much after that other than i keept calling her susu and that we were in danger and i was tring to save her. If it helps by anychance the whole dream was in one place kinda like this drawing oIIo the middle was a river and we were on the left side but were tring to get onto the right side.

    This dream was weird but I woke up happy like crazy for some reason. What do you think

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • is it normal for my chest to look bigger if I'm loosing it?

    ok this is how it goes, i've been working out and doing exercise, i've notice changes in other parts of my body like stomach and waist and legs and arms but my chest seems bigger. Only thing i could think of is that there is on top of the muscle making them pop out and sag a when i flex my chest. Is this what happens or something else?

    1 AnswerMen's Health1 decade ago
  • in the movie 21 he says the 3 door thing but how does he get 66.7 from choosing the other door?

    i get that if all three doors have 33.3 percent of winning, so he chooses the first door, then the guy takes out the third door, leaving the first and second. then the student changes his mind to door 2 because he somehow said that the odds of it being that door went up to 66.7 percent ? I took stats in high school and i can't see how he got this, Please someone help me with this talk all smart or whatever i'll understand it

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • My Chest is getting smaller but?

    ok here's the thing. I've been really good at watching my weight i've only lost about 17 lb since the beginning by not eating bread and tortilla, but i took a better step and started to go to the gym, working out and doing some cardio. I'm a guy but i've been over weight almost all my life, but yeah anyways before i was able to grab a hand full and more of my "boobs" but now like i can only get like half and i can see they are getting smaller but the skin isn't retracting. My question is if it is normal for me to loose mass on my "boobs" and my skin be like that, meaning I need to just work it out more with weights or should i go see a doctor... i'd post pics but one i don't know how to do it and two it would be weird. but if you wanna see the difference hit me up on this so i can give you my myspace, i'll have pictures of before and after. thanks

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Need help with guitar?

    I'm going to get a guitar becuase I want to learn how to play it. I just don't know what kind or whitch one i should get.

    baisicaly i'm goingo to get this and learn how to play it using the little books and youtube ( i learned how to play fur elise and ode to joy this way). So please help me out with this.

    I only have 200 to spend also. If someone can use the cite to show me that would be great. Thanks

    4 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Need help with guitar?

    I'm going to get a guitar becuase I want to learn how to play it. I just don't know what kind or whitch one i should get.

    baisicaly i'm goingo to get this and learn how to play it using the little books and youtube ( i learned how to play fur elise and ode to joy this way). So please help me out with this.

    I only have 200 to spend also. If someone can use the cite to show me that would be great. Thanks

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • i think i just broke my right hand pinky?

    i was kinda mad right now but i hit my pinky on the table with it making a j and i heard it make a braking sound... it feels really warm and if i move it, it hurts. Did i brake it, btw it feels like warm water is running over it

    8 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • is bankruptcy like getting baptized?

    this just came to my head. I see them this way bankruptcy is a new beggining that the government gives you, even though your credit score is no good and no credit place will want to help you. Now getting baptized is like that for you get a new chance from God, this would be governemnt, and people you were close with start too nott like you as before for your ways have changed, being credit places. So what do you think about this?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I really need help girls guys anyone really give me your opinions?

    Ok I don’t know why but every girl I have ever talked to I’ve never been interested in except the really smart girls. Also when a “Hot” girl walks by I usually don’t pay attention to her really since I know she’s just eye candy, I kind of get more into the smart looking girls. I know I want a girlfriend but I’ve never really tired to get one for some reason. I know I’m straight since I do check girls out and the thought of two guys makes me want to vomit, nothing against them actually I think they’re pretty cool but it’s not for me. I don’t know what to do cuz. I think it’s cuz of self esteem issues. But yeah what do you think is wrong with me. I’m also a really nice guy to any girl for some reason even if people have told me things about them. So yeah what should I do about this?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • can i sync my iphone to another computer without erasing what is already on it?

    i want to add songs from this loaner laptop i have from fry's but i don't want to erase what i already have on my iphone can I just sync the songs without erasing them

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago