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  • What happened to Lil Wayne's voice?

    On his older songs his voice sounds pretty normal (I noticed this when I was listening to his songs with Big Tymers, so in his 2004 songs at least). Now it's weird and scratchy, I almost didn't recognize that it was his voice. Is that something they've done in the studio now or is it somethin else? I almost wanted to say it was because of smoking but that doesn't make sense, because then half of the other rappers would sound weird like that too by now.

    6 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop8 years ago
  • Country songs that "push the boundaries"?

    Just like, country songs that talk about stuff we don't hear all that often in country music - like Ashley Monroe's "Weed Instead of Roses," or even Christian Kane's "Making Circles" (which uses the 'f word').

    Anybody know any good ones? :D

    3 AnswersCountry8 years ago
  • Difference in genres: Rock vs. Pop?

    Okay, I'm a little confused, honestly. What makes a song a rock song, versus it being a pop song?

    I mean, some of them are obvious - yeah, Katy Perry or Lady Gaga is definitely going to be pop, and Foo Fighters or Pearl Jam are definitely going to be rock.

    But I was looking at the Billboard charts, and Imagine Dragons is topping the "rock" charts, along with bands like Capital Cities, Bastille, etc.

    I have songs by some of these bands, and I've heard Imagine Dragons on the radio, but I always figured they were considered "Pop" songs. That's closer to what they sound like to me, anyway. I don't hear any of the "rock" part to them.

    So, basically I was wondering. What makes these kinds of songs "rock" songs?

    6 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Good songs that would fit on this playlist? (w/ LP, Lana Del Ray, Autre Ne Veut, Awolnation)?

    So far this is what I've got:

    Born to Die - Lana Del Ray

    Into the Wild - LP

    Pompeii - Bastille

    Counting - Autre Ne Veut

    Never Let Me Go - Florence & the Machine

    Titanium - David Guetta ft. Sia

    Kill Your Heroes - AWOLNATION

    Butttt, I definitely want more songs, plan to turn it into a mix cd. maybe a full-blown playlist if I manage to get more. I've got a couple songs I'm considering (ex. "Sleepwalker" by Adam Lambert, "Tower" by Skylar Grey, etc.) but I dunno. Any suggestions that seem like they'd fit with what I've got going here? Anything different is fine, anything not well-known is fine, and anything that is well-known is fine, just anything you think would mesh well!

    1 AnswerOther - Music8 years ago
  • 2007 Saturn Aura XR Reliability?

    I'm looking to purchase a car, and looking at dealers today, I found a 2007 Saturn Aura I really like. However, at most review sites I've seen all the reviews are from owners who have cars with only like 10,000 miles on them... Does anybody know how well the car performs at higher miles (90k+, preferably), and the reliability of the car, how much repairs, if it's even still worth it to buy a Saturn, etc.? Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • A Tale of Two Cities Essay Help: Which of these makes more sense?

    For my essay I have to write about the integrity of the characters in the novel and the message Dickens is trying to send about integrity.

    So, would it make more sense for that message to be:

    1) Good things come to those with integrity (Carton dies giving his life meaning, Darnay's & Manette's happy-ever-after, maybe even Madame Defarge's & the Monsieur's deaths as examples of bad things coming to those without integrity)

    2) Integrity can cause both good and evil (Darnay leaves his old life to do good, the Defarge's justify all the killing they're doing, Miss Pross kills Defarge but saves the others, Carton loses his life but saves Darnay)

    Or is there something I'm missing?

    Thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Crime Scene Analyst: How to get prior experience?

    Well, right now I'm only in high school, but I've been thinking about what I want to be and being a crime scene analyst (or crime scene investigator, crime scene examiner, whatever you want to call it) sounds interesting to me. So I was looking at current job openings on a couple of different job websites (to see what the requirements would be and all) and almost all of them call for "1 year related experience in crime scene investigation or forensics" or something along those lines.

    My question is, how do you get that 1 year of "related experience"?

    Thank you in advance (:

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Rap song about a girl he used to know, he sees her again and she's a prostitute now?

    That's about all I know about it, honestly.. I'm thinking maybe they knew each other in high school, and they met again at some party a few years later? Or something? And he asks her why she's a prostitute now and then either what she says or his response - I think - is the chorus. Maybe? Haha. and she may or may not have had a kid... ugh. i don't know. It's been over a year since I heard it and I only heard it two or three times, so.. Anyway. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • Female wanting to join the FBI / NC SBI?

    Okay, so right now I'm 17 years old. I'm female, like I said in the question.. But anyway, I've been trying to think about possible careers I'd like to have. Right now I'm really considering becoming an FBI or NC SBI Agent (right now I'm leaning towards the SBI, primarily because then I'd always be 100% sure that I'd be stationed in North Carolina).

    So, basically, I was wondering a few things, and I wanted to see if anybody here would be able to help me out:

    - If you have any experience with either the FBI or SBI, or even just police in general - do you like it, is it harder for women, & would you recommend it?

    - Then I was also trying to decide if I'd like to go in as an agent (right now I'm leaning towards this) or something more like a forensic scientist.

    Thank you in advance to any & all (serious) answers. (:

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • What is sequential voting?

    What is sequential voting? I've looked online and I haven't found much, other than 25-page research papers from Duke & Princeton that I don't understand.

    So -

    What is sequential voting? Does it have any other names?

    When is it used?

    1 AnswerElections9 years ago
  • Jehovah's Witness: What happens if you miss church somewhat often?

    So, I know that Jehovah's Witnesses are stricter than some other denominations and have certain punishments for certain things. I was just wondering how what happens, if anything, if a member of the church misses the Sunday meetings once or twice a month, or some other variation of that.

    Can that get a member in trouble?

    Also, would it matter if the member had to miss it because of work?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Research paper on whether or not we should raise taxes on wealthy - could I write about raising capital gains?

    I didn't get to choose the topic or this would be a whole lot easier.

    The topic is to write a research paper on whether or not we should raise taxes on the wealthy. If I wrote about why we should raise the capital gains tax, would that be okay (like, fitting in with the topic), or is it a bad idea?

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Older, probably Disney movie; girl's brother dies and bouncing basketballs always remind her of him?

    Or something like that?

    I remember that her brother (pretty sure it was her brother, at least) died a year or so before hand. I remember the basketballs would bounce and they'd have the heartbeat noise going.

    I also remember the girl and a few of her friends riding in the back of some truck/car or something in the dark, possibly in the rain... I guess she ran away from home or something?? I dunno, I know it's not a lot to go off of...

    But it's really been bugging me so hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about!!

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • Country song, male singer: "It's been a long time since.." then something about home and (maybe) still...?

    ...staying strong/having faith/not giving up? I'm not sure exactly what the word they used was but it was that concept, I think... It was a male singer. I tried to use SoundHound when I first heard it in my car, but it didn't recognize the song.

    It was on 99.9 Kiss about 15 minutes ago, if that helps anyone...

    Thanks in advance (:

    1 AnswerCountry10 years ago
  • If a car has a push button start, is there still a place to start the ignition with an actual key?

    I'm looking to buy a new car, and the one I really want comes standard with a Push Button Smart Key ignition thing. But I don't think I like that. I like actually putting my key in the ignition and turning it and knowing that, you know, I just turned the car on and... yeah. all that. Haha. So anyways, what I'm really wondering is, would there still be a place in the car for me to actually stick the key in the ignition? Or would my only choice be to push that button?

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation10 years ago
  • When you think of "experience," do you think of sin?

    I have to do a project (due tomorrow :/) linking innocence & experience in at least 4 of the, like, 15 stories we've read this 6 weeks. But, anyway, I had it all planned out and then he told me "it wasn't specific enough" (but he wouldn't tell me anything about how specific he wanted it)...

    So anyway, would something like "Experience leads to sin" be too broad / general? Like, when you think of experience, do you think of sinning?

    What I had before was "experience changes who you are as a person" and he said that was too broad / obvious. So, yeah... Opinions, please?

    1 AnswerHomework Help10 years ago
  • Is he just being friendly, or is it something more...? Details inside (:?

    Okiedokie, so there's a new guy at work (I work in a restaurant). I've worked with him maybe twice before tonight.. So anyway I got there tonight, and I went to look at the schedule and I walked past him and didn't say hi, so he was like, "Well, hello to you too!" and then he wanted me to "make it up" to him by giving him a hug. So, I did. Haha. Then he was talking about wanting to go to the revival at his church, but he couldn't because he's working, and I told him I've never been to a revival.. So he said next time there was a revival he was going to pick me up and take me with him. Then, later, we were talking about his truck and he was like.. "do you want to drive it?" Haha. But I said no, because, well, I can't drive manual. And then he told me a little later that I was probably one of the nicest people he knows (which he's only known me for a couple days so I dunno)

    He also told one of our mutual friends I was "adorable." Which makes me feel like I'm 5 years old or something, but, I dunno.

    Then he said to my sister (she works with us too) that he thinks I like him. Which, I don't even know if I do or not. Haha.

    So... I dunno. I'm not too good at all this stuff (obviously) and I overanalyze (obviously). I just think too much that I can't just let things flow or whatever.. So, you people who know what you're talkin' bout... Whattt's going on? Haha.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Does anyone find it ironic that Jessie J's song "Price Tag" costs money?

    Just sayin'.

    It's "not about the money, money" but it's a whole $1.29 on iTunes.

    & I'm not complainin', either - I don't even like the song - I just find it severely ironic.

    5 AnswersLyrics10 years ago
  • Should I get these shoes?

    So, I need a pair of black cute sandals.. I really want a pair of Rampage ones that I found online at Delia's, but even on clearance they're $30. So, anyway, I found these at American Eagle that aren't as cute, but they're less than half the price (with discounts and all that) so I was wondering if anybody thought they were cute? I kinda like them, but I'm still on the fence.

    So, cute or not?

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • How many of Jason Aldean's songs are actually covers?

    So far I know that:

    My Kinda Party (Brantley Gilbert)

    Dirt Road Anthem (Colt Ford / Brantley Gilbert)

    The Truth (Trent Willmon)

    This I Gotta See (Andy Griggs)

    I was just wondering if there were any more that you knew of?

    5 AnswersCountry10 years ago