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Lv 611,468 points


Favorite Answers25%

Hi Yahoo Answer Community, Whatever!! (brain not fried yet), Yes I do so no need to ask (it's a violation)! I am my own person, stands up for what I believe in, weather it's outside the box or not. Does whatever my little heart desires. I always try to eat dessert 1st cause you never know when your times is up=if I can remember! Honesty is the best policy for any reason. Cooks-recipes=munchie syndrome we all need to eat, Aromatherpy-Essential Oils, organic gardening. Music=it's music that makes the world go round. Family, grandchildren, friends. Water=swimming, lakes, pools, hot tubs, sprinkler. Holding hands, picnics, snuggling, walks, computer=voice chat, research, games, work are some of my favorite things to do. Motto: Ashes to ashes, dust to dust (could be dawn to dusk), life is short so Party we=(is a must)!. I will be here for ages in YA! & life in general. Have a good AM. 8>)

  • Where can I find the sounds of all different birds?

    Hi community members,

    Where can I find the sounds of all different kinds of birds. I know a few Giant black Crows, Blue Jays, Cardinals, of course Canadian geese

    Morning Doves, sparrows, Redhead woodpecker. Early morning sun, I heard a different bird sound that I am unfamiliar with. Thanks, I'll award what I think is best & some twinkling stars.

    ADDITIONAL DETAILS: source in point, where I can hear free online, audio on a book=pictures would be great, we have a bird sanctuary near our home that has trails, maps, where to view exactly.

    4 AnswersOther - Environment8 years ago
  • Where to find a map showing the stars positions in the sky?

    Hi community members,

    Where do I find a map showing the stars positions in the sky? Laying in the green grass gazing @ the stars @ night only. I shell return what I think is the best answer & some twinkling stars. Have a good AM.

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • What' s the star that looks like a triangle called?

    Hi community members,

    What's the star that looks like a triangle called? The star is in the Southwest sky? (on my deck anyway).

    You'd think by now I'd know all the stars but in the sky or outer space depending how you look at the stars. I give a Best or what I think is the best answer & award twinkling stars. Thanks & have a good AM.

    Additional Details: Will have to wait til after work see who lays in the green grass & gazes @ the STARS.

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • How do I load Java Script? The guy that fixed my virus said.?

    Hi community members,

    How do I load Java Script? So I can play Literati. The guy from CHIP HEADS (fixed my virus for $169.00).

    Additional Details: Low a behold I've been coming here for years (thinks aloud to self not a good idea if I am going to get a virus). I give a Best or what I think is the best answer & some twinkling stars.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • What is the purpose of asking a question? If the person answering is just saying idk?

    Hi community members,

    What is the purpose of asking a question? If the person answering is just saying Idk!=Why even bother putting idk? I give Best or what I think is a best & some twinking stars.

    Additional Details: if your a troll don't waste my time, if you just start answering on March 20 have a level 7 don't waste my time.

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Why? & can an airplane run into the stars?

    Hi community members,

    Why ? & can a airplane run into the stars? (I mean like the closest one in space=in the sky).

    I'll give a Best for what I think is the best & some twinkling stars.

    6 AnswersOther - Science8 years ago
  • How do I block someone from Yahoo messenger?

    Hi community members,

    How do I block someone from my Yahoo Messenger? He just doesn't have a clue nor will he ever have a clue no matter how times I've said go away. Thanks & I usually award a best answer & will give out stars. Thanks & have a good AM.

    Additional Details: Yes I could go read this in Yahoo guide lines but it's already way into the AM hour.

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger8 years ago
  • Why when I post a question then give no best answer?

    Hi community members,

    Why when I posted a question, then give a no best answer does it go into voting? Because no one even came close to answering or answered with some bs, the question I asked to begin with. Have a good AM. Hopefully a TC will answer this one from Yahoo! Answers, if you put idk=I don't know don't waste your time nor mine. I give a best for what I think is the Best Answer. Have a good AM.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • How do you make rock candy crystals?

    Hi community members,

    How do you make rock candy crystals? Does anyone remember how rock candy crystals were made? I made them as a kid. All I remember is salt, sugar, a glass of water & a string. I give Best answers & stars.

    Have a good AM.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Can this be a sign of dementia? multi tasking? Or exercising? Today is 3 for ! in Y!A?

    Hi community members,

    Is this a sign of dementia? multi tasking? exercising? I was cleaning house, dancing around, when I realized I had to flip the record, then saw the ocean pictures I hadn't hung, went & got hammer & tape measure, went back to hang pictures (before I forget), measured wall to hang picture, forgot nails went & got nails, went back again finally finished hanging the pictures=oceans & light houses damn I do good work. Forgot what was I doing? I give Bests & stars. Have a good AM.

    Additional Details: had to explain so you all could answer the questions.

    12 AnswersSenior Citizens8 years ago
  • Why does Yahoo Answers not know computer lingo yet?

    Hi Ask Mike,

    Why is it that Yahoo Answers still doesn't know what computer lingo is? Example lol, lmao, roflmao, lmfao, roflmfao or for that matter any computer lingo? Oh good now I lose -5 points for asking=Ask Mike in Yahoo Answers.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • How come I didn't get my 1 point?

    Hi Yahoo community members,

    How come I didn't get my 1 points for visiting the last 2 days? I'm signed in right but for some unknown reason no point. I didn't get anything about Yahoo Answers being on break or down for maintenance.

    I return a best or want I think is a best answer. Thanks

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • What's the album/45's (records) value?

    Hi community members,

    What's the album/45's (records) value? How do I go about finding out what are the conditions are for selling them. Some are antiques by now, have one done by a group in Minnesota but the band broke up long ago. I need a web site that will inform me what (albums, 45's) the value is, if record needs jackets/cover slips, If you don't know what these are please don't waste my time or yours. Thanks I'll return & give a best answer or what I think is the best & most informative.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • How do I go about finding what a book is worth?

    Hi community members,

    How do I go about finding what a book is worth? (dollar wise I mean).

    None of the books are 1st editions-all are copied but in the 1800's. I have a book from an author who had signed it for my grandmother (they went to high school together), back in England. I've tried looking up the author, English books, library. Two part question the worth of books & how to find the author. Thanks and I will return for what I think is the best answer with the correct information.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How do I remove permanently?

    Hi Yahoo community members,

    Did an upgrade from Hotmail to I've tried removing Outlook Express, Outlook from add/remove programs, with no such luck. I am hoping someone can give me a step by step detail how I can permanently remove this. Of course posed this question to Microsoft forums without getting any help as of yet. Probably another Microsoft problem gone err. Thanks for any help.

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • How do birds know when it's time to fly South?

    Hi Community Members,

    How do birds know when it's time to fly South? And is it true for all birds=hummingbirds, geese, ducks etc. Have a good AM. :-)

    Additional Details: I'll be back to give a best or what I think is the best with correct spellings & references.

    3 AnswersZoology10 years ago
  • How to delete YAHOO!ANSWERS?

    Hi community members,

    How do I delete YAHOO!ANSWERS once & for all? I will return for a best answer. Thanks & have a good AM!

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers10 years ago
  • How did I get all this contacts on Y/A?

    Hi community members,

    How did I get all these contacts on Y/A? I thought you had to accept them before they became a contact or a fan? Does Y/A just add contacts to your account? I'll return a best for what I think is the best answer.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Can you freeze Braunschweiger=liverwurst? & Cheese?

    Hi community members,

    Can I freeze liver wurst?=sandwich meat (comes in a yellow wrapper ), Can I also freeze most cheeses? Thanks I'll star you as long as not a smart a$$ & give a best answer (why ask ? if not your not going to return & give a best answer )! Have a good day. :-)

    Additional Details: made road trip to Wisconsin for garlic sausages, garlic cheese curds, cheese, ribs, pork chops, thin sliced rump roast.

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • How did we use to our clean our albums/45's?

    Hi community members,

    Does anyone remember using dish soap to wipe on our albums/45's, then damp cloth & wiping them dry with a soft cloth.

    Finally got my all old albums from ex and some are really screwed. I've tried vinyl cleaner solution (D4+drops) with the record cleaning pad. then using small red handled brush sweep away any dust particles.

    Additional Details: vinyl records=45's and albums. Please only generations 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's & 60's maybe 70's.

    I will return a best answer=10 spot/what I feel is a best answer.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players10 years ago