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I am in my 30's divorced with two kids.. I live in the U.S.A.

  • Can you be complimented too much?

    Say if in a relationship and you are constantly complimented on your looks, would you feel like maybe this is all they like about you? It could just be my insecurities but I find it annoying when my boyfriend is always telling me he likes my smile and I'm pretty.

    I had an ex who constantly said "your beautiful" when we were first dating then after we married it stopped. When our marriage broke up for other reasons he said "you can be easily replaced that's not a problem but never someone with your looks".

    I know there are plenty of women better looking than me and I want a compliment about something else once in awhile. Is that wrong?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have an EX that won't let go?

    I left my now ex husband over 3 years ago and stayed at my brother's place. My husband at the time begged me not to file for divorce that we would fix things. My ex told me I was crazy, nuts in the head whenever I didn't agree with him. He once raised his fist to me and said it might knock some sense into me. He instead chose verbal and physical abuse of unwanted grabs which once was so hard it left a purple mark on my thigh. When I finally left 9 years later he told me I must be mental for leaving him. He still to this day whines about what I did to him leaving with HIS kids. Less than a month after leaving I received papers in the mail for not only the divorce but a bitter child custody battle as well. He had told me if I left him he was going to get back at me by fighting dirty.

    Fast forward until now:

    He recently told me this, I'm still pretending to be happy without him. I have a wonderful boyfriend now and my ex told me I'm not capable of a lasting relationship. His words "no guy will ever do as much for you as I did". I told him my boyfriend has done more in 8 months to help out than he ever did. My boyfriend does not live with me but it's a LDR so he stays at my house quite often. As soon as I quit putting out (his words) it will be over. The ex worked but at home was mostly too tired to help out and criticized me for not keeping things neat enough while raising two kids. Now he keeps his house full of clutter. He has been alone since the divorce over 2 years ago even though he told me I could be easily replaced. I have dated a few guys and he makes me out to be just having fun but will eventually be miserable without him. When I dropped off our two kids for the weekend he whined some more about how could I do that to him, I am despicable for taking his kids away. He told me I'm proud of myself for doing that. He was especially upset with me because it's my turn to have the boys for Christmas morning. This started all the cry me a river rants again. Whenever he has other plans he doesn't mind not seeing his two boys for weeks other times it's the most awful thing ever to not see them all week. He gets three weekends a month visitation plus I let him visit at my house if he is in town.

    He acts like he's the only guy with kids to ever go through a divorce. Will he ever just LET GO?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Does this cross the line of harmless flirting when in a relationship?

    Sending online images to another person that you have had a previous relationship with. I'm in no way trying to give a sexual invite, they are pictures of girls. They do nothing for me but I know he likes them. I know this is going to sound strange but should it be considered cheating? I have stopped since learning it was hurting my boyfriend but should a few images (not of me) be that offensive to him?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I haven't asked a question in quite awhile. I'm just wondering how to deal with my ex?

    He is acting jealous now that I have a great new man in my life. My ex had told me not to divorce but then after I moved out to think about things he not only filed the divorce papers but a bitter child custody fight which I won. He was telling everyone I was mental (must be leaving him). Anyway, he is arrogant and just makes himself at home when visiting my house, takes naps on the couch etc. I don't want to cause problems and try to get along for our kids but last time he was here he slapped me on the butt then just replied with whatever when I told him it was my weekend next. Most people have said I shouldn't even allow him in the house. I don't think he really understands the word DIVORCE and was hoping I would come crawling back. He always said I could never find any one else. He tries to find fault with my boyfriend too. I have been divorced over 2 yrs and separated a year before that. The divorce was filed by him less than a month after I moved out but because of the child custody it took about a year to be finalized. Will he ever let go?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • divorced and ex asking personal questions....?

    My ex husband and I were living together but separate rooms then I moved out to think about things and decide if I wanted to try to rebuild things and less than a month later after begging me not to file he sent divorce papers and started a fight dirty custody battle. Now we have been divorced over a year and living separate over two. He kept saying you should find a boyfriend even though he does not have a girlfriend. I began dating this guy a few months ago and when he found out all he does is ask personal noyb questions..."Are you going to move in with him and give me the kids?" and "when/if I had sex?". I didn't answer the second question. the first one I of course said NO so he just assumed I did have sex and lectures me like a dad would lecture a teenager...I am 37 and he's my ex so huh??? today he asked if the guy called me because he has backed off afraid of commitment and if he broke my heart and I cried. Also said "a mutual friend just let him do this?" How does a guy have that kind of control over a not that close of friend??? Everyone says it is jealousy because he wants me back but he says he wouldn't take me back and I certainly wouldn't go back but that is not part of this question.....strange isn't it?????

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • ok..what's up with this?

    My ex husband and I were living together but separate rooms then I moved out to think about things and decide if I wanted to try to rebuild things and less than a month later after begging me not to he sent divorce papers and started a fight dirty custody battle. Now we have been divorced over a year and he kept saying you should find a boyfriend even though he does not have a girlfriend. I began dating this guy a few months ago and when he found out all he does is ask personal noyb questions..."Are you going to move in with him and give me the kids?"..hell no!! and "when/if I had sex?". I didn't answer so he just assumed I did and lectures me like a dad would lecture a teenager...I am 37 and he's my ex so huh??? today he asked if the guy called me because he has backed off afraid of commitment and if he broke my heart and I cried. Also said "a mutual friend just stood there and let him do this?" How does a guy have that kind of control over a not that close of friend??? Everyone says it is jealousy because he wants me back but he says he wouldn't take me back and I certainly wouldn't go back but that is not part of this question.....strange isn't it?????

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My ex still trys to control everything, should I talk to him when he calls just being nosy?

    We went thru a bitter divorce where he tried taking the kids from me and told everyone I had mental problems. Now he calls checking up on me and trying to tell me how to raise them. He also asks if I am happier now and if I have a bf and why I am not out looking. Says he has no time for gf. I don't know if he expects me to come crawling back to him or what but it bugs me. Says he is just trying to get along for the kids sake after a few weeks ago telling me he was not going to talk to me anymore except to get the kids. After calling me crazy, physical abuse other than hitting before I left etc and now he expects to be friends...I think he just wants to keep control. He became arrogant and self absorbed after we married and it was his way or no way attitude towards things. After 9 yrs of no companionship and being bossed around like a child I left and he couldn't believe I actually did.............."must be crazy to leave wonderful him"

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it OK for an ex to drop over unexpected to see his kids whenever he wants?

    then he acts like my house is his and goes wherever. If I say something its like talking to a rock. I get tired of fighting so I have kept quiet but it bugs me. Would it you?

    53 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Question for the guys?

    Do you kiss a girl good bye or goodnight even if your just friends? Just wondering because someone I met recently wanted a kiss goodbye even though we had no immediate plans to ever meet again. It was his idea recently to meet up again at a mall when I was close to his town though. He wanted a kiss goodbye again.....I'm not sure how he feels about me and it's not like making out so why? I don't mind just curious....BTW, we are well past the teenage

    27 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Single people only....Well I guess you can answer from the past

    Do or did you kiss someone same day you meet? How far do you go on a first date?....just curious since I was married for over 9 years and out of the dating scene......

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you use a dishwasher?

    I prefer the old fashioned way although I don't like doing dishes.. LOL How about you?

    23 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have you even dined alone in a restaurant?

    I do sometimes and did again just yesterday. Almost everyone in there was alone but were men..LOL As long as it is just a fast food place but never in a restaurant where you get served at the table. Have you and are you male or female?....just curious

    34 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Are there any men that still open a car door for a woman?

    I personally would be in or out of the car before they had the chance...LOL I am not helpless. I do however, expect a door to be held when walking into a building.....A polite man will always hold the door and let the woman walk in first even if she was originally holding it for him. I am in the USA.....Agree?

    45 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you hold the door open for the person behind you when walking into a building?

    It is just the polite thing to do. If your a woman holding the door for a man rather than saying thank you they usually take it from you and let you walk on through...Common courtesty at least in my small USA town how about yours?....

    93 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you consider this polite or are you offended by it?

    If a stranger calls you sweetheart, hun etc...Usually it is the older women with me and makes me feel kind of childish..LOL However, I was standing in line at a fast food place and these three guys were having a discussion in front of me. They were saying ask any woman so the one being told he was wrong said hey, there is one so I asked what do you need to know. One of the men had told the woman behind the counter take your time sweetheart and his buddies said he shouldn't have. This is USA....It is my understanding after talking to a few guys from the UK it is more common there, almost all immediately referred to me as hun or darling.. Also if your a guy do you consider it a polite thing to do? He said he just does it to be polite not like he was hitting on her or anything....

    43 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What makes you think the world is going to hell?

    I live in a small northern Michigan town so my answer is when we even have drive by shootings....UGH!!! two 17yr olds were just arrested for attempted murder after they drove on a normally quiet good neighborhood street that I travel on frequently and shot at a house...Can't we feel safe anywhere anymore?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is there a food you absolutely despise?

    but like it in other foods? I can't stand raw onions or even cooked ones most of the time. However, I like french onion chip dip, sour cream and onion flavored chips, gravy made with onion soup mix, onion powder and onion rings but only from BK....Maybe I am just weird... :P

    54 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have you ever received a violation notice?

    I just received one for a completely innocent answer when all the jerks on here are left alone... What is going on? Will they even bother answering my reply asking why?

    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you ever visit?

    la la land? Its a fun place to escape from life. Your only crazy if you don't come back right? .. :P

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago