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  • I have a 5 year old grandson. My daughter is about to marry a man with a 9 year old daughter whom he gets every weekend. My question is::?

    Do I spend the same amount on her for Christmas, birthdays and other holidays that I spend on my grandson? Plus, her birthday comes before the wedding, do I buy her the same as I have been for my grandson? I buy him a toy and put money in his savings account for his future.

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler6 years ago
  • Who won US Biggest Loser? I'm dying to know!!!?

    I can't find it anywhere and don't have access to a tv. I don't really care for Helen or Tara or I guess I want Mike by default. The most I care about is Tara NOT getting it. I believe she is manic depressive. She was either crying or laughing with that wild look in her eyes. Spooky scary. Go Mike.

    6 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Any 3rd generation Camaro nuts out there?

    My husband bought a set of sun visors for his 3rd generation Camaro. They are extremely bowed. According to the eBay seller, T-Top sun visors are bowed. Is this correct?

    2 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • How much money to spend on my son-in-law's gifts?

    I spend about $250 each on my children at Christmas and for their birthdays we take the family out to dinner and then spend about $100 for their gift. I am not sure how much to spend on my son-in-law in comparison? We do take the family out to dinner on his birthday, but how much to spend on the gifts? I don't want to spend the same, but I feel cheap spending less. Any suggestions?

    5 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • My daughter is dieting and exercising an hour a day and has reached a plateau. She was wondering...?

    if what I heard was true. I belonged to Weight Watchers and a young girl had the same complaint. She was working out an hour a day. The WW leader told her when you are in the weight loss process you should only work out 1/2 hr per day. Any one know anything about this?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why isn't generic Prilosec available on the shelves of US stores?

    There is a generic (Omeprazole) that is now available. You can order it online, but it comes from India and it takes a very long time to receive it. They used to sell it on eBay, but they had to stop (?). Anyone know what's going on?

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Veronica Mars fans unite!!!! Is it coming back next season?

    I hear it will not be back in the fall, but has a slim chance of coming back next winter. Contact the network and tell them you want Veronica Mars back. If anyone is not familiar with the show, it is GREAT. You need to rent the DVD's from prior seasons starting with season one and get on the band wagon. You won't regret it.

    5 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • My son-in law made a secret date with his ex-girlfriend. My daughter found out. Now what?

    Oh sure, he says it was just as friends. {OF COURSE, I believe him, don't you???} Can this marriage work? She told him that he can NEVER see or talk to that woman again. He says that will be hard because she is in with his group of friends. I know what I said, but what do you say?

    22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Someone please help me to find a way to keep my kitten out of the refrigerator?

    My kitten is 5 months old. Everytime he is in the kitchen and I open the refrigerator door, he jumps in and runs to the back so that I can't get him out easily. I tell him NO, take him out and sometimes tap him on the nose. He seems unaffected. Well, my worst fear almost happened tonight. I got myself a snack and a glass of milk and I was going to take my pill, but I forgot it. I did some household tasks and in about an hour, I went to get a little more milk to take my pill and the kitten was in the refrigerator. He seemed a little lethargic. I warmed him and he seems better, but I am a wreck. I can't stop crying. If I hadn't needed to take my pill, with more milk he would have been in there all night and would most certainly have succumbed to the cold and lack of oxygen. How can I keep him out of the refrigerator? Somebody please help.

    14 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • You're at the dinner table. You have a cold...?

    Are you supposed to get up from the dinner table and leave the room every time you have to blow your nose? What about at a restaurant?

    14 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • I have a joke I want everyone to rate.?

    Bubba died and went to hell. He had been a boozer and a druggie. He arrived Sunday night. Someone came up to him to see how he was doing. Bubba was scared and didn't know what to expect. So the guy said well do you like drinking. Bubba said "I love drinking", so the guy said well, you're going to love Monday because we have beer, wine, whisky, gin, scotch...all you can drink. Bubba said Wow, this hell thing ain't so bad after all. Then the guy said do you like drugs? Bubba was ecstatic...I LOVE drugs. The guy said well then your going to love Tuesdays we get all the drugs we want, PCP, heroin, pot, LSD, cocaine and there's no worry of overdose because we're already dead. Bubba couldn't believe his good fortune. He was loving hell. Then the guy said, are you gay? Bubba said no. The guy said well then you're going to HATE Wednesdays.

    Rate this joke 1 to 10.

    29 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Who's crazier?

    We are a middle class American family. I get my hair cut at Hair Cuttery for $13 and give a $7 tip for a total of $20. I don't get a blow dry because I don't want to sit in the chair that long and I usually don't like the way they style it anyway. My daughter who is grown and makes a middle class income also got her hair cut this week end. She also got her hair colored and highlighted. It looks beautiful. However, she spent $212 PLUS TIP for these services. She thinks I'm crazy. I think she is crazy. (We both know we're both a little crazy.) The question is: WHO'S CRAZIER????

    12 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Veronica Mars fans! What did this mean?

    This week on Veronica Mars, Dickie went up to Mac and said something like... My brother didn't really care about you. You were just his beard. I have NO idea what that means. Anybody have a clue? If it is a sexual inuendo, please don't be graphic.

    9 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Are there any calm, rational Wiccans out there?

    Every time I see a response by a Wiccan, it appears angry and defensive. Can someone explain briefly what the religion is about and what drew you to it?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Why do people get so nasty when a political question is asked?

    Is it because they don't know anything about it, so they rant and rage to take the focus off of the fact that they are uneducated?

    17 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • What is the weirdest thing with which you've ever scratched your back?

    I used a steak knife one time with the serated blade.

    8 AnswersOther - Health2 decades ago