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  • Is there something wrong with me?

    I am tired and i dont understand myself. I have suffered childhood trauma and the flashbacks resurface everytime i am stressed (exams etc.) Or a week before my period and sometimes after too. I got to know about pmdd, i thought i had the same thing i experienced mood swings and energy shifts that followed a trend but it doesnt happen for 2 months. Some months im feeling a lot better then out of nowhere i feel miserable and cant stop crying. I fully opened up on reddit and felt better after that i watched fight club and felt different and for the first time i acknowledged my pain but soon a week or 2 later i crashed hard. Its more tiring and sad when im trying my best. I dont know where im going wrong and idk if im becoming better or worse. Idek what is going on with me, i dont know if this is normal or if im faking it. I am back to the state of mind where i couldnt acknowledge my pain. Everytime i tried to understand myself i would start overthinking to the point where my head start spinning and i hear people laughing. I cant take that humiliation so i hit my head on the wall. This happens a lot and its happening even more this month so idk who to ask for help. I dont want to be burden on anyone. Im just very confused and dont know how to phrase my question properly because of the word limit, you can ask me anything in questions

    2 AnswersMental Health10 months ago
  • What is the diagnosis for PMDD and how do i confirm I have it?

    Hello, thank you for taking time to read this. I'm a 19 year old female and i have had a past with hypothyroidism when I was 15 and IBS, apart from that I am healthy and have nothing except my studies to worry about in life. 4 months ago I had a meltdown and i almost tried to kill myself. I started noting down my actions because I thought I am bipolar, I have had suicidal thoughts before but never actually went for it. I assumed I am looking for attention and i tried to ignore it. A month after that was normal except the random tears I'd shed for no reason, then i found out about pmdd, my meltdown happened a week before my period. Last month, i did it again. I hurt myself and prayed to God i die. I got scared that i might actually kill myself. That also happened on day 23 of my menstrual cycle. I am currently a week away from my period and i just feel lazy or occasionally sad so maybe it's not serious. I honestly don't understand myself. I see checking out many PMDD symptoms but at the same time I think i might be lying to myself to avoid being responsible for my actions. I am still tracking my my mood swings. I don't want to tell my parents because they might think i am overthinking, also I don't know how to tell them I tried to hurt myself. My mom will be overprotective of me and the last time she did that it was overbearing. Thanks again.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health2 years ago
  • Does grilled chicken make you fat? Read details before answering please?

    This is the first time I am dieting to lose weight. This is day 3. I was eating salad and lentil soup before and my mom told me about grilled chicken, I seasoned the chicken and grilled it along with seasoned onions and bell peppers. There were like 4 really small pieces of chicken. Anyway, it tasted amazing. I don't trust things that taste so good. So am I doing something wrong? Is this ineffective? Or is grilled chicken a miracle which tastes good and doesn't increase your waist line?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • What coffee is thick?

    I really like my coffee thick like gravy and aromatic but i can't handle the bitter taste so i have it with milk and lots of sugar. Can I get coffee like this in cafes? If so then what is this kindof coffee called? I searched on how to make it at home and it's hard and expensive because apparently you need very fine granules and i am not that big of a fan of coffee to buy a grinder.

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks2 years ago
  • how do i help her with OCD?

    This concerns my sister. I am actually not sure if she does have OCD or not but she has displayed symptoms a few times like closing the door and rechecking if it's closed every time after someone enters the room or panicking if her hand gets marked with something like henna that is hard to remove. It gets irritating and i try not to get angry and support her but she gets violent at times. If I tell her to be patient and just try battling it a little she says no and that she doesn't want the anxiety she gets. I don't know if she is tying or not but I tell her that she should slowly expose herself to things more or else it will be hard for her in the future. Am I wrong? Is this too forced? I support her most of the times anyway and don't forcefully expose her I just advice her

    3 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • Any watercolour surfaces as watercolour paper substitutes?

    I want to try watercolours but i can't because i can't afford watercolour papers, they aren't available in my country art shops. Online stores have either stocked out or can't accept cash on delivery (i don't have credit card or paypal options, not adult yet). I want to try alternate solutions, like walls, idk if they can be a good idea. Any other material?

    2 AnswersPainting3 years ago
  • i want to sell paintings but idk how?

    im not very good and i am still practicing so it will take a lot of time for me to be able to start selling them. i just want to know beforehand and in case i decide to sell a painting. i am a medical student who is actually passionate of arts so i haven't studied business at all and have zero experience or knowledge about it. also i am self taught. i just draw what i want, mostly sketching and oil painting so i am trying to know about art by internet.

    how do i start? how is art priced? what is a bad art?

    3 AnswersPainting3 years ago
  • In america, after graduating high school do people go to college or in university level where you get a degree?

    For us, grade 11 and 12 is college and after graduation we enter university to get bachelor's degree.

    I also want to know how many years does it take to get a bachelor's degree in medical in america? I heard someone say 10 years including housejob which is 2 years.

  • Need urgent answer. I drank too much tea.?

    I recently got to know i have IBS and I'm on medication since 3 days for it. At the same time I've been drinking coffee but in less amount because i need caffeine to function. Today i wanted to try tea (with milk) and tea is weaker than coffee and won't give same result as coffee if taken in same amount as coffee so i made a mug full and drank it. At first i felt very refreshed active and motivated but visiting the bathroom often. After awhile around 2 hours later, my visit to bathroom became more and i feel nauseous. 3 hours later, I'm very gassy, my stomach hurts, i feel very nauseous and tired and sleepy and I'm kindof hungry too. I don't know what to do to relieve this pain because i have so much work to do. I would also like to know if taking caffeine with medication is a good idea. I can't contact my doctor because he is very far away and doesn't pick up calls.

    7 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks3 years ago
  • Does my dad have anxiety?

    He never opened up alot about his childhood but i know he has been through a lot. He cares alot about what other people think but that's normal for most people. He is constantly worried and shouting especially when someone else is driving the car and he's beside the driver he'll keep nagging about how to be safer and scold alot, he doesn't let me go out of thè house even though i am independent by now. I think he has IBS because i do too and both of us need the bathroom alot. I

    Right now he lives abroad alone with some colleague and he might be depressed because it shows how tired he is and he's losing weight fast. I want to help him, i can't see him so mentally tired anymore and irritated every day.

    3 AnswersPsychology3 years ago
  • What is ADHD? Do I have it?

    I think too much into things and forget the simples reasons so this can be just my personality coinciding with some ADHD symptoms but leading me into thinking that i have it. When is ADHD different from personality?

    Recently i have become very tired but that's because i have study pressure on me and extremely forgetful with trouble in concentrating. I'm always very tired but sometimes i get sudden rush energy for awhile that makes me want to squeeze someone's arm or something. I am too tired to care so i don't get angry alot but i do get irritated alot.

    Maybe I'm being dramatic. I overthink and end up in an unnecessary conflict with myself. Please do not tell me to visit a doctor I'm trying to solve my focus issue myself and it works sometimes, it's jusr hard to focus i haven't lost it completely.

    2 AnswersMental Health3 years ago
  • Why am i so nervous?

    I just got into university and it'll be my first time in co ed so that already explains alot. Anyways, i used to talk to this guy who is with me in uni on the internet (he doesn't know what i look like) and he asked me to introduce myself in real life. After that whenever i saw him, i was supposed to go to him, but the mere sight of him made me sick, anxious and nervous. Idk why. I never had this much problem communicating with a boy before. I started avoiding him. Then one day, i decided i don't have to interact with him and he seemed to forget it too amd the next day i was very relaxed i didn't feel that anxious around him, there was no change in my routine or diet that day. I am very sure that i do not see him romantically in any way. Also i didn't have that much problem with other guys but i rarely talk to them just the necessary and occasional "excuse me".

    I also made 2 friends in a week (both girls)and can converse ok so I'm not anti social or bad at socialising.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Excessive thirst and hypothyroid.?

    Hi, i am a 17 year old female and i was diagnosed with hypothyroid about a month ago. The doctor gave me euthyrox and i have been taking the pills religiously every morning. About two days ago, i experienced excessive thirst and no matter how much i drink, i am still thirsty. Also, sometimes i feel very hot at night which i find unusual because i usually feel cold. I googled this and i thought it as symptoms for overdosage of the medicine but these are the only symptoms i am experiencing. I would appreciate your answer.

    1 AnswerMedicine4 years ago
  • Excessive thirst?

    3 AnswersMental Health4 years ago