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Why am I aroused more by fantasizing about animalistic and unhygienic women?
I seem to be more aroused and satisfied afterwards when I fantasize about this kind of sex, is there an explanation for this?(besides me being a pervert). Oh and I'm 15.
3 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoInstead of giving trans people estrogen if they're men and testosterone if they're women, why not...?
The opposite, would that make them feel more comfortable as men or women, or is it more complicated than that?
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoWhy am I like this when my parents didn't raise me this way?
When I was younger I was racist, homophobic and sexist because of what I saw on tv, heard on the internet, etc. I was into rap, then I went through a phase of wanting to be a soldier, then I went through a patriotic phase. I never followed in my parents footsteps. I'm no longer racist, homophobic or sexist. Most people act the way they do because of their parents, I was completely on my own. My question is: is that proof that I never had a good relationship with my parents? Like I was the only kid that LITERALLY and TRULY did not care of what anyone including my parents thought of me or how I acted. Will this make me a bad father in life knowing I couldn't develop a proper relationship with my parents, meaning I'll most likely be a distant father?
3 AnswersParenting8 years agoWhy do I get uncomfortable from love?
I often get uncomfortable when I'm being very nice, comforted, told I'm loved, when I cry, have emotions, etc. is that a normal part of being a guy? I have one of those over-involved moms and I literally have said **** off when I was in a bad enough mood. Like I hate sharing my feelings, it makes me feel all weak and fuzzy and sick inside, not to mention the shameful feeling afterwards. I don't share anything with my mom really: my friends, emotions, etc. Anyone else feel this way, what does it mean? Please no rude answers.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoShould I come out as "gay"?
I'm bisexual but my parents are hardcore watchful parents, but they accept gays; my sister is out as a lesbian, I'm bisexual and my brother is straight, he couldn't be alone with his gf until he was 18, my sis was over 18, but she was allowed because she couldn't get pregnant. My thought is everyone thinking I'm gay is actually good in the sense that u could secretly have a girlfriend and have sex with her, my parents would be clueless. I mean would you worry about your gay son in his locked room with a girl, NOPE:) should I take advantage of their ignorance?
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoHow damaged am I LGBT?
I used to be homophobic since like age 8, calling guys fags, at 13 I realized I was bisexual. My whole family thinks I'm gay and my sister is lesbian. Despite my family thinking I'm gay, even though I'm bi but more leaning towards guys I want to bring a girl home to prove them all wrong. I hate being told by people on yahoo answers that I'm gay when I ask if I am, because to be perfectly honesty, I ask that to be reassured that I'm straight. All my friends are homophobic, I go to a Christian school, all my teachers are nice but most are anti-gay, some are on the fence and others are gay-friendly, which is normal. I know I like boys, but it just feels like it's not me, but I do like girls. I'm so confused. I want everyone to think I'm straight, maybe so then even I'll come to believe it. I used to be suicidal, and strongly self-hating of myself, calling myself a ******, crying myself to sleep, praying for forgiveness. I just hate being at a party with all the guys feeling up girls, and me wanting to bang the guys more than the girls, and when they use the word gay it really hurts but I don't show it. It just makes me realizes how much hate the truly is, I just want to be straight, not bisexual. Most people assume it's gay it straight, which is why no one thinks I'm gay. The girls at my school tried to make me their "gay friend" and they hinted they think I'm gay, so I left them, socialized with some guys and it's better now. Truth is I hate my bisexuality, I only want girls.
1 AnswerLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoWhy do I feel like this when I help people?
Whenever I act really kind or friendly I get this weird feeling in my face and arms? Any thoughts? It also happens when I socialize or when I talk with a cute girl.
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoLGBT: if you could take one pill to turn you straight or make you align with your body, would you?
Hypothetical, just a question, don't think of how it's impossible.
14 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoWhat's my sexuality?
So I've been having trouble identifying my sexuality for years. It started at age 13 when my attraction for girls diminished and my attraction for boys increased, my attraction for girls however has returned, but not as strong as my attraction for boys. I'm only emotionally attracted to girls, but when I'm trying to fantasize about them it's a lot harder to get off then on boys. For example when I'm around girls, I'll get shy, nervous, blush a bit, really want to have sex with the really hot ones, but when I get home I can't get off. I think if I were to actually engage in sex I'd have no trouble at all. So what are your thoughts? I've never had any homosexual experiences (thank god). I have gotten really horny several times just hugging girls though, like I said... This is all very confusing.
6 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoIn relationships how do you get a good balance?
How do you not pamper a girl, only to have her run off with a jerk, without being a jerk and having a healthy relationship? I understand you both have to contribute, but what does that mean? Does it mean saying no to her at times and rescheduling if you are going out with your friends or does it mean splitting the bill, exchanging gifts and not just giving? I'm totally lost.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoDoes this mean I'm strong? I'm confused?
So I'm 15, 5'10 and 235 pounds. I apparently look 160 pounds according to 3 people, asked independently and my friend who looks slightly thinner than me is 140. I also noticed after watching body building videos, I don't have vascular muscles, however I do have the "build" form on my shoulders, as in they look defined almost. I'm not all that athletic, I can run, and I can do 15 repetitions of 25 pounds consecutively standing up, doing it the proper way. So would I be considered at least a bit muscular, I'm not trying to look cool or anything, but I will ask a girl out and I want to at least know that if I need to, I can protect her. No one says I actually look 235, they were blown away when I told them I was 200+. So again, would I be strong enough to protect a girl if I were dating one?
1 AnswerLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoWhy was I the only kid growing up who had gutts?
I remember from 1st grade to fifth grade, I was often picked on, so when I was challenged and won a fight or fought back, the kid would go crying to their parents and I would shrug it off. My way of thinking was: don't get the parents involved. I laugh at all those reports of kids who sue after they are douchebags who can't hold their own or win a fight they started. The only time i cried was when i was beaten up by a 7th grader in 1st grade, not because of pain, but you know that feeling when you're absolutely helpless? yeah, well that was how i felt, couldn't do anything, therefore i saw it justified for telling on people if they're like 7+ years on me, but if it's a fair fight i man up. Like in elementary, all the kids would call their siblings after I would win, and I wouldn't. Even when i lost, i didn't ***** about anything. Also i'm not violent, therefore unless someone directly threatens me, or calls me out, i won't even consider fighting them. I'm not a kid who had anger issues, but the way I saw it was, be a man about everything and don't get pushed around, stand up for yourself. Am I the only kid that didn't insult people, then get beaten up and go crying to mommy? And people love lawsuits now, any reason to put the blame on yourself or your child.
1 AnswerMen's Health8 years agoHow can I stand up for myself at school with injuring others?
Often I get in fights with these dicks at my school, they always challenge me to a fight, now to be clear, I'm not afraid to fight or get hit. The thing is I don't want to be severely injured or cause severe injuries to others. I want to put them in their place without breaking their nose, knocking them unconscious, rupturing their eardrum, damaging a vital organ, etc. and I also don't want these to be inflicted upon me. But I also don't want to fight like a wuss, so got any tips?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoLGBT: explain this to me?
I used to be homophobic, always cracking at laughing at gay jokes, seeing gays as this gross species, but now that I'm bisexual, I'm incredibly remorseful, depressed, and confused. Now I see gay guys as cute and normal, I used to be so hateful. I'm bi actually, but more attraction to guys. When I see guys get all riled up over a girl, I feel left out. I'd have sex with a girl and enjoy hugging/kissing them, but j don't get boners from seeing hot girls. Anyone else go through this? I'm terribly sorry for what I was like, but I don't deserve this. I am almost fully accepting of gays, and even though it feels right, I also feels so wrong, help me!
3 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoWho's tired of all this killing?
First the American revolution, then the war of independence, then world war 1, followed by world war 2, then Korea, Vietnam, the gulf war, Iraq, Afghanistan, and threats from North Korea, the Iran-Jerusalem war-scare, news of al-Qaeda resurfacing with a new leader, then Lybia, and now Syria, not to mention all the other civil wars, riots, and operations. Is it just me, or is anyone else just tired if all this death? I was really riled up to join the infantry a few years back, but now I realize everything is politics, and wars will always happen, there's no fighting for peace, freedom yes(not everyone will have it), but there will never be peace.
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoHow do I lift weights properly and look like I know what i'm doing?
I'm 15, 5'10 and 235lbs (I don't look that fat though). I can lift quite a bit,( I read PDFs online and apparently I'm not that bad compared to other kids my age) but I am clueless as to what I should eat, my routines, etc. my friends go to the gym more than I, but I don't want them to know that I'm inexperienced. Like I said, I don't have an issue with strength, but I need to understand routines for lifting dumbbells, and diet. I read that you need proteins, but how much, how often, before or after working out, after right? Also I did like 800reps of 10lbs last month and like 200 reps of 25 pounds and I feel like a bloody idiot. Apparently you need to up the weight if you can do more than 12 or something. I really want to get into weightlifting but I am CLUELESS. Please help me. Should I start at the amount of weight that I can lift 12 reps of or should I start at the lowest weight and go up to transition? I want to look like I know what I'm doing. I don't know any of the terminology, techniques, routines, etc. I'd like to go to the gym with my friends, but I'm too embarrassed now.
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agoIs this bad, good or great for strength, people who workout?
I just want to know where I am on strength, to see if I should try to get it up. I do 50 reps of 25lbs of free weights per arm a few times a day(100 reps together every time) I do 5, then switch arm, do another 5, then 10,15, 20. So I get little rests in between. I want to know, is that considered strong or weak, should I lift more? I just started. My left arm gives our after this, and my right(dominant) arm can go a little farther. I did this 2 times today so 100 reps per arm(200 total). I do only this amount so I don't overdue it, allowing me to do it several times a day. But at the gym I see guys bench like 200lbs, so is what I'm doing pathetic? I know benching is easier then free weights in terms of weight but still... I need to know because I want to be in good shape. So is 50 reps of 25lbs per arm good in one sitting?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agoHow can I summon the courage to ask a girl out?
I'm 15, going into grade 10 and I really like this girl. Thing is I'm overweight, I wouldn't say obese, because I have quite a bit of muscle but I'm 5'10 and 238lbs(but I look 200). I'm losing weight right now, but anyway, should I try to ask this girl out? I mean I'll probably get shot down, and that means I can't ask her out again, so it has to work. Should I lose weight first? If I stick to 1500 calories a day, I could be 150 by half of second semester(7.5 months). Should I go for it or wait till I actually lose weight(if I do). I REALLY like this girl, help me. Oh and btw most people think I'm gay(idk why, I'm really masculine but I pay close attention to my appearance) so she might see it as an attempt for a "cover-up" but idk. Maybe they're just joking around. Another reason I want to ask her out now is that most girls in high school are taken.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago