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Not a big fan of the whole liberalism thing and have low tolerance for ignorance in all things politcal.

  • Am I the only one who hasn't heard of the "Committee of 300" and the "Club of Rome"?

    Apparently, they are running our government, according to an "insider" on this board. That is why BO is doing such a terrible job in governing. THEY GOT TO HIM TOO!!!

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does the Peggy West statement prove once and for all the Democrats truly are the smartest in the room?

    Surely the debate is over now. All Republicans foolishly thought that Arizona was a border state, but now they know. Thanks for the Geography lesson, Peggy!

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Big Media is mad at Tony Hayward for sailing today, but not mad at BO for golfing with his V.P. Why?

    Is this just another sad, obvious case of Big Media Bias, or are they just that stupid?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should the reporter who was attacked by Bob Ethridge be embarrassed?

    that he got punked out by a Democrat, who by nature aren't real manly? I would have been using Muy Thai on his pasty a**, but this guy punked out.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can we have a moratorium on opposing sides hitting the "Report Abuse" button?

    on those views they oppose. I mean come on! Y!A are tools for not actually going through them and finding the issues with merit, so let's just let each other have it! Ok! Let's have at more question or answer deletions!!!

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where's the news coverage of that 7 year old boy who's missing?

    Every time some grown white woman turns up missing, it's in the news cycle for months on end, if hot years (Natalie Holloway). I believe that it's part of the Big Media brainwashing where we are to think that the male life is completely worthless, but all feminine life is precious. Thoughts? You can't disagree that Big Media doesn't hold females (save Sarah Palin) to some God-like status. By media, I mean all media, not just news outlets.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Will another network pick up 24?

    An edgier show is what 24 needed to stay on top of their game, and they swung for the fences this past season. It started out slow and then the last 4 hours were off the chain. FX, A&E, or some other cable network would be a better one than Fox, no?

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Who believes that Media Matters for America is a good news source?

    Serioulsy, who? I know, I one with a mind that is not sluggish with THC, black-tar heroin, or crystal meth, but...

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is there a Seinfeld Cast curse?

    All cast members, even Jerry Seinfeld, had moved on to other shows, and none of them have taken off. Michael Richards, J.L Dreyfus, Jason Alexander had shows that were canceled. I saw J.L Dreyfus on Arrested Development, a great show that was canceled even though she wasn't a permanent cast member. Seinfeld's poorly-received marriage show. What up wit' dat? Only Curb Your Enthusiasm has been successful, but Larry David was just a creator who occasionally did Stenbrenner voices.

    3 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Why did B.O kiss Calderon's corrupt ring today?

    He basically let an invited guest to his home slam his family, and agreed with him to boot! Mexico is a cesspool of corruption, all the way up to Calderon, but B.O didn't get the memo. He instead slammed Arizona again, for a law that neither he, nor his Attorney General read. Perhaps the only thing B.O can read is a telepromter? Ooh! I know my next question!

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How in the world is a non-judge the best pick to the Supreme Court?

    B.O picks a gender-neutral candidate, Alan/Elena Kagan, fo rizzowl, but since he has a penchant for finding gender-neutral candidates, as Clinton did with Janet Reno, Donna Shelayla, and his wife, could BO not find a eunuch who had actually judged before?

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Since multiculturalism has proved to be the death knell of Europe, should the U.S continue the flawed practice?

    Out of control immigration from Africa has all but erased the rich culture of countries like the United Kingdom and France. It can all be traced to panty waists wresting control over their governments, who court these wretches with free handouts so they can maintain that control/power. It has failed the native citizens there miserably, and we have people with the same mindset who are controlling the U.S government now. Since Europe has fallen under that weight, will the U.S soon follow suit? Duh...

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did the "Los(t) Suns Give 70% of Arizonans the Finger By Supporting Illegals Over The Law?

    I sure think so, and am so glad that I don't watch basketball, along with most of the rest of thw country. Perhaps Steve Nash and his compatriots should move to a border town to see the utter devastation that illegal aliens bring to those towns and the citizens unfortunate enough to be stuck there. Nash and the Suns team were whining about a law that was passed because Washington cares not about enforcing a law THEY MANDATED TO THE STATES. Nash acts as if illegals coming here siphoning off social programs and destroying our public entities with their needs is no big deal. Maybe when it affects him and/or his regressive friends he will think differently. Anyone know where he actually lives? Not the address, but where in Arizona?

    8 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Should the media apologize to white males for misreporting NYC bomber?

    I know this is a somewhat hypothetical sounding question, but I think we all know that Big Media was trying to convince their lemming audiences that it was a Sarah Palin t-shirt wearing Tea Party member that tried to perpetrate this latest terrorism attempt. We now know that the perp in the NYC bombing case was Middle Eastern; if the suspect was reported as any other race than white, it is highly plausible that the race industry would be coming out of the woodwork demanding retractions, not that our media wouldn't beat them to the punch on their mea culpas.

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Did the History Channel do themselves a disservice by having mainly liberal activist commentators on America:?

    Our Story? I found it egregious that only Newt Gingrich and Rudy Guiliani were the only conservatives found to help tell the tale of our country's origins. Cheryl Crow (?!?), Louis Gates (Obama's beer drinking buddy and well-known race hustler), BILL MAHER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, were among the many America-haters telling "Our Story." I know Colen Powell was on there too, but he is as far from conservative as his pick for President, Barack Hussein Obama.

    Wouldn't the History Channel have had a little more street cred by getting more America loving patriots than they did America hating a**holes like Bill Maher and that black woman from Rutgers University? Anyone?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why was the question about going to see Bill Maher's movie, Religulous, which spoofs religion missing?

    Why was this question deleted, Yahoo!? Feeling pressure from the Left over this? Did it question the Left's religion of Government/Nature and make you guys uncomfortable? Of course it didn't because Maher worships at this alter. Why did Maher leave out the Eastern religions that worship and believe equally stupid things, but Hollywood elites glom onto? The director Larry Charles claimed on Opie and Anthony that they didn't have time to research them more, but we all know how liberals gravitate to Bhuddism and other "inner peace/inner spirit" religions of which come from the East. They worship bugs and vermin for Christ's sake! What about spoofs of the enviro-dummies that worship trees? Was that in the movie too?How is their religion any more enlightened?!? Please Yahoo! Answer this question. Are you afraid that your religions will come under equal scrutiny? I know Yahoo and Google are ran by Northeast libs, but don't be silly.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago