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Lv 32,304 points


Favorite Answers35%
  • Can I hire a company (like a shipping center...) to receive a letter for me and forward it to my address?

    This is to have an address in a certain zip code... not for drugs or anything like that. I need someone to receive a letter for me and mail it to me.

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • How can I fill out my housing application so I'm guaranteed a single..... some golden karma points!?

    Hi guys,

    I was accepted to a college early (yay!), so I'm filling out my housing application, and I'm stuck.

    I really want a single, and the college I'm going to has a TON of singles. Yes, there are plenty of singles for first years. The problem is that the dorm I want fills up with upperclassmen, and there are only about ~20 spots for frosh, and they're all in singles. The dorm is half doubles and half singles in two connected buildings, and I really want to live in the singles half of the building.

    Frosh do get these singles, they just play the system with their housing app so they're guaranteed a single. I talked to one who put that she had super strange sleeping patterns and stuff like that. I get bouts of insomnia and stuff like that, and I can't fall asleep in my room if anyone else is awake in my house. How should I play that?

    Here are the questions on the app... what can I say that will get me a single without claiming some weird medical thing or sounding like a freak they should rescind?

    List extracurricular interests... List intended major...

    Rank each statement from 1 to 9, with 1 as the strongest preference. Answer each statement with a Yes or No.

    I wish to be assigned to a single-sex floor. (the dorm I want is all co-ed with only one single sex floor for women... I don't really care if it's coed)

    I wish to be assigned to a dorm with its own dining hall

    I prefer a single (check box) double (check box)

    I prefer a roommate who shares my academic interests

    I have physical/medical needs that require special consideration in my housing application

    I prefer to study with background noise (like music)

    I am neat

    I prefer a roommate who is neat

    I am an extrovert and social

    I prefer a roommate who is an extrovert and social

    I go to bed before midnight

    I prefer a roommate who goes to bed before midnight

    List any factors that would help find a good match....

    List any medical conditions that affect housing.... (like allergies.....I'm allergic to a lot of things (peanuts, sulfa). Should I put that in to ensure a single?)

    Thanks so much for reading! Y'all are so awesome for doing this!

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • How do I signal via email that I don't want a relationship to be romantic? Also an age gap issue.?

    Hello all,

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    And now to the business end of things...

    I responded to a personal ad on craigslist not looking for romance- it seemed like the guy knew of a somewhat secretive group I want to join so I emailed him asking about the group, not mentioning anything romantic in nature. He countered with a "would you enjoy spending time with me and then we can talk about the group" thing. How can I respond without agreeing to a date?

    I'm not attached, and if he's cute and what I'm looking for, I'd be open to dating him... so I don't want to say I'm taken. I also don't want this to be a date thing. How can I say this without explicitly stating it? I'd like to leave it open, but I don't want him to expect anything.

    Another issue- he is most likely way too old for me. I'm 17 (almost 18! yay! (legal to have sex with whomever I like in my state, btw)), and it seems as though he is ~30ish (late twenties?). I don't want to make a date with this guy if he's just too old for me. I don't really care about age that much, but I think a lot of guys would. What do y'all think?

    BTW: This is a religiously themed group, and it seems like we share similar religious views. I'd like to join the group, and I don't know anyone who is a member besides this guy... and I really have no way of finding anyone else.

    I'll be handing out thumbs ups to whomever answers as thanks.

    Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the turkey!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • will I ever find a man who loves me as much as my dog does?

    My dog loves me so much. he follows me around all the time and just generally thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread.

    Will I ever find a man who loves me as much as my dog does?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • any tips for cramming for an Organic Chemistry 2 exam? all nighter, here I come...?

    One night. One day. What can I do to help me retain information for the third midterm of ochem 2?

    Chapter 19, 20, 21 of Carey for anyone who's interested...

    I don't do well with coffee, and I don't have access to anything all that strong for drugs.

    Any tips/tricks for an all nighter or OChem 2?

  • Yet another "does he like me" question... but hey, you'll get some points out of the deal?

    Thanks for clicking on the link! I'll give thumbs up to anyone who answers! And I'll definitely pick a best answer.

    This is a bit long, but you really need it to understand the sitch.

    So I've known this guy since we were freshmen in high school (when we first met, I picked on him a lot, and he thought I liked him), and we joked around a lot with a group of people in LA class sophomore year. Junior year, we discovered we were both stuck on the local university campus for the same 2 hours a week and we had coffee and chatted during that time for the whole semester. The group of people from LA in sophomore year has the running joke that this guy and I would make a good couple, and they constantly tease us about it. He always brushed it off and so did I. We'd always joke that there'd be a murder before a wedding. It wasn't until we started hanging out that it stopped being really awkward because of all the jokes.

    In May, he said in this really offhand way, "we're kind of perfect for each other, huh?" And I said "yeah, pretty much." And he immediately changed the subject. We had always kept it as friends, and we are good together as friends. It was pretty much understood that we don't like each other romantically- he accused me of liking him... and I said "you know I don't like you that way, right?" and that was after he was adamant about not liking me.

    So, fast forward to senior year going the whole summer without really talking face to face. We had chatted online- nothing too serious- kept it light.

    I asked him to go to homecoming as friends because it's our senior year and he's never been to a dance. He has a neurotic mom who won't let him do anything (with any friends, not just me), so he didn't go, even though it was a whole group of people. On the night of the dance I facebook'd him: "my dress is preeeety and you're not here... :'(" He said, "sigh... i guess i'll just have to cry myself to sleep tonight, oh well." and I said "will you come to the next dance? you need to go to at least one high school dance your senior year!" and then he said nothing and never mentioned it.

    Now, I've got this other guy who's really into me (I'm not so into him.... long story), and I was talking about how this other guy wants me to marry him, and he got a bit weird. He was working on a business project, and he joked "well, (my name), if you started a successful company, I might have to marry you." He knows I'm really good at business.

    We then went for a walk around the lake near school during our off period (he didn't want to go initially, but I convinced him). We chatted about me getting married young, he was like "but I thought you don't believe in marriage" (he believes marriage is for life, regardless of religion).

    Near the end of the walk, I told him what my married name would be with this other guy and he was like "that's terrible. What about (my 1st name) (my last name) (his last name)" and I said, "actually it'd be (my first name) (my middle name) (his last name), I wouldn't keep my name." Then I said "it'd be cute. Our initials would be JDD and KDD if we got married," and he laughed.

    So, is he just being friendly, because it's been 3 years of just being friendly, or does he like me romantically? I think we're excellent together as friends, but I don't know if that would translate to a good romantic relationship. What you y'all think?

    Thanks for reading this far. :-) points!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How long should a first date last?

    OK, so I am meeting this guy for coffee at 5:30 as a low pressure date thing. I think what's implied is that we'll do dinner if things go well. He originally asked me out for a "bite to eat" and I suggested coffee...

    I have a party I want to go to afterwards, and I'm wondering how long this thing should last. There shouldn't be any bar hopping- like coffee, and maybe dinner (?).

    So, if it goes well, how long should this date last? If it doesn't go well, how long should it last? I like him, so I'm hoping it'll go well.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How should I ask for a college interview via email (HELP!!!)?

    I'm applying to MIT, and the first test in the application process is that you have to email the interviewer yourself to schedule an interview- there is no form. How in the h*ll do I phrase it so I don't come off a brown noser, but also not disrespectful?

    I hate the first sentence!!!! I'm not supposed to start with 'I", but what do I say?

    This is what I've got:


    Thank you for conducting these interviews, as it truly does provide a valuable perspective. I am a student at Y High School in XYX. I am applying to MIT early action, and I would like to schedule an interview with you. I have a somewhat unusual school schedule, so I have free time in the middle of the day and after school. Please let me know what would work for you.

    Thank you,

    First (Nickname) Last

    I actually want to get in to MIT very badly, so how can I ask without sounding stupid???

    Thanks for reading!

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Which is better, Carnegie Mellon or Northwestern or Georgia Tech? Easy Points.?

    I'm doing chemical and biological engineering. I need to make a choice between the three based on the program/prestige.

    Easy Points! Thanks!!

  • Do I have a shot of getting into these schools? Help! Karma points!?

    Please help!

    A list of schools is at the bottom, and I described my sitch in the middle part. I want to know my odds of getting in the schools I listed. Thanks!

    Here's my sitch:

    I am a high school senior, concurrently enrolled in college. I have taken summer classes since I was a freshman, getting As and Bs in college and straight As (ok, 2 Bs) in high school. I took classes throughout my junior year, and I'm taking more this year. I had some personal stuff come up that affected my grades- I got 2 Cs (out of 10 classes- the others are a mix of As and Bs), but I have court documentation of the incident that affected things, and a way to explain everything. The incident that really screwed things up gives me a "hardship" to overcome, which is pretty decent for apps.

    I've taken through organic chemistry, genetics, and linear algebra- all very challenging courses.

    I've done stage crew and lights for 3 years of school plays, and acted in a play entirely in French (I've skipped two years of French, done AP French literature, and French club).

    I've volunteered with the county doing forest restoration since the summer before junior year. I've also been the president of a club for the past two years, and secretary beforehand.

    I'm currently doing an internship and research project at a lab at the local powerhouse research university (state school, but very well regarded). I will submit an abstract and letter of rec from my prof with my apps. I'm also submitting my project to several science competitions. The project has biofuels applications, which relates to my involvement in environmental volunteer work.

    I have a 4.47 GPA at high school, and I don't really know my college GPA- it isn't as good, but around a 3.2-.3. My SAT scores are about 2200, and I have a 34 ACT. I'm retaking those tests, and doing my subject tests this fall. I should score a bit better this time around.

    I have WONDERFUL teacher recommendations from my history and biology teachers. They love me. The one from my bio teacher will mention how I made biodiesel in my blender for a class project- further emphasis of the environmental thing.

    I have a couple ideas for creative essays about how I see science in everyday life, and find inspiration in it. i think I can write a good essay. All my personal essays for LA class have been greatly loved by my teacher and friends.

    Please don't make fun of me. I'm already insecure enough with all these applications, and I don't think I can take anymore. Some honest advice would be great!

    I need some schools to consider!

    Right now, I like:

    MIT, Emory, Brown, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Cornell, Caltech, Carnegie Mellon, Duke, and Northwestern. Do I have a shot of getting into any of these?

    Magic brownie points to whomever takes this seriously and gives some good advice.

    THANK YOU!!!!

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Where should I go to college? Suggestions? Please answer... :-) Points! Help!!!!?

    I need some suggestions as to some schools to consider. I'd really like to stay out of the midwest (too cold!). I want to do chemical and biological engineering, and I want to go to a school big enough to have a graduate school.

    Please help!

    Here's my sitch:

    I am a high school senior, concurrently enrolled in college. I have taken summer classes since I was a freshman, getting As and Bs in college and straight As (ok, 2 Bs) in high school. I took classes throughout my junior year, and I'm taking more this year. I had some personal stuff come up that affected my grades- I got 2 Cs (out of 10 classes- the others are a mix of As and Bs), but I have court documentation of the incident that affected things, and a way to explain everything. The incident that really screwed things up gives me a "hardship" to overcome, which is pretty decent for apps.

    I've done stage crew and lights for 3 years of school plays, and acted in a play entirely in French (I've skipped two years of French, done AP French literature, and French club).

    I've volunteered with the county doing forest restoration since the summer before junior year. I've also been the president of a club for the past two years, and secretary beforehand.

    I'm currently doing an internship and research project at a lab at the local powerhouse research university (state school, but very well regarded). I will submit an abstract and letter of rec from my prof with my apps. I'm also submitting my project to several science competitions. The project has biofuels applications, which relates to my involvement in environmental volunteer work.

    I have a 4.47 GPA at high school, and I don't really know my college GPA- it isn't as good, but around a 3.2-.3. My SAT scores are about 2200, and I have a 34 ACT. I'm retaking those tests, and doing my subject tests this fall. I should score a bit better this time around.

    I have WONDERFUL teacher recommendations from my history and biology teachers. They love me. The one from my bio teacher will mention how I made biodiesel in my blender for a class project- further emphasis of the environmental thing.

    I have a couple ideas for creative essays about how I see science in everyday life, and find inspiration in it. i think I can write a good essay. All my personal essays for LA class have been greatly loved by my teacher and friends.

    Please don't make fun of me. I'm already insecure enough with all these applications, and I don't think I can take anymore. Some honest advice would be great!

    I need some schools to consider!

    Points to whomever takes this seriously and gives some good advice.

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • To what caliber of colleges should I apply? 10 points, and I give out thumbs ups liberally ;-)?

    Hello all,

    I'm wondering if I should be applying more to the top schools (like MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Duke), or more like mid range schools (Emory, Purdue, Carnegie Mellon).

    I have a list of schools, but I need to choose whether to focus on top or mid range schools. I've listed some of my qualifications below. Please tell me what you think!

    I am a high school senior, concurrently enrolled in college. I have taken summer classes since I was a freshman, getting As and Bs in college and straight As (ok, 2 Bs) in high school. I took classes throughout my junior year, and I'm taking more this year. I had some personal stuff come up that affected my grades- I got 2 Cs (out of 10 classes- the others are a mix of As and Bs), but I have court documentation of the incident that affected things, and a way to explain everything. The incident that really screwed things up gives me a "hardship" to overcome, which is pretty decent for apps.

    I've done stage crew and lights for 3 years of school plays, and acted in a play entirely in French (I've skipped two years of French, done AP French literature, and French club).

    I've volunteered with the county doing forest restoration since the summer before junior year. I've also been the president of a club for the past two years, and secretary beforehand.

    I'm currently doing an internship and research project at a lab at the local powerhouse research university (state school, but very well regarded). I will submit an abstract and letter of rec from my prof with my apps. I'm also submitting my project to several science competitions. The project has biofuels applications, which relates to my involvement in environmental volunteer work.

    I have a 4.47 GPA at high school, and I don't really know my college GPA- it isn't as good, but around a 3.2-.3. My SAT scores are about 2200, and I have a 34 ACT. I'm retaking those tests, and doing my subject tests this fall. I should score a bit better this time around.

    I have WONDERFUL teacher recommendations from my history and biology teachers. They love me. The one from my bio teacher will mention how I made biodiesel in my blender for a class project- further emphasis of the environmental thing.

    I have a couple ideas for creative essays about how I see science in everyday life, and find inspiration in it. i think I can write a good essay. All my personal essays for LA class have been greatly loved by my teacher and friends.

    Please don't make fun of me. I'm already insecure enough with all these applications, and I don't think I can take anymore. Some honest advice would be great!

    Points to whomever takes this seriously and gives some good advice.

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Where should I go to college? 10 points! (I might give some thumbs up's as well)?

    Hello everyone,

    I'm a senior, and my college applications are giving me the death glare. My counselor and teachers who are writing recommendations need to know where I'm applying, and I'm stuck (I keep adding schools instead of eliminating them!). I have little confidence with the Ivy League schools, but I've taken some college classes and did a research project and all of that, so I might have a (minuscule) shot.

    Please suggest a school! It doesn't have to be from my list.

    I want to do chemical and biological engineering. I've got the qualifications to go for some "reach" schools, but I need a couple mid-range schools. Schools like Emory would be good.

    The school needs to have:

    > Chemical and Biological Engineering (or just Chemical)

    > A Graduate engineering program

    > A good reputation

    Here's my list so far:



    University of Colorado at Boulder








    UC Berkeley


    Johns Hopkins

    Thanks for your help!

    9 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • I need nice looking lab glasses! Where can I find them, and what do you think will look good?

    Hi everyone,

    I need some lab safety glasses (not goggles, thank god!), and I want them to look halfway decent. The lenses need to be clear, and preferably frameless, as that has maximum range of vision.

    I looked online, and I found a couple things, but none that were quite right. Tons of them had that unibrow-making one bar across the top. I would prefer something that looks nice, as there are some cute guys where I'm wearing the glasses ;-)

    10 points to whomever can help me out!


    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • My sexy music/virginity mix needs work, will you help me out?

    I'm making a mix of sexy music. Nothing overt like Marvin Gaye.... He's not into that stuff. Our song is Clair de Lune, so all the songs are centered around that feeling (the beauty of the moon being like love, but tremulous because the moonlight fades...).

    So far I have:

    Atlantic - Keane

    Endlessly - Muse

    Sunshine - Keane

    Come (Maria's Song)- A Friend (I know a singer song writer who does this song acoustic with his guitar and husky voice- it's pretty much about his girlfriend coming to him and sleeping with him and completing him)

    Transatlanticism - Death Cab For Cutie

    Clair de Lune - Debussy

    Sæglópur - Sigur Rós

    Hysteric - Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    then it falls apart.....

    I was thinking about incorporating "Home" from the Foo Fighters, "Hallelujah" from Jeff Buckley, and "Bedshaped" from Keane. Maybe something from Elliot Smith.... Maybe "To Be Alone With You" from Sufjan Stevens. Maybe "The Angel and The One" from Weezer

    I am uber-conscious of song meanings, and I don't want anything overtly sexy. I want subtle songs that are a bit slower and about being close to each other. I don't want anything that's overtly gushy either- "endlessly" is about the limit for me.

    The songs I listed are mainly about coming closer together or about coming home. That's kind of the theme I want to stick with.

    He's kind of a nervous guy, so I don't want to scare him off ;-)

    If you have tips about song order, that'd be cool, too.


    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What song did you lose (or hope to lose) your virginity to?

    I'm just wondering what songs people thought were romantic enough to lose their virginity to... I suppose they could be funny, too.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I just got my wisdom teeth out- how much swelling is normal?

    Hi everyone,

    I just got all 5 of my wisdom teeth removed yesterday afternoon (all impacted to some degree- one made one of my molars crooked), and I feel like I my cheeks gained 20 pounds. I couple hours after surgery, they swelled up. They swelled up even more overnight. I looked online a bit, and it said that the swelling should reach maximum by day 2-3.

    What is your personal experience? How much bigger should my cheeks get (I already look like a chipmunk that's hit the mother-load....) and how long should I take to heal?

    Also, what do you guys think of vicodin? I'm on it for all of this, and I can't figure out if I'm dizzy, happy, or just in placebo-effects mode.

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • I need music recommendations! I like the Black Keys, the Virgins, Muse, The Fleet Foxes, Death Cab, Sage ...?

    sage francis, elliot smith, eisley, bloc party, andrew bird, sufjan stevens, regina spektor, Murs, glasvegas......

    I like intelligent rap, classic rock, alternative, all that shiz

    I need some tiny bands. I need bands that no one knows so I can finally have something new.

    Help! 10 points to the best suggestion. I don't have to love it. I'm an A for effort kind of gal.

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What's my dating age range?

    I'm 17 (I can legally sleep with anyone of any age in my state, even if they're 50 or something like that, so no one's going to jail.)

    I'm a senior in high school, but I've been taking classes at the local university part time for the past 3 years . I'm very mature for my age.

    I'd like to date some of the guys at the university as the selection at my high school is pretty depressing. My issue is that all the guys at the university are older, but we are at the same intellectual/maturity level. How old can I go?

    I know that older guys try to "play" younger girls. I don't fall for that stuff. I have friends that go as high as 26. What do y'all think of all that?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do I have a right to my property as a minor? My father changed the locks on my house with my stuff inside...?

    My father is angry at me (long story, so not my fault, I promise. I didn't like his new girlfriend who he has known for a month and now "loves"... anyways), so I moved in with my mother. Within a week of this, he changed the locks on the house, even though it was my primary address for the last 3 years. Most of my things are inside, and he refuses to let me or my mother go in and get them. I have a friend that said she had a police escort to get her things when her mom did this to her. What can I do to get my stuff? I have a list of all my things, and I want my stuff! All my furniture is in there, and my books and DVDs... I'm running out of clean pants! HELP!!!!!

    Who can I call (within the government, I've already tried a locksmith....) to get my stuff??????

    Does anyone have experience with this?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago