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  • HELP!! Moving out of parents house?

    Ok so I am 17 years old first off. I live with my grandmother who has part custody of me and she is letting me leave to go live with my birth mother. My problem is she will not let me take my vehicle with me. My name is on the official vehicle registration. As far as I know this means that I partly own the vehicle. What rights does she have in saying I'm not allowed to take my vehicle? Will I need to go to court in order to obtain my truck or possibly pay for part of it?

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • HELP!! Your HDTV Does Not Support HDCP?

    My Vizio Tv has been working just fine for months. This morning I get up and turn the tv on and it says " Your HDTV Does Not Support HDCP. Please use the YPrPb componet connection to watch tv. I am using Charter. How do I fix this?

    1 AnswerTVs9 years ago
  • Should I do a factory reset?!?!?!?!?

    Im selling my android phone. Should I do a factory reset or just leave it as it is and let the buyer do a factory reset if they want to??

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • Help!! Need trust regained from boyfriend!?

    We broke up two weeks ago over stupid crap and two days ago we started dating again. But then today one of his friends said that I had been talking bad about him to one of my friends. He believes his friend and now he is mad at me and he says we are through and he doesnt trust me. How can I make him believe me?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • My filly has a VERY thick coat! How do I get burrs out of her coat?!?!?

    She has a million burrs in her coat and where her coat is so thick I cant get them out. How can I get them all out? I know shaving her is an option but I cant afford it so thats out of the question! Anyone know how to easily get them out?

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • How tall will my filly be?? (horse) ALSO one blue eye and one brown eye?

    She is almost 4 months old and she is already taller than my shetland pony. Her mother is 15 hands and her father is about 17 hands. She is a full paint horse.

    ANOTHER question!!!!!!!!!!! This same filly has one brown eye and one blue eye. But her parents have blue eyes? Why is this?

    7 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • GEOGRAPHY homework SPATIAL perspective!!! HELP!!!?

    Provide an example of a problem that can only be solved using a spacial perspective

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • HELP!! AP human geography Homework!!?

    Okay so ive got these questions I need to answer for Ap Human Geography.

    Geography is unique from other disciplines in that it applies a spatial perspective to different phenomena and processes that occur on the earth's surface.

    1) Define the spatial perspective. Include in you definition what it means to think geographically and include descriptions of the types of data that geographers analyze.

    2) Provide an example of a problem that can only be solved from a spatial perspective.

    PLEASE answer these. 10 POINTS for best answer!! (:

    1 AnswerGeography9 years ago
  • HELP!!! BOX being shipped to my house by FEDEX?

    Okay so its estimated delivery is tomorrow(saturday) I didnt think that FEDEX would bring it on saturday. Will they??

    3 AnswersCorporations9 years ago
  • HELP with DROID revolution!!?

    I got the droid revolution yesterday. I have been at my house all morning and my droid randomly says theres no signal. I am siting in the same place in the house and my droid will have signal for a while but all of a sudden it will say no connection(signal). What's the problem?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • My horse is acting up! Need help!!?

    Alright so I've got a mare that I've had for the majority of her life. She is broke to ride. I havent been able to ride her or work her much lately because I have been so busy. Basically she is extremely hard to catch in the field. When I'm leading her she jerks and tries to pull away. I do always use a bit when I'm leading her or lunging or riding because she acts up so much. I am using a curb bit with a copper roller. Is this the right bit? She still acts up even if I'm using the bit.

    4 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Charter Guys came to house and unplugged my wifi router!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Ok so I have a wifi router that hooks to my computer. I use it to get wifi for my ipod. The charter guys unplugged my wifi router and hooked theirs up. I now have NO wifi. What do I do?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking10 years ago
  • NEW baby horse!!!! NEED NAMES!!!!?

    my horse just had a baby. It's a girl!! She has one blue eye and one blue eye. She has one brown and one blue eye. She is black and white but has more black. Her mother's name is Oreo so don't choose that name. Her father's name is Shadow. Please help me with a name for her!!! Thanks

    8 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • Help! Trying to gain custody of my brother!?

    This is for my friend. Her parents have been divorced for a for a few years. Her mother went off and decided to have another child. She doesn't take care of him and is always with men partying and doing other things. Is there anyway she could possibly go to court and try to gain custody for her brother. My friend is 15 and lives with her grandmother. She want to get custody of her brother so she can take care of him. Please only serious answers not interested in any rude comments! Thanks :)

    *** Also her mother does have a steady working job.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Pregnant horse question!!! PLEASE HELP!?

    Last November, a 17h stallion got in with my mares. One of my mares looks to be pregnant. She has a very very big belly. We did not see her get bred but we did see one of the other mares get bred by the stallion. My mare that might be pregnant is only 14h and I am afraid that the baby might be turned sideways and is too big for her to handle. My question is, could the baby be too big for her to handle and foal to and could the baby be turned sideways if her belly is very big?? Thank You!

    Also my mare that might be pregnant has NOT been in heat since the stallion has been gone.

    7 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • My BROKE horse will NOT let me catch her!!! What do I do?

    Ok so my horse is broke to ride. Shes great when you finally catch her but if she doesnt have a halter on her you will have to spend almost two hours to catch her. Today I went out and ran her into our little round pen and it still took me a LONG time to catch her. We tried cornering her but she would still run right by us. All of our other horses are NOT broke but we can go out and slip a halter on ANY of them. Why is my horse like this?

    11 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • What kind of horse halter is this?

    Yesterday I bought a horse halter. It's just a halter to lead my horse through the fields. It is pink and blue and has foam on the inside of it so it wont rub the horse. Also oh the nose I can adjust it and on the metal adjuster it says "Rainbow" on it. What kind of horse halter could this be? I looked on google and could NOT find it.

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Why does my body painfully ache when i lay down but when i get up and go do things my body doesnt hurt at all!?

    During the day, I work at a local office. I feel perfectly fine. Don't even have just a little ache. But as soon as i get home and start to lay down my body starts to painfully ache. Sometimes it gets so bad I cant get up. This has been going on for about a week. I have taken aspirin, acetaminophen, tried drinking tomato juice but none of this has helped! What in the world can I do? :''(

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • HELP!! Horse shoeing question!?

    Two weeks ago my i sent my horse to the horse trainer. The horse trainer got all four of my horse's feet trimmed. Then today she told me that my horses feet were tender and she needed to be shod on all four feet. It is gonna cost 65.00 for all four feet to be shod. Shouldnt she just be shod and not have her feet trimmed again. And do you think that she should be shod if im only going to ride her around on the farm?? I am not gonna show her or nothing. I think this horse trainer is ripping me off!

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago