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Lv 744,012 points


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  • What to do about relationship girlfriend loan bipolar/mental?

    My GF needs help with her rent again and about to be evicted. Should I help her out or should I not. Done it before but never received a cent from a loan given the year before $1k. She suffers from depression/bipolar. I want to help because there is no one else that can help. Even her family will not assist or maybe they have just given up on her. I'm not working, but I can help. But also want to protect myself as I am on the borderline of going my own way and just being a friend. I'm just a bit stressed over it. If I dont help she could be living in her car or homeless. I think she will turn things around if I help her this last time. She is a good/great person and just needs some help. I'm trying my best, but I'm looking for work myself. I just dont want to be $2k deep over this situation. I have made up loan documentation in the past but here we are again, only difference is I'm (unemployed) laid off now. Has anyone else been in this situation. Just thinking....Just thinking....It's been a tough year for me, but im dealing with it the best I can. I Love/care about this person, but don't see a long term future with them maybe as friends. She has a decent job, no kids and her mental situation gets in the way of progress at times. I found out a year ago that she had these problems (mental/bipolar) but hid them from me, but I still hung in there after finding out. She is pretty smart and has good values. I'm just not sure, like I said my own stress is

    bothering me too.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What would you do?..?

    My 18 year old nephew just told me today he got a girl pregnant. The girl is 17. Xmas is tomorrow . I decided to keep this info to myself until the holiday is over. But it sucks to be the bearer of upsetting news when I'm the peace keeper in the family.

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Making it in America.?


    You always hear stories about people coming from other parts of

    the world to the USA and making it big, like CEO's of

    Multimillion or Multi Billion dollar companies and most

    often claim that they came over on a boat/plane etc with a

    few dollars in their pockets and made it big and were very


    For Example:

    Hello, My name is Benny

    I came to America the land of the free. I have $100 US

    dollars to my name. How can I use this money to be rich

    and famous like on tv/radio and to build my empire. My

    home country is very bad and I had to leave. What can I do

    to make it in the USA.



    Is this even possible? or do you think otherwise.

    Instead of just a few dollars I will increase it to $100 dollars.

    Please tell me what you would do with only $100 in

    your pocket and let's just say you speak a little english

    from what you have learned from tv/radio on your trip over

    to the USA.

    You can be as detailed as you like in your answer. Please be creative and respectful of others in your comments as we do not intend to offend any one.

    The best answer will get the points.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • A boyfriends responsibilities?

    Ladies I need your help.

    I have been dating this girl for a month and I'm not sure what my responsibilities are for this relationship. I buy her things, there to listen to her, kiss her, keep her warm when it's cold.

    Sit and talk, take her out to eat/movies,flowers, take out the trash & put the seat down after I use it.

    Can you please add some things I may have not thought of.


    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Do you think we should have laws to protect the bad people.?




    Gangs members

    Drug Runners...etc

    All they get to do is wait it out in comfort while people try to figure out what to do with them.

    What do you guys think.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Gays in the military?

    Why does one need to be identified as being gay in the military. One trains to protect the innocent & to kill the bad guys. Why must one identify as being gay. In civilian life I understand, but is there some extra benefit from it in the military.

    I'm not hating just only looking to understand better because it makes no sense to me.


  • A................ modern day maze?

    I have been around for centuries.

    You can even find me online.

    People can't stay away.

    I can be found just about anywhere or any country.

    What am I

    Note: 2 possible correct answers. 10 points & bragging rights for correct answer.


    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Apple I phone Users........?


    This phone does like everything. So what are some additional things you would like it to do &

    what things do you think you would be ok with it not doing.

    For me it would be cool if it opened/closed my garage door because I always loose that little remote.

    How about you?

    2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • Who is your greatest role model to this day?

    Like as a mentor to you & maybe to your children one day.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If this was the Wild Wild West.?

    How long do you think you would personally last/live as a Gun Fighter. The best A gets 10 ponies

    to ride off with.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What would you do if your teacher turned out to be a ex Nazi General?

    That escaped punishment by paying his way to the US/Canada with gold fillings taken from the

    dead. He teaches your History class, 76 years old & a pretty likable guy.

    Would you become his pupil & keep his secret. Or Turn him in for justice.

    There's a twist!

    He is also your Grandfather & still a pretty likable guy.

    What would you do?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can I get your digits?

    Post some of the worst & clever lines a guy or a girl has asked

    when trying to get to know you.

    10 ponies for the best line.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you agree that people complain too much.?

    What complaints annoy you the most.

    27 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • The Cardinal Cross.....?

    Can some one explain what this is.

    I am a Libra male.


    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Women or Men Rappers?

    Who makes the best rappers.

    18 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • How much pain could or would you tolerate to keep a secret hidden.?

    1-10 (10) being highest.........

    Your being tortured & the secret is super details on methods...but they are extreme!...

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • A Riddle For 10 Big Ones. Are U Game.?(2)?

    You go to bed at 9 PM.

    Your Mother comes in to your room to wake you for breakfast in the morning at 7 AM.

    She calls to you, but there is no answer. She calls to you again, & there is still no reply.

    Your Mother finally gets so frustrated and walks over to pull the covers off of you. She pulls

    the covers off of you & smashes you 7 times but you still don't answer.

    What are you?

    U Get 10 Big Ones 4 one correct answer. (not multiple choice) Singles 1 answers only.

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • A Riddle For 10 Big Ones. Are U Game.?

    I am Multiracial

    I have a expiration date.

    I can be found all over the world.

    I am sometimes put in the freezer so that I live a longer life.

    I am in high demand in some countries.

    People will wait in line for me.

    What am I.

    U solve U get 10 big ones.

    12 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • How would correct the Oil spill accident in the Gulf of Mexico?

    If you had the means. What method would you use. Because these BP guys seem like morons.

    4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago