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Wii warranty question?
If there is a quarter stuck in a wii, would that be covered under warranty? darn kids lol
1 AnswerNintendo Wii1 decade agoHow can I regain her trust?
My girl and I broke up a few months ago and recently got back together. While we were seperated, I made plans to meet up with a girl I used to sleep with who lives in a different state. Well before I was supposed to meet up with this girl, my current GF and I started talking again so I cancelled my trip. But I told her that the trip was planned with a friend of mine, not that I was supposed to be meeting up with a girl. Well of course she found out the truth and is very upset that I lied to her. I explained that I planned the trip while we were apart and didn't want to upset her with the real reason which is why I lied. But she is convinced that she cannot trust me now. She has also found out that I had lied about a few other small things while we were together which makes her trust me even less. I have never cheated and would never cheat but since these little lies I made have come up (and I have come clean about all of them) she says she can't believe anything I say. We have made an appointment with a counselor (my idea) to help us through this but is there anything else I can do to regain her trust. And yes, I know that not lying anymore is where I need to start which I have.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow can I regain her trust?
My girl and I broke up a few months ago and recently got back together. While we were seperated, I made plans to meet up with a girl I used to sleep with who lives in a different state. Well before I was supposed to meet up with this girl, my current GF and I started talking again so I cancelled my trip. But I told her that the trip was planned with a friend of mine, not that I was supposed to be meeting up with a girl. Well of course she found out the truth and is very upset that I lied to her. I explained that I planned the trip while we were apart and didn't want to upset her with the real reason which is why I lied. But she is convinced that she cannot trust me now. She has also found out that I had lied about a few other small things while we were together which makes her trust me even less. I have never cheated and would never cheat but since these little lies I made have come up (and I have come clean about all of them) she says she can't believe anything I say. We have made an appointment with a counselor (my idea) to help us through this but is there anything else I can do to regain her trust. And yes, I know that not lying anymore is where I need to start which I have.
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat is she looking for?
Long story short, My ex GF broke up with me 4 months ago after being together 2 years. She started dating another guy within a month and had ignored me up until recently. A few weeks ago, she even went to dinner with me and talked about how dating him made her realize how much I really loved her and how most of the "problems" in our relationship were small petty things. A few weeks went by without talking and then she called me late one night and basically complained about him the whole time. Then today, she texts me out of the blue (which hasn't happened since we broke up). Mostly just small talk stuff but she did tell me that she is going to leave her current BF within the week. She also sent me a picture she took of herself in our bedroom from back when we were together and followed it with a text saying "i learned alot but would rather go back to that time in place in the pic" WTF is that supposed to mean?
Now she has said a few times that she wants to be friends with me but when we talk about ever getting back together, she says that she doesn't know. Now I have never been friends with an ex and she has only once but it took over a year for them to become friends again.
One thing that I told her that was if we were to get back together, I wouldn't want to until she is sure of what she wants in life (she is going through school and career changes which is what helped with our breakup). And she agrees that she needs to be single until she gets her life in order.
I do love her so much and I would do anything for her. And I do badly want her back but I would rather have her as a friend than as nothing at all. So should I be a little hopeful that we'll get back together or not???
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDoes she miss our friendship or does she want me back?
Long story short, My ex GF broke up with me 4 months ago after being together 2 years. She started dating another guy within a month and had ignored me up until recently. A few weeks ago, she even went to dinner with me and talked about how dating him made her realize how much I really loved her and how most of the "problems" in our relationship were small petty things. A few weeks went by without talking and then she called me late one night and basically complained about him the whole time. Then today, she texts me out of the blue (which hasn't happened since we broke up). Mostly just small talk stuff but she did tell me that she is going to leave her current BF within the week. She also sent me a picture she took of herself in our bedroom from back when we were together and followed it with a text saying "i learned alot but would rather go back to that time in place in the pic" WTF is that supposed to mean?
Now she has said a few times that she wants to be friends with me but when we talk about ever getting back together, she says that she doesn't know. Now I have never been friends with an ex and she has only once but it took over a year for them to become friends again.
One thing that I told her that was if we were to get back together, I wouldn't want to until she is sure of what she wants in life (she is going through school and career changes which is what helped with our breakup). And she agrees that she needs to be single until she gets her life in order.
I do love her so much and I would do anything for her. And I do badly want her back but I would rather have her as a friend than as nothing at all. So should I be a little hopeful that we'll get back together or not???
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoIs she thinking she wants me back?
Long story short, My ex GF broke up with me 4 months ago after being together 2 years. She started dating another guy within a few weeks and had ignored me up until recently. A few weeks ago, she even went to dinner with me and talked about how dating him made her realize how much I really loved her and how most of the "problems" in our relationship were small petty things. A few weeks went by without talking and then she called me late one night and basically complained about him the whole time. Then today, she texts me out of the blue (which hasn't happened since we broke up). Mostly just small talk stuff but she did tell me that she is going to leave her current BF within the week.
Now she has said a few times that she wants to be friends with me but when we talk about ever getting back together, she says that she doesn't know. Now I have never been friends with an ex and she has only once but it took over a year for them to become friends again.
One thing that I told her that was if we were to get back together, I wouldn't want to until she is sure of what she wants in life (she is going through school and career changes which is what helped with our breakup). And she agrees that she needs to be single until she gets her life in order.
I do love her so much and I would do anything for her. And I do badly want her back but I would rather have her as a friend than as nothing at all. So should I be a little hopeful that we'll get back together or not???
9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoIs this that bad of a trade?
My friends and I are in a 12 team league. One of the guys has basically given up because he has only won 1 game so far and he put Gore and Barber on the trading block. A week went by and he got no offers so he asked me if I wanted them. I said sure but I don't know what I can offer. He wanted McNabb so I gave him McNabb as well as Roy Williams and Lendel White for Gore and Barber. The trade went through and then weeks later 1 of the guys started complaining that my friend and I were working together (cheating) which is not at all the case. The payout for this league is only $250 to the winner anyway so its not worth cheating over. So is it that bad of a trade?
I got :Gore and Barber
He got: McNabb, Roy Williams, L. White
5 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade agoLadies, how would you react?
I asked this earlier today but want more input
If you were out somewhere, say standing in line at starbucks or something(not at a bar or club). And a guy came up to you and politely asked you if he may ask you a question. Assuming that you'd say "sure", he would then say would you happen to be single? At which point you can either say no im seeing someone (whether you are or not, it give the chance to nicely say your not interested) or you can say "yes I am single". If you say that, then the guy can say "well I am heading to work (or a friends house or whatever) but I would like to take you to dinner or something sometime if your interested, may I have your number?"
What would your reaction be assuming the guy is good looking and appears normal?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoLadies, would this work?
If you were out somewhere, say standing in line at starbucks or something. And a guy came up to you and politely asked you if he may ask you a question. Assuming that you'd say "sure", he would then say would you happen to be single? At which point you can either say no im seeing someone (whether you are or not, it give the chance to nicely say your not interested) or you can say "yes I am single". If you say that, then the guy can say "well I am heading to work (or a friends house or whatever) but I would like to take you to dinner or something sometime if your interested, may I have your number?"
What would your reaction be assuming the guy is good looking and appears normal?
12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoLadies, Do you mind being hit on at work?
I don't get out much do to my job and I always seem to find girls im interested in while they are at work. Whether it be a waitress or even a clerk at a gas station. But I'm always afraid to ask them out because they are at work and im not sure how they would think about that. So ladies, if a guy asked you out while you were at work, would that be a good or bad thing or wouldn't it matter?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy is it that I seem to attrack "big" girls?
Im 29 and even back when I was in HS, bigger girls always seem to want me. Its flattering and all but im not really into that so it doesn't do me much good. And I am not complaining or anything, in fact I am good friends with most of them but I always hear comments that they make suggesting I should give them a chance or whatever. I hope im not sounding shallow but im just not attracted to them like that. Im a natural flirt and I pretty much flirt with every women just because thats how I am but other than that, could I be doing something that causes these girls to become interested in me?
20 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoAm I a jerk or just a single man?
I had a party Saturday night and after a little too much to drink, a buddy and me ended up doing my ex's cousin. We've been broken up for almost 4 months and we don't talk anymore but for some reason I feel like I crossed a line even though we have been broken up for awhile. Not worried about anyone finding out or anything but i'm not sure how I feel about it. So does that make me a jerk or should I just chalk it up to being a drunk single guy and not worry about it?
And for the record, I drink like 2 times a month so I don't have any kind of drinking problem. And my ex left me after 2 years because she needed to "find herself" and then started dating a guy 2 weeks later.
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDoes this make me an ***?
I had a party Saturday night and after a little too much to drink, a buddy and me ended up doing my ex's cousin. We've been broken up for almost 4 months and we don't talk anymore but for some reason I feel like I crossed a line even though we have been broken up for awhile. Not worried about anyone finding out or anything but i'm not sure how I feel about it. So does that make me a jerk or should I just chalk it up to being a drunk single guy and not worry about it?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoShould I make this trade?
I am in the 2nd year of a 5 year keeper league where we keep our entire roster from year to year. Anyway, I have a bunch of good RB's. I have LT, Forte, Slaton and Jacobs. My WR group looks good but isn't performing. I have Wayne, Braylon Edwards, Calvin Johnson and Engram. So with it being a 5 year league and LT getting old, I was thinking about trading LT for Larry Fitzgerald. I offered Jacobs but he wants LT. Does this trade make sense? I'd still have Slaton/Forte and Jacobs for my RB's and my WR's would be Wayne/Fitzgerald and either Braylon or Calvin in the 3rd spot.
oh yea, I can get his 1st pick for next years draft too which would be good for someone in the free agents or a rookie.
4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade agoCooincidence or fate?
Now I have always been the guy that believes there is a reason everything happens, not everything happens for a reason. But this is weird.
I dated this girl my senior year in HS and my freshman year in college. 2.5 years total. We had a great relationship but I ended it because I was young and just wanted to be single entering my 20's. Fast forward to 10 years later. I have become recently single and haven't heard from or seen my HS ex in 10 years. Than just weeks after my ex and I broke up I was looking around on myspace and my HS ex popped into my head. So I looked around and tried to see if she had a page and she didn't. Then later that night, I get on myspace again and I have a friend request from her, and I am her second friend so I know she must have just made her page. So we get to talking over the next few days and I find out that she is married but things aren't going well and even though they have tried counseling, it isn't working. She says that her and her husband aren't even friends, they are only trying to make it work because they have a son together. She basically said that she is going to leave, she just can't bring herself to do it yet.
She has made comments to me about how crushed she was when we broke up and how she has never cared about anyone as much as she cared about me. Now we have both decided not to see eachother because she is still married and she needs to focus on that before anything else.
Now like I said, I don't really believe in fate but how the timing has played out with this is just weird. So do you think I am thinking too much into this or does it seem that our paths were supposed to cross again once we grew up?
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoShe ignored me, than missed me, now im being ignored again?
Me and my ex GF broke up 3 months ago over some very minor reasons. She ignored me after that until a few weeks ago. We ended up getting dinner and talking which went great. Than later that night(at 3am) she called me because her current BF locked her out of the house and she said she could go to her parents but she'd rather see me. So I let her stay at my house where she told me that she missed me and was only with him because he allowed her to not think about me. The next day she told me that she wanted a few days to think about what she really wanted and that she would get ahold of me. Then her BF found out about dinner and her staying at my house. They patched things up and now she is ignoring me, probably because I woudln't lie for her when people asked me about it which is how he found out.
Now I am NOT waiting for her at all, I am trying to move on but im still curious what is going through her head. We were together for 2 years and we had a very loving relationship so I know that she isn't "purposely" playing with me. I really believe that she doesn't know what she wants. With me she had the safe, trusting and loving relationship that was going somewhere (I was going to propose soon) and with him she has "fun" because they go out 4-5 nights a week. She even told me that is the only reason she is with him, because he's fun.
She's 25 and I'm 29.
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoShe ignored me, than missed me and now is ignoring me again?
Me and my ex GF broke up 3 months ago over some very minor reasons. She ignored me after that until a few weeks ago. We ended up getting dinner and talking which went great. Than later that night(at 3am) she called me because her current BF locked her out of the house and she said she could go to her parents but she'd rather see me. So I let her stay at my house where she told me that she missed me and was only with him because he allowed her to not think about me. The next day she told me that she wanted a few days to think about what she really wanted and that she would get ahold of me. Then her BF found out about dinner and her staying at my house. They patched things up and now she is ignoring me, probably because I woudln't lie for her when people asked me about it which is how he found out.
Now I am NOT waiting for her at all, I am trying to move on but im still curious what is going through her head. We were together for 2 years and we had a very loving relationship so I know that she isn't "purposely" playing with me. I really believe that she doesn't know what she wants. With me she had the safe, trusting and loving relationship that was going somewhere (I was going to propose soon) and with him she has "fun" because they go out 4-5 nights a week. She even told me that is the only reason she is with him, because he's fun.
She's 25 and I'm 29.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoNeed to start 2 RB's but can't decide who?
I have LT, Brandon Jacobs, Forte and Slaton and I need to pick 2. I was thinking of starting Forte and Slaton but im not sure I can bench LT. So which 2 of the 4 should I start and why?
3 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade agoShould I send this email to her?
I asked a question about this situation earlier today so if you want more background on this you can get it there. Here is the email I am thinking about sending her.
I know when we spoke Saturday you had said that you needed a few days to think which I completely understand, in fact I am glad you are because I assume that you are doing it to make sure that if you come back, it's for the right reasons. But I have to tell you something that I want you to know while you are thinking. And do not take this the wrong way, it is not meant to be pushy or a threat or anything like that. I am only being honest with you because you deserve that.
I'm not exactly sure what your thinking about as far as us. Are you thinking about if you want to get back together now? Ever? Or do you want to come back but your just making sure you want to come back because you love me and miss me and not because you know that I am here for you and things aren't good with Matt?
Well I just want to tell you where I stand on everything so you know while you are doing your thinking. I do love you and miss you very much and I want to be with you no matter what. And I am willing to do whatever you feel is right in order to make things work out best for you. But I am not willing to leave myself out there to get hurt again. So, if you decide that you do want to be with me again now, that is great and I will do whatever is needed to be there for you. But if you decide that you don't want to be with me than I will accept that and move on. What I need you to know though is that if you tell me that you don't want to be with me than I am done and I won't allow myself to ever take you back in the future. I will never be able to fully trust how you feel and I will be scared that you will tell me you miss me and want me back and then become confused again and hurt me again. And I just can't do that anymore.
Now please don't get me wrong, I am not at all saying that it's now or never. I am not pressuring you into coming back now. But you can't tell me that you "might" want me back, or that you do want to come back in a month or whatever and then still date Matt now. If you want to wait a little while to seriously date until you have your life better straightened out and just be friends or even just lightly date, I am more than willing to do that. But not unless you are not with him anymore.
I'm sorry if it seems like I am pressuring you but I am not. I want you to make whatever decision you feel is best for you. And I think that you know that being with him (no matter what happens with us) is not whats best for you right now. And like I said, I am not saying that if you want to come back, it has to be now. I am more than willing to take things as slow as you want, I actually think that would be best anyway. But by not leaving him, the only way I see it is that I am a backup plan which I am not willing to be. I hope that this makes sense and doesn't come across the wrong way. Again, I'm not trying to persuade you or push you into any decision, I just want you to know all the facts while you are thinking about it.
16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat is going through her head?
Im 29, she is 25. We dated and lived together for 2 years and broke up 3 months ago. We went to dinner and saw eachother for the first time since we broke up on Thursday and things went well. She told me she missed me and was thinking about me a lot lately. She is dating a guy that she really can't stand and told me that she is going to leave him soon. She also told me that she wanted me back but wasn't sure when because she wanted to get her life sorted out first.
Then Thursday night she called me at 3am because he locked her out of the house and she said she could go to her parents but wanted to see me and asked if she could come over. Of course I let her and she slept in my bed next to me. Then on Saturday, I asked her if she meant everything she said and she said she did but was confused. She said she misses me but now isn't sure if she wants to get back together, she is still "planning" on leaving him though. She said she wanted a couple days to really think about what she wants and would get ahold of me in a few days. So what is going through her head? And what can I do to let her know that if she decides she can't come back now, I won't take her back later. I don't want it to seem like a threat or anything but if she tells me "I miss you but I can't come back right now" than I am moving on. And I want her to know that because I know that she thinks I will wait.
21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago