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I made this account to ask strangers on the internet questions about my (first!) pregnancy.

  • Is Vetiver Grass safe or harmful for horses?

    I have read that it s good for cattle, but I cannot find any info on horses and vetiver grass compatibility.


    2 AnswersHorses4 years ago
  • Which business name?

    I have two ideas for a business name and I can t decide!

    I am starting up a bath bomb business (plus stuff like bath salts, sugar scrubs, etc) to tourists/locals and as wedding bomboniere.

    Which do you prefer:

    I want to relax


    Vow Ashe

    Or does anyone have any better names that aren t taken?

    1 AnswerSmall Business4 years ago
  • What to feed a pleasure/trail horse?

    I'm looking at getting my first horse in the next year (I'm in my late 20's), I am looking to get a 16-17 hh paint or standard bred horse.

    The horse would be agisted in Queensland, I am thinking I'd prefer a gelding if that matters.

    The places I'm considering full agistment at have at least 1 acre of grass paddock to graze in and I have options of a private or shared paddock.

    I do work 5 days a week so I would be riding on weekends and holidays only, trail rides with some cantering/trotting, maybe a little galloping but nothing major.

    Should the horse be grazing only, or also have alfalfa hay/grain/vitamin supplements?

    I've asked a few people with more experience than me and I've been told just grazing will be fine (is that enough?), others have said grazing plus 2 hard feeds a day plus hay (sounds excessive!)

    I seriously don't want to overfeed or underfeed!

    5 AnswersHorses4 years ago
  • Any ideas for a small office pet?

    I have a desk job in a call centre and I love the idea of an office pet. At first I thought having an ant farm would be interesting to watch, but then someone suggested a betta fish. In your opinion/experience, which would be the better of the two? Any other desk pet suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets5 years ago
  • Cows vs Horses?

    I am looking to get a hobby/self-sufficient (cross my fingers) farm in the next 5 years and can t decide between getting cows or horses to keep the grass short. If I got horses, they d be ridden maybe once a week but their main job would be lawn maintenance. I would use one maybe two cows for milking, but I wouldn t be getting a mix of cows and horses.

    The land will be at least 10 acres, maximum 100 acres in Queensland, Australia more towards the coast.

    We will be getting goats though to eat weeds.

    What are the pros and cons of each, plus a rough estimate of the annual cost of each.

    Keep in mind I will have a massive veggie garden and plan on growing food for my livestock too!

    5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden5 years ago
  • QLD traffic court, what's it like?

    Ok, so hubby had an accident driving a powerful car he wasn't used to in the rain (friend let him try it out) and he ended up knocking down a barrier fence. He wasn't speeding but still lost control.

    He has been summoned to court because the police couldn't tell if he had been reckless or not at the scene, hubby is freaking out in the worst of ways because he has never been in trouble in his life.

    What happens at court? Friends are saying he is going to lose his licence for reckless driving. I don't drive and we have a young son, so hubby really needs his licence.


    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police5 years ago
  • Should I send a potential employer a pic of me eating a doughnut?

    So I had a great interview today, the interviewer was a younng girl and we got along like a house on fire. We chatted about weddings, our kids & food.

    After the interview she recommended a doughnut shop nearby as I mentioned waiting for my husband to pick me up.

    I bought two AMAZING doughnuts and for some reason I want to email her a pic to show I actually got the doughnut.

    ...creepy much or ok?

    I'm a hermit crab, I don't know whats ok and what isn't anymore.

    9 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What kind of bird is this?

    My mother's boyfriend found this little guy in the middle of the road. The bird seems very friendly but obviously not a pet, won't fly and is very content to just lie down. It looks like its toe is swollen.

    The nearest vet has put down the last two wild bords I brought in "because they're not worth it".

    I can get the bird to a good vet tomorrow afternoon, but in the mean!

    What kind of bird is it?

    I shouldn't feed it, right?

    8 AnswersBirds5 years ago
  • What is the name of that movie?...?

    A guy pretends to be a woman so he can marry a rich man, but it all gets revealed in the end and the two guys decide to marry anyway coz they fell in love.

    An older movie, anyone know what it s called?

    1 AnswerMovies5 years ago
  • I need a fun, silly, awesome business name!?

    So my hubby is starting an investment business and has asked me to name it.

    Problem is I have no idea what to call an investment company! He isn't trying to market himself to anyone which is why I'm allowed to go crazy with the name.

    I was thinking Sprinkles Inc, Deadontheinside Inc, fukinCrazed Investing or Cupcake Investments, but they don't quite do it for me.

    I need something quirky & fun, satire or ironic and a little dark...

    Yes this is a real question, no people don't need to like the name coz no one's going to know the name except us & the government, yes he can still make money.

    Ok internet, go!

    Economics5 years ago
  • Can you take/adpot a cat from the Japanese island Okinawa?

    I'm curious! Are visitors to Okinawa allowed to adopt one of the feral cats on the island and take them home (to another country).

    Obviously the cat would need to pass quarantine/be vet checked/spayed etc, but will they actually allow you to take a cat?

    1 AnswerCats6 years ago
  • Should I take the redundancy?

    My husband and I work at the same call center and it has just been announced that there will be redundancies made. We have 7 days to decide if we'll take the redundancy package ($15k each, so $30k total) and be out of work in a tough job economy.

    Or we could choose to attempt to stay as they will be keeping about 50 staff for the really difficult calls they cannot handle in the new call center overseas, but they may not give us the payout if we try to keep our jobs and are rejected.

    We live in Australia, have a toddler who is turning two soon and thankfully only have one-monthly car payment of $500 as our only debt. My mother has offered for us to stay with her while we look for new jobs, but lord knows how long that would take.

    I am a fantastic employee with no blemish on my record and have won employee of the month, and all my call center "stats" are perfect. My husband isn't so lucky and I think he may have to take the leave regardless.

    I just heard the news and cannot get my thoughts straight and would like to hear the opinions of the internet!

    Should I try to stay and fight for my job, or take the money and be out of work?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • I have shingles and have to look after my 1yr old son. What do I do?

    I just broke out in a rash 3 days ago and the doctor says it's shingles and my 1yr old son can catch chickenpox from me. So far he has been either at his grandmothers or been looked after by his dad while I stay in the bedroom, but in the next 2 days my husband will have to get back to work.

    My son's grandparents also need to go back to work and I have mo one else to look after him.

    I really don't want him to get chickenpox, does anyone have any ideas on either speeding up my sickness or helping me shield my very clingy baby?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases7 years ago
  • Bright red baby poop!?

    Yesterday my 1yr old son vomited in the morning & had a little diarrhoea. In the afternoon he had a solid lime green & bright red poop, the top half red & the lower half green.

    I took the soiled nappy & my son straight to the doctor & she said it was either unprocessed watermelon (he had fruit salad for lunch) due to an upset tummy with gastro as he also has a snotty nose or a small bleed in his lower colon.

    Well, this morning there was more red in his poop plus some unprocessed carrot.

    He acts completely normal, happy, playful & loud, until he poops. He cried for a second then he had a smelly bum!

    The doctor said to just keep him at home until the analysis on the red poop comes back but I'm nervous!

    Anyone have this with their baby too?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • Budgie name ideas?

    I have a new violet/grey male budgie with a while spot behind his head & yellow cheeks.

    I was going to name him Spot or Thor but my hubby wasn't a fan. So we've decided to call him Pidgey but I'm not sure the name suits him.

    Any ideas?

    As a side note, any tips for keeping my curious kitties away from the cage at night?

    5 AnswersBirds7 years ago
  • Should I get a budgie from a breeder or pet shop?

    I have seen the budgies in my area on breeder websites and the living conditions don't look great, the birds are suspiciously cheap but are hand-raised.

    I went to a trusted local pet store and their budgies were in very clean cages, all look very healthy but aren't tame.

    Should I go for the potential health risk but tame birds or the healthy but wild store birds?

    One breeder is even selling off known-infected birds (french moult) and it just doesn't seem right.

    I'm in Australia & the better breeders are in different cities too far from me!

    5 AnswersBirds7 years ago
  • Budgie with French Moult?...?

    Does French Moult have any other side/health effects besides feather loss?

    I keep reading that it's a virus that affects the feathers, mostly the larger ones, and may make the moulted area itchy.

    Is it associated with tumours or organ failure? Is it like eczema in humans? Can people-skin be effected by the virus?

    1 AnswerBirds7 years ago
  • What is the most beautiful girl's name you can think of?

    I'm looking for baby girl names and need some inspiration.

    In your opinion, what name in your mind sounds like it belongs to a very beautiful girl?

    21 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • What breed of house was the Queen's Burmese?

    What breed of house was the Queen's Burmese? I have looked all over Google and all it says is that the horse was from the Canadian Troopers.

    3 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Looking for lots of frosting ideas for a baby's banana cake!?

    I've finally decided on making a banana cake for my son's first birthday and, since I personally loathe bananas and the cake they make, I have no idea what flavours would be good with it besides vanilla.

    Someone suggested a banana split flavoured cake/frosting/filling but I'm leaning towards a more simple cake for a kids party.

    Ok internet, give me ideas! :-D

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago