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Hello everyone just to let you know my real names Emilie, I share this account with many of my older family members. Sometimes the young ones. I am 25 years old, and Married . I have a lot of my family on this account so if there is something off about my questions or answers.. its them. Not me. Thank you for reading.
Am I being a clingy fiancé?
My fiancé and I have been together for a really long time and well... I still can't help but feel jealous when he goes out with friends. I mean, I don't text him constantly when he is out and when he talks to me while out with the guys I quickly end texts or calls cause I want him to go back to it, and have fun. And even though I act totally chill with it on the outside , I feel guilty for being jealous and not being there . I mean, I know I can't have him all to myself, and I wouldn't even want that. And yet he can read me like a book and sometimes calls me out on being jealous and asks if I want him to stay home, which, I always say no and just let him go, but then he worries. Am I acting sensibly? Should I tell him I get jealous sometimes ? Or should I keep doing what I am doing?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoAm I acting sensibly with my fiancé ?
My fiancé and I have been together for a really long time and well... I still can't help but feel jealous when he goes out with friends. I mean, I don't text him constantly when he is out and when he talks to me while out with the guys I quickly end texts or calls cause I want him to go back to it, and have fun. And even though I act totally chill with it on the outside , I feel guilty for being jealous and not being there . I mean, I know I can't have him all to myself, and I wouldn't even want that. And yet he can read me like a book and sometimes calls me out on being jealous and asks if I want him to stay home, which, I always say no and just let him go, but then he worries. Am I acting sensibly? Should I tell him I get jealous sometimes ? Or should I keep doing what I am doing?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoDoes anyone know anything about Ukuleles?
I got one yesterday when I went shopping, its very nice little one yes, but I don't really know about the strings. Mine sound very... unhappy. Normally Ukulele's have these wonderful , up lifting tunes, this one sounds depressing, low. Maybe its because I have not tuned it right, I don't know, but do you think I should change the strings, will it make a difference?
6 AnswersOther - Music9 years agoMinecraft wont work!?
My friend asked if she could use my account to play and I said sure, I gave her my login and password and that was that. She tried to log on but it would not work for her, so I tried logging on and it was fine. But she still can't . My theory is its because we live in different country's , me Canada her America. (Complicated story, but we've been friends since we were 3!) But why might it not be working for her
Other - Computers9 years agoIts taking a long time for my wife to orgasm latly?
I was lucky and got a women who would orgasm in minutes when we first started out a couple years ago. We got married and our sex life was still pretty amazing. Our sex life is still pretty amazing. But it went from 4-6 minutes, to 10-20 or longer! Why might it be taking so much longer.
3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoMy totem animal? Am I doing this right?
I have many aboriginal friends , and they've told me about totem animals, and I was really curious to see if I could find mine. I asked my friends father, a well known man in our town , and he said it toke deep meditation to be able to meet your totem animal. Now, when I got home I looked up more information on it, and I decided I wanted to try. Everyone tells you to relax and calm down and close your eyes and image a place and then you find a door... I don't understand, I don't see anything, but I really do want to find my totem animal, my friend said she had found hers. It was a raccoon. Can anyone help, I want to know, but I just can't see.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoWhat was your first kiss like? ?
I just had mine( Iam 16). I had been dating my boyfriend a long time , but then he moved far away , but we kept the relationship going because I really did care about him. So he was coming on a plane and in the airport I was so nervous and my stomach was flipping so I thought I would see him and we would hug and talk but he came with his backpack saw me ran grabbed my hand he then ran me around the corner away from my parents view and pinned me on the wall and kissed me. It was kinda bad ( teeth and gums ...)but he kissed me again ( just lips that time ) and it was great. He said " hey virgin lips (inside joke) .., wait... ;3" it was really sweet and cute. What about you though?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoIam thinking out moving to Quebec from Ontario?
My father lives in Quebec, my mother lives in Ontario , Iam thinking about going to go live with my father (Iam 16). Other than the problems with like packing and parents fighting over me , what else do you think would go wrong? Currently it's just me and my mother alone, and I want to move to Quebec to be with my dad and do some schooling that would help me, also just to be with my family, my sister, step mom and step brother and sister. But, what would be difficult with moving? Changing schools? Do I HAVE to know french? I know it would be helpful, and I am learning . Is there anything though that would extremely difficult , or should I just stay with my mom?
3 AnswersOther - Canada9 years agoHow do I get back into the dating world?
Hey, I know this may sound weird but I've been dating my ex boyfriend since I was 12... now I am 18. Its been 3 months since we broke up and I am not exactly sure what happened... he got upset cause I was upset and said "Iam going into the military, so... I don't want there to be distance... It's over. We're over. Go find yourself a nice guy , you deserve that." And yeah, I know, Iam 'young and fresh' but I was not planning on dating when I was 12, nor was I planning on dating him for the next 6 years but I never really learned how I would go about getting someone because I was with my boyfriend the whole time so I never really bothered with anyone else. I still love him, and maybe I should wait ... everything is telling me to wait, but I don't want to wait till the day I see him get married... He is still my best friend, I still adore him, and the pain is still there... but should I listen to him and find a new guy? and if so whats a good way for me to find a guy.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoThe sims 3 pets I cant see my character only a glowing diamond?
I was moving out because I am starting a family and wanted a bigger house , So we are moving and I see my character jump on the horse, the horse came back fine, but I can;t see my character, she still does stuff , but all I see is a brightly glowing green diamond , or seed , I am not sure what they call it. So my question, did I die? Or is it just a bug and it will go away? Thank you for reading!
1 AnswerPC9 years agoWhat are others thoughts on AM-WF (Asian Male White Female) relationships?
I myself, a attractive white female (at least I hope I am...) have been in one for 4 years, Many of the people I know are perfectly fine, say we are a cute couple, but there's the odd person who goes "... why?" I don't see the issue with racial things , like black , white , Korean, etc. personally. I love my boyfriend, my boyfriend loves me. Yes there has been issues with his family since they didn't like me cause... simply I am white, and they want him with an Asian women , but I proved I am a good person , and they still don't like me much, but they have accepted me as their sons girlfriend.
But I am curious, what do others think, people I don't know. Whats your thought on different race couples? and if there's anyone out there who's in one, tell me your story!
4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years agoSkyrim : I cant find either of my dogs!?
I found the stray, he followed me a while , than I sent him home ( I do own a house is whiterun) and than I found meeko dog , sent him home , but I cant find either of them! Whats going on!
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoCan a Hmong man be with a white women?
Here's the story... my boyfriend is Asian / Hmong and he does not see the problem with dating white or other culture women, and nither does my best friend / his brother, but his parents are strict and his grand parents.. oh boy. Ive bought many books, Iam trying to learn the culture so that maybe I can be excepted by his family more. My boyfriend of 4 years worries about his family and I've told him I don't want to be in the way of him and his family, that no matter how much it pains me I would leave if that was needed . He does not want that either . My question is what can I do to be excepted a bit more by the Hmong people, and put my boyfriend at ease? Thank you for reading.
5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years agoHow can I , a Canadian , move to the U.S.?
I want to move so I can better my career , and for my boyfriend of almost 7 years (complicated but he had to move to the U.S. two years ago.) How would I go about moving to the U.S.?
I know about the green card and everything but who do I even go and talk to for that? Please help me.
6 AnswersImmigration9 years agoBofriend going into millitary... long distance relationship?
Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 3 years now, and last night he told me he wanted to go into the air millatary... well dispite the fact it kinda scared me to think of him out therebI told him I would support him. He knows Iam upset, and he feels guilty andI feel guilty. My point is could it work... I was thinking about joining the mechanial team at the air base anyway..
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoIts complicated - Long distance relationship meeting?
I've know this guy since I was 12... yeah kinda young I know. We met on a web game. He's 3 years older then me. It started out as nothing, I didn't think it would turn into anything... it started out as him simply helping me... around 5 years later.... I am 17. He is 20 now, and I can say whole heartily I love him, have for the past 5 years and he has helped make me into the person I am today. He lives in California U.S.A, I live in Ontario Canada.
He came out and told me he loved me first after about a month and I said I loved him shortly after. We have been talking about meeting since the first couple months we met, and he didn't get a webcam until about a year and a half ago! He was not what I was expecting but I do love him even more now.
Now, next summer (July) , after I turn 18, have my own place and such, we have made the plan he will be coming down for about 10 days. We have a lot of plans :3
Now I want to know... has anyone gone threw this? Meeting their online relationship... I am really nervous but so excited! I can't figure out what more I am! I know him better then he knows me, and likewise... Has anyone gone threw this whole meeting each other... Advice would be nice, and your story too... how did it go?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoDaddy issues , feeling left behind?
Please don't judge me.
When I was a kid my dad was my best friend, when I was 9.. he left. Now I see him about 3 times a year. Now... this may sound strange.. but I hate myself for being sad that he left.
When he first left I was like "He will come back for me, he loves me <3" it toke about a month for me to realize he was not coming back I didn't see him for around 2 years. I said I was angry but ... every time I think about it I am just so sad and hurt. I don't want to be because its not worth it. But I so badly want a father, but now my father has a whole new family, with my step mom and brother and sister. My other sisters (real not step) say I am being stupid.
I feel betrayed and alone. I live with my mother alone now... but I am not close with my mother at all. We fight a lot.
Now, am I over reacting, should I be angry with myself for being sad, how should I react to this?
Thank you for reading.
8 AnswersFamily10 years agoHow much should I charge for tutoring?
I am a grade 10 student, And my English teacher has come to me and asked if I do tutoring and I said no. He said I should start. English is my highest and most loved subject. My marks in English is 90+ last year in grade 9 my mark was 94. So I asked my mother about it and she said "Yeah, you could do it. Plus, its better then a real job." So I've decided I want to start English tutoring and I already have about 3 people who want me to tutor them, but I don't know how much to charge. Any ideas? I am not expecting a lot, since I am only a student myself. Thank you for reading.
1 AnswerTeaching10 years agoIs it bad that Iam questioning that we have a good relationship?
Iam not as much questioning as much I am worried. Honestly our story is... interesting and complicated.
I met him when I was 7 , he was in my class, we were best friends for around 2 years , then he and his family moved away to California US (I live in Quebec Canada) And about...3 years ago when I just turned 12, he was 15, and we met again... online, without even talking again for a month he said he loved me, and within a week after I told him I loved him.
Its been 3 years now, we are still together. I've visited him 4 times. He is my best friend, he changed me alot too.
Every day we talk for hours, on the phone , on webcam, etc. He's sent me gifts for Christmas and valentines and even my birthday . (I do too, FYI)
Do you think we have a good relationship?
My parents don't like him much though... but they've never liked any guys that I know. Hes very kind though, he would do anything to help someone.
So what do you think?
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years agoDo I have a good figure?
40 (bust) x 35 (waist) x 40 (hips)
Iam improving on it! But Its much better then when I first started shedding my pounds.. before : 39x43x46. Yikes.
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago