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  • Should we break up? If so, how?

    We've been together for over a year and I do enjoy spending my time with him. We can laugh together and we really have a good time.

    However a few months back he got involved in things he shouldn't have. He started shoplifting with a 'friend'. They got caught and he's since stopped I believe. He also used to smoke weed with this friend and I feel as though his friend was just using him, even though he couldn't see that. He also lost my trust by messaging another girl, even though it was quite obvious they weren't going to meet up as he'd always arrange to meet her when he was seeing me and still see me. (Weird I guess?) We see each other every day so there's hardly time for him to see anyone else.

    However my parents found out about all this and no longer trust him. He's not allowed around my house and I have no objects related to him in my room any more. A few weeks back they forced me to break up with him, I did but I didn't want to so we ended up back together. They weren't happy and I feel like I'm breaking my family apart and causing arguments all of the time, but I also feel as though it's his fault for being a sheep and copying his friend. He doesn't do any of that stuff now as far as I'm aware but my parents won't accept him. Can he ever get their trust back? If not, I don't think we can have a future together. I'm scared that my parents are going to be right about him, but he seems so caring and I love spending time with him. What should I do?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What do you class as cheating?

    My boyfriend decided to message another girl on facebook, the messages said things like 'I wish you were here to cuddle me' and 'you're really hot'. I found out and naturally wasn't happy about it. He cried, said he was sorry and says he can't even explain to himself why he did that to me because apparently he wants to be with me forever and loves me.

    I told him I couldn't trust him, so our relationship was kind of in the balance. He then continued to talk to this girl, he arranged to meet her a few times (but never asked for her phone number or address) and kept giving her excuses and letting her down. I have seen proof of this from the girl. He says he never had any intention of meeting her, and her story kind of matches that.

    He apparently wanted to mess her around as talking to her had messed up our relationship in the first place, so he led her on and kept letting her down. I don't fully understand why? There was a large chance our relationship would get back on track if he'd just been loyal.

    I told him I didn't want to be with him because he didn't just stop messaging her and try to gain back my trust. He says he only continued to talk to her in anger and he wanted to upset someone else to make himself feel better.

    I class all of this as cheating, however he only classes sleeping with someone as cheating. Am I right to call this cheating?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What do you class as cheating?

    My boyfriend decide to flirt with another girl on facebook, I found out and naturally wasn't happy about it. He cried, said he was sorry and says he can't even explain to himself why he did that to me because apparently he wants to be with me forever and loves me.

    I told him I couldn't trust him, so our relationship was kind of in the balance. He then continued to talk to this girl, he arranged to meet her a few time (but never asked for her phone number or address) and kept giving her excuses and letting her down. I have seen proof of this from the girl.

    He apparently wanted to mess her around as talking to her had messed up our relationship, so he led her on and kept letting her down. I don't fully understand why? There was a large chance our relationship would get back on track.

    I told him I didn't want to be with him because he didn't just stop messaging her and try to gain back my trust. He says he only continued to talk to her in anger and he wanted to upset someone else to make himself feel better.

    I class all of this as cheating, however he only classes sleeping with someone as cheating. Am I right to call this cheating?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • His old best friend hates me?

    My boyfriend and this girl were best friends and used to go out together a lot. I think he liked her, but she'd just fallen out with a boy and wasn't ready for a new relationship even though she liked him too.

    However, my boyfriend asked me to go out with him one night and we instantly clicked. We became best friends and then entered our relationship. As soon as this girl found out, she blocked me on facebook and deleted him. I didn't even know they were friends so it wasn't my fault at all, if anything it was him who upset her. Me and this girl were friends before but she wont even look at me now. She then added him back on facebook, he ignored her for a while but said he 'accidently' added her and won't delete her now as it seems mean.

    He says he never loved her, but just wanted a relationship back then and she was just there. Recently she messaged him calling him 'beautiful.' He responded, not being flirty, but adding kisses. He then deleted all of the conversation.

    She asked him to give her a lift somewhere, he agreed to for the fuel money, but he went behind my back because he knew I wouldn't like it.

    How do I stand with her? I don't hate her but I hate the fact my bf is friends with her and actually spoke to her. He admits he was wrong for going behind my back and it wasn't the right thing to do. But he lies a lot and I'm scared he will cheat on me. However he did have every opportunity to get with her before.

    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • How do I break up with him?

    I love my boyfriend a lot and he's my best friend, however I'm really paranoid that he's going to cheat on me or upset me.

    He cheated on his ex-girlfriend of 5 years whilst he was drunk, and he has lied to me about a few things. He hasn't lied about anything too serious, but he has still lied. For example, he had a friend who seriously fancied him before we got together, as soon as she found out about the two of us she suddenly hated me (I didn't even know she liked him). She's been horrible to me since however last week he offered to give her a lift behind my back, I found out but I can't help but think it was more than a lift. I now feel paranoid if he goes out with his friends and I don't think I can cope with the stress any more.

    I've tried to break up with him before, but whenever I'm with him I just fall in love with him all over again and he always sweet talks me back to him. However when we're alone, I feel really stressed and hate it. I can't live my life like this.

    Last time I tried to break up, he said he just wanted to be friends. However it was clear that whenever we were together we acted like more than friends, which is obviously not allowing each other to move on.

    I love him and want to be friends with him but I just can't do it any more. What do I do?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do I break up with him?

    I know I've already asked this but I didn't get many responses and really need some advice.

    I love my boyfriend a lot and he's my best friend, however I'm really paranoid that he's going to cheat on me or upset me.

    He cheated on his ex-girlfriend of 5 years whilst he was drunk, and he has lied to me about a few things. He hasn't lied about anything too serious, but he has still lied. For example, he had a friend who seriously fancied him before we got together, as soon as she found out about the two of us she suddenly hated me (I didn't even know she liked him). She's been horrible to me since however last week he offered to give her a lift behind my back, I found out but I can't help but think it was more than a lift. I now feel paranoid if he goes out with his friends and I don't think I can cope with the stress any more.

    I've tried to break up with him before, but whenever I'm with him I just fall in love with him all over again and he always sweet talks me back to him. However when we're alone, I feel really stressed and hate it. I can't live my life like this.

    Last time I tried to break up, he said he just wanted to be friends. However it was clear that whenever we were together we acted like more than friends, which is obviously not allowing each other to move on.

    I love him and want to be friends with him but I just can't do it any more. What do I do?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What does smoke smell like on clothes?

    I was just wondering what smoke smells like on a persons clothes a few hours after smoking?

    Someone I know always has a damp, musty smell on their clothes and I wondered if this was smoke? Or it could be weed?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • How to break up with my boyfriend?

    I love my boyfriend a lot and he's my best friend, however I'm really paranoid that he's going to cheat on me or upset me.

    He cheated on his ex-girlfriend of 5 years whilst he was drunk, and he has lied to me about a few things. He hasn't lied about anything too serious, but he has still lied. For example, he had a friend who seriously fancied him before we got together, as soon as she found out about the two of us she suddenly hated me (I didn't even know she liked him). She's been horrible to me since however last week he offered to give her a lift behind my back, I found out but I can't help but think it was more than a lift. I now feel paranoid if he goes out with his friends and I don't think I can cope with the stress any more.

    I've tried to break up with him before, but whenever I'm with him I just fall in love with him all over again and he always sweet talks me back to him. However when we're alone, I feel really stressed and hate it. I can't live my life like this.

    Last time I tried to break up, he said he just wanted to be friends. However it was clear that whenever we were together we acted like more than friends, which is obviously not allowing each other to move on.

    I love him and want to be friends with him but I just can't do it any more. What do I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do I tell if he still smokes?

    I asked my boyfriend to stop smoking and he promised me he would. However nearly a year on it turns out he's just been smoking behind my back. I don't think he smokes loads as he has gone days with me where there is no way he could have been smoking.

    He's now promised me again that he's going to stop. But how can I tell? His teeth are already stained from smoking.

    His clothes often smell musty and a bit damp, is this the smell of smoke? Or something else. I know he also smokes weed occasionally, what signs can I look out for this too?

    I find smoking really unattractive and I really don't want him to ruin his body smoking. Also, if we ever have children together there's no way I would want him to smoke then and I need to ensure that he's not.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is this suspicious or am I over-reacting? Boyfriend trouble?

    My boyfriend cheated on his ex-girlfriend of 5 years, which worries me a lot.

    He has lied to me a few times about various things, but he's never cheated as far as I'm aware. We both told each other our facebook passwords as we agreed neither of us had anything to hide.

    However, my boyfriend went out for a stag do a few days ago, just before he went I noticed he changed his facebook password. (I noticed this as he lied to me about something the week before and felt a bit suspicious as it caused me to lose a lot of trust in him).

    Is this suspicious? He's not the sort of person who changes his password constantly for security reasons and it seemed odd he'd change it just before he went out clubbing.

    It's made me really paranoid and I'm not sure I can cope with it any more. I've never lied about anything to him, however he has lied a few times to me. E.g. he offered to give a girl who he knows fancies him and therefore hates me a lift and hid it from me, I found out, however I can't help but think it could have been more going on between them although he assures me there wasn't.

    What do I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My boyfriend was speaking to another girl?

    Theres a girl both my bf and I know, she hates me because she fancied my bf. My bf said he'd never add her on fb because of how horrible she is to me for no real reason, Iactually thought she was already in a relationship.

    I noticed she added him on fb, and felt a bit suspicious. I know his password, and although I shouldn't have I curiously had a look. She sent him a message saying 'happy birthday beautiful xx'. He replied and they've been talking with kisses since.

    I've noticed he gave her his number, and he also apologised for being horrible (I didn't know he had) and said he needs to make things up to her. She asked what I would think to that, his responded saying he didnt know and she just said lol.

    He has recently deleted the conversation, obviously he has something to hide and doesn't know I've seen it.

    We get on well together, I don't want to confront him, him say it was nothing and him then hide things from me.

    Do I tell him I saw the messages? I know they were friends before I went out with him, I was friends with her too but she now seriously dislikes me.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I feel like I'm second best?

    I always get frustrated with my boyfriend and I feel like he'd always put his friend before me. On numerous occasions he's been at my house with me, his mate has text him and he makes me drive him home immediately so he can go somewhere with his mate. He spends loads of time with him, I don't mind but I hate it when he drops me for him. Today his mate text to say he's picking him up at 3:30. He made me drive him back at 1:30 incase his friend waa early. As apparently his mate will be annoyed with him if he turns up and he's not there. But in my opinion, if his mate says 3:30 and turns up early, he shouldn't necessarily expect him to be there as it's not the time they agreed on. It kind of upsets me but he doesn't seem to understand. They see each other every day, so I'm not stopping them seeing each other. But am I fair to be a bit annoyed? I also think his friend is a bad influence. He takes drugs, shop lifts and who knows what else! Personally I don't think he's a good friend and his friend always thinks he should come first over me. I feel as though he almost uses my boyfriend, but my bf thinks he's like God.

    Am I right to be annoyed? How do I tell him its annoying? I don't want him to think I'm stopping him seeing his friend.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Boyfriend trouble opinions please?

    I always get frustrated with my boyfriend and I feel like he'd always put his friend before me. On numerous occasions he's been at my house with me, his mate has text him and he makes me drive him home immediately so he can go somewhere with his mate. He spends loads of time with him, I don't mind but I hate it when he drops me for him. Today his mate text to say he's picking him up at 3:30. He made me drive him back at 1:30 incase his friend waa early. As apparently his mate will be annoyed with him if he turns up and he's not there. But in my opinion, if his mate says 3:30 and turns up early, he shouldn't necessarily expect him to be there as it's not the time they agreed on. It kind of upsets me but he doesn't seem to understand. They see each other every day, so I'm not stopping them seeing each other. But am I fair to be a bit annoyed? I also think his friend is a bad influence. He takes drugs, shop lifts and who knows what else! Personally I don't think he's a good friend and his friend always thinks he should come first over me. I feel as though he almost uses my boyfriend, but my bf thinks he's like God. what do I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My boyfriend and his best friend are too close?

    I always get frustrated with my boyfriend and I feel like he'd always put his friend before me.

    On numerous occasions he's been at my house with me, his mate has text him and he makes me drive him home immediately so he can go somewhere with his mate.

    He spends loads of time with him, I don't mind but I hate it when he drops me for him.

    Today his mate text to say he's picking him up at 3:30. He made me drive him back at 1:30 incase his friend waa early. As apparently his mate will be annoyed with him if he turns up and he's not there. But in my opinion, if his mate says 3:30 and turns up early, he shouldn't necessarily expect him to be there as it's not the time they agreed on.

    It kind of upsets me but he doesn't seem to understand. They see each other every day, so I'm not stopping them seeing each other. But am I fair to be a bit annoyed?

    I also think his friend is a bad influence. He takes drugs, shop lifts and who knows what else! Personally I don't think he's a good friend and his friend always thinks he should come first over me. I feel as though he almost uses my boyfriend, but my bf thinks he's like God.

    what do I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Please can I have your opinion?

    I don't think my boyfriend's best friend is a bad person, but he's leading my boyfriend in completely the wrong direction. He got my boyfriend into shoplifting and they smoke cannabis together. They actually got caught shoplifting and the police were involved. They also used to take codeine while at work for fun, and my boyfriend only stopped this after I told him how dangerous this was. His friend even passed out as they overdosed that badly. My boyfriend is trying to stop now but keeps getting very bad headaches which are only fixed by codeine so he still takes it. So I feel as though they just mess around at 'work.' A few weeks back my boyfriend was coming with me to the hospital. Then his friend asked him to go to Wales with him at the same time. My boyfriend still came with my but told his friend that he had an appointment because apparently me having an appointment wouldn't be an acceptable excuse not to go.

    My boyfriend has also been round my house, then asked me to drive him home to go with his friend to pick up some cannabis. Then expected me to go and visit him as soon as he was home - this really annoyed me, especially as my fuel budget is very tight and he knows it.

    I really feel as though my boyfriends friend is holding him back and as though he's not a true friend - but my boyfriend thinks he's like a brother, what sort of friend would act like that? I don't know what to do, if I give him the choice between him or me, I really don't know what'd he'd do.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I disapprove of my boyfriend best friend?

    I don't think my boyfriend's best friend is a bad person, but he's leading my boyfriend in completely the wrong direction. He got my boyfriend into shoplifting and they smoke cannabis together. They actually got caught shoplifting and the police were involved. They also used to take codeine while at work for fun, and my boyfriend only stopped this after I told him how dangerous this was. His friend even passed out as they overdosed that badly. My boyfriend is trying to stop now but keeps getting very bad headaches which are only fixed by codeine so he still takes it. So I feel as though they just mess around at 'work.' A few weeks back my boyfriend was coming with me to the hospital. Then his friend asked him to go to Wales with him at the same time. My boyfriend still came with my but told his friend that he had an appointment because apparently me having an appointment wouldn't be an acceptable excuse not to go.

    My boyfriend has also been round my house, then asked me to drive him home to go with his friend to pick up some cannabis. Then expected me to go and visit him as soon as he was home - this really annoyed me, especially as my fuel budget is very tight and he knows it.

    I really feel as though my boyfriends friend is holding him back and as though he's not a true friend - but my boyfriend thinks he's like a brother, what sort of friend would act like that? I don't know what to do, if I give him the choice between him or me, I really don't know what'd he'd do.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why did he lie?

    I went to the hospital to get the implant, my boyfriend said he would come with me, it is for his benefit too and I needed someone to come in case I didn't feel safe to drive afterwards. The appointment was booked for weeks.

    The day before the appointment his friend asked him to go to Wales with him at the same time. Instead of saying he was coming with me, he told his friend he had a hospital appointment because apparently his friend wouldn't see my appointment as an appropriate excuse! His friend then said he'd take him to the hospital and they'd go to wales after, but obviously it was my appointment so he just told his friend I was going with him.

    Anyway, he did come with me, but went to Wales straight after. Why couldn't he just tell his friend the truth and stand up for the fact he thought coming with me was more important?

    He's let me down for his friend. For example he made me drive him home even though we'd arranged to spend the day together so he could go with his friend to pick up some cannabis and he asked him to last minute. I really didn't feel like taking him but I did. The he expected me to go round straight after.

    What are your opinions on this? Should he have lied?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I hate my boyfriends best friend.?

    I don't think my boyfriend's best friend is a bad person, but he's leading my boyfriend in completely the wrong direction.

    He got my boyfriend into shoplifting and they smoke cannabis together. They actually got caught shoplifting and the police were involved. They also used to take codeine while at work for fun, and my boyfriend only stopped this after I told him how dangerous this was. His friend even passed out as they overdosed that badly. My boyfriend is trying to stop now but keeps getting very bad headaches which are only fixed by codeine so he still takes it. So I feel as though they just mess around at 'work.'

    A few weeks back my boyfriend was coming with me to the hospital. Then his friend asked him to go to Wales with him at the same time. My boyfriend still came with my but told his friend that he had an appointment because apparently me having an appointment wouldn't be an acceptable excuse not to go.

    My boyfriend has also been round my house, then asked me to drive him home to go with his friend to pick up some cannabis. Then expected me to go and visit him as soon as he was home - this really annoyed me, especially as my fuel budget is very tight and he knows it.

    I really feel as though my boyfriends friend is holding him back and as though he's not a true friend - but my boyfriend thinks he's like a brother, what sort of friend would act like that? I don't know what to do, if I give him the choice between him or me, I really don't know what'd he'd do.

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago