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  • Has anyone tried Silk cashew milk?

    I like to buy the Silk unsweetened original almond milk to have in my cereal. Last time I was at the store I meant to buy more because I was almost out, but they didn't have any of the unsweetened original (I don't buy the sweetened or flavored kinds), but I saw that they had cashew milk. I didn't know there was such a product, and I almost bought it, but the cartons are so big I didn't want to risk it in case I didn't like it. Have any almond milk fans out there tried cashew milk? What did you think?

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink6 years ago
  • How to get housemates to clean up in kitchen?

    I'm a college student doing a summer internship and I'm sharing an apartment with the other interns. This is my first time living in a shared apartment, so I'm not used to these kinds of issues. It's a little early to tell if this is going to be a habit, but one of my housemates sometimes leaves dishes in the sink for a very long period of time (not just plates and eating stuff, but unwashed cookware). This time it's going on 24 hours - the dishes she used to make her dinner last night are still sitting in the sink, and they're starting to smell. She left stuff in both sinks which makes it hard for other people to use them. I don't think it's fair for anyone to have to clean up after her, and the rest of us don't have an issue cleaning our dishes right away, or at least right after we're done eating whatever we've just made. But I'm really terrible at confrontation and I'm not sure how to approach it. It feels really mom-like to say we should all agree to clean up as soon as we're done, but if that isn't already assumed (and I don't see how it wouldn't be but whatever) then I'm not sure how else to approach it. I'm sure a lot of people out there have dealt with this sort of thing before. Any ideas on how to bring it up nicely? I don't want to create animosity so early in the summer, but I also want a clean kitchen, or semi-clean at least.

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • If someone uses a lot of smiley faces when they text you...?

    Does that mean they like you, or do some people just use smiley faces more liberally? I barely ever use them because I find them off-putting, so I really have no frame of reference.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What can Fae be a nickname for?

    Any ideas? Pronounced like Fay or Faye.

    This is for a story character, not a baby. Don't knock the spelling, I promise it suits the character best.

    Thanks! :)

    6 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • What are standard urine tests for?

    Like most people, I get a regular urine test done every time I go to the doctor. I was just wondering what exactly they look for when they do that. I've never been notified by my doctor that anything was abnormal about my urine test, so I'm hoping that means everything is good. But would it show if I had diabetes, for example?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • What is a good nighttime face wash?

    I'm looking for a good face wash to use before I go to bed. Nothing too harsh, it doesn't need to remove makeup well because I don't wear any, but something that will clean away the day's dirt and oil. I have pretty dry skin so moisturizing is a plus. And I get breakouts but I have products that I use for acne, so it can be an acne wash but doesn't need to be. Just something to get my face clean. Any recommendations? Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • How would you pronounce the name Leia?

    At first glance would you pronounce it LAY-uh or LEE-uh?

    I really like the name Leah but most people I know with that name pronounce it LEE-uh and I prefer it pronounced LAY-uh. I think Leia is a really pretty spelling and I also think people are more likely to pronounce it LAY-uh at first glance (because of Princess Leia). What do you think?

    11 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • How would you pronounce Marlena?

    I would think Mar-LEE-nah, but I looked online and found that it's pronounced Mar-LAY-nah. I think I like Mar-LEE-nah better, especially since I was inspired by the Joni Mitchell song Otis and Marlena and that's how she pronounces it in the song, but I'm curious what everyone else thinks. FYI I'm not pregnant or anything, just thinking.

    BQ: What do you think of it?

    21 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Interesting date ideas?

    My girlfriend and I can never seem to think of anything interesting/creative to do. We usually just end up going to a park to hang out, which is fun, but I feel like it would be nice to do something different. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How long until Jergens moisturizer fades?

    I've been using Jergens daily moisturizer to try and get rid of a farmers tan I'm getting from playing too much Ultimate Frisbee, but today I noticed that it's starting to turn my skin a weird color so I'm stopping. Anyone know how long it might take to fade? If it makes a difference, I've only been using it for about a week and a half, tops.

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • So the girl I like has a crush on my ex-boyfriend?

    Isn't that the ultimate irony?

    Anyone have any suggestions? Or maybe just feel like cheering me up?

  • Can someone please say something to make me feel better?

    I think the girl I'm interested in has a crush on my ex-boyfriend. Any effort to cheer me up would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • This or that (girls)?

    Rebecca or Elizabeth

    Ariel or Samantha

    Victoria or Cassandra

    Shoshana or Rachel

    Lauren or Rachel

    Maia or Alex

    Madeline or Camille

    Eliana or Michaela

    Alexa or Zoe

    21 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Naming a baby after an Edith?

    This is hypothetical. But I was wondering, if I were going to name a baby girl after my grandmother, Edith, what are some things I could name her? In my family it's considered okay to just use the first letter, but I don't want anything plain or common like Emma, Emily, etc. So far I've though about Eden and Evelyn. Thoughts?

    7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Can a girl ask a guy to prom?

    So, I know it's a little early to be asking about prom, but I know the hype is going to start sooner than I think and I want to be prepared. In my school we just have a senior prom, and I was wondering what people think the etiquette is for girls asking guys. I know that it's acceptable for a senior girl to ask a younger (or older) guy, or a guy who doesn't go to the school. But what's the etiquette for a senior girl asking another senior guy who goes to the school? When it's between seniors is the guy supposed to ask or does it not matter? I'm wondering because I'd love to have a traditional date, instead of just taking a girlfriend (which would be okay, but it's not ideal) but I'm afraid I won't get asked by someone I like. I was thinking of asking my ex-boyfriend with whom I'm still friends, because I'm not sure what the chances are he'd end up going with someone else. Would it be okay to ask him or would it be weird because I'm a girl?


    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How would you pronounce this name?

    How would you pronounce the name Eden? Ee-den, like the garden of Eden, or Eh-den? I met a girl once who pronounced it the second way, but I can't decide.

    3 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the name Leigha?

    It's like Leigh but with an a, pronounced Leah. For a girl, obviously. I'm not sure if it's a legit spelling, and generally I don't like to mess around with names, but has anyone encountered this one? Would people know how to say it?

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Help with character names?

    I'm writing a story, and my two main characters, both teenage girls, are named Jan and Roxanne. Yeah, I know. They rhyme. It was completely unintentional, but since I realized it I've sort of decided that I should change it. Right? Since it isn't on purpose and it isn't meant to be funny or ironic, I just think it's kind of distracting, but let me know if you think it's okay.

    So assuming I'm changing it, I've decided that even though I've had Jan's character invented for much longer, I'm more attached to the name Roxanne and so I think I'm going to change Jan. But I don't want to change it too much, so I'm trying my best to stick with J-names. Here are some names I'm considering and concerns I have about them.

    Jane - I think it's a little too pure, because the character is very troubled and a bit, well...easy, sexually.

    Jamie - I like it, but her last name is Carter and I think it sounds too much like Jimmy Carter.

    Jasmine - A bit too earthy.

    Jocelyn (Joss) - I can't decide...

    Other considerations: she had two older siblings, Samantha and Nathan, so I want Jan's new name to be similar in style but not similar in sound to these two.

    Sorry this is so detailed, but any suggestions would help!

    15 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What do I do about this younger guy?

    He's a rising sophomore in high school, I'm a rising senior. He had a crush on me for a lot of last year (I know for sure because he told my friend that he did and she told me). I'm not interested in him at all, but I'm having trouble shooting him down because he's never explicitly asked me out. He just asks if I want to hang out (like, just the two of us) which is weird because we're not actually friends, just acquaintances who know each other through our school theater group. I've never said yes, but the other day he IMed me and we were talking about Frisbee or something and he said he had to go and then he said "hang out soon?" and I didn't know what else to say (I couldn't just say "no") so I was like "yeah" (stupid, I know, forgive me, I panicked and I knew that taking too long to answer would be as bad as saying no). So tonight he emailed me and asked if I'm free this weekend, and I am, but should I just pretend I'm not? Keep saying I'm busy until he stops asking? It's possible he'll never have the balls to ask me out for real because of the age difference, and I think he's just doing this because he wants to spend time with me even though he knows he can't date me, but I really don't want to because being around him one-on-one is supremely awkward. Help!!

    Oh, and just an aside, I'm actually predominately interested in girls, but I'd prefer not to go there. For one thing I'm only out to my closest friends, but more important, that's not the reason I don't like him. I have liked guys before (rarely, but it's happened) but he's just not my type and too young for me, so I don't want to use the gay thing as an excuse.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How does state residence affect state university admission?

    I keep seeing, on this site and others, responses to questions about admission to state universities saying that people have a better chance of getting into a state university if they live in that state. But that doesn't really make much sense to me, because out-of-state students pay more at state schools. Does anyone know if residence really does make a difference, and if so, what are the benefits to state schools admitting in-state students?

    P.S. This doesn't matter much to me since state schools—in or out of state—will probably just be my safety schools and I could get into any. I'm pretty much just curious.