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How can I improve my ACT score?
I took the ACT and received a 28 on it and I was pretty happy about that, but the college I'm looking for has a $15,000 scholar ship if I can get a 32 on it. Even if i get a 29-31 I could get $7,500 which would be amazing. I plan on retaking until I can get that score, is there anything I can do to better prepare myself for the test? I already bought a review book for it but I'm wondering if there is anything else?
1 AnswerStandards & Testing8 years agoWhere can I find Paul Hewitt video lectures?
I'm struggling in physics, but whenever I watch his videos suddenly things just start to click and I asked my teacher where I could watch them at so I could watch them on the weekend. She told me the complete DVD set is $1000 and I checked and unfortunately it's true. Is there some where I can view them online? Or do you have any advice to help the concepts to click easier?
3 AnswersPhysics8 years agoLooking for some good games on Xbox, any suggestions?
What's your favorite game?
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agoDo think theist and atheist will ever be at peace with each other?
I'm not ignoring their beliefs contradict each others. Some clashing is more than expected but on both sides hatred and hypocrisy comes out. Theists and religion in general speak of how foolish atheists are but are we not also supposed to respect others and tolerate them? I've always been taught to love the person and respect the person in church, and not to bash them for there beliefs. Atheists too are guilty for professing how "were enlightened", but is it also enlightened to bash what others believe? Is respecting people's beliefs too much to ask for? For both sides? Do you think this gap between theists and atheists will ever close and respect for each other will happen? Bytheway the examples I used are extremes and do not represent either group as a whole, just the crazy extremists.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoXbox live account question?
I sold my Xbox while back ago and I recently bought a new with a blank slate. I downloaded my old profile where I bought several games on there. When I signed in the new Xbox the profile said I didn't have those games. I thought once you bought it, it went to your account so when you switch consoles you can retrieve the stuff you got on the orginal. Is there was to download these games again without having to pay for them again?
1 AnswerXbox8 years agoHow many hours would you work at GNC or Gold's Gym?
I'm 17 looking for a job in the summer and I turn 18 in the summer. I don't like working fast food even though I know I could ask to work full time and they would give me the hours. My question is would GNC or Gold's Gym work me at least 30+ hours to a 18 year old?
1 AnswerMarketing & Sales8 years agoWhat do I need to become a enigneering psychologist at a doctorate level?
I want to be an engineering psychologist, and at a doctorates level. I've been looking around at schools for and actual "engineering psychology" degree but I haven't found any. So my first question is, can you get an actual engineering psychology degree? And if not what degree or degrees do you need to become a engineering psychologist? For my last question, are there any colleges in Houston that have good psychology degrees?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoWhat do you need to do get a doctorate in engineering psychology?
I want to be an engineering psychologist, and at a doctorates level. I've been looking around at schools for and actual "engineering psychology" degree but I haven't found any. So my first question is, can you get an actual engineering psychology degree? And if not what degree or degrees do you need to become a engineering psychologist? For my last question, are there any colleges in Houston that have good psychology degrees?
1 AnswerPsychology8 years agoHow can I bunny proof a room?
I'm looking to buy to rabbits and I asked a question whether getting a two story cage would be enough for two rabbits. They answered a better idea would be to bunny proof my entire room. How could I do that? And also if I do bunny proof my entire room while I'm gone could I just let them roam in my room? I imagine they would still need a cage for their litter and food and water. I've heard of C&C cages and would something like that help? And what are some of the supplies I would need for that? Any answers would be greatly appreciated :)
4 AnswersOther - Pets8 years agoWhat kind of cages or cage to get two bunnies?
I'm looking into getting two rabbits and I don't have that much room. I'd prefer to just get one cage for them and I was looking online for something suitable. Would a two story indoor cage work for two bunnies? The bunnies I'm thinking of getting are two mini Rex's, one male and one female both spayed/neutered. So will a two story cage work for both of them?
2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years agoHow much can a bunny cost?
I'm looking to buy a bunny because there freaking adorable. I am looking for a small breed and I was wondering what kind of breed is small and how much they would cost. Also how much would their supplies cost? I've heard a cage can cost up to $30 to $170 but past that I have no idea about their supplies. Also as just of curiosity would two bunnies be wise to get so they can play with each other?
4 AnswersOther - Pets8 years agoWhat were some advantages of Prohibition by the 18th Amendment?
I'm in APUSH and every so often we have a debate and were given sides of an issue. I happened to be on the side of Pro-Prohiibtion and honestly i'm having trouble finding facts that support that Prohibiton was a good thing. I can find plenty of things why it didn't work but i'm supposed to argue that it was good for the country. Can you help me please? Anything that would support Prohibition for the country would be so much help and any links too would just be awesome.
1 AnswerHistory8 years agoCan I get my IPod touch fixed?
I have a 4th generation, 32 gb iPod touch and as fate would have it, it nailed the side of a coffee mug and provided a pretty large crack. I've had it for about 2 years and I was wondering if there are any companies that would fix it for a reasonable price? I use my iPod a lot and if the price is outrageous for a severely cracked screen would it be better just to buy a 5th gen?
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years agoIs it possible to get my cracked screen fixed?
I have a 4th generation, 32 gb iPod touch and as fate would have it, it nailed the side of a coffee mug and provided a pretty large crack. I've had it for about 2 years and I was wondering if there are any companies that would fix it for a reasonable price? I use my iPod a lot and if the price is outrageous for a severely cracked screen would it be better just to buy a 5th gen?
2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds8 years agoWhere can you find leather hoodies?
I'm looking for a leather hoodie and I've been searching online finding some but is liked to know what stores carry them. I'm a weird size, between a medium and a large depending on who makes the clothes so I want to try it on in person? Do you know any stores that carry them?
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agoWhat is a good college for someone seeking a psychology degree?
I'm a junior in high school and I know what I want to do, be a psychologist. I love everything about it but I was looking online for some good schools for a psychology degree and I was wondering if you knew any? I'd like to get a PH.D in it but it looks like the highest course goes up to masters, can someone explain this please too? Any information would be much appreciated, thank you!
4 AnswersPsychology9 years agoWhat is a good school for someone seeking a psychology degree?
I'm a junior in high school and I know what I want to do, be a psychologist. I love everything about it but I was looking online for some good schools for a psychology degree and I was wondering if you knew any? I'd like to get a PH.D in it but it looks like the highest course goes up to masters, can someone explain this please too? Any information would be much appreciated, thank you!
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)9 years agoWhat to expect out of ADD medicine?
Today I was diagnosed? If that's the rifht term to use, with mild ADD. The doctor said she'll be putting me on the lowest stimulant drug and a low dosage but what can I expect? I receive the medication tomorrow and I'm just wondering what are some of the side effects that I might experience?
3 AnswersMental Health9 years agoTips in how to wear and break in flip flops?
I'm a guy and I never wear flip flops, it's a rare occurance. However there have been those times I do and I noticed how uncomfortable they are to my feet because I never wear them so my first question is how do you break in flip flops? I'm asking this because I got a job recently and they want us to wear flip flops. My other question is how do you wear flip flops comfortablely and without making a bunch of sound in them? Also I notice when I do wear them and if I'm standing I'll play with them slipping them off and on my feet, anyway to help me stop this?
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years agoWhere some places where I can get some comfortable athletic pants?
Preferably the fleece pants, or just some comfy athletic pants.
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago