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    Can someone please help read my chart?

    I'm new to all this and I was hoping someone could help interpret my chart. Especially with all the planets I have in 7th house. Thanks

    2 AnswersHoroscopes3 months ago
  • Does Offerup charge for local meet up?

    Does Offerup charge for local meet up? I got a message on my letgo app saying it was absorbed by offerup and the letgo app will no longer function. I've always used letgo because it was free. I know offerup up charges for long distance transactions, but I'm not sure if it charges for local meet up. I tried to Google it but surprisingly I couldn't really find a answer. 

  • Does Offerup charge for local meet up?

    Does Offerup charge for local meet up? I got a message on my letgo app saying it was absorbed by offerup and the letgo app will no longer function. I've always used letgo because it was free. I know offerup up charges for long distance transactions, but I'm not sure if it charges for local meet up. I tried to Google it but surprisingly I couldn't really find a answer. 

  • Problem linking roku stick to wifi without a remote?

    unfortunately I am unable to link roku stick to wifi because I don't have the original remote for it.  I also can't connect my phone remote app to it because the roku stick is not connected to the wifi 🙃. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs9 months ago
  • Why is polygamy illegal but  extramarital affairs aren't?

    Why is polygamy illegal in the United States when having an affair or an open marriage isn't? It seems like they accomplish the same thing but are treated very differently. If anything polygamy seem the more stable of the tree situations mentioned. 

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics12 months ago
  • How do I break up with a woman I still love but we're hopelessly incompatible?

    I still love my girlfriend of almost a year but our values and motivations in life are not compatible. I know if we stay together it'll lead to a lifetime of chronic misunderstandings and disappointment on both sides. It's going to devastate her but I know in the long run we'd both be better off with partners more compatible. But I don't know how to say it to her. What can I say to her to mitigate the hurt?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating12 months ago
  • Marriage between US citizen and Congolese refugee?

    Hello I'm an American citizen and am planning on marrying a Congolese refugee next summer. Is there any special paperwork I'm going to need to file for this? She'll already have a green card before the wedding. Also how long will it take before I can get her citizenship? Thanks for your help I appreciate it.

    5 AnswersImmigration1 year ago
  • Asking a complete stranger out over facebook?

    so I have an app that allows me to see the people who visit my facebook page including people I'm not facebook friends with. A month or so back I noticed that there was an exceptionally beautiful woman looking at my page, and now she's looking at my page again. Ive never met or talked to this person before but we live in the same city. Honestly I feel like just messaging her and telling her the truth. That I know she's at least somewhat interested in who I am as a person because of the app. That I think she's exceptionally beautiful. And I'd like to take her out on a date to get to know her. At the end of that I'll say if she doesn't feel up to it I won't bother her again. Really I feel like I have nothing to loose because I probably would never just bump into her in real life. Who knows? I realize this is a weird approach but maybe its just ballsy enough to work. what do you think? Women would that completely creep you out or would you appreciate that level of honesty?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Need ideas on how to make 120° trim for hexagon fish tank?

    I have acquired a 55 gallon hexagon fish tank that I am rebuilding. I am going to reseal it with new silicon. The outside joints are a little rough in some places so I want to go ahead as seal it from both the inside and outside. And use trim to cover the silicone on the outside and also provide a little structural support. The problem is being a hexagon tank finding 120° trim is down right impossible compared with traditional 90° angle trim. What could I use to build 120° trim for this fish tank?

    1 AnswerFish3 years ago
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    I need a little help identifying a fruit tree please?

    Hello I recently moved into a new home and I need a little help identifying a tree in the back. At first I thought it was a cherry tree but now I don't think so. The fruit are about half the size of a cherry but they do have pits like cherries. The fruit are scattered over the tree and are not really in bushels like normal cherries. Please let me know what tree this is and if the fruit are safe for human consumption. Thank you

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape4 years ago
  • Mixed finch aviary ? Do they like each other? Or just acceptance?

    Hi I am building a small aviary and am planning on getting finches and I ve researched different compatability charts on different species. As it turns out quite a few species are compatible. But nothing I ve read really says if this is a welcomed arrangement or just passive acceptance. Do finches of different species in aviary like each other/ play together / flock together? Thanks for your help!

    Also is it absolutely necessary to to have finches in pairs in an aviary? Or could a single finch be introduced to an aviary?

    1 AnswerBirds4 years ago
  • I am building a large finch bird cage. How many birds can I stock in it? Details below.?

    The cage will measure 78 inches high 36 inches wide and 16 inches deep. How many finches could live comfortably in an enclosure of this size?

    1 AnswerBirds4 years ago
  • Does she like me what do you think?

    Alright so I'm in my 3rd year of college and the new semester just started and in one of my classes this girl sat next to me. The class was crowded, but not too crowded that she couldn't go sit by herself if she wanted to. And she introduce herself and we had a conversation about random things, about classes she had last semester an now and back and forth and then at the end we went our separate ways. But the next class she walked in with her friend and was going to sit with her but then she told her friend that she likes to be more in the center and came back over to me. I was only one row over though so it's not like it would have made that big of a difference had she stayed with her friend And that day she was asking a little deeper questions like if I had a job (which i do btw) and other things along those lines. I asked her the same and she said that she didn't and that her parents just wanted her to do good in school and be involved. Apparently there's some church club or something at the college and she helps out with that. So that got me thinking maybe she's just being nice because sometimes religious people just try to be really nice. Or maybe she's looking for converts? Or maybe she does actually like me but I'm not really sure. What do you think her motives are? If she has any at all

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I got shocked help?

    I plugged in an extention cord that had wall plug ins on both ends " I didn't realize that" so when I picked up the other end it shocked me. I dropped it almost immediately but still took a decent shock. It traveled through my right hand so I'm not sure if that helps or not since the heart is on the left side. Do you think I'll be alright?

    4 AnswersInjuries5 years ago
  • please help, cracked skin on the head of the penus?

    I've had some cracked skin on the head of my penus around the lip area where the head ends and the shaft begins it's been like this for probably 2 to 3 months. I kept hoping it would just go away on it's own but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. I keep putting neosporin on it but I don't think it's helping that much, I also tried gold bond but I think that made it worse. I've tried reading up on stds but non seem to fit and I haven't slept with anyone since late September. I'm a circumcised 20 year old man and I just want it back to normal. Please any information you can give will be very useful. Please does anyone know what this is, are there creams, pills, ect to fix it.

    6 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
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    do you think are new dog is part coyote?

    We just got her from the pound last week. Her ears are really long and they never lay down. She's got really skinny legs and a skinny snout too. She makes all these funny noises that non of the other dogs have ever made and she's always got this intense look on her face. The pound said she was a German Shepherd mix but they didn't know with what else. She's about 30 lbs and 2 years old

    5 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • how can I try and come out ahead of this and get the girl?

    Ok so last week I went to some chilly fundraiser at my college and a girl from my biology class was helping running it. And she recognized me from class and started asking me about an assignment. After that we parted ways. That night (as our class is a night class) at our halfway break she came over to me and tells me that she knows we don't really know each other but since she talked to me this morning she feels like I'm her friend. she then says she had a death in the family and asked me to email her the review for the upcoming test (which I did). And then she leaves early. Of the little I've talked with her I like her all in all and I'd like to ask her out. But I don't know if I can play these cards I've been delt in my favor. Any suggestions on how to go about this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Can you please help me? Anthropology?

    I've been going to college with the hopes of becoming a geneticist but after so many hours spent in labs I've realized I don't want to be locked up in a lab for the rest of my life. I want to explore the world and all of it's people learning all I can about different ways of life from all of these people. So I think anthropology is a much better fit for me. So my question is are there actual anthropology jobs where I can see the world and it's people? Where I can leave no rock left unturned. Am I crazy? Are any of these hopes feasible? How could I seek employment for this? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersAnthropology7 years ago
  • does she like me or is she just being friendly? please help?

    Ok so a couple months back I moved to a new city for school and there's a subway (restaurant) that I've started going to pretty regularly. There's a girl who works there and granted for just about everybody she asks them how they are doing. But its just the exchange of good how are you? good. But with me we usually have an actual conversation like on Monday she was telling me that she got to hold some of her friends exotic reptiles. And I then told her I have a pet snapping turtle which she thought was really cool. And then she started telling me about this reptile show she and her friend were going to this weekend. She tells me these kinda things a lot. I guess I wanna know is she is just being friendly for her job or is there anything more?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
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    women, do you like hairy men?

    I was just wondering what women think of hairy men. I haven't had trouble with women in the past but I was wondering if it's something they liked about me or if they just put up with it. I'm the hairiest guy I know.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago