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What's the film about a bank robbery, with an accident, and one of the robber who gets progressively worse?
I'm trying to find out for my mum, and those were the only details she could provide. That, and that it may, or may Not have had Jeff Bridges in :-s.
She thinks it may have been in the 70's, and that the other robbers eventually mercy-kill the robber with the hemorrhage (which he got from the accident).
ANY ideas would be greatly appreciated
1 AnswerMovies10 years agoHow do I write a little script file that will change a value in some source then compile the source for me?
I'm using CFDG (context free art), and have to write the code for each frame, saving each picture with a consecutive there any way I could write a small script that will:
change one value in the source by increment of 0.1
compile source into an appropriately-named consecutive .png file (this is usually done from the command line. The command I'll use for the first frame is:
cfdg source.cfdg -o 001.png
The file source.cfdg is where I want to change the variable, and the 001.png should be going up by one for each change.
I greatly appreciate any help in this
2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years agois there a website I can log into my msn chat and can view/send webcam through?
I use Ubuntu, and none of the software clients support msn webcam. I was hoping there'd be a web-based app that I could log in to?
4 AnswersMSN10 years agoHow to get facebook chat back to normal?
The new facebook chat sidebar is really annoying me, does anyone know how to return it to where it shows Only those who are online? Or at least, how to make it scrollable, so I don't just see a selection of the users it thinks I might want to contact
7 AnswersFacebook10 years agoAre any other ubuntu users experiencing problems with yahoo chat (regardless of client)?
I have two accounts and logged into them separately (one on gyachi, and one on pidgin). When trying to message one from the other..the gyachi --> pidgin messages get through..but the pidgin --> gyachi ones don't arrive..the gyachi window says 'typing' While I'm typing, but onces I've pressed send it doesn't appear..pidgin doesn't tell me it hasn't arrived though, and it just appears in the chat window as if it Had arrived. Also, when logged in on gyachi, I can be chatting to someone, then they stop being able to read my messages, and I'm not even sure if all their's are getting through.
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products10 years agowhat does a full sexual health check involve?
I've had unprotected sex recently, and what I want to know is what do the tests involve, I've had the mail-order gonorrhoea and chlamydia tests (negative, thanks)...but how can you find out if you're Completely clean?
Also (and this is aimed at UK residents only), I can't go to my local GP's, I have family working there, and would rather them not know I'd been in to get checked, can it be anonymous?
Please help, I'm worried about myself, but not enough to let my family know I'm actually worried :-s
4 AnswersSTDs1 decade agoMy wife and I want a baby but I am infertile, would my brother's sperm be the same?
I was thinking from a biological perspective, we both have the same parents, does that mean that his sperm would have the same combinations of my parents' genes as mine would.
We don't look very similar (him alot like my father, me taking more from my mother's side).
5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoMe and my girlfriend split up a couple of months ago, can anyone suggest a good Valentine's Day Present?
I want to show her how much I really love her, and just how much I want to give it another go. I was thinking flowers, but seeing as she lives in another town, and I'm not sure of her routine nowadays, I don't want her to be out when they do get delivered. So more of a 'gift' than flowers...For any of the girls out there, what would show you than an ex wanted to get back together, and what exactly would win your heart?
many thanks
5 AnswersValentine's Day1 decade agoI have a Compaq Presario CQ70 laptop, can anyone advise me on how to clean it?
I've had this laptop about a year now, it's spent a lot of time on a bed which means the air-intakes are sucking air up from through my matress, and hence there might be a lot of crap in there. Does anyone know the best way of cleaning it up?
I've never cleaned it before, so advice on giving it a proper spring clean inside, and out (i.e. internal circuit boards/fans and under the keys o the keyboard) would be gratefully appreciated. I don't really mind about voiding any warranties, putting the laptop at risk, so please don't suggest I take it to a professional, but if you do offer risky advice, please state that somewhere in your response :).
Also links to maintenance manuals or anything would be cool too..I would like to know how to safely get at the innards and know how to get it all back together when I've finished.
Cheers All
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoDoes anyone else find unexpected sperm on their penis after a day at work?
Its happened a few times now (not often enough for me to really worry, but enough to make me wonder). Sometimes I come home from work, I haven't been to the toilet all day and I go and there's a small amount of sperm at the end of my penis, not a lot, a metric 'drop' I'd say..but when its happened, I don't remember being sexually aroused during the day at all, and I don't think its over-flow (last night I managed to make three 'withdrawals', and this was today) yea, I'm just wondering if there's any similar experiences by other guys out there, or a biological explanation?
5 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agoMy (ex) girlfriend has cut all ties with me, how do I contact her?
She's deleted me off Facebook, blocked me on MSN, doesn't answer my calls or texts...what is the least creepy way for me to get in touch with her? I've thought about turning up when she finishes work, but that wreaks of stalking. I need some sort of closure, I don't know about her, but the last contact I had with her was her telling me on the phone that she never wants to talk to me again.
(By the way, the reason for the split was me admitting to having a one-night stand while we were on hiatus)
9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agohow do I get the old facebook chat up?
All of a sudden a couple of weeks ago instead of just having the 'drop up' menu of who was online when I tried to get into facebook chat, a popup window appears which looks like a chat client. My problem is that this 'client doesn't show who is 'actually' online (actually everyone's permanently offline there :-s) I'm hoping some one out there can tell me how to get it back to how it used to be
1 AnswerFacebook1 decade agoMy girlfriend's found out I cheated on her, how do I even begin to make things right?
First details of my relationship with my girlfriend (ex at present):
We live a fair few miles apart, and a few months ago the distance got too much so my gf decided to end it. We were still seeing other every couple of weekends, and would usually end up kissing or cuddling or something like that, but then visits got wider apart, and the kissing etc. stopped. I took this to mean that it properly over, and she just wanted a 'friends' thing.
Not wanting to be chasing something I couldn't have I started looking (not necessarily 'looking' but not holding myself back if the chance arose) elsewhere, and one night I met a girl and we went back to hers, etc. It was purely that, a one night stand.
After that, things got better with my ex. We still only saw each other rarely, but on the phone and online we seemed to be getting on better than before, even making a few plans for the future.
She came over at the weekend at we had an amazing time, even thought she did have to leave early, than after a phone call last she asked me outright if I'd had sex with anyone else, and because some a terrible liar I admitted it, now she says she never wants to talk to me again, I'm absolutely gutted.
She always said I should find someone else, and that'd it'd be fine if I did. I knew she couldn't really mean it, but that was part of the justification going through my mind at the time.
And now I'm at a loss, she lives miles away so its not like I've got anyway to get in touch with her apart from online and over the phone, and if she's not answering my calls/messages we're cut-off. I really want things to work with her, and now its like the future I was heading towards is crumbling away. I don't know if I should give her time to think, or strike now while the iron's hot, so to speak.
Any help gratefully appreciated
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoGirlfriend doesn't want children?
Me and my girlfriend are both 23, I want children and she doesn't. Do any of the the older question answerers out there know if she's ever likely to change her mind? I'm pretty sure we have a brilliant relationship that'll be stable to the end. I come from a loving family, I think she does too, except her's is single parent, which I'm sure means it has a different dynamic...any comments would be gratefully appreciated, thank you.
12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoIs there anywhere safe to have sex outside in york?
Me and my girlfriend are interested in having sex somewhere in york, and I just wondered if any people out there knew of any good areas where there is (virtually) no chance of getting caught? Ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
2 AnswersLeeds1 decade agoIs there anywhere safe to have sex outside in york?
Me and my girlfriend are interested in having sex somewhere in york, and I just wondered if any people out there knew of any good areas where there is (virtually) no chance of getting caught? Ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
1 AnswerLeeds1 decade ago