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  • Skype caller unknown?

    If I call someone from skype ( calling a cell) -will my phone number show up on their end? How will it show up on their end?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Entering tenants rights?

    I've lived in my private entry house for 5 years at the end of this lease this March. I used to go to church with my old landlord but we just got new management...anyways, 2 weeks ago, I got a pet violation I humbled myself and politely did a show around of my home (which was mighty clean)...there was a stuffed fox in the window that was the culprit...the inspector was a cat owner and noticed there was no pet evidence looked, smelled perfect....well, this morning, I am organizing some shelves and finally getting some rest and I hear a knock-it is my landlord(s) saying they are just going to randomly inspect the place ...and I said,"no."

    They asked why not, it only made sence, and we argued but I said I have rights, and I didn;t want to have company today. (specifically authority which is one of my ptsd points.)

    Plus, I was standing up for my rights-please understand, I've lived in places where the landlords just entered while I slept periodically and I am mildly agorophobic and also have ptsd...

    BUT-I have lived here for almost 5 years, and now I am worried...worried for standing up for my rights, and also worried they won't be respected. Also worried my lease won't be renewed...I mean I pay my rent on time, they just checked it 2 weeks ago...but now they have to be sort of upset they didn't get inside and I am standing in their way...I just want my privacy as I had before for 4 years...not unnannounced visits and 2 week inspections even announced...those things really get to me...HELP?

    My social graces aren't what I'd like in these situations. Also, what use is a 12 hour notice witthout notice??

    How valuable are my rights? AM I being offensive? How do I fix it without being miserable?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • is 3 miles too far for a six year old to walk?

    every day to get to school and back in Green Bay, WI, where 30 degrees (freezing) is warm and nearly every January day has a warning on the morning news that you will get frostbite to uncovered skin in less than 3 minutes? (Don't forget that lakefront Canada wind.)

    Oh yeah, not to mention the 150 registered sex offenders in my neighborhood.

    Because the school says it isn't. And that it is fine that he will need to cross 2 busy streets without a crossing guard because the 3rd really busy street has a crossing guard, and there doesn't need to be a sidewalk because he can just walk in the middle of the street (In the winter there is no side to the sttreet which becomes an icy slushy snow drift) which gets really icy and has at least one car go off the road almost every day...but thats o.k...just another kid....why not play Russian Roulette with him?


    10 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • School transportation?

    Shortly before school began I received a notice stating that children under 2 miles from school need to pay $20 a month for busing. I went to the school to set something up, as my child was bused last year (he is 6) and everyone claimed not to have heard of this as 2 miles (4 miles both ways) is "walking distance."

    Where I live there are 150 "registered" sex offenders in my zip code and 40 % of the school year is 30 degrees (freezing) or usually well below it. TTHere is also no sidewalk or crossing guards for 2 busy streets, and the winter one of those streets has 20 foot snowdrifts on either side that extend into the slippery road causing many cars to go off the road (it is a daily occurance) I would never make my baby walk it once-so why are they trying to make him do it EVERY DAY?

    THe first day of school is tom. and they are going to think about it in 3 weeks...but if I can not get safe transportation to school, I will need to homeschool-can I just withdraw him after 3 weeks for safety issues, or will thtere be a legal issue. I AM a great parent, and that is why I am so concerned about this...but it is really making me upset that safety needs to come before education when that ought not to even be an issue!

    WHAT am I supposed to do?

    Seriously, an 8 year old was put in a wheelchair this summer crossing the road he is supposed to cross, and in winter cars swerve all along in the winter...and he is 6 and waddles in snowpants etc, scarve,etc...

    I would like to see a grown up walk this "walking distance!"

    This is so not right. Oh yeah, and my neighborhood is predominately not white, so I wonder if that is why there is no paid busing to this neighborhood?

    2 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • New Windsheild Washer Pump stopped working?

    Just had a new pump put in-after fuses and voltage was tested...hooked up and worked for a week...then it stopped...I checked the fuse thinking it must've blown, but it didn't...

    What is wrong??

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Where in Green Bay can I look at stars?

    I am on the East Side. Looking for no street lights or aura.

    3 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Saturn...Windshield wiper fluid-already replaced pump?

    k---so no fluid is coming out....wipers work fine...checked fuses, they were fine, replaced pump....fluid worked ! (for a week) went to use it today and nothing. At all.

    Makes me mad because I was so excited I got it fixed.

    I smelled something smoke and it smelled sweet inside the car...this last Sunday...could a fuse have blown just now?

    (I had someone helping me last time...)

    I have a 97 Saturn SL2...

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Does the bottom of a car exceed 200 degrees F?

    THere is some paint supposed to prevent automotive rust...says not to use on galvanised metal or anything exceeding 200 degrees....( much harm would a very light coating do?)

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Why is murder the number 1 cause of death for pregnant women?

    surpassing even child birth.

    15 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • How do you know the difference between LOVE and LUST?

    without wasting time. I mean, obviously lust is more common- and something that takes time from finding love.

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Winter for bleeding heart?

    I have a GIANT pot, nice soil, little 3 inch bleeding heart.

    Just peekin out-I planted it this Spring.

    It is thriving in the shady spot I have it outside my doorstep...the soil is still great...

    my question I just leave it there this winter?

    Do I need to cover it? Should I put it in the garage where there is no sunlight at all?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Anyone have experience with Bleeding Heart Bushes in Wisconsin?

    I've been told they go "dormant" in winter...but this is a new concept to me...I would like a further discussion on it with someone that has had luck...(I currently have grown a bulb in a (probably too giant) pot...and I really want it to flourish...I realise that it will not flower this year...that is fine...I just want it to be healthy this winter...I want a happy bush to bring to life this next spring....)

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Dormant Bleeding Heart?

    I was told that the bleeding heart I planted from a bulb (and will not yet flower as it is very small) will go dormant this winter (Wisconsin) and that I may put it in the garage to hibernate...o.k so when should I do tis in the fall...and it doesn't need any sun or water at all until I take it out again in the spring ? Explain, please.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Should Jon Gosselin have 8 more children?

    Maybe just a set of twins or triplets...

    8 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Is irt possible thatt Jon cheats because physiologically he has impregnated the same woman 8 times?

    Actions are stronger than words Jon has a strong urge to procreate...he has filled the same woman with his seed 8 times...their children have a certain geneology....on an animalistic level wouldn't he be driven to impregnate another younger female of the species (he has been seeing college girls, and a 23 year old with no children) rather than to be faithful to a woman he has already spread his genetic code through successfully 8 times...

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Was buying a 2 seater cheater mobile and hair plugs what is best for Jon Gosselins children?

    Do you really think a 23 year old with no children would really want an ugly devious short troll who already has 8 children if she wasn't fame/money hungry?

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science1 decade ago