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  • Is there something wrong with me that I always put others happiness before my own?

    For years I was married, and I would just swallow things that annoyed me, I would always try to make sure my husband was happy did everything I could think of to make him happy and be a good wife. Unfortunatly that same caring didnt get returned and I after 17 years together decided that I deserved to have that same kind of person.

    I just ended a two year relationship with an abusive man, that I tried helping. I knew he had some issues going in but I thought knowing his backround and the abuses he endured would help me heal him.. I let many smacks, punches and downright beatings go because I didnt want to see him end up on the street since he didnt have a job. He had no money or a car. I didnt want to see him locked in jail because I hadnt found the best way to make him happy and bring him out of his stupor. I realize now that I was an ***.

    But now I have a friend who was supposed to stay with me short term since deciding she no longer wanted to be married. She needed a place to clear her head and I wanted to help her out I told her that I would be there for her if she needed it. But she has not been dealing with her marraige or doing any soul searching.. She has been obssessively meeting up with other men, traveling to see people she knows from her online game guild, drinking every night, smoking in my house, BRING STRANGERS into my home. I am a single Mom, and though my kids are not home when this goes on it really goes againts my morals and values. I want to be a good friend but I dont want to be used for this type of behavior. Lending a couch has turned into her moving her things in and I just keep smiling yet not saying whats really on my mind because I want to keep her happy?!

    Why the hell do I do this to myself, and why is it so hard for me to just be honest about who I am what my limits are without it getting out of hand, and me ending up losing relationships, friends and so forth?

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • How many people actually get away with a major crime if its considered a Cromer of passion.?

    For instance a woman kills her abusive partner because she just can't take it anymore and she snaps.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Do I have a right to ask my boyfriend why he is texting his exgirlfriend?

    His exgirlfriend has moved on and he was once obsessed with this woman. On Thanksgiving he texted her asking her how she's doing and called her by An old pet name. I found out about this due to an overage in minutes used on our shared cell account. I asked him why he texted her and he told me that he want going to answer that and he was mad I knew about it. Then he went into his phone and deleted all the messages. I thought that was sorta a strange thing to do if it was innocent contact, why would he get so mad and delete messages, them make me feel like crap about myself the rest of the night by saying some hurtful thing.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What is a good name for a cmopany renting classic cars and rental trucks?

    I am starting a company that will rent classic cars and moving trucks. I need some name suggestions!

    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation10 years ago
  • How do I make my boyfriend stop his deception?

    My boyfriend from California moved across country (I'm in NY) and moved in with me and my two sons. He was out of work out there and still out of work here.. I just got him a few hours a week at the office I work at. He never talks about his family I ask about them and he just says I dont know. I have never met anyone in his family, I have never spoke to anyone in his family. I used to buy him pizza and such every Friday when he was in California. Bought him a computer and a laptop for his birthday, he is loving and says ll the right things, but whenever I asked him what did you do today he would always say look for a job or spent day with Mom, or just nothing. He left his cell phone in my car I looked up a picture of my son to email it to myself and he had pictures of all these people on there. His Mom his sister.. who he says he doesnt talk to. He had all these calls from them he told me he doesnt talk to them. He has been telling his mom he came out here for a job and she doesnt know about him even having a girlfriend. She asked him told him how much she missed him, wanted to make sure he was ok he just said he was busy working and no girlfriend. I shouldnt have read the texts but all the secrecy just overwhelmed me. I have him living with me and my children. I was curious about him. I also found out he set up a emeting with his ex a few days before the big move out here.. This is the woman who broke his heart yada yada. I KNOW READING HIS MESSAGES WAS WRONG.. But isnt it wrong to tell your family a bunch of lies and lie to me about everything for over a year? Do I tell him I know everything and tell him he has to be honest and give him a chance or just make him move back to California. I feel like he is a shamed of me and just using me for money. =( I wish I hadnt ever been curious about his life and relationship with his family. I jsut wanted to be a part of his life. Now I feel like Im some dirty secret.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What do I do with my out of control four year old?

    Ok so my little boy is quite devil. He can be sweet and loving dont get me wrong but he is a helluva handful for most people. He has been like that since birth. He was the baby that never stopped crying.. didnt like anyone except Mommy until he was about one. The stress of this was a bit much for me and my husband didnt step up and our marraige unraveled 17 years together and we are now separated living apart.. sharing custody. I had to go to work last fall and I work long days 9 am to 7 pm, and my sons have been going to my sisters (due to necessity cant afford daycare for both boys) but she just doesnt watch the kids they are just animals when there so I have been trying to pull them out of there, I have a good friend that helps and she is strict, and my boyfriend has been helping out sometimes and he has been a bit more consistant, but the trouble is when they are with there Dad. He just lets them do w/e so they dont whine. I tell him to be ontop of the bad behavior and he is lazy, wont do it because its work.

    When the boys come back to me they have new toys, still in same clothes as day before. Im trying to keep things civil for kids sake, but the inconsistancy has my younger son more out of control than ever. I cant keep there Dad away.. I need to leave them with my sister sometimes and I am with him for like an hour in the evenings before bed. I just feel like Im failing him because of not having the time to take care of this issue.

    I think perhaps I have to quit this job and get something that lets me have more time with the kids so I can get this issue under control I dont want a rude, out of control child. Its embarrassing and disheartening when even I dont want to be around him half the time. He slps his brother, spits on him, doesnt listen.. I repeatedly tell him to sit, he gets right up under the guise of wanting a drink, I tell him no drink until he is done with punishemnt, he gets right back up, tells me he has to pee, I tell him to hold it (then was told I cnt do that by there dad that its neglect not letting him pee) make him sit back down, he then gets up and says I forgot I was punished, I set him back down then he just repeatedly says can I get up can I get up can I et up.... about 1000 times.. I finally walk over and grb him and take him out of the room and he then just crys hysterically and it doesnt die down.. he doesnt give up 10 minutes later or 20 minutes.. he will keep going until he pukes.. or he breaks things.. I am at wits end.. HELP

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Is it insane to make plans to move in with someone that you only know over the internet?

    My best friend has been talking and in a relationship with someone online who lives across the country. They havent ever met physically, but have been intimate over the phone and internet I guess. She and her husband are getting a divorce and she is currently still in the same house with him but plans to get her own place she just has to wait until her financial situation stabilizes. But she is making plans for this man who is unemployed currently to move out to her state and live together, with her children. She says they are in love and over the year have gotten to know each others ins and outs by talking for hours a day. I told her maybe instead of talking for hours a day he should have been looking for a job and paying his way to come see her and get to know her.. I am worried that she is making a huge mistake and is going to be stuck with someone she really knows nothing about. Do you think I am right?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do people /lick on World of Warcraft?

    I have a few friends that hit /lick and i dont understand why.. Its kind of wierd.

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Is is illegal to use someone elses copy of World Of Warcraft?

    My sister and her husband have bought the game, and are telling me not to buy it because I can just use their copy to put it on my computer.. But I told her no that it was illegal to do that, and she said it is not illegal. Then she told me that because there is no "code" that its not illegal. Is this illegal?????

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How do i attack someone on myspace Mobsters....?

    I have people in my mob who ask me to attack someone for them and they give me an Id Number to use, but i do not know how to use this number.. Help please. Also you can add me: /snmngnrn for mafia wars, or mobsters

    2 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Whats a good Don name for Mafia Wars?

    I need to pick a name but I dont know anything about the game, so I dont know what to choose, can you help me???

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Does it upset you that your tax dollars keep the microwave murderer Alive?

    It really makes me mad that that woman who cooked her one month old daughter in the microwave gets life in prison, and its federal tax dollars from your pocket and mine that are to pay for it. How do you feel about your tax dollars going to this womans jailing?

    15 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • A good car seat/ booster seat for my 2 year old??

    I have an Eddie Bower one, but I need another one for my husbands truck, I dont want it to be to expensive aas this is a work truck and it isnt the cleanest vehicle. But I want safety. ANy Ideas?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What are some great Ideas for a kindergarteners school lunch?

    The school doesnt want Peanut butter, because of the allergies. (Ticks me off) and my little man is kind of finicky, so I dont think he will eat the school lunch the school offers. Any ideas would be great. He eats out of the ordinary stuff, and I dont do Nutella, or fluff. It needs to be nutritious.

    6 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • What items are normally on your shopping list?





    Chicken Nuggets




    Lunch meat


    2 AnswersYahoo Shopping1 decade ago
  • What is a good brand for an invisable dog fence?

    I am looking to purchase a system, but I want to make sure I get something that is going to last and work well. Some suggestions and training tips would be great.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • School lunch ideas???

    My son loves Peanut Butter and jelly, and peanut butter and banana sandwiches, the only problem is the schools in my area now are not allowing peanut butter to be in bag lunches. This is the only thing my kid eats on a sandwich, that doesnt require refrigeration.. So I need some ideas on what to send him with. I am at a loss, I want him to eat healthy meals, not all prepackaged items.

    6 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Can someone give me some ideas for dinner???

    I have tons of tomatoes green and red, eggplant, peppers (hot and mild), boneless chicken breast, bacon, basic pantry, every fresh herb. I want to do something different with the eggplant. Not the same boring way. I dont know to much about eggplant and how they hold up in different methods of cooking. so any ideas would be great.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • New neighbor calls her to talk to her?

    One of my newer neighbors is a pretty cool chick, but she calls her little boys little Ni**ers. She is always saying the word (she is african american) and calls all black men and boys that. I just hate to think my boys will start calling people that and get in trouble or a beating for it. I cant stand the word and I dont want to fight with her about it and cause a rift, but I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR HER CALL HER KIDS this word. She doesnt say it like a swear word. She says come on you little Ni**ers, like she is calling them stinkers, or boogers. When its there bath time, and they all laugh and think its funny, but my kids are in hearing range when they are outside. How is the best way to approach her without it being a huge production and causing a neighborhood problem.

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago