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Master Anarchy

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"Master Anarchy - because you know you should !!!!"

  • Should we not blow upon the Olympic Flame?

    B'Ching 2'08

    I don't know why people

    Think the Olympics is any good

    For changing the world.

    I remember when we had

    A car accident. That changed

    The world; but we got along

    Without thinking about it

    Very much. Very much I

    Wonder why sending two seventy

    Year olds to fry in the pan, out

    Of the fire, for 12 months, 'coz

    They chose to perspire on down to

    The Heavenly Court of Applications

    For an Official Permit to Protest

    In an Officially Designated Protest

    Area against the Beijing Olympics

    Is indicative of Change in

    The world. Then I remember

    That car accident. I do not forget

    I don't know why people do

    Not always come to a full stop

    At the right time. I cannot.

    Believe the Olympics is Any good.


    [It was reported two seventy year old women were sentenced to 12 months re-education in a labour camp for applying for a Protest Permit, as above stated, their reason being they were evicted from their homes to make way for it. An exceptional Olympics? No: friends of mine in Sydney suffered a similar fate, evicted from homes their landlords willed to rent out for exhorbitant rents in the time period of the 2000 Games, "the Best Ever!!".]

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Has Descartes been haplessly or hap listlessly misrepresented?



    She said, “I’ll steal that

    Light from you !”, plagiary

    Setting to out be where as

    He had, proud as puss’

    Boots, aired as he freely

    Declared, “Ergo Cogito

    Sum” to be best translate

    In “I think therefore I

    Am.”, whereas he saw it

    Also true that “I am

    Therefore I think and I

    Think therefore I am.” were

    The best translation for

    “Cogito Ergo Sum”

    While "Ergo Sum Cogito”

    Emphasised that one did

    Know by the of-thinking

    Power one’s self to be,

    Antecedent presumed,


    Were an lacunae to

    Be exhumed in some latter

    Day scholarly foray

    If only to warm one’s walk

    Like puss’ boots worn proud:

    Small but by some stretch of

    Imagination allowed

    To be seen as fit good,

    Just as should failure to

    Steal light for a lifeless

    Liberty to behold

    Until the lore dies out.


    1: “Pb Shoes” – Public Benefit

    Shoes, a chains tore selling cheaper

    shoes for all Australians

    3 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Best free virusware?

    What to download?

    And how to know it isn't infected itself (Zombie loading or otherwise)?

    11 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Sing A Song Of Speed Pense?

    Carpe Diem’d D’Whampeer

    Cruelty as an intrinsic part of staying

    Up all night, eating little, untiring

    Muscular exertion with inversion

    Of all downs jagging them up to up’n

    At ‘em, atomic consciousness wanting

    More, society with loose sexual

    Morés, stories aplenty with more thinking

    Behind them than can sum amphetamine stinking

    Sniff out, rushing around without doubt in

    A wanting not to run out, running out,

    Wanting more, wanting all that’s in the store,

    talking so much one can talk no more or

    Cannot wait to talk again, going insane,

    Enjoying psychoses, boosted brain, endorphine

    Undermining judgements of leaps logic

    Made as toxic substrata underlain

    Both by exertion and main substance stick

    The knife in one’s mind more than a Vampire bit.

    1: “Atomic”, Blondie.

    2: “Benzedrine Jag Party Time”, Crowley.

    3: “Ill Wind”, Kuepper, “Eddy Baby”, Ed.

    4: “If I Was Your Vampire”, Manson.

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • To hell, with small possibilities?

    The Pit He Fired

    He said, “It’s going

    to happen anyway.”

    I saged, “No way.” He said, “Way.”,

    but not openly. I say open

    up, make room to be free of what ye

    might otherwise but obscurely re: .

    And ye deny possibility

    Of any other way, ye play and do

    not fight what ye say, superficially

    disparagingly, or be it deeply weepingly,

    can but be and continue to become, free

    of any other possibility, as ye conclude,

    not exclude, protrude in lieu of

    other education, to draw forth background,

    hell being populate with the small

    minded and their imaginings.

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • A Finger to Moon is worth two in the bush?

    Beget Karma (No Other Way)

    What you give is what you get: yet

    Many fail to comprehend this

    Is no soppy sophism. They let

    The Finger point to the Moon as

    If the purpose were to sell nail

    Polish. It is not. A murderess

    Once sang how once she had murdered,

    She felt she could die, and so she

    Began to fly from society.

    Many dreamers have sung not to the

    Contrary that once they have dreamed,

    They too begin to fly from society.

    What you give is what you get: yet

    If you wish to give malevolent

    Intent, you get malevolent in Tent;

    And that you be giving forth will be

    Realising no forgiving, for you can

    Not forgive yourself in truth, only give.


    1: Austin Osman Spare, regarding his take on the comprehension of karma.

    2: “Enter The Dragon”, featuring Bruce Lee and a cast of hundreds, if not thousands.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • In worship of thee divine, I profer this piece: profoundly so?

    What God Means To Me

    God means to me

    My ego knows

    No bounds, boundless.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Will people ever be Real, in Light of their Own Selves?

    Beget Karma (No Other Way)

    What you give is what you get: yet

    Many fail to comprehend this

    Is no soppy sophism. They let

    The Finger point to the Moon as

    If the purpose were to sell nail

    Polish. It is not. A murderess

    Once sang how once she had murdered,

    She felt she could die, and so she

    Began to fly from society.

    Many dreamers have sung not to the

    Contrary that once they have dreamed,

    They too begin to fly from society.

    What you give is what you get: yet

    If you wish to give malevolent

    Intent, you get malevolent in Tent;

    And that you be giving forth will be

    Realising no forgiving, for you can

    Not forgive yourself in truth, only give.


    1: Austin Osman Spare, regarding his take on the comprehension of karma.

    2: “Enter The Dragon”, featuring Bruce Lee and a cast of hundreds, if not thousands.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it duller today, or is it just me?

    $1 A Day

    The guy starving, often enough, away

    In Africa, living on one dollar

    A day, lives that way because Westies say

    Both should live that way, overall. What’s more,

    Westerners tend to, lamely, blame those they

    Plunder to assure themselves an easy

    Life, taking 60%, still, today,

    So I’m told, with 20% for they

    Who play according to West’s game plan,

    The chosen few, and 20% for

    The rest, starving often, enough. The man

    Who survives on water and very poor

    Food lives an existence which is rude, crude,

    Stewed, more than tempted to intrude, interlude

    Of rapine and opportunity we,

    As Westerners, and now Easterners too,

    Encourage with tools of war which will do

    Maximum damage to those locally

    Living, surviving, in service which we

    See, often enough not, in the West, to

    Be internecine warfare, and caused through

    No fault of the Westies. Reality

    Check, as they say in the U.S. of A.,

    And one sees rich and poor and very poor

    There also. What’s more, were there no war in poor

    Africa, those there could afford a way

    Of life wherein they thrive well enough for

    Themselves and build up from a central core

    To a level more or less close to that

    The author enjoys among the Westies,

    Viz: poor of the rich. Probably twice what

    He indulges his self on, steadily

    And securely. So, were moderately

    Living, by no means deprived, enjoyed by

    Most, humanity might coast forward, free

    Of unnecessary conflict. To try

    This thesis in summary on the

    Whetstone of truth, Indulgent West + Poor

    Afrique = weak ethical bases

    For action whose only attraction for

    Both parties: perpetual war and weak

    Bases for further action one could seek

    In moderated wealth (note I say not

    Moderate), more than sufficient health and

    Length of days which plays, like a record, not

    Backwards, but in the groove, towards an end

    Equally well to be depended on.


    0: A sequence of three near sonnets, of Shakespearean-Petrarchan-Shakespearean style, with the beginning of a further Shakespearean.

    1: “60% of the world’s wealth is controlled by 6% of the world’s population.”

    2: “60% of Australia’s wealth is controlled by 6% of Australia’s population.”

    3: “6% of the world’s population live in the United States of America.”

    4: “60% of the GDP of Africa is expropriated to use in other continents”.

    5: “10% of the world’s wealth is controlled by 1% of the world’s population”,

    This last being an approximation: lately it has increased from 8%+ to 9%+,

    and rising.

    6: “10% of 60% is 6%”.

    7: “Westies” is what East Berliners termed those who lived in West Germany, but

    here used to indicate anyone living in the West (sic).

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • A Poem comparing Enlightenment with the all-too brief result of orgasm. Comments?

    Solarity Banality

    A taste of enlightenment which they call

    Orgasms, annihilation of the ego as fall

    Emotional and intellectual barriers unto

    Direct experience of that under what they do,

    The reality of vacuity of identity, frivolity,

    Ambition, purpose, humanity, divinity,

    In a word, as well as, gymnastic satisfaction

    Of more subtle psychic attraction from base

    Appearance, through intellectual friction

    Warming emotional frisson to soul felt ace,

    Number one needs that bleeds into two as

    Two become none in the insight of each the

    Other who be so constituted as to enjoy

    The which they have enjoyed if only to fell as

    Incapable of mental constituants of being the

    Truth revealed of said success they do so enjoy

    As it mirrors into momentary awareness that

    Which ages of sages past knew by right

    Of attainment in constancy, satisfaction

    Beyond any limit imposed of surrounding

    Circumstance, the which could but ignite

    Said underlying reality to awareness dealing

    With surrounding circumstance, penetrating

    Both the all and none, as do stars in full flight.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • A critique of Western philosophy, circa 1904 - 2007, in the form of a poem. Comments?

    Need For Lacuna

    No philosophy is sufficiemt

    To deal with the problems of the modern

    Day: so they, jaded or dazed, would say meant

    No philosophy were needed by them

    When what, and palpably, were needed were

    A summary effort, execution

    If you will, of the has-been, and then more

    Strenuous, and appropriate, action

    Be ta’en in light of modern requirements,

    Such as going beyond the mechanics

    Of Newton and God to the dynamics

    Of Einstein and Man; also, uncertainties

    Of Pauli and Heisenberg and a past

    Done and gone. But they went wrong: will, at last,

    They go right, to Relativity at

    Least, which be certainly truthful if not

    A TOE, which be not,

    As Gödel clearly stated, and Hawkings,

    Belatedly, admits is overrated by

    Intelligence which overestimated “Why?”

    And “How?”, and now underestimates We

    Who, all too clearly, be coming to see a need for.


    0: An extended sonnet, from the Shakespearean to

    an increasingly uncertain, if not totally irregular, form.

    1: TOE – Theory Of Everything. “No such animal exists.”,

    as Churchill famously said (I am uncertain it was him).

    2: Regarding Gödel’s Theorem, “Gödel, Escher, Bach”

    by Douglas Hoffstadter is well-worthy of recommendation.

    3: Newton conceived of the Universe as mechanical and

    ultimately predictable, a secular teleologistic.

    4: Einstein famously said he did not believe God played with

    dice. He made no mention of human beings.

    5: Of Pauli, Heisenberg and Stephen Hawkings, it is left to the

    reader’s initiative to find reference thereto.

    3 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • When the Mud hits the Tornado, does the Fish swim in Saudi Sand?

    Carp Odium

    Ignorant, Arrogant,

    Indifferent scum, the lot

    Of you. That’s my position:

    Mud; and you’re stick in it.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Will, o will anyone roam, o roam to my, o my o poem (A lovey dovey thing)?

    A Gentleman Never

    What is in front of me in the way

    Of support and love, she had cried

    As I had gathered her up in

    My arms before her family,

    And I on my way to the charms

    Of a waiting, more than willing,

    Wench, and she pouring forth that which

    Could but wrench, like a sabre strung

    Under a whole piano bench,

    Tug at heart strings already set

    Out to both her, in amour, yet

    Also to another in fresh, wet,

    We shall not forget amorous

    Loving, and that amour balked as

    She by her family which did

    Not support her in that way, our

    Way, nor, as she now wept to say,

    In many another: and I,

    Wanting to fly to another

    Awaiting already, felt her

    In a need such that should my heart

    Bleed at all as it pumped air to

    My lungs and brain, should I not stop,

    Help and give all, all self-respect

    Should in future fall, crumble as

    Even now did she, seeing as

    Her family, indifferent,

    Revealed truth in place of support,

    Mutual non-aggression pact,

    In place of love, alliance and

    She, knowing the truth of her, learned

    In reality of growing

    Among such and within her sought

    Now, for reasons I knew not, for

    All her pourings forth, to delay

    Me on my way, to tell me, tell

    Someone, tell herself, tell them, how

    It really is in an ice land

    Of alliance and betrayal

    Of alliance as I gathered

    Her up into my arms, her spine

    Melted as a glucose snake on

    The bitumen on a sunny

    Day, her muscles like jelly, her

    Soul one of love in hell he knew

    And knew not, her voice one which could

    Never be forgot but only

    Ignored, abjured, used to inure

    One’s self to voices like that, pure

    In strangulation, in drownings’

    Peak experience when dawnings

    Of an end to all, of all, rise

    And in hurried surprise the mind

    Races the brain to say, she said

    What is in front of me by way

    Of love and support, and I caught

    Her sister’s eye, her sister’s dress

    Of blue caught my eye, and the caress,

    Almost like the eye of a carcass,

    As her sister’s eye crossed mine eye

    As I gathered her up, to follow

    Her instruct as to where she would

    Go now, now she and they and I did

    Know of afore said torrential flows,

    I not knowing, I suppose, truths

    Of many prospects and problems she

    Did pose, only the tips of icebergs, I

    Suppose, nor if, in the heat of the moments

    In which I gathered her into my

    Arms, and despaired to neglect

    Another’s charm and wilfull wenchiness,

    And she felt her soul’s water melting for

    Perhaps the first time ever, what her

    Will would bring in the cool of evening

    Would not simply chill her to the bones,

    Still all free tropical glacier flowings

    To an arctic circle’s stowing once again

    Of water, useless to the hoeing of honest,

    Earthy gardeners, and I useless

    Once again in the face of a family

    Which could but see alliance and potential

    Aggression between she and me to be

    To be the only prospect for a felt love

    Abjured in me, inured for me, pure

    And purely strangled by me, entangled

    In its welling and her truth and the truths

    I could not ignore in her raisings

    From the floor and my risings to once

    More her already amourous, my desire

    Clamourous, my heart doubly amourous,

    Yet in two too many ways. And that stays

    Tearing within me, even as she once was

    Tearing without me, even as she once was

    Daring without me, even as I once was

    Daring within me, even as I once was

    Caring within me, even as they once were

    Unsharing without her, even as they once were

    Uncaring within her spheres of concern

    Which it seems, in the end, we were all

    Too late to learn. But then, after the end,

    A gentleman never tells, they say, and

    Of that day’s end the poet now dares

    To tear his cares to be unsharing.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Ho Me, Ho U - a poem which tells you how to save time when doing homework!?


    Mere Digression.

    Yahoo! Session.

    My Poetry

    You can just see

    How good I be

    What I've to say

    Here, Now, Today,

    While on my way

    To a five point

    Cost, list my cant,

    A little rant

    Or real problem,

    Homework you loom,

    Weft, weave my dream...

    What a lovely

    Scheme here for we

    Whom are lazy!

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What did the moral crusader say when she visited Amsterdam?

    I know it's not celibate, it's silly but

    they still got prostitution in this city.

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • How many heads could Peter Hook hook, bassically speaking?

    The Joy Division bass guitarist, whose thumping beats really set the stage for the success of that band's endeavours.

    {A Tribute Question}

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Joe Strummer said,"People can change anything", as he was learning at the cost of much pain and ...?

    ...humanist chagrin. Even their underpants!

    But what if they do not wear underpants!?

    Can they change them then?

    If so, whose?

    [Some suggest that is about the only thing they are good at changing. Just ask Christian Dior and that Hillfinger bloke.]

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Israel was founded by terrorist action, murder and unilateral annexation of territory in the face of ...?

    ...not unrecalcitrant 'feudal' overlords (the British Imperials) readying themselves to leave.

    By what right, or sense of justice, do they demand the Palestinians forswear violence?

    What modern state, apart from only one I can think of (Butan?), would even consider this suggestion without laughter ringing around the agora?

    11 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • If America is a Republic (not a democracy, as some gloriously state)...?

    ...with the highest Prison Population per capita in the Western Hemisphere, is it not demonstrably poorly placed to be spreading "Freedom and Democracy" across the globe?

    Or do they have spherical bread loaves where they come from?

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago