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  • Teens: I need some help.. should i give on dating all together or just....?

    Continue looking until school starts. Here's the story i've been hurt recently by the guy who i've loved for almost a year and he said things like i'll never hurt you and well be together I PROMISE. Well he just decides that he is not in love with me anymore and it sorta hurts. I'm just looking for a guy who Will fill this void i have from not knowing my biological father and stuff like that and it hurts. But so far i haven't found that guy who will. Its just getting more and more complicated

    3 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • I feel like in my life all i do is screw up and make mistakes?

    so me and this guy i was dating broke up for good on Sunday night he said that he needed to move on and be himself. Well the thing is that i've loved this guy for almost a year we both agreed that we had this amazing connection and then in May we wind up going out and we only go out till the beginning of June and then i start getting pessimestic and i'm sorry for that and then we date for a week and drama comes up again and a again. I'm sorry for hurting him i feel like thats all i do is hurt the people i love the most and who are closet to me.

    He and i had something special and now he won't even talk to me its like he lost all faith in me and us and i didn't. I gained faith after going to Chicago and Buckeye Girls State.

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • Teens: I need some help big time?

    Ok, so i've been guy problems lately and well it's mainly because of a few reason 1 i'm afraid of getting hurt 2- i have extremely horrible trust issues and 3 i have bad anger issues. Well i was dating this guy who gave me my first kiss last summer and i thought we were gonna be together for a while but he insulted me and called me a pessismis which i don't try to be and then i turned around and insulted his family and i have no clue what to do we have an amazing connection and i feel like i have nothing else to live for. Should i just give him a break and see if he ever texts me again or just leave him be and see where my future takes me and see if i wind up with somebody better suited for me?

    4 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Am i a bad girlfriend?

    So right now I broke up with the guy I pray to god I'm meant to be with and the reason was because I'm too pessimistic because he's always helping his family earn extra money and also because he's really close to his family and stuff like that. Well I'm afraid that we would never see each other I mean I'm going away for 2 weeks to the other side of the state and to chicago and I feel so bad. I blew up at him when he bitched at me for being to pessimistic which I see now is a problem, but he makes me happy and when I'm not around him it just makes me feel like nobodys there for me. What's worse is that he may get a job at the plant that his grandpa owns and he's going down there this weekend and I wanna sort things out but he won't answer any of my texts. I need help

    4 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • I feel like a bad girlfriend?

    So my boyfriend who was the love of my life didn't have minutes for the first two days at the bbeginning of this week and he got minutes back on Wednesday and well were supposed to hang out tomorrow because I won't be home for the next two weeks cause I'm going to this buckeye girls state thing and thhen I'm going to chicago. But instead he's staying at his grandparents house and also he's really busy and I started doubting if wed ever see each other and now we broke up and I don't know what to do? I mean he said I was to pessimistic and I'm sorry and I've learned my lesson no matter how often I text he won't answer back. What do I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I dont know what to do?

    Ok so my boyfriend and I mite hang out on Sunday my house and I live out in the middle of nowhere. His familys fun and cool and stuff I mean there's always stuff going on over there. And for me I just have nothing to do all the time. What should we do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why is it whenever a guy talks about sex or taking my virgnity i get...?

    Really nervous. I mean ok i'm still a Virgin right 17 years old never had any sexual experience with a guy before i mean the closest i've been to ever doing anything sexual was kissing a guy. I just get really nervous and anxious when ever a guy brings it up and it sorta scares me a little bit to. Is this normal or not?

    PS i've never had a real hang out, meet your parents, go on dates with him type of boyfriend before, so could this also add to my anxiety or not?

    6 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Why am i thinking of this guy anymore?

    Ok so I kinda like this guy who lives in Celina and well I'm "taken" buy a guy from Lima. But the thing is that now the guy from Celina doesn't even like me in the way that I do anymore I mean it seems like he's doubting me. I mean I understand that we haven't hung out a lot but the reason is because I can't even breathe when I'm around him. And this other guy we've dating half the year and we haven't met yet and I know we are never going to meet. I need help. I feel like I'm losing one guy and gaining another guy I haven't even seen.

    What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • When ever this slut in my lab has her phone?

    I go psycho. First of all she gave my number out without asking me 2nd her sister hijacked her phone and started bitching at me for supposedly stealing her bf I mean she got him hooked on sex and I had to get his mind off of it. And now I can't trust him or her at all. I always have to ask him wheather or not he's cheating on me and I don't even talk to this slut or her sister.

    What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I need help with a few guy problems?

    Ok, so I'm currently dating this guy from Lima Ohio which is like 25 miles away from my house right. well on Monday this guy named Callob left me a message and we have been friends since last July when i agreed to let him kiss me right and well we used to text each other all the time because i found out that he liked me more than a friend, and then i started dating this dude from Lima and we just fell apart. And then last month his little brother broke his phone so he hasn't been able to text me for almost a month. on MOnday when he left me that message i realized that i still had some feelings for Callob but at the same time i don't wanna leave my bf from Lima who i have a feeling were never gonna meet.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I get anxious during lunch?

    Ok so over spring break they finished up our new cafertiera which is smaller than our old one seeing as how we have a 3 and a half year construction project going on. And well I sat with a bunch of outcasts and now I sit with a bunch of man whores and the chick who gave my number to my current number and they're all loud and annoying and is the biggest whore on the face of the planet. And well I'm afraid she's gonnna either take my phone from me or ask me if I'm still dating this sex addict. Truth is I am and he's changed and he blames ur sister for making him the sex addict. I can't even have my phone on vibrate anymore during lunch and also I'm afraid that she or her sisters texing him. What should I do?

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • I feel like i don't belong?

    Ok, so i'm a quiet person i have a quiet personality i don't open up to people that well unless i'm about ready to blow up. Well the only people i feel like i can talk to without me boring them don't even go to my school. I don't even get to see them all the time like i'd like too. And i feel like i don't belong at this school anymore like everybody's changed all of a sudden. My friends well they're a little werid and people at this school don't acknowledge that they think that if your'e werid than you have a mental problem or something.

    What should i do?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • My mom won't let me transfer to another much closer school?

    Ok,so i go to a school that is well a little over 20 miles away and with the way they're predicting gas prices to get by May i don't think i wanna drive there the last week of school but that's not the only problem i don't have friends at this school, no body likes me, i can't trust people or myself there because i'm afraid i'm gonna hang out with friends from there and something horrible is gonna happen to me and so i'm like quiet all the time.

    I'd rather go to this other school where i know people i have people who are like family to me i'm comfortable there it's closer, and if i get a job it would be a heck of alot closer instead of driving over 70 or 75 miles each day that i have to work.

    But my mom says no you're doing good there and stuff like that. She just doesn't understand that i don't LIKE IT THERE NO BODY UNDERSTANDS ME AND THAT I HAVE REALLY BAD TRUST ISSUES!

    What should i do?

    1 AnswerOther - Education9 years ago
  • Im afraid that im never gonna find love?

    So I dated this guy for 3 months and all we did was text and then on Friday I said some choice words and he broke up with me. Now I'm afraid I'm never gonna find love. I'm so afraid I won't get what most of my friends have. I jusst wanna be happy. What shouod I dp

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why did i let myself fall for him?

    So on Friday I was in a touchy mood and I said some things to my now ex boyfriend like he had insomnia cuz he was keeping me up all night and that he had a life and I didn't and that I felt like he didn't love me enough. I didn't mean any of those things. What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Prom is in a little less than 3 weeks is it bad i dont have a date?

    Ok so I had a date than I texted him yesterday and he said he found someone else to go with. Now my prom is in a little than 3 weeks. I'm going stag to another dance again is that bad?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Im a junior in high school and?

    A player took my class ring. He took it off my middle finger on Monday on Tuesday has it on a chain on Wednesday he said he left it on his tv well I don't believe him. I think he pawned it or is gonna pawn it. I've had the ring since my freshmen year. He said he was gonna give it back I need advice fast what should I do?

    3 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • How should i go about getting my classring back?

    So this idiot on Monday morning took my class ring off my finger and then on Tuesday he has it on a chain and then on Wednesday he says he left it on his tv. He said he'd bring it on Thursday he didn't . I'm so pissed off I've had it for 3 years it has my birthstone in it but most importantly I'm afraid he's gonna pawn it for cigerate money. What should I do?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • I think i may have a stalker?

    Every day I get a phonecall from this number who I don't know and also I think the guy who's number it is is also on facebook and I don't even know him what should I do. I threatened to call my local police. And also the number doesn't have my area code or anything I'm getting worried and paranoid

    4 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • I need help with choosing a prom date?

    My schools prom is in 6 weeks and I'm stuck in between 2 guys. The first guy is this guy who my mom suggested I take to prom and I think my mom and step dad would LOVE! And I admit I have feelings for him and also have and also will in fact I can see my self spending the rest of my life with him.

    The 2nd guy thinks were dating but I just like him as a friend and I want out but also I guess were going to prom together but I don't want too.

    What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago