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  • Why should I work hard for a living?

    I see so many people who have millions and haven't done a hard days work in their entire lives. Leave the hard labor for the common filth right?

    11 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Can dogs eat crackers and chips?

    Well I spoil my dog. And I let him eat human food and every day. And I've just been sitting here sharing my crackers, chips, and ham with him for the past two hours. But anyway. Can dogs eat crackers and chips. Specifically, saltines and tostinos tortilla chips.

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink6 years ago
  • Why do countries engage in war?

    I understand the occasional war is fought for a righteous reason. To protect Your country or whatever. But let's be honest, most wars are started because of petty quarrels between powerful men. And the only reason it becomes important, is because good men die for these selfish desires. So tell me why do we do it? Are we just that ignorant, to where we actually think it's nessicary? Or are we violent creatures that get off on blood and destruction? And get high off of our own power? You tell me. Why do these humans engage in such foolish acts? And then use fancy words to justify their actions. When in reality it was nothing but power hungry, blood thirsty fools, who happened to be in control of an army.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is it possible for your bowels to explode?

    I have been on a McDonald's, whiskey, and hot Cheetos binge for about a week and a half. I feel like my bowels are gonna explode. Either that, or I have to take the biggest dump in the history of mankind.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Is it legal to shoot someone who breaks into your house? Even if they are unarmed?

    I live in Indiana. USA. And I always had it in my mind, that if someone were to break into my home, I would shoot them on the spot, and it's legal. Because they are invading my home, so I figered its self defense. And the gun store I bought my pistol at, has pamphlets about protecting your home, so why would gun stores advertise that, if it's illgegal to shoot home invaders? Well, I was talking to my friend about it. And she seems to think I will go to prison if I do shoot someone dead. So I'm just wondering. If I shot a home invader on the spot, and it turns out they were unarmed, can I get into legal trouble? Or is it perfectly legal? I mean, let's be honest, I'm gonna shoot them anyway. I just wanna know if I will be punished for it.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Can a job fire you after one sick day?

    Been workin at a Penn Station east coast subs for a couple of months. Called in sick yesterday. I had better things to do. Can they fire me? I mean, this job is beyond irrelevant. And I give approximately zero f*cks about the matter. I'm just wondering. Can I take advantage of them if they wrongfully terminate me? I'd love me some unemployment money. Free money! Yippe ki yay mudafucka.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Skyrim. Do I have to kill my current horse to keep shadowmere? How to keep shadowmere permanantly?

    I just got shadowmere the horse from the Dark Brotherhood quests. I currently have just a regular horse I bought for 1000 gold. So I obviously want to make shadowmere my new steed. I'm probably just gonna kill my horse anyway cause 1000 gold is nothing to me. But I would just like some opinions. How can I get shadowmere to follow me around and spawn with me when I fast travel like my other horse did?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • When can white people stop feeling bad about racism?

    All the people who have owned slaves have died off. No modern white American has owned a slave, yet we must pay for what our ancestors did. I understand that. But for how long? How long must we kiss black asss in order for us to be forgiven? And when will it be equally wrong to be racist to white people, as it is being racist to white people? Cause last time I checked, nobody cares if I get called a cracker by a black person, but if I dare say the dreaded in word, I get scolded by people, or worse get beaten. It is what it is I suppose. So get down on your knees white people, pucker up your lips, and APOLOGIZE!!

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups6 years ago
  • Why are people against scuicide?

    The world is over populated as it is. And if someone doesn't want to be on this planet, I don't see why we should force them to be here. Matter of fact we should aid them. By making scuicide centers, where people can be given painless lethal injections, so they don't have to die in a ugly way.

    8 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Gta 5 online: Bad Sport lobby. Why does this exist?

    This is total bullsh*t. I can't play with any of my friends, and when I try to do jobs, it puts me in by myself. And to top it all off, I have to wear a stupid f*ckin dunce cap on my head, and I can't take it off. Really? As if it wasn't bad enough? Is there a quick way to get out of bad sport? And how can I take the hat off?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Can a company cause you of stealing money, if they have no proof?

    I work at Penn Station east coast subs. And today my employer asked me if I took money. I calmly said no, as I know I did not take it. So I'm just wondering if they can prosecute me just on here say. They have cameras. And I'm am confident, because I know the footage should clear things up. But I'm just wondering. If they accuse me, can I damand to see the footage? And if things get taken even further, can I take them to court, and damand them to show the footage to the judge? I know there is no footage of me taking money. Can I use that to my advantage? Like, "you can't prosecute me, unless you show this court this footage. The reason I ask, is because I'm new, and I think one of the assistant managers is trying to pull a fast one. And blame it on the new guy. So I need to know if I can demand footage, because they will take her word over mine.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Is it weird that I want to go to hell?

    I'm already going to hell anyway. I'm a piece of sh*t. And I would kill you all of I could. I think I would fit in better in hell. Who knows? They might even make me a demon if I prove to be evil and strong enough. This life sucks anyway. Maybe I should put the nine to my dome, and go there now. No point in sticking around.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Can I kill you?

    Not in a, "I'm gonna kill you type of way." More of a , "may I please kill you" type of way. I'm being polite here. It would be rude for you to refuse.

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • Is it safe to put a nether portal in your house in minecraft?

    I build a really big, cool mansion in minecraft. The third floor has and awsome giant attic with a skylight roof. Anyway this room is actually kind of creepy looking, and I think it would look awsome to put the nether portal up there. That being said the last thing I want is the creature from the nether spawning into my house through the portal. Is it safe?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • What are the laws for shooting dead an intruder in your home?

    I had recently had someone threaten me on Xbox live. Saying they know my address. And they told me my address, and told me that they were quote "Coming to get me." So I warned them that I own a 9 millimeter handgun. And if they came to get me, I wouldn't hesitate to use it. So now I'm just curious. Is it possible that I could face charges for shooting and killing a man if he is intruding my home? I wouldn't shoot him if he was in my yard. I would simply call the police. But what if he physically entered my home. Do I have the right to shoot them on the spot? I am honestly freaked out by this man, seeing as I have no idea who he is. And he wasn't even playing the game we were on, it's like he entered my lobby specifically to threaten me. And proceeded to tell me personal things about my life. He was talking about my pets, my car. And even made a reference to my favorite resteraunt that I liked to eat at on weekends. I have seen the stalker trolling videos on YouTube. And I don't think this is a prank. The man was not using a voice changer. And he had a really distinct voice. Creepy, the way he spoke, so calm, we eerily realistic to me. This obviously wasn't one of my friends. And in this day and age, it's not hard to stock someone without them noticing. So I am legit freaked out, and do believe someone may be stalking me. And now my phone has been receiving unknown phone calls, and wheni answer they hang up. I think they are waiting for me to fall asleep. I have my gun close.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago