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  • My 4 year old son has not eaten absolutely anything in 7 days......?

    I have take him to the pediatrican 4 times how he has been to the hospital twice, once for dehydration....they have done blood xray of his stomach and chest and everything is coming out fine.....he says his throat bothers him and when he drinks a smoothie he is gagging a bit....I am taking him to the hospital again on Monday for a swallow test but any input would be great....I am very worried and nervous...its not normal and he stares at the good like he wants it but seems afraid to eat it. I am going to push for the doctors to look in his throat with a scope, does anyone have any idea what this might be?????

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • I have caught my 5 year old son in many lies. he lies often and completely makes up stories.?

    My husband and I have had many talks with him and he doesnt answer or say anything. How do we get him to stop? He came hone from school and told meva boy slapped him in class and the teavher saw it. I asked the teacher and shevsaid she did not see that happen. At first I believed him because hes convincing. Im worried that if hes lying now at such a young age it will get worse as he gets older. Any advice would be great. Thank you. Oh and just a bit more info he has an older sister and younger brother. They are all about a year and a half apart. Thanks again.

    3 AnswersGrade-Schooler8 years ago
  • How do i solve this problem? please include how you did it and answer?

    How many pounds of red grapes worth .95 per pound do you need to mix with green grapes worth 1.25 per pound to have a mixture of 12 pounds of grapes worth $1.15 per pound??????????

    I can't figure this out and its worth extra credit

    Thank you!!!!!!!

    4 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Is Diagonistic Sonograhpy a hard program?

    I am going back to college and am interseted in this program and would like some info, is it a hard program? lots of math? is the math hard? It says the math goes up to trigonometry, how hard is that????? I am a stay at home mom who has never attended college and finally wants to go and get a degree. Thank you

  • Going back to college and cant decide between Radiology(xray tech) or Radiation Therapy?

    I am a mom of 3 who is going back to college and can decide between the two and was wondering if anyone can give me any info about the two. Which is easier to get a job with, pay, and just general info about the two and how you like them. Any info would be great Thanks

  • Should I send my daughter to 1st grade or let her repeat Kindergarten?

    My daughters bday is middle of November and I sent her to kindergarten last sept, now school is ending and her teacher is suggesting I let her repeat kindergarten. We have had plenty of meetings and she is thinking she may benefit from it but not 100% saying keep her back. I am so confused because I am not sure if it will hurt her to send her forward or hurt her to keep her back. Academically she is ok, she is not behind but she is alittle immature. I have talked to so many people including her doctor and I am still having a hard time deciding. She does give me a hard time every morning about going and says she wants to stay home with me and her brothers, and says she doesn't like it and does not want to go. Any advice or opinions would be great

    thank you

    16 AnswersGrade-Schooler9 years ago
  • im wanna make a greek pasta salad....what dressing should i put???? greek?

    also should i make a dressing, if so what do i use??? or any suggestions on what bottle dressing to use???? thanks

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • anyone have any good recipes for appetizers in a crock pot?

    I am having a party in two weeks with about 40 people and want simple ideas for appetizers. I wanna use a crock pot....Thanks!!!! also if you have any other ideas for cold appetizers that are simple that would be good too

    thank you

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Any ideas or games I can play with my daughter to help her learn her letters, numbers, read,etc?

    my daughter is 4 and she just started kindergarten and she can recognize her letters and numbers but I want to practice them with her and have her trace them on paper and help her to start to recognize some words and she never wants to do it. She starts to complain when I try and wants to play or I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to make it fun???? maybe a game you play with your kids or any other sort of suggestions would be great

    9 AnswersPreschool10 years ago
  • can someone please tell me how I can make perfume for kids??? and where I would get the materials to do this..?

    I have 3 kids who always see me and my husband put perfume or cologne on and always want I was thinking it might be fun to make there own perfume for kids....


    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • A question about short sales....can i do one????? pls read details?

    We just recently purchased a new home.....we sill have a condo that we have not sold.....we owe 120 on the condo and it is not worth that at all....the condos are selling for about 80 grand only....we had the intention of renting it out but its not working out as we planned...can we do a short sale on the condo???? how long will it effect my credit? can they come after me for the amount that it is short saled for later on?

    2 AnswersMarketing & Sales1 decade ago
  • my 3 year old is peeing her pants a few times a day......?

    she has been potty trained for months now and a couple of weeks ago she had a bad uti...ever since then she has been peeing in her pants like 5 or 6 times a day and she is went every morning...she has a doc appt. tues but just wanted some opinions on what could be wrong or if anyone has had a child that had this problem ....she wont say anything i will ask her and she is sort of scared to tell me she went in her pants i wont yell at her i just change her because im not sure if something is wrong.....this just started happening after the infection

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I am currently enrolled in a Phlebotomy Course and.....?

    I finish on feb 14th, I then need to find a clinical where I have to do 100 pokes and my class does not provide this we have to find something on our own, I went into Botsford Hospital and they do not do this, I have called Red Cross they also said no, does anyone have any ideas of where I could call or who would let me do a clinical?

    Thank you so much

  • Tips on how to Potty Train my 2 year old daughter?

    I have been trying everything, she has gone b4 on the toliet and I made the biggest deal, I tell if if she goes on the toliet i will give her a surprise, candy, toys, etc. She will not sit still or on the toliet she screams, cries, etc. I even bought dora underwear and she was excited and ill put them on her and keep asking her if she has to go or bring her to the toliet and she screams no and then pees or poops in her underwear and it doesnt even bother her. I dont know how to train her so I would appreciate any tips or advice. FYI she turned 2 the 16th of november and she is VERY stubborn and high strung and to do anything with her is a task

    thank you

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • whats a good website to go on for childrens clothing?

    im looking for a website for girl and boy clothing, baby boy and baby girl. something not too expensive


    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have any good vegetarian recipes?

    I am making dinner for some people who do not eat any meat or chicken, so if you could give me a few main dish and side dish ideas that would be great


    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Can someone give me a really good recipe for Fettuccini Alfredo. ?

    I want to make the sauce, not get it from a box. Can I put shrimp and broccoli in it?


    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is this normal behavior and if so does anyone have any advice on how to handle it.......

    My daughter is 21 months old and she throws the worse tantrums ever, especially when its time to take a nap or go to bed. She screams so loud I think she is going to lose her voice she becomes all red and hot and sweaty and nothing you do can calm her down she wont let you touch her or hug her and if you try to pick her up she makes her body stiff. It is so terrible i dont know what to do, I dont know if she is just really spoiled and or if something is wrong. She is a strong and dramatic girl in general and has to get her way. It is so hard for me to get her to do anything such as trying to get her to sleep in a big girl bed, she is still in her crib because she still cries at night. If anyone has any advice on how to handle a very spoiled, stubborn, dramatic 21 month old please give it to me.

    oh by the way during this tantrums, she totally tunes you out, like as if she does not see or hear you.

    13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Can someone tell me how to grow my own basil and parsley?

    Can i grow it inside or does it have to be done outside?

    also if you know of any good websites that explain how to grow different fruits or veggies that would be great.

    I would like to start my own garden of a few different things


    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago