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Favorite Answers22%
  • What happens when you book a round trip flight ticket....?

    And you don't show up for the return flight? Moving back to America from France, so really only need one way tickets, but we discovered it is hundreds of dollars cheaper to book round trip! My only fear in doing it that way is- will they charge us a fine or a fee for not showing up? I think they would if we called and canceled the return flight, but if we just don't show, what then?

    2 AnswersAir Travel9 years ago
  • Flying to Europe on Saturday with a 17 month old, umbrella stroller?

    When we came to the US my husband was with us and we brought a baby backpack type carrier. He went back to Europe 5 weeks ago and it just hit me the other night that I can't put her in the carrier by myself! So now I am wondering if I could take an umbrella stroller that folds into nothing, really, and store it in the overhead compartment? And would it be considered a carry on? I am flying to Chicago on a small plane, and I would imagine I would have to "check it" before I boarded the plane. But on the Transatlantic flight it will be a 777 and I know it would fit in the overhead.

    I just need something to motor through the airports with her, thanks for any help or advice!

    2 AnswersAir Travel10 years ago
  • Saw a preview for a tv series called "Wendy", can't find any info anywhere?

    I was watching So You Think You Can Dance and saw an ad for a show called Wendy. I was watching FOX and a few weeks ago saw a preview for I THINK the same show on the CW... does anyone know anything about this show??

    4 AnswersDrama10 years ago
  • Becoming a US Citizen, process?

    I am American and my husband is French. We were married in France and currently reside there, but are looking at going back to America sometime "soon". I have tried searching for information relevant to our situation, but everything I found about green cards and such referred to different scenarios from ours. I do know we would have to live in America for 3 straight years and what I could find about getting a green card confirmed that.

    But to enter the US would he need a Visa obtained in France, or America? We would settle in Northern New York State (close to Canada) and I am also wondering where he would have to go, if at all, for annual meetings...

    Any information is welcome, thank you!

    3 AnswersImmigration10 years ago
  • Flying British Air on Sunday with a 15 month old...?

    and wondering if I can take unopened applesauce pockets (called pomme-potes in France) on the plane? I know there is a no liquid larger than 4 oz (or whatever it is) rule, but I also know they bend that rule for children under a certain age if you can prove it is unopened. I have also witnessed a mother in the security line tasting everything she had in her carry on for her child and as long as she was able to safely drink it, she was allowed to take it on the plane with her.

    Any thoughts/ suggestions?

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation10 years ago
  • Need help with a Hebrew translation?

    *oh lord, take my soul.* -> to hebrew?

    It is the title of a song my dad loved and to honor his memory I would like to have it tattooed in Hebrew. I tried google translate, but a professional hebrew tattoo website said some of the wording was wrong, and I could have it corrected for a small fee :-)~

    I only want this done if it can be done correctly, so any help is appreciated!


    1 AnswerLanguages10 years ago
  • Wanting a tattoo, need help with a Hebrew translation?

    *oh lord, take my soul.* -> to hebrew?

    It is the title of a song my dad loved and to honor his memory I would like to have it tattooed in Hebrew. I tried google translate, but a professional hebrew tattoo website said some of the wording was wrong, and I could have it corrected for a small fee :-)~

    I only want this done if it can be done correctly, so any help is appreciated!


    4 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • How to make red butter cream frosting?

    I am making cupcakes for my daughter's birthday party and plan to make the frosting red and add chocolate chips so they look like ladybugs. I know how to make butter cream frosting with or without chocolate, just wondering if there is some special way to make it with food coloring. Thanks!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Average Salary for a High school French teacher?

    I am American and my husband is French, we live in France. After our kids are older and I have my French citizenship, we would like to move back to the States and my husband is interested in teaching French. I know the pay changes yearly, but can anyone give me a ballpark figure?

    5 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • I am pretty sure my mother in law is bipolar--?

    And no this isn't just me disliking my MIL, she is seriously not right in the head. I found a website describing the symptoms of manic depression and she fits it all, but she does something else that I wonder if it is just a quirk or a lesser known symptom- she talks to herself ALL the time. She'll be in the kitchen, no one else around saying "what will I eat, oh we have this, I'll reheat this, get some bread, fill my cup with water" etc, it just doesn't strike me as "normal".

    Also if anyone could suggest ways of convincing her to seek help, that would be great. She is 68 I think, everyone says "oh she has always been this way" which makes her think she is normal. She has been in an up swing for a couple weeks but I feel a down turn coming soon, I don't think I can survive another one :-p

    Thanks for any help!

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • 14 weeks pregnant, ultrasound yesterday and all is well, but..?

    The Dr said at the end of the appt that I have a "ball" in my uterus and it is nothing to worry about, that 40-50% of all women that this. The thing is, I am in France and even though he spoke excellent English he couldn't think of the word for this ball that in French starts with an "m". He insists it is nothing to worry about so I'm not at all, just curious what it is really called? Not fibroid, not cyst (I asked him all those, he said no), he just kept saying it was "a ball". I didn't see it on the ultra sound and he didn't point it out, so it must be something only he would know to look for. If anyone knows that would be great, thanks!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Compost pile in garden doing well, but---?

    I was adding some water to it last night and saw a pile moving. It usually has ants in it, which I figure is normal for the breakdown and it really is looking wonderful. Anyway, I looked closer at the moving pile- it was maggots!! I was so disgusted!! Is the compost pile a failure? I stirred the pile after this and found even MORE in the under layer, I couldn't believe it. I suppose flies landing on it is as normal as ants and other bugs helping break it all down, but what should I do? There is no way I am digging around and trying to take them all out. Should I just ignore this or what can I do?

    Again, the under layer of the compost is gorgeous, I have had this going since mid March and did everything right, it is in sun, I water it, add dirt to it, I use Compost Activator, everything I was supposed to...

    8 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • 5 year old Persian seems to have an eye infection, but not?

    She is 5 today and what a horrible way to have a birthday. I noticed a couple days ago the fur in the outside corner of one eye was gone and I was concerned then, but just kept an eye on her. Last night I cleaned her eye because like all persians she had goo in the corner, usual color and she let me because she has always loved that. This morning it was more of a red color and a lot of it. Again, let me clean it, purring the whole time. When she was little she was diagnosed with fungus in her ears which simply causes her to itch from time to time, it has been under control. This morning though as I was getting the cloth ready to clean her eye I saw her digging her ear, so after cleaning her eye I cleaned a little gunk out of her ear (same side as the problem eye), but it wasn't nearly as bad as it has been in the past. I am going to say she is still being her normal self, we live in the South of France so it is hot and she tends to lay low on these 90° days. It was weird last night when I saw her sleeping in the bathroom on the floor, she never does that and when she was in there this morning I found a moth on the window so she may have just been on a mission haha. When she does her blinking at me, the "bad" eye doesn't close as much, and I think it was 2 days ago I saw her bathing and she left that eye closed. This was just before I found the missing fur and helped her open her eye to see if she had a hair on it or something (common) and that is when I saw the missing fur next to her eye.

    I say "infection, but not" because it isn't swollen, no pus, it doesn't hurt her when I touch it and other than laying low for the heat she does seem to be her normal quirky self. I have told my husband if it doesn't seem better today we're going to the Vet, so no worries, that IS the plan ;-) I just want to know if anyone else with a Persian (or another cat or course) went thru something like this and what it ended up being.

    Another quick background, she is strictly indoor except for the occasion dash out the kitchen door, but that has not happened in well over a week. She did however, and I don't remember the day, but recently she got over to my mother in law's side of the house, which is under major construction aka playground for a curious cat. Furniture everywhere, dust bunnies, you name it- and that is where the flea ridden dog lives (I have checked her several times for fleas because she did get them from the dog in their first encounter a couple months ago, I have not found any this time). She was over there for a couple hours before we found her, happy as can be going under things and exploring. I am thinking she may have gotten something in her eye over there (and the dust aggravated her ear), sound possible? I keep thinking she looks sad, but it is just her eye doing a slow leak I guess. She has been bathing normally, sleeping 23 hours like a normal cat (hehe), this morning she played with a piece of grass before it got too hot, I just saw her eating and drinking, and as far as I can tell the litter is being used (pregnant, can't investigate too closely).

    Any ideas what this could be? Again, taking her to the Vet soon if this doesn't get better with what I have started doing today.

    Thanks :-)

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • Morning sickness gone after 15 days, "normal"?

    I'm not worried, I am actually thrilled haha. I found out I was pregnant and 4 weeks on July 10th and like clock work "morning" aka All Day Sickness hit me in week 6. I am now 7 weeks and 2 days and last night as I was going to bed I said to my husband "call me crazy, but I think I am over the worst of it" and it still seems true today! I actually want to eat, I am not gagging as I chew (sorry), every symptom is gone. I am just curious if this has happened to anyone else because I was ready to have this last another 4 or 5 weeks- again, NOT complaining ;-)

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Radishes have gone to seed, when are the seeds ready to be picked?

    My radishes were great this year but towards the end they kind of got away from me and ended up getting really high and flowering, now they have pods which have the seeds. I don't want them to drop and go to seed by themselves, but I don't want to pick them too early either.

    Thanks for any advice!

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • For the ladies 21-25 years old---?

    My brother in law is currently looking for the one on a dating website and he keeps IMing girls in the age range of 21-25, but he is 34. I keep telling him to look for girls in his age group and he kind of listens for a day, then he goes right back to IMing the girls that in my opinion are way too young for him. What kills me is they never even reply to him and he just keeps finding different ones to IM!! I know all this because his brother (my husband) and I have been given permission by him to keep track of his account. I email him after I see he has emailed young girls and tell him to stop, he sometimes says "ok" but usually doesn't reply. And! He has met SO many girls on there, but he just keeps them as friends (we call it his harem haha) or after he has met a couple nice girls and we think "oh this could be it", he just keeps right on looking. I tell him "give *Suzy* a chance", he says I'm right but it is like an addiction to him, it is sick.

    So my question is- if you were messaged by a 34 year old guy and you were 21-25, would you think "ew I don't need a father figure" or would you be interested? He is a great guy, doesn't act 34, but he is. I know if it was me getting IMed by someone that age I would politely decline.

    Also, what more could I tell him that I haven't already?


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is the song playing at the end of Friends Season 9 Episode 20?

    I know it was Stevie Nicks singing, but I have all her cds and I have never heard that one. It makes me think it must be from a Fleetwood Mac album, post Lindsey Buckingham. Thanks!

    Comedy1 decade ago
  • Traveling from France to US, luggage question?

    My husband and I are flying from France to the US in September and I can't remember how many bottles of wine were are each allowed to bring with us. I THINK it is 2 each, but I want to know for sure before we go and the wine is taken from us at Security! We want to bring 3 bottle of Clairet and 1 bottle of wine. We will each have one piece of luggage.

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation1 decade ago
  • Need help now- male cat spraying question?

    My parents are interested in adopting an abandoned 3 year old neutered male persian. He apparently sprays when other cats are around which is why his first family gave him up. My parents do not have a cat now, but the house may still smell like my cat (who lives with me now), will my cat's odor (female) encourage him to spray? They really want this kitty, but not if he is going to pee all over the house just because he smells a cat...


    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Is dried, sealed cat food allowed in your luggage when flying overseas?

    And how much? I read somewhere about a woman that moved to France with her cat and "2kg" or something like that is allowed. I live in France and my mom is flying over next week with my cat so she can be here too.

    She has a 4 pound bag of food, which equals 2kg... thanks for any help!

    2 AnswersPacking & Preparation1 decade ago