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Former Marine, Avid Movie fan, Family time usually consists of watching movies family sports in the yard, and watching Wrestling

  • If I divorce my wife, does she rate any of my military pension?

    I have been married for 13 years. I supported my wife while she went to college, and made sure she never wanted for anything. I was medically retired from wounds received in combat. In 13 years she has never held a job for longer than 2 weeks, and even after 7 years of college she still has not earned her Bachelors degree. Does she have a right to my Pension?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • Why can't i claim myself when it comes to Taxes in NC?

    Before this year I have always claimed 4. That's 2 kids, the Wife and Myself. When HR came around to have everyone do the (not so) EZ-Form, After I wrote the 4 she asked if I counted myself. Of course I did. This is when I was told NC no longer does Taxes like that.

    Am I being fed some Crap, or is this legit?

    3 AnswersUnited States7 years ago
  • How can i find something my Daughter is good at?

    When i was growing up I played all kinds of sports. Soccer, Football, Baseball, Track, Horse Back Riding, Everything. Some sports i was TERRIBLE at. Some I was pretty good at, but until I got much older I was never "The Athlete". My Daughter is almost 9 now. She has tried gymnastics, soccer, Karate and T-Ball. I'm not one of those over bearing "Sports Dads" that demands perfection, and pushes her to do sports that she doesn't have any interest in. All of the sports she participated in she picked. I will admit though that I encourage her to play sports for an excuse to have some Daddy-Daughter time. She is getting to the age now where she is beginning to become Self conscience about herself. Kids are some mean creatures, and I am trying to be proactive about her gaining self esteem. She loves to draw and paint but is her biggest critic. My wife and I have gone through the list of local after school activities with her and it looks like Girl Scouts is next on the list of things she wants to try out. If history repeats she will also lose interest in this as well.

    Has anyone gone through this with their children, and could offer some insight? We stay positive and encouraging. We help her when she asks for help, but she is beginning to say things that make me think she is looking down on herself.

    10 AnswersGrade-Schooler8 years ago
  • How do you reason with someone abusing Xanax?

    From what I could find on the net about Xanax it is supposed to make the user lucid, laid back, and sleepy. However, when my wife takes it she becomes aggressive, EXTREAMLY Angry, and hostile. Since she started getting them she wreaked her car, got to meet local law enforcement, and has managed to push the boarders of our marriage to its breaking point.

    I tried talking to her when she is strait about how she is when she is on them. Her not remembering anything while bombed makes it rough, but I do have plans to video the next "adventure".

    When she is on them everything I say is wrong. We have had arguments that went heads to tails. For example, I am such a piece of crap for not agreeing that red is the greatest color EVER. After being attacked for that, to end the argument, I will agree that Red is the best color there is. At which time I now become a huge piece of crap for liking the color red. Of course this is the example, but its not far off.

    Anyone have experience dealing with this? I know I cant win while she's bombed, but how to I convince her to STOP TAKING THEM??

    I have 9 years and 2 kids on the line. My mom was a junkie, so I know first hand the effect she is going to have on our kids.

    2 AnswersMedicine8 years ago
  • Stevens model 15 bolt action single shot .22 stock?

    I have a Stevens model 15 bolt action single shot .22. When I was a ked a few decades ago it was caught in a fire and almost destroyed the stock. Now I am interested in restoring it. I have been all over the net looking for a stock for it with no luck. Anyone know where I could get a new Stock for it?

    4 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation8 years ago
  • Is it possible to find the history of a gun?

    About 20 years ago I traded a concert ticket for a pistol. At the time it didn't seem like a big deal. I grew up around guns so another one at a great price seemed fine. Anyway, now I would like know more about where the gun came from. Is there a site I can go to and punch in the SN to find out this kind of info?

    8 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Stevens Model 15 stock questions?

    I got this rifle from a job my did as a contractor. It was caught it a house fire and most of the stock was burned. I made do for the next 5 years or so but 20 years later its pretty much dust. Now i have a well functioning upper receiver and need a newish birch stock to rebuild it with. Plus trigger guard, and sling hardware. Know where i could find such things?

    2 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Is there a study on PTSD for Spouses?

    Has anyone ever read a study on the amount of spouses who suffered PTSD as a result of their husbands injuries while deployed? I was seriously injured in 2009. When it happened it accepted it as it was bound to happen after all the times i was deployed. It grew very apparent pretty quickly that something was definitely wrong with my wife. They had her on all kinds of meds. The same meds that they prescribe to PTSD victims. Every person who has ever earned the right to wear a United States Military Uniform has accepted the chance that one day they will get a hole in them some where. Most spouses were not part of this decision process. They prolly don't understand the bond that keep us fighting. For spouses the only bond they have is with their Husband or Wife. Anyone know of a study like this anywhere?

    3 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Whats wrong with my hands?

    I'm a pretty young guy, but it seems like my hands are aging ahead of their time. I'm 32 now, but since i was around 24 I have been having issues with my hands. Before it was just stiffness and weakness. Now my fingers are locking into strange positions the are constantly swelling and are mildly painful almost all the time. I have a pain contract for wounds while i was in the military and can honestly say that I have Zero intentions of trying to fix this by taking any kind of pill. Is this something I should accept that comes with age or is there something i can do to fix this?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Is it an easy as Reporting items stolen?

    A few days ago i asked if it was "very" illegal to file a false police report. The answers I received were ranging from Jail time to fines. The main counter question i was getting is why would you do this and not gain anything. I am one of those "Evil gun owners" and do not want what i paid so much for to be taken from me. So to reword my question I guess i will ask this instead. If i were to stage the theft of my guns (some not all) just the ones that are in the spot light lately. Yet, collect no money from insurance or anything but would be my best case (they don't pursue the case) scenario and the Worst case (They do pursue it but cant find the guns) scenario of which they could do to me? I believe that the juice is worth the squeeze. Far as i look at it, its my constitutional write to ask these questions as well as its your right to call me nuts for trying to loop hole the current Dictator. As much as it is my right to Keep and bear the arms I have paid so much money for. I am a Marine Corps vet so i do know how to properly use these weapons. They are all legal and I even went so far as to get my concealed weapons permits. So Im no wacko. Im just trying to be cautious. Any thoughts on better or worse ways of doing this?

    1 AnswerMilitary8 years ago
  • Is it illegal to report something stolen?

    Is it Illegal to report something stolen that was never actually stolen as long as there is no monetary gain? I understand there is a law concerning "Filing a fraudulent police report" I would imagine that this would come with a fine if found guilty. I am more looking at the penalty for doing this. Anyone know what would be the consequences of doing this?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Does anyone really wanna see a Rock v Cena Rematch?

    Lets face it folks. On paper it sounds like a great idea. However, after seeing Cena carry Dwayne for 30 mins last WM and Punk carried him for 15 mins at the Rumble. Rock clearly is not in ring shape anymore. Other than Vince putting the Dead Man in there for a 3 way Dance, is there anyone who would like to see this rematch? If so what stipulation would you like to see to make this worth paying for?

    9 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • Concerns about having a 3 some?

    I have been married for almost 10 years. My wife and I have 2 kids together and considering this is my first marriage as far as I can tell we are happily married. About a year ago my wife started teasing at the idea of bringing in a girl for a 3 some. If we were still dating, or if we have not been married for so long I would jump at the opportunity. I have heard so many horror stories about what happens when you bring in another person into the bedroom. I guess I'm not wanting to sacrifice that. She is very good looking so I never was tempted to cheat, and because she has kept herself together after 10 years of marriage I have done the same to maintain that sex appeal. Am I nuts for having my doubts? Is there something I'm missing that I should be looking at this in a different way?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How long does it take to get your VA claim back?

    On January 31st I will have been out of the Marine Corps for 1 year. I was Medically retired from wounds sustained in Combat. It only took them 3 months to tally my initial findings. However, durring my final physical they found a whole lot more wrong with me. I have sent in the required documents and all that but after a year i have grown pretty inpatient. Anyone been through this that could give me a realistic time frame?

    1 AnswerMilitary8 years ago
  • How does the Army feel about 20 year old Specialists knocking up a 16 year old High School girl?

    I walked in on the wife watching "16 and Skanky" on MTV. I guess this years group of Winners has a 20 year old Specialist (E-4) who knocked up his 16 year old Girl Friend who is still in High School. When I was still in the Marine Corps they would have definitely looked down on something like this. Does the Army have different standards, or is there a waiver for something like this?

    8 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Is there an alternate meaning to constant lieing?

    I've been married for almost 9 years now. My wife has had an issue with lieing since our first year of marrage. She mostly lies about petty things like, "I only spent $30" when it was actually $100. "I swear I paid that Bill" and really dumb things like that. She doesn't normally lie about important things and usually after 5 minutes of checking the account and making a few phone calls I get to the truth. The lies are more of an irritation than anything else but after a while it starts to eat away at the trust we are supposed to share, and when I get really irritated with all the lies my brain (who has a mind of his own) comes up with thoughts of "She doesn't respect you" and "It's cause she secretly hates you". Those thoughts only happen after a really bad day though. Now like i said we have been married for almost 9 years and we have 2 kids together. Strangely my kids even know that lieing is wrong and it blows my mind when she will catch them in a lie and spazzes. Now, other than the lieing we have a great relationship. She was and is still my best friend. I have never belittled her or abused her. I have never given her a reason to fear me or be scared of telling the truth. In the case of the bills I have told her countless times, "look, if you didn't pay it just let me know so i can do it." Though it never works. Is there something i can do different, or is there some way I can get through to her?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Is there a way to use Netflix without a Game system?

    I have a PS3 and use Netflix a lot. My dad wants to use the service but isn't willing to buy a Gaming system that he will never use. Is there another way for him to get Netflix?

    5 AnswersTiVO & DVRs9 years ago
  • Small led solar powered motion sensitive lights?

    I saw a commercial for these lights that turn on by motion and are powered through solar power and interior lighting. They were pretty small and bright. Unfortunately, the commercial was on at like 3a.m. so of course my "GAF" was turned off.

    I am building a shadow box for a friend and would like to use them in it. Does anyone have a clue as to what commercial or company or type of light i am talking about? Been scanning the net for hours.

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • Why do i keep hearing my name being yelled when I'm about to go to sleep?

    Ok just in case your wondering, No i don't do any drugs. When I'm in bed about to fall asleep I will hear my name being yelled. I only hear it once a week and sometimes the voice is unrecognizable to me.

    However, last night I did recognize the voice as my mothers. Anyway, Its normally just as audible as if someone were standing in the same room with me.

    Is there a simple explanation for this? Anyone know what this means?

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years ago