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  • Why does my ex and his friends laugh or smirk every time they see me?

    Omg this is so annoying! Every time they see me they laugh or giggle even give me weird looks. I don't understand why. I ended our relationship after 7 months because he wanted to be a player. We're both 18 and he should be more mature. I just hope he's not telling his friends any of my business or worse anything we did because that would hurt my feelings, he was my first. I want to ask him but i think he'll just make a scene.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I'm a junior in high school and I want to become a social worker, but I have no clue where to start?

    My teacher's are no help, one even told me in a snarky way that I wasn't going to make any money doing this job because she was a social worker. I never once said I was in it for the money. I was lucky enough to get adopted into a nice family and I just want to help children.

    My schools counselors don't ever have time to talk to anyone which is crazy. My parents have no idea how to help me, they never attended college.

    I just don't know what to do or where to start? I don't even know how to apply for grants for collage or fill out applications. I'm just lost and no one in my life seems to even want to try to help me. I swear sometimes I hate living in Louisiana and going to a failing school. Can someone help me?

  • I want to work with animals but I don't know what career to pursue?

    I'm a junior in high school and since I was little all I wanted to do was be a veterinarian but now that I'm older I see that I would never be able to do that. I absolutely hate math and have struggled with it all my life. I have to work extra hard to get science. Plus I refuse to cut open any animal.

    I don't go to a good school so I really have no idea who I can talk to about this. My parents never went to college so there out. I just want to do something I love for the rest of my life but still make good enough money to have a great life. I just don't know what to do. I want to go to college so I don't have to struggle like my parents.

  • Why do dad's treat their daughters different from their son's?

    I feel like my brother gets way more freedom then I do! My brother can basically do whatever he wants. Last night my dad was furious with me because I came in at 11:00 when my curfew is 10:00. My brother is 18 now but when he was 17 he would come home at 2 or 3 o'clock in the mourning and nothing was said. He gets away with everything, He can bring different girls home but my guy friend can't even come sit in the living room. He got his first tattoo at 17 but I can't get one because I'm to young, that makes no since! My stupid brother thinks the whole situation is funny and kinda throws in my face that when he was 17 he could do whatever he wanted.

    My dad and I just got into an argument about it and he took my car keys! I'm stuck at home while he's out living life. Why do dad's treat their daughters different even though we're more responsible

    5 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • I hate drivers lessons!?

    Take this in mind that I have never driven a day in my life before these classes. I passed the written test easy but as soon as I got behind the wheel I instantly got nervous, my hands were actually shacking. Day one and two were'nt that bad and eventually I got the hang of driving straight and the hole stop sign and red light rule. For me turning was and still is the hardest part for me. I'm much better at it but I still get these nervous jitters because I make little mistakes.

    Well we are on day 3 and I feel that I have improved and so does my instructor but he does little things that piss me off. It's only been 3 days and he expects everything to be perfect! He talks the entire 2 hours and if I dare make even a small mistake he acts like his life is in danger. In my opinion he's moving fast for me and it's getting harder for me to catch on. He's starting to get frustrated with me and it just makes me feel even worse. I kinda wanted to park the car, get out and say screw you when he got mad at me for waiting to turn because I wasn't to confident about getting that close to another persons car. I told my mom what happened and she acted like she couldn't relate so I pointed out all the mistakes she was making while driving.Then to top it off my dad got mad at me for not answering the phone and left me a angry voice mail.When my mom parked the car I had a breakdown.I never cry but I just bawled in my hands. Ps he apologized.Idk what to do? Plus my next lesson is on Friday.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Should i forgive my biologcal father!?!?

    I've been knowing I was adopted since I was about 7 years old so when my parents told me I was not surprised but inside I always wanted to be able to deny it. I meet my biological father when I was 13 and for a while he tried buying me stuff for love I guess but I'm way to close to the dad who raised me hes my heart. Well I'm 16 now but I haven't seen him since I was 15 when I went off on him, for the last 3 years every time we would talk alone he would say stuff about my adoptive parents and I finally told him about himself and that was a year ago and I haven't seen him since. I could go the rest of my life without seeing my biological mother are father ever again but it kinda hurts that was all it took for him to leave again, He left me for drugs now he leaves me for telling him I was sick of his crap. Should I forgive him???

    Ps. I have only seen my biological mother once and she couldn't look me in my eyes when I was 14

    5 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • my bestfriend wants to post a nude of a girl we dont like?

    Let me just get to the point. There is this girl we don't like and she is basically is the biggest b***h I have ever met. She used to date my current boyfriend and she stole my best friends ex boyfriend. I guess she doesn't like the fact that we've bern going out for the last four months so she always writes status on Facebook & twitter or tells people about how she had him first and she already slept with him so I got her left overs. I don't could care less about what she has to say but my friend is still upset about the break up. We are cool with I guy she used to date and he sent use a nude of her as a joke. I deleted the pic of her but my friend kept it. Well today they got into a big argument almost a fight. So my friend said she is going to post it at school on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! I don't think this is right but what can I do????

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why do boys choose looks over personality?

    I'm just really confused right now. The reason im asking this is because recently this boy asked me to come chill with him. When I seen who it was you would have thought my jaw broke because of the face I made. I couldn't believe another asshole from my past had the balls to try to talk to me. When I was younger I must admit I was the ugly duckling. Boys called me every hurtful name in the book, every chance they got to call me ugly they took it but nowadays I look 100 times better I guess I was just a late bloomer. Here's the problem the same boys who made me cry over my looks that i couldn't change are the same ones who " inbox me on Facebook, ask me to come chill, or give me there numbers!!". I can't help but get angry when I tell them a couple of years ago you used to call me names and what really pisses me off is they say they don't remember doing those things. I'm the same person so why like me now????

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • (Titanic) Why were the upper class so cruel twords the lower class?

    Why did so many people in upper class only think of themselves. How could they watch others die just because they didn't have as much, everyone's life has worth. How can people be so cruel, I understand many would still have parshed but dam so many could have been saved. I'm not wealthy and only 16 so I just wonder how can people have no compassion....

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • My dog is 7 years old how many more years does she have?

    I have two rat terrier/chiwawa mix dogs. I've been having these dogs for 7 years and I'm 16, and I can't imagine living with out my babies. The reason I ask this is because ive noticed that they aren't as young as they used to be. One is skinny,getting a little gray hair and for years she was very mean but now she is like an cranky old lady, her name is courage and it does not fit her any more. The other dog has gotten fat and lazy , she is losing hair and a lot of it has turned gray and her name is puppy but she is far from a puppy. I love them with all my heart and want them to grow old with me not before me. I know I can't have them forever but how many more years will they live????

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • These are more than Paralyzed Dreams (please help)!!!?

    I don't know why this keeps happening to me what could I have done that was so bad. I'm 16 years old and I've been having these dreams since i was 13 and i still have know clue why they keep happening. I haven't had one of these nightmares in months but they always manage to sneak up on me. I'm not crazy i don't think they are just dreams i think they mean something. Last night while i was sleeping i felt like i woke up but I couldn't move , I felt my blanket wrap around my left leg then my right then it covered my face so i couldn't see. It pulled my leg like it was trying to pull me in my closet , i tried to move my hands but they we're paralyzed. By that point i wanted to panic but ive had these dreams so many times i knew the only thing i could do was say a prayer. Soon after that the blanket was ripped off my face and i felt something inches from my face and it had so much heat that the side of my face was hot. All of a sudden I woke up in the same position i fell asleep i looked at my closet cause for some reason i felt like something was in there. I just wanna know what you think is happening i cant deal with this anymore they dreams are getting more and more real to the point where i feel like something is trying to get me. My parents think its nothing i have no where to turn!!!!

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • Im a 15 year old girl and i have sleep paralyze dreams?!?

    I dont know why this keeps happening to me? its been a mouth or two since i have had one of these dreams.Its like i feelt that it was gonna happen before i even went sleep. it started just like all the rest i was sleeping but i could not move, but this time my mouth was stretched open and i could not close it ,like something was moving inside of it. I could not scream or even move my legs but some how i was able to roll of my bed on to the floor. When i hit the floor i rolled tell i got to my door,then out of nowhere i had the strength to move my arms and grab my door handle and pull myself up. I remember wobbling back and fourth trying to get out of my room because my legs would not move. What happened next was unusual,everything went dark i could not see , i knew i was in my room but when i went to touch the wall i felt my refrigerator in my kitchen. I panked i started freaking out i wanted to scream.then i just woke up. Im a15 year old girl im not crazy i know i felt somebody in that room with me. I just wanna know whats going on why is this happening to me?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Im 15 and i have sleep paralyze dreams!?

    i don't want to sound crazy so i don't tell people about it.I'm 15 and ive been having sleep paralyze dreams since i was 13.I really don't understand why its happening. It It all started when i spent at night at my cousins house and i slept on her couch i felt like i was awake but i couldn't move and i was was slowly being pulled in between the the couch cushions i couldn't scream all i could do was watch it happen and right when i thought i was done for i woke up. i thought it was a one time thing but happened again and i refused to sleep on a couch willingly since, when it started happing when slept in my bed i was scared. Most recently it felt like something was pulling me off my bed and when i woke up on my back i knew something was wrong cause its hard for me to breath on my back. its not a everyday thing it happens when it wants to i don't know what to do .im not scared anymore i just want to understand it.

    6 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • My parents talk divorce!?

    well to start off im 15 years old and im adopted i have issues where i want things my way or no way and right now things are not going my way. my parents have been arguing almost about 2 times a week. they have problems my dad is the most important person to me in the world but for the last few months hes been drinking more then usual and doesn't talk to me or even laugh with me as much,my mom has always been the kind of person who tells it like it is for some reason she love to waste her time at the casino and gamble. they both have there faults but they place the blame on each other and now my dad said he wants a divorce. i talked to them about it but nothing changes. i cant deal with thisi been though way to much i feel lost!

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago