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Hello. I am the proud mother of two. Have a little girl (3 years) and a baby boy. I am a social worker for misdirected youth. I am married to an amazing man. Taking a while off of work to stay at home with baby.

  • What are some fun crafts to do with a baby?

    I'm looking to redo the walls of my 8 month olds nursery. I'm painting it a different color and removing some of the pictures I had hanging in there. I thought it'd be cute to put some home made things up on the wall that we did with him- you know like his hand prints done in paint or something along those lines. Does anybody have any ideas? I'm not the most creative person in the world so I'm having trouble coming up with ideas... Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!

    4 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Looking for Creative Father's Day Ideas?

    I want to do something different and unique for my husband this year for Father's Day. Not that there's anything wrong with the regular Father's Day gifts (that's what I've been giving the fathers in my life) but this year I wanted to give him something a little different and something that would mean something- something he could look back on 20 years from now and it holds something special for him... but I'm not creative at all and need some ideas! Thank you

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Looking for Creative Father's Day Ideas?

    I want to do something different and unique for my husband this year for Father's Day. Not that there's anything wrong with the regular Father's Day gifts (that's what I've been giving the fathers in my life) but this year I wanted to give him something a little different and something that would mean something- something he could look back on 20 years from now and it holds something special for him... but I'm not creative at all and need some ideas! Thank you

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How often does/did your eight month old nap?

    I have been having some concerns that my eight month old is sleeping too much. It's not affecting his development whatsoever, but he's napping a lot and has been for the last month or so. He gets up in the morning around 7 (after sleeping all night long), nurses, has breakfast, plays and then goes back down at about 8:00 until about ten. He then takes another nap around 12:30 until about 1:30- 2 ish... then another one at 4 for about a half hour and then another one at 6:30 for about an hour and then goes down for the night around 9- 9:30. I have tried everything to keep him awake, but he gets fussy and cries and tugs his ear rubs his eyes... I am at a loss as to what to do. His pediatrician says it's alright as long as he's developing fine, it's nothing to worry about, but of course I'm still going to worry about it. I have another child (3 years), but she was not a napper.

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What is the car that looks like a PT Cruiser?

    What is the car that looks like a PT Cruiser but it isn't a PT Cruiser. I know it sounds like a dumb question but I can't figure out for the life of me what it's called and I'm buying a new car this weekend and I want one! Please help me... thanks so much!

    4 AnswersOther - Car Makes1 decade ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    My MIL is a smoker and she smokes in her house. I had reservations about allowing my children to come into her house due to second hand smoke, but my husband has convinced me to allow it on a few conditions. The first one being we let her know a week before we come over and she stops smoking in her home and she definitely does not smoke around my children, she needs to go outside when they are there and wash her hands before she touches them... I know, I know... I'm a little over protective... but apparently there is such thing as 3rd hand smoke now??? I've been getting increasingly more uncomfortable with my kids coming over there as there's still smoke in the furniture and I'm not entirely convinced she's not smoking in the house, so on Friday she came to our house to watch our kids while we went out and she spent the night. We got a hotel room and didn't come home until the next morning... Well today as I was cleaning out my guest room I found cigarette burns in my comforter, the pillows reeked like smoke and I also found cig butts in my trash can. I am furious. Neither my husband nor I smoke and we definitely do not allow it in my home, and she disrespected us so much by doing this. The guest bedroom is right next to both of my children's rooms. I haven't said anything to her yet about it as I didn't want to say something I'd regret so I'm giving myself some time to calm down but I would like some advice on what I should say to her... Do you think I'm over reacting? Please help?! Any positive advice would be much appreciated!

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Can anybody tell me what movie this is?

    There's this movie that I received as a gift in high school, and I no longer have but I want to get again. My only problem is, is I can't for the life of me figure out what it was called. It was made around 2003 I think. It's a vampire movie about a guy (with really dark hair) who is driving his boss's car across country where he comes across a hitchhiker. The both of them come across a blonde girl in a diner, who has some sort of breakdown and passes out or something. They put her in a bathtub with ice in a motel room, and they realize she had been bitten. (Sorry this is so all over the place, I only remember bits and pieces of it lol) I think the hitchhiker was a vampire but he was taking some sort of medications to slow down the process or something. There's a huge vampire human blow out in some farm house... lol. Again, I'm sorry that this isn't clear, like I said I only remember bits and pieces of it and it's probably not in any sort of order, but if somebody could help me that would be awesome. Thank you so much!!

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Give me your "bad mom" list?

    I was just reading another question and got me wondering, what is everybody's bad mom list??? What are the things you do to cut corners? Or just to get a break? Do you ever just need a break and send the kids to grandma's for a night? I'll give you mine to get everybody started!!! :D

    - As much as I try to put my kids to bed at 8:30, sometimes I just say the heck with it... go to bed when you want

    - I try to cook a balanced meal as much as possible, but sometimes I prefer some greasy, artery clogging drive through food.

    - Both of my children have rolled off of something when I wasn't watching them near as well as I should've been

    - I have read out loud to my children books by Nora Roberts

    - My 3 year old has said "sh**" on a few occasions- and she got that from me

    - My kids have watched Rated R movies a few times

    - My oldest (3) has played outside without socks and shoes on before

    - I have never made my own baby food nor have I ever given either of my children organic food

    - I only breastfed my oldest for a few weeks and then switched to formula- and I did not feel an ounce of guilt over it

    - I once got my oldest's school days mixed up and dropped her off at preschool on the wrong day. And did not realize it until I was on my way home.

    - Sometimes my husband and I argue in front of our children

    - I have yelled at my daughter when she didn't deserve it out of frustration.

    - I have let my daughter snack all day long before (only once though, as she got a sugar high and wouldn't stop bouncing off the walls!)

    - I have given my 3 year old a drink of my coffee before- she wanted it, and hasn't asked for any since! lol

    This is just the tip of the iceberg. So come on moms.... spill it!!

    17 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Would like some good advice please!?

    I just recently became a SAHM, as before I was a social worker for misdirected youth. As much as I love being at home with my little ones, I'm having a little bit of a problem not working, but I don't want to go back to working out of the home. Those of you who run a daycare from the home, how did you get started. What do I have to do to get started? How did you advertise? Lol I don't even know which questions to ask... Please help!!! No rude answers please, just not in the mood to deal with that today! Thanks so much!!!

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Anybody else feel this way?

    My 5 month old son has a terrible cold. Hasn't really slept in 3 days, runny nose, bad cough, just miserable. I have been elevating his head at night and making sure the humidifier is always running... and lots of cuddles and loves, but we're all exhausted so I made an appointment with his pediatrician. We just got back from the doctor's office and basically there isn't anything they can do for him, we just have to let it run it's course. Now I know he's just a baby and he just has a cold, but I just wanted to scream "fix my child!" and if I really want to be honest, I also was extremely tempted to punch him in his face... I know that it's just a cold and everybody gets them, but my little man is miserable and I just want to help him so bad but there is absolutely nothing I can do for my baby. I feel completely helpless and frustrated and quite angry with my doctor, who btw has done absolutely nothing wrong. Anybody else ever feel this way? Even though logically you know that there isn't much they can do for your child, all logistics go out the window and you're left with this terrible angry feeling and all you want to do is just scream at the doctor and nurses?

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is there anybody else who loves...?

    Is there anybody else out there who absolutely LOVES Teen Mom2... I know it's a ridiculous show... I know that I'm a grown woman watching it, but I just can't stop. I love it. I DVR it if I'm not going to be home. I force my husband to watch it all the time... I think I may require some therapy... lol!! :) Am I the only one with this addiction???

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Need some help for tomorrow night?

    I already posted this in the Food and Entertainment section, but as they're rude I thought I'd venture back over here... sorry if you have already seen this!

    Need some ideas on some easy to make finger foods. My hubby and I are having a party tomorrow with some friends we haven't seen in a long time and I would like some ideas on some finger foods that everybody can snack on? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks :)

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Anybody have any ideas?

    I posted this in the entertainment section as well, so sorry if you've already seen this.

    Need some ideas on some easy to make finger foods. My hubby and I are having a party tomorrow with some friends we haven't seen in a long time and I would like some ideas on some finger foods that everybody can snack on? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks :)

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Anybody have any ideas?

    Need some ideas on some easy to make finger foods. My hubby and I are having a party tomorrow with some friends we haven't seen in a long time and I would like some ideas on some finger foods that everybody can snack on? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks :)

    3 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Naptime Questions about a four month old?

    I'm just wondering how often your 4 month old does or did take naps and how long were those naps? I'm asking this because I am a little worried that my 4 month old may be sleeping too much. He goes to bed at 8:30 or 9p and sleeps all night (which is fine since he's over 12 lbs so he doesn't have to wake up to eat anymore)he wakes up at about 7 am... he then stays up and eats and plays until about 11:30 or 12p and then goes down for a nap for about an hour... gets up and eats and plays until about 4 and then goes back down for a nap for about another hour and then is up until bedtime. Do you think this is too much sleep? I know the naps don't seem like a lot, but with him sleeping all night would they be too much? Or is he not getting enough sleep? I feel like I should know this since I have another child, (she's 3) but she didn't sleep all night at this age and took more naps but they were never an hour long- they usually weren't any longer than 30 minutes... I know I sound like an idiot and I'm sorry for this dumb question, but please place your irritation aside for a moment and answer my question!!! :-) Thanks so much guys!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Wouldn't you be so angry?

    I am a mother of two, a boy and a girl. My daughter's name is Ava and son's name is Bowen... my sister in law just had a baby girl this morning and named her Avaley (which is what I was going to name Ava at first). I understand she can name her child whatever she choses but it kinda makes me mad as Ava is her niece and she named her child Avaley and has already started calling her "little Ava"... i haven't said anything of course and haven't even acted upset, but inside I just want to choke her (my sister in law, not the baby lol). Wouldn't that make you angry or am I just over reacting???

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I love you (poem I found on the net)?

    I love you

    I loved you from the very start,

    You stole my breath, embraced my heart.

    Our life together has just begun,

    You're part of me my little one.

    As mother with child, each day I grew,

    My mind was filled with thoughts of you.

    I'd daydream of the things we'd share,

    Like late-night bottles and teddy bears.

    Like first steps and skinned knees,

    Like bedtime stories and ABC's.

    I thought of things you'd want to know,

    Like how birds fly and flowers grow.

    I thought of lessons I'd need to share,

    Like standing tall and playing fair.

    When I first saw your precious face,

    I prayed your life be touched with grace.

    I thanked the angels from above,

    And promised you unending love.

    Each night I lay you down to sleep,

    I gently kiss your head and cheek.

    I count your little fingers and toes,

    I memorize you eyes and nose.

    I linger at your nursery door,

    Awed each day I love you more.

    Through misty eyes, I dim the light,

    I whisper "I Love You" every night.

    I loved you from the very start,

    You stole my breath, embraced my heart.

    As mother and child our journey's begun,

    My heart's yours forever little one.

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I forgot my son's 2 month old checkup...?

    I am a mother of 2... I have a 3 year old little girl and a almost 3 month old little boy... well I didn't mess up like this for my first so I'm going to ask a dumb question that I probably should already know... My son's two month check up was supposed to be last week... and I forgot. :S Yes I know, I already feel like a terrible mom so no need to remind me... they now can't get him into until the 14th where he will already be 3 months old... (turns three months on the 12th) is this going to cause problems with his 2 month old shots? Will they still be able to do them? I know dumb question, but very much like it answered... Thanks so much guys!!!

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Baby has extremely dry skin?

    I have a one month baby boy and his entire body is extremely dry. I use Aveeno moisture cream on him twice a day. We don't bathe him excessively and he has a humidifier in his room. What more should I or could I do for this? I know it's not a huge deal and it's not hurting baby in anyway, but would like to do all I can for it. Thanks!!!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago